o f)) Population Greater Kings Mountain 2I,9M ACity Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 “ City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 Tb« Gr«at«t Kings MountolD figure Is derived from tlin epeciol United Stales Bureau ol the Census report e January 1986, and Includes the 14,990 population o NuniPer 4 Township, and the remaining 6,124 froa Numbei 5 Township. In Cleveland County and Crowdor* Mountain Township In Gaston County. VOL ft I No. 5 Established 18)59 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, January 30, 1969 Pages Today Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS f Schools To Ask Supplement Tax Election For April 1 Water Accepted Home S & L Assets Top Ten Million OPERATION PROJECn PEACEFUl — Members of Senior Girl Scout Troop 200 arc participating in Operation Profect Peaceful to oid wai orphans in Saigon. The local troop learned of the project from c: newsletter from the Chaplain of the 34th General Support Group in Vietnam which the Scouts aided at Christmas with Christmas packages. The newsletter was included with thank you cards and letters from the men of HQ and HQ Company 34. From left to right in the photo. Senior Scouts Susan Goforth, Susan Fite. Ann Baird ond Suranne Amos gather boxes to be placed in local grocery stores for needed food items. (Photo by Isaac Alex ander). Project Peaceful Saigon Youth Girl Scouts Have Project For Orphans Low Bids Are Approved By Commission i . The city board of commission ers Tuesday night, as anticipated, atceptcil low bids on the Buffalo Creek water project totaling $2,- 48..,75V.a.. Contracts were orderc*d subject t( concurrence of the Department of Housing and Urban LKweiop- ment which made a $450,000 grant lui the water project. Mayor John Henry Moss said the federal agency when all prop- i erty retiuired is in hand oi on j I j legal opinion that properly ('ither IS in hand oi obtainable. r WINNER Richard Franks. Kmgr: Mountain senior student ' at the University of Chattanoo ga, has received the Bill Barker Memorial Scholarship at the university. Franhs Wins Scholarship Richard Franks. .<ings Moun tain senior student at the Uni- ' I/)W bidders wen*: i Section I (dam. four miillor ■ gallon treatment plant, pump sta- ! ions, flood control to protect I Dover Mill, etc.) Gillespie Con- .-^truction Company, Anderson, S. j C., Sl.54£.012. I Section II (water lines) Ra\ D. j Lowder Con'-lnuiion Comosny, * Albemarle, $661,298.20. t Section li) imilliuii gallon -it'cl j storage tank at trc‘atment plant) i j Richmond Engineeritfg Company,! J Richmond, Va., $51,187. 1 j Section IV (improvement.^ to | u.v association legal staff in- i 3R 1^)44) Neal Hawkins Construe*-j si*y ef Chattanooga, has re- dudes George B. Thomasson, j tion Company, Kings Mountain j ccived the current Bill Barker Davis & White, Garland, Alala, ! and Gastonia. $155,832.50* * Memorinl Sotroiarsliip -afURTaiCCUtotUey & Gcay, « Home .Savings & Loan as.socvi- tion a.<sels topped the $10 miilion dollar mark at $10,016,8X7 dui ing IfloS. Peuc‘n!age of inerej.se \\ (s 11.37 p<*rcen! or $1,0X1,137. Other highlights of the rejxni ; of Thomas A. Tale, exteuiivt* vicc-pres.deni at Tucsda.’.s an , nual sharehold<*r meeli jg vv(*ro: ! Savings iriereased 4.‘is, <>.• 11.5 p<*rcont to $9,.1-12,0.>.>. Loans increased $1,031,251. or 11.1 peicent to $:i,2si,S91. Earnings for the >(.’)• loiaUd $401,07S dist!ibut<‘d follows: . federal insuranee iTserv<- $35.3 )4, dividends $403,904, k: ed to un divided profits $21,S70. The association made 307 Joans duri'*k.^ the yea*’, .51 for new eon- stiuction, S3 for purciias<'s and 113 for re.inancing. The shareholders re-i*lected d. rectors, including R. .X. Plonk, of Be.ssemer City, A. H. Pattej.son, I. G. Patterson, Jack H. White, J H. Thomson, Thom-as A. 'I'aie, B. D. Ratterrtv. Charles D. Hlan ! ton and Dr. Paul E. Hendric ks. Officers and employees are J H. Thomson, president; A. H. Patterson and B. D. Rattoirce vice-presidents; Thomas A. 'Tate executive vice-president and sec rotary; Mrs. Emily A. Herndon, secretary; Jacob A. Dixon, Besse mer City branch manager, Mrs.: Xancy S. Seism, assistant secre- tary-jn’ca.sufer; and .Mrs, Fiances O. Herndon, Mrs. R(‘becca Broome, Mrs. Doris Howze and Mrs. Bonnie Bridges, tellers. i a ii* r dh Operation Project Peaceful to helj) war orphans in Sa. jon is un-| deiway by .Senior Girl Scout 1’roop 200. , Kings Mountain area citizen.