!cSlSl?lnKS3i&-^^ <r •tedly other! Va^ J f At, T rf . ’V . • eATin ELIZABETH LANE JUDITH IRENE DELUNGER JEAN ELLEN DAVIS CAROL RAE ALEXANDER SHELIA FAYE WILUAMS VICKIE GAIL BOWEN CATH i LOVELLA CARROLL GERALDINE E HUMPHRIES sisued to ce at latod ■u(‘t a inslor 1.SOO. Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 The Greater Kings Mountain ilguro Is derived from the special United S'ates Bureau ol the Census report o January 19b6. and includes the 14,990 population o Number 4 Township, and the remaining 6.124 Iron Number 5 Townrhtp, in Ctev<*iand Cnunty and Crowder' Mountain Township In Gaston County. Pages Today /OL 80. No. 34 Established 1889 Kings Mountain's Beliabie Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, August 22, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENT? ton iiles t o: tial om i.m. K ER $892,000 Central Busin City Commission ToConsider RevisedW aterRateSchedule istrie Reserved 4 Pullen, Dickson Firms Complete Their Analysis i The ciiy commission, at its Tuesday H:30 p.m. mt'otin^ will (•<)nsi(l(‘r adoption oC a new water rato sclu*clul(‘ in anliiipatioii of tlic Bufiak) CrtM'k pioji't t. Other prineipal Hem on the aK<*n(ia, Mayor .loho Henry Moss ksaid, will bo considoration of ro- ^\is(*d plans for tht* notKhborho id j faoilitiO' buil'lin;;, which aro do- , ‘^i^rnod le pare oasts from $G(iS.O0(>j to tho bud:’(‘tod .S4")2.0<K). The Mayor said A. M. PulltMi (’onipany ar^*oiintaiits and W. K.; Diekson & Company onj^ineors' ha\(' eomjilotod tlioir pmjf'otions and aro proparod t(. make roeom- mondations. . If tho city enmmissjon approves. tli(‘ Mayor anlieipat(>s tho iv'w schedule will bo olfoolixo S, nv l)or 1 and will bt' ndleelo 1 in staft'nionls r<‘eoiv(>(l by (‘ustom.ors Oetobci' 1. Tho Local Govt'rnmont Commis sion iias invit('d bid< on $.'3 million ! Kind’s Mountain water bontU to ho i‘pened on Sojdomber 17. Ffliy'cs's: Russia^is- Did Me Favsr Henry Allen Myers. o\'-Spoeial ist -1 ol tho army artilhTv in Da* ebau, Germany, thinks file hus sians may have done him a i.i\- nr. Hafl tliey moved into Czech ter- rittjry two days oarli<*r. ho spoeu- lat(*;, it vc'ry likely would b(' Spi’ t M\’ers, somewhere in Kuropo. "My l<*nn of service would like ly have boon fro/on.” he says. Another Kinj?.*? Mountain man • likely ItM'Is the sam<‘. Spl 4 Stovi' Harmon, who entered the armv witli Myeir .Septeml)er 9. 19(id, re turned with him on tho sanu- plane and they were musteied out to^<Mher Wednesday at Mc Guire Air Force Base, N. J. Mr. Myers, a Herald typesetter and compositor, will return to tin* Ih*rakl after a vacation witii his wife, the former B<*lty Ledb(*tlei. He served as a track and wlieel m< ehanic on S incli lio\vitz(*rs. "Tliey’ri' loud.” he said. I!ow did the German poopi'* like the Americans? "That’s fimn>,” ho roplierl. "It was about .’iO-oO with the older Germans likinsr up and the youns;* er ones indifferent. But the Ger- (CnuCuuird on Pago Six) Tuesday Orientation Day At Schools; Education Board Fee Schedule Given I'uesday will be Orientation Day at Kinjjs Mountain district schools, when students report to thtdr respective .srhooLs to re- (('ive teacher and class assignments, pay foc.s, and learn policies and regulations of tlie particular schirols. The rc'gular 180 school days are reserved for insiruclional purposes. Superintendent Donald Jones has .«el the hours of 8:3011:^0 a.m. for the students of all schools. Parents who take primary students tor enrollment may leave with their ctiild as soon as the teacher permits. State law doe.s not permit a school or teacher to collect any fees from pupils except such fees as specifically approved by tiie Board ol FMu<‘ation. The Kings Mountain board of education has set tho following fees for the 1968-69 school year: ELEMENTARY: Library-In.structional Supplies $2.9C Current Events or VVVekly Reader Published Price Lock Rental Fee (Grover S^’h(X)l Only) .xV JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Library-Instructional Supplies S2.