9. 1968 enl G >oni Rent semei Ive-In Mtn. tale H Estate >n call us crvice. ;e Biiard I1.U Sf'rvii 82-3r.:>0 - 4H7 (>!)(il T-RS.-)S 4;lir>;30 irre fartii a and out on Waco [ro"* city LOT lOOx rook Road ] a in. Ideal | basement j a It house. A V c n neer house >k Road. A tsiue-nce 5591 houses on illaue. Call edrooms, 2 lom. kitcli . Sacrifice |f)7 Parker ins with 2 livinq and •clioii near 3nly $!i!'"i. r St. Cuih, vond Road. rosiilenti.il ent. Priced Thursday, May 9, 1968 Want Ads ARIC lSroke.1 Agency ISll 3:28lfn wo bedroom e by owner. Call after Phone T.'li)- 5:9-7:9|)d. Seven rooms ood location k'low Glass left. Fifth by appoint- rs. .7:9110 room nouse ttreet. Three n with fire- Ining room, Datii.s. '39 .3306. 3:lltfn room frame rirajrc, three cel and Av('- feet. PIIDNE 2:l.'>tfti s near Kinqs oad fronlac'ti II perman le. Prieed'JF . WALLACE, 34-606.8. 867- 4.23 5:9 WANTED SPINNERS, DOFFERS. CARD TENDERS. SLUBBER TENDERS Excellent Pay and Benefits Apply At Personnel Office We are an equal opportunity employer Burlington Yam Company Phenix Plant TEXTILE Workers The plants of the Dover Textile Group, Shelby, N. C. have .several openings for textile workers. Applications for these positions may be made at . . . DOVER PLACEMENT CENTER 904 Buffalo Street, Shelby, N. C. DORA YARN MILL. Cherryville, N. C. Monday through Friday. 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. H Realty For Sale Hi FIVE ROOM HOUSE for sale al 209 City Street. White alumi num .sidinjt. Telephone 73!>-."i26.3 or 739 1810. ll-2.3tfn FOR SALE—Beautiful brick home. Nine rooms. Five hoilrnoms. On lovely wooded lot, opproximati' ly one and one lialf acres. Three car qaiage with ruinims room beliind g.-irage. Vork Roaii Kings Moimlain. Call 7.39-3416 between 9 a m. - 5 [i.m. Night, 739.2477. 4;l!ttn FOR SALE — Sixty-twi) acres of land. 48 acres on York Uo.ad — Highw.iy 161. Sign.s along prop erty. Also .“mall tract of 14 acres adjoining Lake Montonia property. See CLIFTON Me CLARY, one mde south of CrowdiT’s .Mountain .Mill on Sparrow Springs Road. TKLE- PHONE 7.39-2316. .3:t4tfn THREE BEDROOM liouse for sale at 706 Bridgi-s Dr. Brick, Car port, Dining - Kitchen eombi- nation. Call after 3 p.m. 7.39- .52.38. 3:7t[r — I KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. H Realty For’Sal^HI "otice of public hearing , ~ • I Notice IS hereby given that a SIX ROOM brii-k house for sale.lpubUc hearing will be held in Two baths, double carport. On i Council Chambers on .May 28th large lilt wilh ba.sement. 212| at 6:30 p.m. to decide on the an-' .'^oulh Itoxford Road. by ap- ne.xatlon into the city limits of poi.-itment. I’hone 7.39-4964. Callltlie city of Kings Mountain eer- afler 3:.3(!. 4:27-7:16pdj tain property owned by James Al- 1 berf Childers and wife. Ann Chil- I ders. Description of property is on ' file at office of city clerk. All persons interested in thl.s mailer should appear before the Board of Commissioners at said time and place above stated for' the purpose of expressing their views in regard to same. Done by of der of the Board of City Commissioners this the ,30th day of April 1968. Jolin H<-nry Moss, .Mayor Page 7 .NOTICE OF .SALE OF REAL PROPERTY ll(d : e. ^ NOW OPENED Smarts Lawnmowei Shop 824 Grace St. Kings Mtn.. N. C. Phone 739-2089 Repoir Service 4.^4 Pd. TFN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 41.82-acre tract, located ea.st o! 1-8.5 near Dixon Road. .59.52 - acre tract known as Will Dye Place in Oak Grove Community, joins P itts & Mud d>' F’ork creeks. Housi‘ and lot at 31! M'. Gold Slrcr't, 119 feet front, 192 feet deep. Valuable lot. 111 fronting W. Mountain. 139 feet deep, now rented by Victory Chevrf)lel ompany. Two new hou.ses, 71,3 and 717 Mcadowbnmk Road, full basi' ment, 3-bedrooms each, lots 100 by 145 feet. Numerous fine residential lot for sale — Call from noon to 1 or after 5 p.m HAL S. PLONK REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 739-2491 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I’vv o acre.s of land about throt' miles from city lim its of King.s Mountain. In good community. Hard surface road and beautiful view of .Mountains. Five room frame dwell ing on York Road with all conveniences, nice kitchen cabintds. You will have to see it to appreciate it. Shown only by appoint ment. Four bedroom frame house located on West King .St. with hat d w o o d floors freshly finished, eight closets, nice bath, nice cabinets in kitchen, wired lor electric