m 50 •s URM LC I )i Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Tbs GrMrt«r King* Mountotr flgura It dtrivctf itom th* tpteio} United stattt Bureau of the Centut report e lanuary 1966. and Includes the 14.990 population o Number 4 Tovrnthlp. and the remaining 6.124 Iron Number S Township. In Cleveland County and Crowder* Mountain Township In Qacton County. Kings Meuntcdn's Esliobie Newspaper VOL. 80 No. 43 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, Octbber 24, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENlf Buffalo Creek Water Project Bids Due November 20 Breakfast October 29 WQI Kick Off UF Drive $26,600 ) UNITED FUND LEADERS — A kick-off breokfost to open Kings Mountain's one-day United Fund campaign will be held Tuesday at First Presbyterian church. Planning the campaign are: Seated, left to right. Shuford .Peeler, campaign choirman; John Che^ire, UF president; and Mrs. Joe Lee, chairman of the professional division of the drive; Standing, from left. Schools Supt. Don Jones, chairman of the schools division; Mayor John Moss, chairman of the public employees solicitation group; Hugh Lancoster, chairman of advance gifts; Kyle Smith, chairmen of the industrial division; Larry Hamrick, chairman of the commercial division; and Joe Smith, publicity chairman. Absent for the picture taking wes E. Milton Singletary, ehairtnom of the committee on correipoada&ca. (Ph«U by PauV hmaammam) ^ ^ ^ ^ 710 New Voters Registered Saturday is the final day to polling places again Saturday register: for the November 5ihifrom 9 a.m. untij 6:30 p.m. The general election. • polling places are: East Kings On basis of regisUalton activi i Mountain at City Hall courtroom; ty to date in No.'4 Township, 710j West Kings Mountain at the Na- new voters will be eligible to take! tional Guard Armory; Bethware part in the general election. 'at Bethware school; and Grover The registrars will be at the, at Grover Rescue Squad Building. _ ' Registration activity was brisk • i ff^ain Saturday as a total of 421 ! logged their names on the poll- : I books. The totals were: East v -Kings Mountain, 104; West Kings 1 Mountain, 125; Bethware. 60; and One-Day Effort j To Raise Goal i Is Finalized j street banners are heralding the 1969 United Fund camaign and final plans.have been made for the one day effort on Tues day, October 29,. to ratse $26,600 for 21 different causes. T. Spencer Mycr, executive dir- ' ector of the United Medical Re- ! search Foundation at Chapel Hill, j will be the speaker at the kickoff i ' bieakfast schedules for 7:30 a.m. j on Tuesday, according to Chair man Shuford (Scoop) Peeler. The breakfast will be held at First I Presbyterian CIVjrch and work- i ers will depart immediately after- I wards to make their collections. * Tlie 1939 UF goal represents a ' 25 per cent increase over the 1968 i campaign which was met sucoess- fully in a one-day campaign in ‘ November, 1967. Peeler reminded that ijF cam paigns are important to this com munity in that a larger percent age of contributions go to their intended causes. This year, for instance, 98.8 cents out of every dollar contributed will go to member agencies whereas a sep arate drive for each of these a- i gencies would net only 91 cents ' of every dollar. The UF effort this year would save approxi mately $2,000 in campaign costs alone. j Largest item in the 196^ bud get in for Boy Scouts of America, I Piedmont Council, which accounts ‘ for $6,000. The Scouting progr^ j ' ^rveii noarky 50^ 6pya, .Hi tttt i Shmmunity,. Thcludmg efibs, ' plorefs and hoy scovts and organizational committees. Ap^ large percentage of the funds u' provided to the Piedmont Council p provides a trained, professional Scout to be active in Cleveland ■ County alone. i Second largest budget is fori , the American Red Cross, account-1 : ing for $5,(XX) and third highest, at $3,600 for the Kings Mountain 4— mi I , i' r. Filial Plans Doe This Week Says Engineei By ELIZABETH STEWART Col. W. K. Dtck.son, engineer f^r the city, said