• • GROWER SOt~rnALL CHAMPS Picture otwve ore members oi the Crcrftspun Yarns slow softball team which won the Grover Rescue Squad Invitationol last week. Front row. left t^ rig'^t ‘ are Deo Greene, Jim Black, Bobby Greene, Gene Gregory, coach, Jim Rtkard and Eddie Spencer- Second row, same order, ore Roy McCoin, Roger Ross, Charles Carroll, Jimmy Ramsey. Carl Lc>gh- John Gorr, Mike Hughes, Timmy Spencer. 0. 1. t. ovos lyno d. 3. Ala. QOS X i e er. No. No. . ty- er. ilton ;outo dges TA 702 uney irkej' r. SOG lyton ^ash- Bos- V Rd. Shel- Park- ? No. mkin orifi- boon Wax ig of was d b(» Such aeat- esiro atch* tion-^ Herald Sports Freddie Smith Cops Filth In out V niy in ih<‘ t -uj*: spOi tr;'aan»hip ^ .S'lt ■* Kn-.!'.- y a’id ir. in : .3 fot ' < f. h. •i.’.t’. H''k ■ rl added to Ui.' Cra" nun e!ni hV (ireen:. W'.iA ' pitchef. I/iiTv IhT.eg had for the )o,-nhin • r' Third b.i.-^eman MlUt' .^mith and .shut iop ki-lson Connor w>;.e nan 'd oo-v. it.ni of the Pi U Pr niost \;divabl.- player awar l for th..-' -n at a banqin i iiu:;- or.'rig i(ie Juniors Tiiursvlas' ni-h:. .Smith. \sho ha< another ye'ir of (Piibiliiy. ss.^s iru’ club> • rhi'..-; hhtci ihi.- >('ar vitn a J-.J aser- v;-. (Tackiiij: out 25 hit.; in 75 iimt s .*M bai. led the s -.)rit‘- svith Connor Co-Winners Valuable Trophy C. frosh this .spring, iinislie'ij Teen<*r ratiks in 1965. He cai i*‘Si so<>>nd to Smith in the hitting: the locals wiiii a .601) a\erage ■r Tun-- ai^ u.is iht* top M)i Ln.- • U!]^. Dldi Vr . lleniv ; i)u‘ ^ 'I Perk. •1 we: the : her uhev .>hj: : onn-i-'. win playeil f >r llu’ X department wiili a .328 average, getting 21 hits in 64 tim('s at bat, an i .scorin- six runs. TS(‘ pan of Inficldois edged out leitliand pil:'her Rock\' Cofortli in a vot( b\ a si)ecial committee whiih atteivied most of the Fos‘ 15.“ games tliir season. C)nno:-, a loflhand hitler, wor. ilie MVP trophy two years ago wlicn he hit .402. ymlth wa.^- a key factor in King.s Moue.tain's .-^u(*ee.<.s in l!ic through stale and regional play The Kings Mountain High .Schc >1 b^olball team opea*; twin*- a-day heavy drill.s this morning. Tlic Mountaineers just complel ed a week oi conditioning diilK and are now ready to get down to 5(‘rious business in preparation for their Sept. 6 opener with Be- seirer (’it>. ’ The Mt)unties open at Bessemer then return home on Sept. 13 It host Cha.s>]>etier la.'tt year. Howard quarterbacked the Jay- vees last season and will gel a gf)od shot ftn' that spot on the var sity club. Also returning to the Mountain- e(*r baekfield are halfback Joe Cornwcdl and fullback Philbert Smith, the* latter a 170-pound junior. In all, eight starier.s return. Re turning foi line duty arc end.s lio.s.'-' .Springer and Ciaronce Asiic. tackle Stanley Brown, guard Eddie and hit over .3(K) in the TeencT Black and center Joe Dover. Bagley said plans for the complex are based on an Ford, followed by n.'ti: economic feasibility study by Darley/Gobar Associates of. of Lawndale in a 1956 chevy. San Diego, California, which was presented to the press* Consistent hobby division wm- Saturday along with a model of the proposed facility. P-ck, best and R ■ Tier Freddy Smith of Kings Mtum 'tain moved up to a spoil.*man Specific plans for the raceway portion of the complex, ride Saturday night, and drove tf^iall for a 2V*“mllo banked-oval track for stock and India-; Davis Brothers’i9.>.