I i 1968 ^ PopnlatioD j Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits 8,256 Tht Gr«at«r Elagt Mouotalv liyur* ti derWtd irpm tb* UaltAd StaUft Bureau of the Ceosus report o lanuary IBBB. and iacludee the 14.990 pepulatioB o Number 4 Township, and the remaiaing 6.124 Iron Number S Township, in Cleveland Couaty and Crowder* MountalB TowBshtp Ib GostOB Couaiy. VOL. 80 No. 47 Kings Mountain's Bailable Newspaper Pages Today Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 21, 1968 Seventy-Eignth Year PRICE TEN CENl! Major Extension Of City Limits To Southwest Likely Motel ‘N iOiW At Interstate ^6 Units Set In First Stage, 85 - N. C. 161 Ook Grovii A < rmf fMl .nINGS MOUNTAIN 288 Projection By MARTIN HARMON A 2ossibili-! lies of (.“entralizallon. | Miss Corbett, who has had wide j exixTioiu.o in lood service, met i with the group and pointed out j that sides m,-. Tate arc Joe H. Thom- Wlf VA" 1 V UttlfAr and adjacent to the former Aio 'se son, president; and A. Hunter LfKjw propeity. Patterson and B. D. Ratterrec,: Joseph W. "Buck” Timberlake The city eommission \ o ed vice-pn-sidents. Other directors'Jr. has been named Vice President rnovmg the opera.ions I uerdaj are I. G. Patterson, R. S. Plonk Dr. Paul Hendricks, and Jack H . a m''''Aloiid-at ‘ Announcement was made by featured in an organ rccilai. The L. K. I Josh. Hmnanl. co-chan- to 4 30 PJt„ o'da.vs, A Kmgs Alountam natn^, Mr. charies H. Crutchfield, President Junior choir, under the direction man with J. Ollic Hams o; ‘'‘'.y'Blanton is son of Mrs. C. D.iof Ihe Jeffci-son Standard Broad- of Mrs. J. C. Bridges and Mr.s. m.a.v<>rs mduslnal .eommillee, a.nn sami.la.\s. Blanton and the late Mr. Blan-!c.xsling Company (WBT-.\M-FM D. F. Hord, will sing anthems, commented. “This is a '”0' other aelions jl I u, .-d ly s ion. Ho is a graduate of the UXC. w B T V , Jefferson Productions) The choir members v. ill wear the pleasant surprise. It has been ^cc at meeting, th< city eom- Special education students, from the prcse?it Kings .Mountain! ) An active Lion for more than Special EduQ-alion Center (the; I 20 years, Mr. Barry has served; ]^rick residence the system owns T/Sgt. Stewart Wins Promotion SPEAKER—Dr. Thomas Furman Hewitt Gardner - Webb College professor, will deliver the ser mon at Kings Mountoin's com munity-wide Thanksgiving serv ice Wednesdoy night in Cen tral school auditorium. The organ program ill include,on the board of directors and has on Gaston stnM't) will lx* trans-' the lollowin,; sfloclion-s ' chairmanned a mimlier of ini ; fciTprl'lo the i-uirenl Compact t Sat Herman Pr,?ludo: Toplady (Rock of porfant .■ommittecs including the ,Hmol buildina. The present ■ a, t ton of M^and Ages) — Seth Bingham annual Christmas giving of food Compart biiiidin- (the only re-i t su. .'i Offertory: fLot all Momi; ba.skets to the blind. 'LTning aSg^o «lott theUty^'ty^s ZmotT^"^ >lesh Keep Silence) Joseph Clo | j,,. ^is. Bany me active system and has drawn the firiMh,. Technical strgoant . a y-. .a J TT.. Bothaiiy Associate. Refornu'd of lIEW’s regional office in, t Sfewarf i« ctatirS^r.,! A Nun lassl un.s Golf dem Her-, progbyt^j-ja^ church. They reside'Charlottesville. Va.i will then bo Andrews ^FB Washington n ren (Now Praise Wo God Al- ^n Fulton street. Cnntbiued On Paqe 8 ‘V Washington, D C. mighty)—Vincent Luoboek 1654- Five Former Pastors Participate In Central Methodist Services CAKE SALE We.st School Parent-Teaclier Association will sponsor a cake sale Wednesday beginning at 3:30 p.m. in the school cafe teria. Homemade cakes will bo available and proceeds will benefit the P-TA projects. 1740. Vom Himmcl Nooh. da Komm ich her (F'rom Heaven High, I come to you) — Johann Pacliel- ho\ 1653-1706. Cantabile — Ccscar Franck. Mr^Tongue*)^-'' Ginh^LMmund svrK*ico^ to ReverenJ Dr. J. Garland Winkler A1.V longuei uann tamunu ^ "Spiritual H a r v e s t will be the speaker and o:i 'AVd- CaHIIon Week” has been announced by ne.sday evening the Reverend Dr Postlude Lf>bt Gott ihr’Christ-1 Alderman, minister of Philip L. Shore. Ji.. will bring tin , “ .Ti’l "Together ** I Five ministers, formal ly s»tv- “The community will remember ing Central church, will »eturn lor most of thes(‘ former ministers •IX .service (?ach. b<»ginning Sutiday as they served iwenly-two of tin morning, November 241 ii through Iasi Uvcnty-siwen yeais in tin WediM'sday evening, No\emI)er pasf,>rat(* of ('**ntral ^TeIh(Jdis^ ! 28lh. church. \W are lorlunale in hav , The R«'v. Howard R. Jordan will Ing tlie.se fornun mini.sfers share be Ihe speaker for the morning: in this Thanksgiving series of He recently completed special training hi Chicago, Ill. and transferred lo Washington earli er this year frona Tokyo, Japan. He and his \vif<* and year-old son live at Camp Springs, Md. en, AUrngloich Praise Our God) (Ail — J. S. Bach. Moke Good Catch Six local fishing enthusiasts, all whom arc em-ployed at ; worship hour Sunday. II a.m.. ami' sejv ices and wr want to shart Neisco Sales Margrace office, made a big cafeh at Southport during the weekend. The group’s catch wag 300 pounds cif King Mackerel. Making the trip were George the Rev. James B. McLarty will tii<*m with our community during i be the guest Sunday evening at this W('ek.” said Mr. Alde/man. the 7 p.m. son ice, announec'd Rev. The public is invittKi and fol- Alderman. lowing each service beginning The evening services will he with the Sunday evening service, held at the 7 p.m. houi and on a fellowship or (‘offec hour wiP Sellers. James Amos, Keleiy Monday, Novombt'r 25th, llie Rev. be held in the Fellowship Hall Patterson, Don Sellei*s, Raoford ] Herbert D. G-armon will deliver, and all are invited to share to- White and Jack Goodsun, ’ the message. Tuesday evening the jjeihei^ he eonlinued. Officials Pledge Coopeiafion Gene Froneberger, Bessemer City area Gaston county commis- doner, and Gaston County Mac iger A. R. England, pledged 'ooperation i)ossible with Mountain Tuesday in thos^' 1) Provision of ipj Park vings Mountain imie county', most of it in md problem ot 2» In soivln^unds in areas 4chot>l distrj county and in tbe within Gas^jain city limits. CIngs Mj Henry MoSs 4old «a'Gasto,t oifivials, “Kin?- ./’..intain is a twowunty ci., iiud proud to 'h* one.