1969 «) :Y inical on of ey of has L Air (land in 11 e Air sti^m, lunity icilUi’ ctj» of ios to Shol- irthat I Mrs. TOViiV, :iL ^rand L was I New ? pre- n EXi- norica Ie^ran Development fora $10,896 urban boautificalion giant with malchini^ inkind con tributions from the city to take care of rhe city’s cost in the project. Elaborating on the project,! Mayor John IT. .Moss said beauti- I fication would involve the new I community center, residential j I areas, and also the Davidson and; I D<-*al street Park aieas, Mountain' I Rest cemetery, street signs, en-j I Imnccs to the city, the water! ! reservoir area, tlie library ami ■ City Hail. , | The uiban renewal program, Ik* said, would involve some beau tification, including hedges and planters to partially hide the railroad tracks thiough the cen tral business distri(‘t. In conjunction with this pha.se of the boaulifreation project the; mayor announced another meet ing of the K 'W ^ , > MANAGER — Clinton P. Rankin. Jr. of Wilson has joined First Union National Bank as man ager of the Installment Loan De partment. Clinton Rankin Jl loins First Union Harold Rites Businessman Dies Instantly In Accident I Funeral services for Harold^ I Dentist Crawford, .^9. were con- dUctcKl Saturday afternoon from 1 Kings .Mountain Bai)tisl chuich. i Mr. Crawford pcrat-i study traff.c flow and safety and * . L^roccr v his own I a proposed parking plan to add Meantime, L. E. Hinnant, vice- m,-V.-awford was a cirirter' 69 parking places in the down- president, announced promotion rnember of Kings Mountain Ban- town area and Ijoactification a- cf .Mrs. Etha H. Humgardner m ther h had setxel as char Ml'S. Paul H. McGinnis. He is I"”!? railway. Maps of this installment loan interviewer. of'the hoard cf deacons and phase of the i)roject were on di.s- Rankin will also aid Mr. Hinnant «.«hool suo-rintendent play for study by the commission.; in — work and public Joe Lane,, director of the Ue-, relations duties. • jj veteran, deve opment Commission com-| attendee! the Uni- He was a son of tho late Will- men c on ho progiam. versity of North Carolina )CH) iam Joseph and Vennio Litliejohn' married and father o-f a dau.gh- ler. Oth<‘r n(w oflic'<-r of tlie retail ers group for the coming y(*«ar will be Larry Hamrick, insurance- man, associate of C. E. Warlick Insurance Age ncy. INDUCTED — Peter J. Hauser. Senior student at North Caiolina State University, has been in ducted into membership by Phi Kc|^ Phi. notional honor so ciety. Phi Kappa Phi Taps Hauser The city commission T'oc.-'day night auiliori/.od Mayor John ' Ilcniy .Moss to aji-iKiini a coinmit- . tee to head up a pu’oli.- subscrip- • tion drive for $79,00') to etjuip ' liie new c{)nimuni'y (-ivic center i on Cleveland Av(*nue. Completion dale for liii' center ; is laj’ elcd for the* first week in , .•^cptembt'r. said Bc/o Williams of ' J. L. Williams and .Associate.^, aichltfcts for the project, wIkj reportefi woi k on the facilit\ *‘on sihedule.'’ I’ un for proieci e.xecution. The over- Surviving are Iris son, Frankiall projnd expenditure will b<*: S. Barrett, cf Mesquite, Texas; ultimately shared, with the citv Iris twin brother, Horace Barrett j contributing 25'; of the cost, of Kings .Mountain; -and his sis- Coutinuvd On Page Sir ter, Mrs. Clarence L. Jolly, Sr. of Kings Mo.’ntain. ' Baptists Begin Bible Study A Bible Study on Isaiah will feature vesper services beginning Sunday and mid-week prayer .services lieginning Wednesday ati Kings Mountain Baptist church. The vesper study will be for all departments of the cliiurch from 5:30 until 6:15 p.m. on Sundays. The mid-week study for all de partments of the chuirh will bo held from 7:30 until 8:15 p.m. on! Wednesdays. Rt‘v. James M. Wilder, pastor.' will load bhe study of Isaiah for adults, youth and inteiTnediatcs. Miss Linda Roberts will lead the Juniors tn the study of “Rcrore^ Jesus Came”. Mrs. bdxco. llo ha.s grandohil- North Carolina State University. would support the fund dren survive. Hauser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. i\o be, aiise nl the vcihaiiliij ol The final rites were cojuiucted Jack Hauser, went to Raleigh for hy the pastor. Rev. James Wild- induction ceremony, or and interment was in Moun- '^’he .standards for Phi Kappa lain Rest cemetery. Plh are comparable to thosi^ of Pallbearers were Alvin Bridges. Fhi Beta Kappa except that they of ShcTby, Eugene RolxTts, W. T- In the field of sciences whero- Woir, Odell Benton, Thomas A. Phi Beta Kappa are in the field of liberal arts. The Kings Mountain student rlans to attend graduate school following graduation. •Tate, and Dr. D. F. Hord. Sandra Wilson. 