Tuesday; "We in- , tend t(. take buls at 2 p.m. Novem- bei 20th for the Buftalo Creek Water Project." Mr. Dickson gave this report during a telephone conversation with the Herald from Garden City Beach, S. C., where he has been on a fishing trip for several days. He was due to return to his Char lottc cffice Thursday afternoon. Mr. Dickson said final plans for the $3 million plus projwt will be in the hands of city officials this week and will await city commis sion action exported to be taken at a siiecial meeting early next week. ; Beginning of construction is an ticipated prior to January 1. Cci. Dickson estimated construction m > % i u > ^ a I "FISH AIN'T BITING'^ "We re shooting for November 20th os the day to take bids on the water project.'* Col. W. K. Dickson, city en gineer, thus described progress on the $3.38 Buffalo Creek Water Project. Other news from the city's ccnsulting engineer from Char- ifttte is that "fish ain’t biting o* Garden City Beach." "Course, now this story may be different in o couple hours. You just can't tell about fish," he quipped. s Wfni'ig^MCTS « NBULf Kejms is picture 3 with some of the fewelrv items she has created workshOpb Containers holding varicur stones and materials for her personalized pieces rtboi^ og. 8ie shelves at her left. {Photo by Paul Lemmons) precinct leads with 253 new names added to the books. Registration requirements are citizenship and residence within \jinjcteriai Association The Red Z otcinT T "Zh "" ^ “ pZidI,?" rvl^e" mnf A Vycar-old who wW observe nT'''Te’i his 21st birthday by November; cy the i-ook.. .Nancy the seam- I* Nancy Kerns’ Most Glamorous Role Is Creating Beautiful Jewelry By GRACE HAMRICK Meet Nancy the jeweler.. .Nan-; or hcM' creations, lier repulalion cam<’os and somi* hutlcns. Sizes time on the Buffalo water project at frorr 14 to 18 months. Mr. Dickson said the final plai.s ; will be forwarded to the State ; Board of Health and other ager- I cies involved, including the De I paitment of Housing and Urban ; Development, which has made a 1 grant of $456,000 for the estimated I S3.38 million project, i Col. Dickson said that land ac- I quisition and surveying of tracts • of land of property owners is con tinuing and he anticipates work/ ' will be completed by November 30th. Coates Field Service, Inc. . of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is site negotiator for the right-of-way and the 73 tracts of property re quired for the Buffalo Creek lake which will inundate 1500 acres to register and Stiifcty instruction and nursing began to grow immediately. Her first sales were "from her ears services. The Ministerial Associa- i' 5th is eligible vote. Persons desiring to vote absen | immediate help to citienzs who tee slvould make app ication themselves and their fami- mediatcly to Ralph Gilbert, chair- jjgg ijj emergency need ot food, man of the Cleveland County Grover. 32. To date, the West Elections Board. {Continued on Page 6) KMHS Homecoming Friday MILT SINGLETARY Fiist-Gtizens Is Transferring Milt Singletary For the fir.st time in Kings, Mountain high school history, ^ two girls will reign as co-queens over this year’s homecoming acti- ! vities. In on election by the stu-j I dent body. Cathy Carroll andi Brenda Leach tied, with Gail Ben-| ■nett, Cathy Hardin, and Sandyj Ledbetetpr composing the home- ' coming court. i After the crowning at Friday’s! rep rally, the co-queen will ride 1 in the homocoming parade and reign over the Kings Mountain- Crest football game that night.