stove, heated by circulating heat, on deep lot. House vacant but not lor rent. Garage, and storage room. This is a good buy. Bright D. Ratterree Real Estate Man 411 W. Mountain St. PHONE 739-3114 5:2tfn FOR RENT—Nice five-room house, central heating, big yard, close in. Phone MeGill's E-s-co, 739 5661. ' 5:2-tIn: ONE S-R FORD tractor and one saddle hor.se fer sale. Call 739- 6632. .5:9-23 Ri^olds kO). ^ Membes New Todc and Anytfcm Stock Ezchanfct tad •tbet leaduif Rxchaaiw* ATHLENEG. SMITH Xepneied Reptesouithrt 330 S. TRYON STTREBT - CHAsiarrKN.c IN KINGS Dial 739-2631 for iofetnadoo on Mr stock that intecesa TOO. (No toll dutge) HELP WANTED Ciaitspen Yams, Inc. Box 469 Kings Mountain, N. C. Phone 739-5463 Spinning & Carding Dept. Comber Tenders Draw Tenders Winder Tenders Knitting Department Knitting Machine Fixer Knitting Supervisor - 3rd Shift Bleach & Dye Departments Tub Operator Helpers Tri-Pad Operators Calendar Machine Operators Maintenance Department Mechanic Outside Yard Men Apply At Personnel Office - Monday Thru Friday GIVE HOME IMPROVEMEHT COSTS THE BRUSH. With a low monthly . payment loan. We’ll paint a brighter pic* '. ture for you. . - ^ First Union National Bank ^ MEMBER F.DJ.0a IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For experienced people in the following departments. Fixers and weavers—D. S. .Jacquard, D. S. Plush, D. S. Carpel. \ Excellent Rates * Good Fringe Benefits • Steady Employment APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL lOAN FABRICS CORPORATION South Center St. Telephone 345-2382 HICKORY. N. C. Herald Want Ads Pays C. E. WARLICK INSURANCE AGENCY Telephone 739-3611 110 West Mountain Street KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Insurance Protection Plus Service FOR *Home— *Auto —*Life— *Busine;is tfn .NORTH CAROLINA CLKV'ELAND COU-N TY NOTICE Having qualified as Executor for the Last Will and Te.stament of W. N. Harmon, Deceased, late of Cleveland County, all persons having claims against said estate will please file same with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of Novemaer, 1968, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons inde bted to .said estate will plea.se make immediate payment to the undi-rsignixi. This the ISth day of April, 11968. I Willis O. Harmon Executor iDAVn.8, WqilTE AND POWELL .1. R. Davis. Attorney : Kings .Mountain, N. C. 4:2.5-7:16 I NOTICE I The State Highway Commi.ssion I ha.s prepared plans for the con-- Istruetion of a highw'ay pro.jectj Which covers the improvement of! jCansler Street in Kings Mountain, ; N. C. This projer-t is designated jas Statt Highway Project 9.7121801 . (Bond) in Kings Mountain, N. C. I In acquiring the right of way for this projeet. it is anticipated that .some families will be dis placed by the demolition or re moval of buildings. The Commi.s sion. as a public sendee, is pre pared to give relocation advisory assistance to families .so disnlai- ed. Individual notices will be, mailed or personally delivered to, affected parties at the lime right' of way acquisition is commenced. Division Right of Way Agent' State Highw-ay Commission Shclbv, North Carolina 5:9, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE.N'I that the Kings Mountain City Board of Education will on the IHth day of .May. 1968 at 11:(K) o'clock A..M. on tlio promises of tin* properly describerl below rit- fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and Ijoing in Hie City of Kings Mountain, Clexeland County, North Carolina more particularly described as follows: Lying in the City of Kings ■Mountain, .No. 1 township, Cleveland County. BEGIN.NLNG at the corner of Parker and Wallerson .Streets in said town and runs wilh Parker -Street East 28.5 tf-ot to an iron slake: Ihence South ,306 feet to a stake; thence West 287 f<‘et to a slake on East edge of Watterson .Stror-t; thence along East edge of Watterson .Street 306 feet to the BEGIN.NTN'G, containing two acres. Refenmce is hereby made to diHxi from City of Kings Moun-' tain to Trustees for Kings Mountain .School Adminisira tive Unit dalerl May 11, 19.53, now on record in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cle\ e-. land County in hook 6-U at! page 3-SS. The highest bidder at the sale may Ik? required to make a rash deposit in the amount of 25'',' of the hid price. This sale is made under the provisions of .Section 117-126 of the General .Statutes of N'orth Carolina and Iho Kings Mountain City Board of Educ.'ition re.s