> chovy to ^Tiapolis-type'cars; a 2V‘i*mile Grand Prix road racing u^'‘: course; and a quarter-mile championship drag strip. Th^psonNYrofesi' “The unique combination of football and auto-racing in a single facility,” Bagley said, “will iasure year-round use of the complex and will guarantee its success.” At 4^ • ^ the hijtle nio r.)w; FIj:- '] gl UUlTili't » no!*crt 7? r \4 . 1' ' The preliminary design for the stadium was done by In the hobby clns.s, .kmith lained his good foim to win Htr main event, foilowcri by G.i/i’ncy drivers J. K. Ev.-tns and Smiili’s Finch-Heery Associates of Atlanta, Ga., who has dosigiied^'*'^'""'^ ^ major stadiums in Cincinnati and Atlanta. | .v..; The representative of the architectural firm said that ASU SeOSOn combining parking facilities and concession areas for the. Ticket*' On Sale two facilities will reduce the land use requirements from: 380 acres to 050 acres. * BOONE Season tickets for » 1. » J Appalachian State Uiiivcrs:tv.> No specific location for the complex has been named. ftv0 home football games will go However, a site-selection study released earlier by the on sale Thursday. Aw^, s. Stadium Authority, recommended the Piedmont Triad duoj Persons purchasing the sea'^on to its central location in the state and its population base, | tickets for $12.50 will save $2.50 i from the single-game price. Thev Bagley said the most economically feasible means ol will have the same .seat for encli financing such a facility is through low-interest municipal j game in a home-side arena be- bonds. He said the Authority has requested the Commis-. tween the 40 and 50 yard line^. ^ sioners of Guilford and Forsyth counties to hold a referen-| -hm Jam's, asu s business man- ^ dum on an approximate $17 million bond issue to finance* of athletics, said that it i.-; uuin wii aii «i p , hoped that new aluminum seat^-. Ine project. , school colors of gold .'nd He said the complex will “more than pay for itself j hlack. will be installed in the sea and will not be a tax burden on the people of these two] son-ticket section prior to the first counties”. ' “In a normal year,” Bagley said, “the complex would run an estimated $76,000 deficit per year which would be paid out of countv funds — an insignificant figure when compared to the $600,000 in new revenue the project would rfenerato. Even with the worst possible estimates, the two Bounties will still realize over .$200,000 per year in added ^'evenuc.” At the maturity of the bonds, the project would bo owned wholly by the two counties. 2 k>ass JOE!. ARRINGTON I EJ:loi. North Carolina & Promotion Division World Series in Hcr-;hey. Pa., load ing the Iwal VKW post to a third plac( liiiish. IJohirth, who also has another ycai ol Icjion (digibility, was the at( pit •lici oi that Teener club and posted a .5*3 jT*cord for tiie Post 1.55 Juniors this yeai. Conru.I wa*- all S(»uthwesr Con forence f tr two years runnin.i? at KMHS anif hi.- .426 a\erag(' lii-; .senior ycai is li'.e higho m.irk t*V(‘r postefl by a KMH.":*' prej ter. Smith hit .246 his fresh tan year in high schou!, .315 hi'; ap- homon* xeai and under 30( yea;. The local Juninrs finisluvl- N-tl overall this season iml the ha^k of the squad will return next year. Connor. Kick Finger and DaMry McDowell are the only stai er- that will not be back. Appalachian's home schedule for 1968 is: Elon on the night of Oct. 5, Catawba on the afternoon of Oct. 19. Wofford on the niv:ht of Nov. 2. Emory & Henry on tlie aftorncon of Nov. 16. and Guilford on tho aft(?rn()on of Nov. 23. STAPTEP — Wcvnc ’luP' i : (above) xr ens '?! vicrb. .sta tc’ returnmg to the ICinas tarn High focftcl? ti -on I’- nerx. a qiKirterfaarV lar": srcrscn, m*gh’ be S* haifba.k in thir hii -.a/.or vco.. r*d w.N p--« s-. i< • l! >:■. tiiC C5;mnier-ial and Fiariics Divi.