| The parade will travel through the Kings Mountain business dis- : trict, offering students and citi zens a view of club floats, other homecoming nominees and the : high school hand. | The parade, scheduled for 4 p.! i m., will assemble on Gold Stn^cti ' E. Milton Singlolary, assistant: Phifer road, proceed up cashier and manager of the Railroad, turning left on Ra.I-l stallment Loan Department of ri^ht on King and proceed, First-Citizens Bank & Trust Com-' King to Piedmont, turning pany in Kings Mountain, is being; Piedmont at the Post transferred to head the bank’s^^^i^^ proceed to Battle- loan department in Wilmington, i ground, turning left <m Battl^ According to President Lewis'ground to Gold, turning left and R. Holding, Singletary will as- cemetery to Slime his new managerial duties j in the Port City immediately, re-| Festivities prior to the game placing C. W. Cox who transfers! will get underway at 7:30 p.m. to Goldsboro. j with game time slated at S p.m. Singletary came to Kingsl This year, honored guests at Mountain in 1966 frijm tlie Fay-! homecoming include the Kings elteville Office of the banking; Mountain high school graduating! system. He had previously hern': class of ’5S-’59. After a tour of with Univors-al CIT for several the hi'>h sdiool building Friday, years. ' | the former graduates vvili be rec- , * I ognized at the pep rally. Later Since arrivini'in Mvings Moun-i graduates will be lain he has Iwcomo ficlive fn civic, honored at an evening meal. The affairs, setvlng as i local direct-' chosen for the dinner is yet or for the Kings ^ ountain Jay- be announced. All '58-3 grad- *cr( tary of the stress. ..Nancy the wine maker, j and from her coal". , , Yep. Meet Nancy (Mrs. Clyde) Today she enjoys personalizing tion provides the community with^ Kerns. She’s four women all roll-; certain fabrics brought to her. In ed into one. her workshop are clear plastic Probably her most glamorous tubes containing a multitiule of role, in addition to being the at tractive wife of the Kerns Bros, co-owner, is that of creating ele gant pieces of jewelry. For this hobby she is becoming well known in ninny areas. Just five years a^o this month she and a Jewish frienti in New York calked on another friend there wlio manufacturers jewelry and tiu'ough the help of both she! K ■ A launched her part-time role as aQ R 0111^III eves ami as seci uate.s are invited to the homo- Scott Rally Is Slated Monday In Ckistonia Lions Club. He an 1 his family,! coming festivitie.s. wlio reskle at 903 SI [‘rw(»od Lane,' featuring musie by th<* Flari's.t are mcmbtns of theVninity Epis-'^ homecoming dance will be held copal Church. 11 iK^^*xp<‘cle<l in the high school after the game( (he family will relQcate in VyU- mington soon, j i (C'JiUinucd On Payo SUJ HOMECOMING COURT — Pictured or* membars of tb« Kingr Mountain High School Homecoming Court. Seoted* from left Co-Queens Brenda Leach ooid Cothy CorroU. Standii^, from left Cothy Hordin, Gail Bennett and Sandy Lodbetter, all attend ants, (Photo bY Isaac Alexattlor) Gastonia will host a four-coun ty rally for -^ubcrnatorial-candi ; date Bob Scott and other Demo I cratic Parly office-seekers nex Monday night (Oct. 28) at the local Armory on West Frankiii ‘ Ave. In addition to the Gaston Dem ocratic candidates, party leaders' and faithful, Bob Scott will eat ,,-1.;,., barbecue and politic with visitors; Congressman Ha.sil L. from three other counties - s homeslroKh cam|)aii-n fof I Cleveland, Lincoln and Rutlior- re-election will rea< h Knv-s Moun- tain tomorrow. iMiday, when li<’ 1 Barbecue will bo served at 6:30 will be honored at a barbecue land the program will start an and rally at the Kings .Mountain hour later. Scott will deliver the^.^*‘***^®* Guard Aimoiy hegiii principal address and all Di'mo- *7:15 p.m. cratic oftic-e-seekers from the Seeking his s<‘venlh tenn in the 1 four counties will be introduccvl'Unuse of Repres^mtatives, I to what promises to be a large! Congressman Wh.toner is wig crowd of Scott and party sup- » vigorous campaign against ' Dortors Hepubhean incumbent James Tickets are on sale with pro- Broyhill, the two heir.