Thursday, January 16, 1969 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Page 5 GROVER COMMUNFFY Dr. Max Polloy with the roli- Rious dopartmonl' at Davidson Collage confluclc;! I ho service at the Shiloh Presbyterian church Sunday morning. During a Congregational Meet ing .sv.nilay morning at Shiloh Presttylerian church four deaconsi Kvere electeel. Three for the Chissj (jf Seventy-one and one for the. Class of Seventiy. They are as follows; Charlie Harry Ill, Dr. Charles Moore and Jakie D. Hambright and John Harry. | HOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR INSURANCE? Probably a sizeable amount. It is possible that we can savi you money on a ccmprehenslve insurance plan. — SKE US TODAY! — INSURANCE IS SECURITY THE ARTHUR HAY AGENCY "ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE" PHONE 739-3659 NOTICE The annual meeting of the KINGS MOUNTAIN BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION WILL BE HELD at the Home Savings & I.,oan A.ssociation at 106 E. Mountain St. at 10 A.M. Friday, January the 24th. Thomas A. Tate, Secretary The Circles of Shiloh church, are having their meeting thi.s week. Circle 1 with Mrs. Jamesi Harry Tuesday morning. Circle 2 Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. R. H. Keeter and Circle .3 with Mrs. Preston Goforth. Those helping with Rible Stu dy wtH'k at the First Baptist ehunh were .Mrs. M; Manus, .Mrs. Herndon, Mrs. Robinson and .Mrs. Hamliy. Baptist Men's Day is Januarj’ 2G. Mr. C. F. Hany. Jr., B. M. Gold and P. A. Fiancls havi- re- turne* af ttif SwatcrWtIeA OMts FitAm katcNicAN LieoAer AsSeciatien ThlsJIne recommendetlon. of which we mh proud, hss bttn extenWtP NO OTHER encyclopedia SELLINO FOR LESS THAN TWO and a half times the price AT WHICH THE PUNK ft WAO-i NALLS JS NOW OPPBRPD Complete review on requut. ^ BSBMMM 24 ADDITIONAL VOLUMES TO COMPLETE YOUR SET YOURS- 50% OFF PUBLISHER’S REGULAR PRICE! 8006 Huge Treasury of Knowledge — Magrtificenl Edition comprising .7 complete World Atlas. Most beauti ful of all, the page tops of all the volumes arc gilded, as bhiy really expensive.books are gilded, making the sdt a superbly luxurious ornament for any home. And, remember, these priceless books can be yours at a tremendous savings — 50“'o OFF the price you would have to pay if you purchased the encyclopedia directly frbrh the publisher. So, if you are delighted with Volume No. 1, be sure to build a complete sSf for y<^r home—a vol ume or more every week! Each volume has the contents of three ordinary books. The complete set contains SEVEN MIL LION WORDS m all, in nearly ten thousand double-columned pages, covering over THIRTY THOUSAND different subjects embracing a con densation of all man's knowledge! This Eldorado Deluxe Edition is really gorgeous, bound in creamy simulated leather, stamped in red, black and gold, with sfiecial end-papers, full- color frontispieces, thousands of photographs, drawings, and diagrams illustrating the text, and full-coj(jr mjps of every country on the globe 0-"\ u - ^thware News Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ledbetter The El Bethel Homemakers and family of Rock Hill, S. C. Club will meet Friday in the were Sunday dinner g I-j Sonny Jones. Mrs. Paul I via Grigg. ; Bridges and Mr. and Mrs. Ed j Miss Rita Kay Sisk of Morgan- gpn of .shelby. I ton s^nt the weekend with -Mr. | . — and .Mrs. J. D. Short and family.' rinicliAc ^ Pfe Harold Wright will leave *‘v«"iL * ■ I January 17 for California after a XechniCal SchOOl i 30-day leave with his parents, DENVER — .-Airman First Class j Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright. HeU^omas G. Steele, son ol Mi. an I is to go to Vietnam. Mrs. Joe J. Steele of Rt. 1, Bes I ■ Mr. and Mrs. Billy Biggers and semer City, N. C., has beeii^ grad I family moved into their new uated from a U. S. Air Force tech- I home in the Bethware eommun- nieal school at L/jnry AFB^CoIo. ; ity from Patterson Springs. Mrs. Ho was trained tis a missile I Biggers is the former Maxine, guidance and control .specialist Hoyle. 1 and has been as.signed to a unit 1 .Mr. anj Mr.s. Walter Blanton “f the Tactical Air Command al j were recent gUOsIs of the ROv.: Seymour Johnson -^FB, N. C. land Mis. James Holder. Jimmy | T^he aiman. a graduate of Bes^ i and Joey of Gaffney, S. C. | semer City High School, attended I Dewitt V'ess accompanied the] tjn.ston College in'^astonia, -N. t. ' Shelby Junior high school hoys' , IBs w’lfe, Barbara, is the daugh- : and girls baske-ball teams m >1: fd -Mr.s. Wilford Hol- I Forest City Januaiy 6. ; 1®"'' 1' Be.ssemer City. I Mrs. Bessie Champion is stay-1 ; ing with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy I Champion. Recent visitors were : Mrs. Elva MeSAain and Mr.s, ' Annie Barnes af Grover, j Cpl. Nelson Evans returned to i San Diego, California January 2 after spending a 10-day leave I witr his pareirts, Mr. and Mr.s. 1 D. N. .Evans and family. I >tr. and Mrs. Wylie MdSwain and family of Cape Kennedy, ( Florida arid Mr and Mrs. Kinard ! MeSwain of Cheraw, S. C. were j recent visitors of Mr. and .Mrs. I D. N. Evans and family. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bell and ! family, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Brdl j went on a trip to Cullowhee Sun- 1 day. ‘ .Ml'S. Ha Grigg of Gastonia 1 spent the weekend with Mr. anti' ; Mrs. J. L. Ross ami .Mrs. Missouri ' Ross, Mrs. Melvin Lovelace spent; Saturday night with them. Rt?v. R. L. Hinton and Mr. Melvin Lovelace spent F'riday in I Charlotte. ! Mrs. P. K. Harmon left Sunday by plane to visit Mr. and Mrs. Waynt* Wahe and family of Mi ami, Florida. «25.00 acquainted o^r! V, This is our way of introducing KitchenAid food waste disposers. KitchenAid disposers handle the toughest food waste, from bones to stringy vegetebles. We believe you’ll like them so well that you’ll tell your friends. That’s w'hy we’ll de duct $25 from any KitchenAid disposer price when you buy it with any front-loading KitchenAid dishwasher. This offer is good from now until December 25, 1968. Save on installation cost, too. See the world of difference in KitchenAid dishwashers. They’re built with good old- fashioned quality to work better and l^t longer. Ktl:ch«nAlclt DISHWASHERS & DISPOSERS Ben Ta Goforth Plumbing YORK ROAD Income Tax Returns Fast, Accurate, and Dependable Service M. A. Walden, Accountant 709 W. KING STREET Olfice Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Mondoy, Wednesday, Friday Phone 739-2312 1:9-23 Used Clothing FOR MEN, WOMEN, and CHILDREN This Clothing Is Unclaimed Dry Cleaning and Laundry, Some of Very Gcx)d Ouality. 101 S. Carpenter St.