^* are invited to help the Girl Scouts assemble the needed fexd items and they are eiT-ouraging food- shoppers to buy a can and leave a can in properly markt'd l)o\cs n local groceiy stores. Susan Goforth, project chair man. sai'J project dcadlim* is February 10th. .She suggested these needed items: soap, dried or dehydiatetl foods siu'h as rice, instant potat(»e.s, dried primes, raisins, apricots, macaroni, spa ghetti, powdered milk and other! dried fotKls. Miss Goforth said the troop learned of the iUH*d via a news- k'lter from the 3lth General Sup port Group of American service men st.itioned there. The Girl Scouts sent Christmas gifts l»> f picemen in Vietnam and I<*arn- I of the oiiJhanage project Inch the 34th Unit 's sponsoring., Section V (plumbing) Ben T. i Goforth, King.s Mountain, $2.748.! Section VI (electrical) Bryant, EKu triV Company, Gastonia, .S7!),- is a member of Pi Kap- versity. The award goes a man stu- Cciitinued Oft Page Eight Mothei's March Thursday Night Kings Mountain Junior Wom an’s cL b members will conduct heart operation. His fraternity the annual Mother’s March on brothers established the scholar- 2irth Defects Thursday (tonig;!!) from 7 until 9 p.m. Members of the women’s or ganization. and all others who would like to assist in the house- pa Alpha fraternitv and who ranks high in grades, .service and leadership. The scholarship is given in memory of Bhl Barker, a student who died curing a 141.20 In other actions, the commis sion: 1) Adopted ass(*ssmeiit roll on improvements to Fairview street, Phillip.s drive. James street, Ben nett drive, Clay street. Cherokee streiM and Grace street. 1 2) Approved re-zoning request! in 1958 in his memory : Mary Canipo from ^ ; losid.mtial to neighborhood ^ ; designation of their lot at p,,. g, ; bOo Alexander street. , scholastk- fraternitv, the circle o "d^ gather a : .31 Referred to the zoning b.iard^ organization and the ‘he Womans club al . lor street PHA THREE-BEDROOM UNIT ^ Pictured is drawing of Tomber- line- d Associates. Atlanta architects^ of one of the three-bedroom units to be built by Kings Mountain Public Housing Authority. PHA Will Receive Applications Mrs. Roberts At City Hall On Saturday ; Districts Could Vary Amount; 50-Cent Maximum The three school districts of Clevclan’; County will petition the co..i4‘y commission Monday to ap prove a c.nintywido clrciion on question of a supplemental tax :or school operations of .50-tents per $100 ad valorem valuation. Kings .Mountain Superintendent Donald Jones :5aid tlic petition will ask tlvat the elcrtion be held on April 1. On basis of the petition, the tax woii'd he levici on j district basis, with funds colkcted in the parti ulnr district acc.uing to that district. Supt. Jones said, for example the thinking o. the Kings Moun tain hoaid of education would l)e to levy 30 cents of the ,50 pt‘rmiss- ible. The other districts might want to levy moic or less. Kings Mountain levy current ly is 20 cents of 20 i)ermitted. Shelby district’s levy is 38 cents of 40 permitted. The county district has no sup plemental tax. The funds wojl 1 b<‘ lal>el<*d “lurren! expense”, arc Shelby and Kings Mountain’s prc.sent levies, and available for teacher ' pay supplements, for employing extra teaJieis, for instructional I supplies and erjuipment replace- ; ment. The funds would not b<‘ a- vailable for capital outlay,, for example, new buildings or build- ' ing addition-s. The count>*wide ai>proach was recommended by Assistant At- lOrney-General Ralph Moody who pointed out the county district ! .‘urrcntly has no viistrict voting j set-up as do Shelby and Kings { Mountain. ! Supt. Jones said a 30 c*ent levy ;wo.Id return about $156,000 on I basis of 1968 Uax valuations. A 150-cent levy would return $260,- jooo. WINS PROMOTION — Doan Blackwell. Kings Mountain na tive/ has been promoted to manager of 4he Clover branch bank of Southern Bank and Trust Compemy. Bank Promotes Dean Blackwell Dean Blackwell. Kings Moun tain native, has been promoted to ! request of Ralph and Roger Con- I nor of lot at intersection of Sat- tlcground avenue and Wells ! street from residential to general I business, designation. 