- pitted a- • dnet chairmen in Gaston County galnrU each o her for the fust I this week and will be available't"™’."' "k' 10th new . ooKression- lat the door Monday night. al DLsyict. , .1 ,, . This will be Scott’s final ap- Barbecue and soft dunks will pearance in this immediate ai-ea at the rally ami music t prior to the general election one fuinisluHl by jwi^k later, on Tuesday. Nov. 5. ^ nine-memt>er ban.l from ! Invitations have been Issued urea. . , , ; local party Icadei-s and rally! Joining VVh: em‘r in local jehairmen to mem-bers of thc^PP^®*’nnce will Ix' (jther Demo- Icouncil Of State in Raleigh, cam aLUcs. including f u‘ to national and state office-seek-’(‘andldales for disliui judg .ers to attend the big rally for the os, candidates for the ison of a former Governor, W, of the stoiu's \aiy from larger' and provide a 55 mile shoreline, than a button to tiny enough that For the recreation facility plan- tht'y must be set with the aid of ning, Gardner-Gidley & Associates ,i magnifying glass. , of Winston Salem, has been re- Her color rombinations are tained by the city commission, gorgeous, to tell liie very truth. "This (the Buffalo Creek pro- Iler varu'i\' of frames and set- .lect) Is one of the projects I’ve the man\ articles to suit the tastes lings is .sure to please the hard- looked forward to for the past 30 of friends ami ciislomers and oft-, est to plea.sc'. , years," said the veteran city en- en fashions crealions to match; Buying stones by the gross, gineer, colored rhinestones, pearls, beads,j Nancy has fiv<* outlets from! whicli she purchases frames and basic materials for her mount-;, in.;s. Thes(*. inelude two in Flori da, om‘ in Washington. D. C., and three in New York. Otliers she hopes to visit are in Massachu- s('lts and Ohio and she’s hoping’ Clint Newton, former chairman to go tf» California duiing the ihe Cleveland County Deino- Christmas season to visit a house; Party, has been named Her laigj’r sIo k's comes, ^‘l^uirman of Cleveland County from Austria or Czof hosloxakia. , Citizens for Humphrey-Muskey. Among liej- jewelry items are' Announcement was made by cuff link.>. tie cla^-p'^, drop and; Ware, county chairman. pl<‘rce<i earrings, beads, pins and; Other members besides Mr, bracelets. • ' Newton and Mr. Ware are Miss Variations in s<'liings-.ire found Sadie Lutz, vice-chairman; and in pins shaped as hiitierflies, tur-i^I*’^. O. Max Gardner, Mrs. W. P, lies, cats. .Mafldin’s lamp, court, Ohcen. all of Shelby, Jim Beason jester, owls, frog.s, dogs, birds,Boiling Springs, and J. Ollie etc. For die first time this year Harris, Bill Plonk, Harold Phillips, Rotarians Ready For Fun Auction HHH Committee Is Appointed I creator of costume jewelry. : „ , . ^ , ,u , Willioul advertising her talenis: Rotarians are ready for theirl ' white elephant sale tonight at the National Guard Armory, the festivities and fun to get under way at 8 p.m. The public is invited to partici pate in the auction sale and "it’s not too late to get us your con tribution" President Charles Mau ncy said yesterday. The club is accepting any items to be auc tioned tonight by auctioneers Dr. (Continued On Foqp S>ix) (Cmitinucii On Page Jim Yarbro, and Martin Harmon, all of Kings Mountain. Whitener Rally Here Friday ate. for candidates for .C. Sen- N. r. 1 House of Representatives, coun- BASIL L. WHITENER board. Current Democratic office ho .(ContinAea on Page Su'J > ty coinimssiunci;> and schuu! cib and uUicr leading poUti f/^ui'es in the county will be pre^ sent along with Democratic Coun ty Chairman Cameron Ware. The event is planne<l as an in formal one and members of the audience will be given an oppor tunity to make brief talks of ap preciation for Congressman Whitener. Tlie local c’ommittce promoting the re-election of Whitener is com posed of J. OlUe Harris, W. L. ' BiiD Plonk, J. Lee Roberts and Dorns Bennett, all of Kings Moucitain, and Bob Hambright of Grover. Cungressman VVliih'iier will put III an appearance at the Homo- iOodng football ganu' tomorrow nigiu btnween the Kings Moun- lain Mount.aineers and the Civst Chargers. Ho will also visit the I American Legion Post. I Tickets for the appreciation Jpight rally ave available from iWiembers of the t'ommittoe for Whitener or at the office of J. . Lee Robm'ts. Thei'O is no charge for the tic*- fcets, according to Mr. UoUurib.

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