‘.»0 Locker Rental Fee (For Band Students Only) o(V Band (Si.1)0 per month) $9.00 KING? MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL: Library-In.structional Supplies S2.00 Locker Rental Fee (Special Subject Fees) S2.00 Vocational Courses S2.00 Typing S6.(^0 .Science TtC.c Physical Education — Towel S2.(;0 Band — ($1 per month) $9.00 Band — Uniform Rental (.oOc Month) $1.50 Superintendent Jones noted that this would be the first year that studmit Ln'kors have been available at the Junior High School and that built in combination locks are being installed at tlie Kings Mountain High School. This should be an e.xcollent service to the students of those two schools. Plight lovelies wlio will seek llie‘ ‘‘.Miss Kings Mountain” crown in Saturday night’s Jaycee pageant.' will lead a parade through the business district of Kings Moun tain tomorrow afternoon b(*gin- ning at 4 p.m. The annual Jaycee pageant, chairmanod by Bill Gri.ssom. will bc' held in Central School audi torium beyginning at « p.m. ('on- testant? include .lean PHlen Devi^'. Carol Rao Ale.xandei. .<helia P'ayc Williams, Vickie' Gail Bov^en, Cathy Lovella Carroll. Cathy P'di/abeth Lainy Judith Irene Del linger and Geraldine Evoiine Humphries. 093 Students To Attend District Schools _ I Planning Grant Expected w $109,470 Is Approved Stockton New Superintendent At Burlington Warren StOv-kton has been named superintendent of the Pheni.x Plant of Burlington Yarn Company, a division of Burling ton Industries. Announcement of the appointment was made by Robert McClure, regional manu- Tomorrow's parade will begir.^_alj i.icvLi’ing m:-inagor of Burlington Central High and proceed down varn Companv. Oa.'^nm Street, turning on Moun- yn-. Stockton succeeds Walter tain Street and continuing t • Ba»- Keeler who had been plant lleground whore it will turn left superintendent since 1965. Mr. I and pro(e(?d on Gold Street tc Keetm* has bet*n named manager ClKTokee and to Mountain. The at the Reicisville Plant of Burl- parade will (lis])ers(* on Ga.ston. jngton Yarn. Jonas Bridge.*; will ser\e as Grand Mar.slial and Fred Foster A native of Dublin, Te.xas, Mv ■ as Parade Marshal, it is annouia - Stockton served in the Army eii ^ ed. The Kings Mountain Radio .gineer I'orps from 19.53-.54 with Club will a.'isLst police in contioll- <*ight monllis combat duty in ing traffic along the' parade route. Korea. He obtained a B. .S. de- (Coniinued on Page Six) (('’nutivtird ,m Pauc Sixf New Courses Added. Faculties Da-segregated MARTIN HARMON An estimated 4093 King-' M)un- tain (listri.i scliool pupils will mat:i! Lilate in the ten-plant sys tem in a Tuesday morning ses sion and will attend their .first lull class day Wedno.sday. Supt'riiUendent said all tacultic with lionai WINS DEGREE Miss Annie Vera Dilling wa.r awarded the Master of Librarianship degree from Emory University in exer cises held there on August 17. Miss Dilling is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Dilling of Kingr Mountoin. Mrs. McGraw Wins Award Mrs, Bt'ssio M<’Graw, food serv ice manager of Kings Mountain hospital, has been tho Food Scmv ic<* Executive a.ssociation. • Al the executive association (•(.nvention at Miami last week, which she attended, she was pro sented a citation for service, sec ond highest award conferred by th<‘ association. , Mrs. M(Gra\v is current presi- di'nt of the association’s Caroiinas branch. WSCS NOTICE The WSrS officers training day al CiMitral Methodist Church has been po.stfwned un til Sept. 1.5, I Ken Mayes Expert Ice Cream Freezer ' It’ll be homemade ice cream time again Sunday afternoon, beginning at 2 o’clock at the Oak Grove V’oUmteer Fire De part ment. Dishing it, up will l>e Crew No. 4. which hopes, Ed Kuyken dall says, it can avokl the ex perience of Kenneth Mayes last Sunday when Crcvv No. 3 was manning the churns. Business was better than an ticipated in tho late afternoon and the firemen were w’orking hard to keep enough inventory, Mayes in particular. Churning feverish 1 y and ready for another churn, Mayes yelled, "This one’s ready!" It was frozen, true, but when the dippers were poised, there nothing to extract. Mayes had frozen an empty