4) Referred to the zoning board t request of Lester D. Roark, op- I !ion<*e, r.f lot on .south side o' 81ater street from residential to I general business designation. local Firm I Reelects Officers ^ Officers and directors were re elected at the annual meeting of, Kings Mountain Business Devel opment, Inc., last Friday. They are J. Wilson Crawford, j president; Fred W. Plonk, vice- president; Thomas A. Tate, see the Woman’s club al assignments. Citizens who wish to contri bute to the dri\o are asked to leave their porch lights burnmo^. Miss Mary Alice MdDanicl is Junior club chairman of the Mother’s Maych. In other Nlarch of Dimes cam- campus Engineer'vS \ club. Two years ago he received the Paul Curtis, Jr. Engineering award as the freshman en»;incoring major achieving the highest scholastic average. He has also served in his fiateroity as vioopre.sidont. pledge trainer and secretary. He . ... , ,, , . lives in Chattanooga with his paign activities of the Junior aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. t'luh this week over $700 was col- Reese B. Thomas, at 361,S 32nd ^ campaign tor funds: m the elementary schools. Mrs. Richard Greene was pro?r*t His granciparents are Mr. and chairman foj* the Junior club, Mrs. J. B. Franks of KingsMoun- with Mr.s. Bob ivlyeis .md Mrs.; tain. His parents are William Johnny Leagan assisting on the Franks of Belmont and Mrs. Cur- committee. tis Lingorfelt of Chattanooga,' Clevclani County’s ^oal in the Tennessee. campaign effort is ST.(K)0. City, School Elections May 13; A chaplain from Ki’igs Mountain, rn-^nager of the Clover branch of - treasurer. The officers,' Lt. Col. Hob Cox, heIpcNl distri- cJuihern Bank and Trust Bridges, John Warlicki hut** the Girl Scout pa4 kag<*s lo the servicemen and the 34th Gen eral .Support Group Chaplain H. H. Hawn wrote the local girls a pany. A/f** Blark'»'oll. assistant vice-, presikhmt, had been serving as as* sistant bank manager in Clover. and Bob Maner i*onstitute the board of directors. I Report for the year ending Do-* cember 31 showed the firm’s net thank y(m U'tler and .st'nl a /jp ioined S\/uthern Bank"an^^ assets at $33,678. Stock outstand- mnvsletter from tin* 31Ili Unit Xrust Company in November 1965 ^ value of $22,810, which also thanked the Kings ^^^le monUi later was trans-, Principal activity dir’ing the Mountain Baptist cluirch for their furred to Clover. Prior to joining! ^ collateral pledge of gifts at Christmas. Southern, he had six years exper- 516,(XW on a loan to Carpet In- Chaplain C’ox said the 34lh ience with Peoples National Banki Unit has been ht'lpin.; tlu' Hoa - Incumbents Expected To Re-run - f B\ MARTIN HARMON ^ Kilt s Mountain Public Hous ing Authority will begin accept ing rental applications Saturday, ti- M:;s. Kenneth R. Roberts will be at City Hall courtroom Satur day morning from 9 to noon to take applications from families vvith low incomes. It is anticipated the loOunit project V ill bt* underway in <*arly spting and that some units will be ready for occupancy hy Sept ember, according to Thomas W. Haiper. exteulive director. The Public Housing Authority will build units in a ''arieiy of sizes Irom what is labeled .i “no- bedroom” unit to a five-bedroom' unit on nine sites in various sec-! tions of the city. Income limits have not been firmly set bul W’adesboro’s PHA limits range from $3090 annual, income for a single-person occu-1 pant to $5000 annual income for a family of ten persons. Occu pancy of the single individual could be maintained while his in come grew to $3750 per year, by the ten-ix*rson family to $6250 per w. S. Biddix, Kings Mountain McIntyre. Jr., has been year. insuranceman and city commis- CASHIER — Lee McIntyre/ manager of the Kings Mountoin branch of First-Citizens Bank &Trust Company* has been pro moted to cashier by the bank ing system. First-Citizens Taps McIntyre L<*e A. HONORED — W. S. Biddix has been honored as top solesmon for 1968 by Sturdivant Life In surance Company. Mr. Biddix is a city commissioner. Biddix Wins Insurance Honor Vi! In Greenville. Bink Orp'hanag(* in Saigon by attended Furman Univers- drilling a well. r(4>uilding a cha- j*y aid the l^niversity of AH- pci an'.l ckaning and clearing bama and has completed the after bombs destroyed part of it q^uth Carolina Bankers School at last May. They hav<*, with the University of South C'lroljna; lielp ol U. S. g^'oups, provided hanking c(>. rses with the clothing, f(»o(i and toys for these ^rnpri: an Institute of Banking orphans. and Dun & Bradstre<»t. Miss Goforth said .several hK*al ^ veteran of theUSAk', he is a men are slatione<l with men of rnember of the Clo\'er Lions club hcad(iuarters Company 34th and the Clover Presbyterian Group. fhunh. A