-iun aroused! It dealt witli tlu-i 1.ens of .sdi Kils of chj'incl b.'iN' in Painlic*' Sound. T-f iuld usuaiiy be fe'und : ;n the .‘••..’imi srenerai ar(?as. .\ all te I'l.’^lioiie.s biologist Jin\ in plan , for a fi.:i‘< • Uiion to the l.K’atioa of tin cfhonis. Later .vc nt Sv; :rl.''niarjs Vil!.*.;:i- rnmon ■•n the moiuii of -(> KivT>r. Oui entoiueje ■ ’ '''..e: Jim iVlei', .e-s-i ■’.-•jIi.-m ior the FNii-, l/utsioTi: St.iikey Milhv. C D in:.• tor Ironi .New Bern: Le ' iq-.-r.nv!. our host at .Sports- . -e m vjii.i 'o: M..s- Hammer, and \\:. v' H j.-iiot who \v:r I ’ loe lU' th-‘ s ho;ii from lie’ Su.ti ‘ .S’‘po. Cub. tHu- ntirp'-* .• f'> ^ee if lirge re . .he. 1 tuuld n(' luglit in :'um- . mer. tr make photographs, .tnd , ! > pr^iVidf North Carolina s;)''-rt'- i m'\'i wilh information that v’.cuid : aid them in caieiiing summtn- 1 channe). KM Sluggers Host .Breve* Saturday Til, Kie.rs Meiiniain .Sluggers wii! piay ho.■^^ to the Long Creek Hrav. on .‘.ilurdri\ niglit et 7:15 at Cii;. Stadium. . , , TIv- Slugg(‘i>*, coached hv V.'il- Piney Point .slieal. We caught two lanc s.)inr lum wi tin a Kings .M'lunl.im Black S-x and Thr last time Kings Mountain King-; .Mountain Tirers, partici- won the SWC championship was pale in tin* Chailoue City and in 1964 when the Mountaineers .Xith'sugh an eailv - mornin.: ha/e aril I'o.irky water hindered .■ in HammtT’s free/t*; f.a a iuture fish .ed the scales at V pounds. We linr! proven that the fish, once located, w'ero not difficult ta c:itch. But what of the fisherman who does nut have tho aid of an airplane? Krov n liad told me about a Mi »ncst Hu.'isrn. owner of a 'groc ery and tackl»’ store* at Cash Cor ner. wh. h;id reported fantaslie su."cess catching drum from .sherr. A er.H to Hud.son ronfirmed the nllegation beyond m>' most Iiope- iiH e\p(-t'tations. T!i^ Squidders Club." of which HMd*--on is a member, has head- nuartei'' in V.''*'de:r*('»'o. Since Mnr.'h 20th. .Mi. liu.ison said, the sevi'n-membor club had tallie.d 15S la":*' drum, releasing most of them. The biggest went .55 pound.*^. said Hudson, and all of them were caught from the shore he tv.-c**n I'iney Point and Bay Ri\or. S(inid if the favored bait. Hud son said. I tiu* .•^lugrers reinainin.': home g.ames will be at City Stadium. finished 10-1. KMHS lost to Hick- ciy . 6-C. in the bi-confeionee play- ofi.'.. This year’s edition of the Mountain(H*r' will play only four game.s in John Gamble Stadium. Heme games are against Chast*. Cherryville. R-S Central and Ciest. Pro-school medical and dental checkups can mean fewer ^ absences, greater interest, higher marks and better g-5nera! health throughout the school year. A visit now to th: 2 D's — Doctor and Dentist 'A'H sta"t your child in pursuit of the 3‘R's with the good ne^lth t^rt mr.'ies for'success. 1...: e your appsintmsnts today — and keep them. Wii^ n your children pass these “health exams" tiicy find it r.-ch easier to pass iiieir school exams. NEW SCHEDULE OPEN 8:00 a.m. CLOSE 8:0C p.m. MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAYS EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTIONS ON REQUEST AS USUAL GRIFFIN’S DRUG , . , YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE. - FREE PICKUP-*- DELIVERY PHONE 739-4721 • 129 MOUNTAINST