968 J Thursday, June 20, 1968 KINGS MQUNTAIN herald. KINGS. MOUNTAIN. N. C; Page 7 Want Ads I'.ifn WANTED SPINNERS. POFFERS. CARD TENDERS. SLUBBER TENDERS Excellent Pay and Benefits Apply At Personnel Office We are an equal opportunity employer Bmlington Yam Company Phenix Plant Sincoroly, Kd H. Smith lUPITER KNITTING MILLS GAFFNEY, S. C, Needs Menders and Knitters EXPERIENCED PREFERRED Apply In Person. lugiter Knitting Mills. Box 668. Gaffney. S. C. tn TEXTILE Workers The plants of the Dover Textile Group, Shelby, N. C. have several ooenings for textile workers. Appucituons tor these positions may bo made at . . . DOVER PLACEMENT CENTER 904 Buffalo Street, Shelby, N. C. DORA YARN MILL. Cherryville. N. C. Monday through Friday, 8 o.m. until 5 p.ip. N 11 SummerStudies In Air-Conditioned Comioit At Herald Want Ads Pays LITTIHS TO the editor NOTICE TS IIEBEBV given X that the* Kings ifounlain City I have- '.Vt* mf-y npv(‘r know what act ual- Boui'd ot Education will be on llti? consideiing writing one of Jy cau.sed it; there could well 2bth day of July, 1968, at 11;IX) p^iiouiq letters to the editor have been mechanical failure or o’clock A.M. on the premise.s of about the railroad situation in loose track, as the railroad |;<‘o- the property described below of- Kings Alountuin- r,ast weeks pie speculated. But I'll hel, also, fer for sale tp the highest bidder train wreck convinced me it was that anyone who has ever seen a for cash that certain tract of land the proper time to do so, train come thfrlugh this town lying and being particularly de- jjg^i latest wreck occurred would be willing to put the blame sfcrlbed as follows; at some time during tlie day, or (ust as quickly on excessive beginning at a stakp in the earlier in the evening, tlie odds speed! line of the Kings Mountain are very gor us on these two most rei-ent oc- Through research and our 100 to a stake m the line of W. B curances. It won't be. that way girth Defects Treatment and Eva Barber, now or fortncrly, theiia forever, howevpr. Some eitizen luation Centers througliout the continuing with the centerline Kings Mountain or some vis- nation (two in North Carolina i. of the creek in a norlhwesterlj po,. gcre is living on borrowi'd „nr aim is to prevent birth dc- d.reetion K) feet, more or Icss, ,;^,. Eventually tlie law of av- f.-ds and to continue to improve ® ^ ‘^•ases will assert it.self again ,|,p treatment ot victims of bit th South 87 degrees 04 Tninutea; we'll have anotiier grisley defects. East 346.5 feet to the BEGIN- magpjy along our railroad tracks. vVe sincerely appreciate your , I would not hesitate to guess valuable .suppoit and hope for perhaps fifty or more pco- j.Qur continuing a.s.sistance in our the Davidson School Property p,p ^ave been killcst by trains program, as shown upon a map preared within the city limits of Kings by G. Sam_Rowc dated Novem- Mountain in the last fifty years, her 11, 195.5. Most truly progressive cilies The Board of Education reserves establish protective devices at I the right to .set the amount of ,j,eir crossings, or at least en- Ihe opening bid. force speed limits on passing The highest bidder at the sale trains.- Yet r.i spite of our grisly may be required to make a cash j.geQ,.d, Kings Mountain has never deposit in the amount of 25% of taken either of these steps, and the bid price. , j have seen nor heard no indica- This sale is made under the from our present elecled of previsions of Section ll.>-126 ol ficials that they plan to do so! lithe General Statutes of North qj course warning .systems at UI Leaders Attend Meeting 4' John Oliesliire, I.aii> Ilomrick, and .Sluil'ord Peeler alleiidcd ihi' I'niled Fund c.impnign Icadei.s institute liel