11 Return^ To Duke Sandra Wilson, 11 - year - old Kings Mountain student, has re entered Duke Hospital at Dur ham for treatment expected to Mrs, Plonk s Father Passes th(‘ new center ami its capability of provlflifig sornt' .service to e\ciy citiz< n. Earlier the mayor had praised the city rcTication program and its leaders, *1 claim our pm.iram is th(* bt‘st» program for a city our size in the Southeast.” The mayor recognized Carl Wil son, chairman of the city recrea tion commi.ssion, wlio outlined an ambitious program for tlu* new year, listing buhbic-top swimming pools foi y(*ar-round swimming and miniature golf courses as luigets. Mr. Wilson said that •Frank Hinson of Charlotte, archi- ms^ ONE BEDROOM UNIT FOR ELDERLY — Pictured are lloor plan ond architect's drowing of exterior appearance of one-bedroom units for elderly persons which will be built by Kings Mountain Public Housing Authority. Rentol applications will be accepted beginning Februory 1. PH A Will Invite Rent Applieations Elderly Units Seminary Course Is Offered Here The Seminary Extension De- parlnicni of tho Southern Baptist Convention will offer a course in Old Testament to intcrcst(*d per sons in Cleveland County, for college or seminary credit. Are Designed For Safety King.s Mountain Public Hous ing Authority, Inc., will begin ac cepting rental applications begin ning February 1. will be the in- rc{|uiro two montiis hospitaliza- ^ tret, is preparing plans for the tion. I’uneial rites for H. 0.1 liomas- plans shouli lie Sandra is afflicted with a rare son. S2, of Greenville. .S. C., fa- completed by Mau-h 1 so con- rmiilovrc'; the muscles and has tbor of Mrs. William Lawrence str.jction can begin on the plas- Cost for the course will Ix' . hcen undergoing extensive treat-:5Monk_ of Kings Mountain, were top in order to have it $7.00, wirich will cover the text- The classes will meet in First Baptist Church, Kings Mountain, each Tue.sday evening for nine ^ clerk will lx‘ available at wcx.‘ks,^ beginning January 26tlb Qj*y j.jall each Saturday morning from 7:00-9:00 p.m. The R^''-jfrom 9 until noon. .Mann, minister of First' Baptist church, structor. ment and observation recently at held Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. from Duke. She is a patient in fhtiom Greenville's Buncombe .Street f ^ ,, 1424, Howland, Duke Hospital.I Alotlmdist churji o: wirich lie Durham. N. C. ! was a nK mluT. She makes her home with her| Interment was in Greemille grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar-, cemetery. tin L. Wilson, Sr. of Kings .Moun- .Mr. Thomasson died o'f an ap- tain. Sandra is dau :hter oj Mar- parent heart attack Sunday morn- tin L. Wilson, Jr. and Mrs. Nan-i ing wiiilc on a vacation trip wiJh SIDEWALK PROGRESSING J. Pat Spangler, executive of Spangler Concrete Company, reporting on progress of side walk work at the high schotl, a Kiwanis project, said "We’ll he pouring the Phifer Road sidewalk in a few days." Mr. Spangler’s report was made at a I'ocent meeting of the civic club. cy Jo WMlson. PRESBYTERIAN Dr. Paul Ausley will use the SCI mon topic, "Thirsty For God”, at Sunday morning wor ship services at First Presby terian church. his wife in Jacksoiivill(\ Fla. He suffered the attack while eating in a restaurant. Besides his wife and his dnugh- ter here, Mr. T^iomasson is sur vive! by a son, B. O. Thomasson, Jr. and a daughter, Mrs. Bill Dal ton. both of Greenville, S. ('. type top in order C<>nthuic K1N4^ MQVmmmi »£L0W The dwellings are expected to be ready for occ*upanc>' by Sept ember. Tliomas W. Harper, e.xe- cutive director said. Units for the elderly, most of them onc-bedroom fas pictured Admission is open to ihc public, ahovc) will be available to cou- Call the church office for regis- Pit's with annual income of less ! than S3.tXX), with the added stip ulation that one member must be at least 62 years of age. These units will be constructed in the Ridge stroet-Dilling street area. This area was chosen for two primai'x’ reasons: nearness to uptown shopping area and to the new neighborhood facilities .A frame house on Waters street building, which will house vari- A as gutted hy fire about 4:30 social service agencies, p.m. Monday, city firemen re-, units are designed to make ported. living convenient and safe for el- First Capt. C. D. Ware said the! derly people. Cabinets and stor- home was one of the oldest struc- age shelving ai*e lower than nor- tures in tho city and was occupied^ mal, generally at mid-wall level by two Negro families. He said'rather than going to tho ceiling, no one apparently was at home, All bathrooms are designed with when the fire started and added safety devices to decrease chanct» that the cause of the fire has not of falls. Cooking stoves will be been determined. The home was! electric and walks and steps will , damaged beyond rei)air, he ad Ja.wecs.