churn. / EARNS MASTERS — Waiiam Clyde CarrolL son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carroll of Route 2. Kings Mountain, was awarded the Master of Arts degree in Biology during summer com mencement exercise? at Appala chian State University in Boone on Saturday. August 17. He is married to the former Sheny Berrier of Lexington. lone exception: an add:- ^’irdant v'ounselor for Kings Mountain hi.gh <(hool. He rt'pci’ls curriculum ext.an- sion- in several ari*as. .A emrst' hi drafting will be f>ffere() al the Iiigh s -h u.l with Larry Allen m- Iru-tor; a .special f'tucalion ((-n- tt'r lias tieon e-ita’oli.sbed at tin' ••N('W DaviiN.in” buiMing, with a •i.iirse in sjH'C'Ji therai^^' aided to be tau'jbi by M'<, Nan Jeaii Gantt (';rant: remetlial reading pro grams will bi‘ tauglit at West and v'’ Tpact s-bonis. Tbr*-;- will be changes in princi pal*: ip'. Jeo Hodic'n. former .nnd direrto’. will he]“iiniipal al V\\st. ■viihard H. Gr<‘ene at PariK Graw'e. and R. H. Bryant leturns l.-- N'oiili. after spending la.st year as pr’n< ipal of belli West and Park Grace. Retuinin.g t ; Central will be "red \\ ithers, to Fast D. B. Bla- ioi'k. to Beilnvare. E\an J. Ev:ins. t ) ^■-*rnpal■t. L. L. Adams, to tiie speeial education school Conoh' .Mli.snn. tc King.- Mountain higli s. hooL J. n. Atkinson, and to (jro\(M. Jamt's S. S<Tu,ggs. Pill Bates, assistant high selioc.l uiiicii'aJ. aliiletiv- (iiiector and .le.’.d tuotbal! eoacli. will rt'linct- ish leaching riuiie.-; 1(» b(»eome a uli-iime assis:ant prineipal. .\11 fav’ulties will be dose.;!' gated f.); th;' lirst time, a chatig;- ibr five of tiie schools, including I-elhware. Gi'ov('r. Compact, lh(‘ :])e;ia! educatkm centei', and .'ark (.'trace. Implc'menting a reeommeiida lion ('f tile ied<*ral Office of I-idu- ;aiiGn. the hoard has assigned iwo Negro leaclu'rs. Mrs. Margarei !Iunter and Mrs. Juanita Herron to Park Grace. Mrs. Hunter will ti aeh scv'ond grade. Mrs. Ilerion Lirst. Tv\u while leaehers liavt' ' ('-nititun d on Page 6) The Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved an advance of $109,470 for sur veying and planning activities for eential busine.ss section rede- \eIopment, U. S. Representative Basil L. Whiteiior has informed local oflicials and area news papers He said an over-oil grant for the project of ,$S92,()U() has Ixon r<!s<‘r\ed. Chairman Carl F*. Mauney and oliu'r members of Hie Kings Mountain business community w<*re highly jdeased with the news. At a meeting Tuesday, the commission members conferred Donald Jones with Ledford Austin, planning are eompleir anisultant. of Asheville, who said first step would be emplnvmont of a director, assistant director. Broyhills Pleased At Reception, Nixon Statement On Textile Aid The Pony Express Delivers The Mail Ben Moomaw, superintendent of Kings .Mountain National .Military park, thinks Kings Mountain po.*s1offiee personnel tops p.iiticulariy after n*- ceiving a post-card on Saturday. It was addres.sed: Auntie Evelyn and Uncle Ben PC Box 79 Kings Mountain, S. C. Sijpt. .Moomaw .found the card, mailed the pre\ious day 'from Cherry Grove, .S. C., in the park's postoffiee Box 31, Kings Mountain, N. C. The'card was from the Moo- maw's niece, Nancy Hohertson, of Greensboro. "T oughta shoot that girl," Ben jested. "She’s a high sehool senior. Slic knowi better than that.’’ Lt. (jg) Fleming Mauney Serving Aboard Rescue Vessel USS Hanson 1 Lt. (j.g.) Fleming Mauney, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mauney of Kings Mountain, is stationed on tho San Dic'go bas(*d dcstroyc'r USS Hanson which ha.s recently bi*en employed on Search and Re.seuo (SAR) duly off the coast Ol Vietnam. While on Search and Re.scue. Hanson acts as a rescue ve.ssc'l for American aviators forced down on the mainland or in coa.stal wa ters. The re.scue effort calls for "team work" and as such Hanson o|H‘rates with various destroyer leaders which are in turn equip ped with a helicopter. This team is further supplemented by air craft carrier based helicopters. When an SAR mi.ssion oe( urs. evc?ry member of this team goes into instant action and speeds toward the sn'ne. Helicopters pro vide increased speed and cover-1 ago of rescue operations. The' team provides an effective means, of pilot rescue and in most r:ise.*s' r(»duc('s the downed pilot’s rime' In en(*my territory or in the water to just minuti'S. Other efforts take longer. The Han.son patiently waiting on station in the Tonkin Gulf is a comforting feeling to the avia tor who knows that if the need {irises, there is an efficient team .standing by. . (Continued On Page Six) V' MISS KINGu MOUNTAIN — TERESA JOLLY By MARTIN HARMON Kings Mountain .uea K(‘)>iihli- cans honorc'd U. S. Keprc'^entativ;' and Mis. James T. Brftyhill at opt'ii lioiLse Wedne.sdaj aflern-Doii and both hosts and iKuiorees wove plc.-i-icd with tlie n'cepti'-'ii «‘u- eonled. Mr. Broyliill was plea.sed, l )»». with n telegram !n‘ re.-eivc.! lur ing the lunelion from GOP pu'.^i- denlial candidLde Richard M. Nix.ui. in which Mr. Nixon })ledg- (*d to give aid ;in«i suceoi to the textile inilusiry on iniiiorl'- te.x- tile vans anti oth(*r products. ’ Mr. Hroyhill immediately tele- grjiphed the i)r<*sideni ial eaiuii- dale a statement of appreebdion ’ ;md commendation. Mr. RiMvliill was at) eatly Nixon suppoiK '. The opt'n liousi* was held al the ne\s York road offijt's ol Insuraiiee Agency and Blackmer ' & Company. GiU'sts .munched snacks and*' peanuts and si|-ped .soft diinks as they grei'ted the' (.’ongressman and Ills lui'll.v, vi\;ieious wife, liie f. rnit'i- Louisi' Robbins ol Durham. Tlie lady eo-hosts wore giant <i/.c Bu'yiiili-for-f'ongn'ss hai.s. '.vilh banners, a la iK'auty eon- te'sianis. adding further exhorta lion. Toughesl j )h <if tiu' day belong ed to Andy Neislcr. While others lOiittye.-i tlu' eeol tjf iiir-eondition- ing. young Mr. Neisler stood in ili<* broiling sun. Jiltaehing Vole for Uroyiiill siicke'rs t > auto b'nders, The Broyhills are' me'inlx'r.s of th(‘ well known Lenoir turnilure family. The Congressman soek-s fourth term in tlie House and is opposed b\ Demoeiatii Congress man Basil L. Whilener. of Gas tonia. who seeks his .seventii term. and .secretary. The futids ar<' to h(> used for re furnishing and renovating a 30.4 acre area bounded hy King street, Pje<lmont avr'nue, Gold street and Railroad avenue. Tom Tate, viee-eh'aii man of the commission, said he anticipates planning will begin with a re development plan formulated by llu' community planning di\ ision of the Not lb Carolina Depart ment of Conservaliijn and De velopment. Paul Mi’Ginnis, chairman of Kings Mountain .Mall, Pie., a non- pro'jit group whieii atlerrptc'd to implement a portion of tlu' C & D pl:in hy privai;* means, was liighly elate<l. "It apj nrently mc'ans re vival of the mall developm<*nt idea which had foundered,” he said. He sakl Ik' would reeom- nietul Hie eoriioration b<' dissolv ed. Other riK'inlu'rs of tlu* commis- si(»n .are .1. O Plonk. .Ir., VV’illiam Herndon, and Charles L. Alex ander. Monkeys' lones Talks To Julie On a recent evening ten-year- (lid Juli(* Durh;im. (iaughter of i)i. and Mrs. '1. G. Durham, was flabbergasted. She had a telephone call (eight minutes worth) Irum Hollywood, Calif. Tho caller was Daw Jones, Julie's television hero, of "The .Monkeys”. The secretary of a Charlotte ra dio executive had informed Jones ol Julie’s admiration. Julio won’t be going to sehool this year as he is going to spend tlu' time, or .some of it, in Green ville. S. C.. General Hospital. She will undergo an operation by Dr. Frank Snellings, orthopedic sur geon. tc remedy a curvature of tho spine which lias crippled Julie since birth. Grifiin Drug Employs Steele R. Gary Steele of Florence, S. C-. is now a resident of Kings Mountain and is employed by Griffin Drug Company, owned by Wilson (Jriffin. Mr. Steele was foimcrly etn- ploy(?d in Florence as a phar- niaiisV. Ho and his wife. Ann. are tho his parents v( an eight year old son and a 13 wet'k old daughter. They are residents of 613 West Moun tain Street. He is employed on full time basis at the local drug store.

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