Packmaster for Clover She said the men of Headquar- Scouts, he is a former Jay- ti rs ('o. 31 restored the orphan- rre, was active in the Clover age chapel at cost of .Sl.'iiO. funds United Fund and the York Coun-, S’, pplied by tlie soldiers and U. .S. ty uoart Association. i citlz(*ns. She sai l th(‘ ndv chap**! He is son of the hte Bright wa^ dedicated on C'hristmas Eve. Blackwell of Kings Mountain ani M'hs Goforth said that one ol Mrs. Ncvelln Blackwell Daven- I the U. S. serV emen from ,Milloi. port of Piprimont, S. C. He is West Virginia, collected 1S!)0 f^randson of Mr. and Mrs. Gen^sre pounds of clothing, toys and food Shipman and neohevv of Mrs. t^hile on leave. I'lie eharbiin’s of- Evans Gieene and Mi’S. Virglc ■^iee server! as a clt ;u ing point Blackwell, all of Kings Mountain. ^Br over lour Ions of items for fits wil'e is the fo^ncr Ann Me* nBrphans and lor wounded men Clellan of Greenville. They are (Continued on Pugc Eight) parents of a daughter, Elizabeth. Bloodbank Asks Donors For Vickie The Rwi Cross bloodmobile will return to Kings Mountain for a one-day visit on Febru ary 10th. The bloodbank is an emer- g<?ricy visit for at least one heart patient in the area. Young Vickie Williams, .six. i:n(U*rgoes open heart surgery on February lltli. Tsventy pints of whole blood is requirtnl for the op<‘ration and donors are needed to give blood for Vickie at the bloixlmobile. A ‘'blue baby’’ at birtli, Vic kie weighs only 30 pounds. She is l/.ight, cheerful, likes to at tend Sunday School at Bethle hem Bapti.st church. Suffering from three heart defects, she tires easily. She is the daugh ter o'. Mrs. Minnie Williams of the Bethlehem community and the late M. W. Williams. B) MARTIN HARMON T!u* second lue.sday aft(*r tin* first Monday in May is city v’lec- tion day. City voters will choose a mayor and a commission while scliool district \oter.s will choasc two memhois of the board of educa tion. It is anticipated current incum bents will seek ro-eleotion. elected Cashier of First-Citizens Rental lates have not b(*en es- "^ank & 'ITusl Company in Kings lablishrd and will not be until cost of the project is obtained and contracts let. \ 'Phirtv of the 150 units are be ing designed espeeially for the elderly and will bo constructed in the Dilling-Ridgo street area. Other sites are located on Cans- ler strcH't, Baker street, Gra(*e street, and the former Davidson elementary school property. GOP Lincoln Dinner Slated February 13 .sioner, has b(*en honored by Stur divant Life Insurance Company as top salesman for the year 1968. .Mr. Bid iix led in all three sales categories, in total increase, in increase over quota and in yearly collections, the district representative said. Mr. Biddi.x, currently president of the company’s Key Producer’s club, was featured “In The Spot light” in a recent publication of the I'ompany. t6p airman — A/IC James L. Medlin was recently present ed the wing airman of the quar ter award by Col. Paul A. Jones* commander of the 3800th Air Base Wing. Airman Medlin is son of Mrs. Jomes H. Medlin and the late Mr. Medlin. He is married to the fozmer Mary Wright of Kings Mountain. The wing award carries with it a cash bonus* three day passes and reservf»d porking privileges at the enlisted clubs. Mountain. Announcement of the promo tion uas made by R. P. Holding. Jr., C'hairman of the state-wide bank, following action of the Boar 1 of Directors. McIntyre, wlio is resid«‘nt man ager of FirslCilizi'ns' Kings Mountain Office. joined the hank's Chailolte Offiie in 19(>0. That samp y(*ar he was <'l('clo(l It is possible, even .should city assistant cashier and named man hall officials offer and bo re-elect- ager of the Wilkin.son Boulevard ed, that there will be one new Oit ice in (Murlotte. ^ lace on the city commission. ’ > He was later transferred t^> . i * • i .i The business of enfranchising Kings .Mountain as bramh man Annual Lmcoln Dinner ^ eitiz(*Ms ot the .southwest area rr- ager. and in December of last Cleveland County Kepibnean ccntly ann(*.xe(l lo the city is im- year wa.s named to head the Barty will lx* held I*ebruary 13th. minenl and there is some think Kings Mountain Office*. Kings Mountain aiea citizens ^ Clftw wUUAwV mg expressed among commission Prior to joining Firsl-C''itizens,|nei^ tickets for tho annual members that a new ward should McIntyre was with Die State t'vent should c'ontact Bob Maner be created in the area. Banking Commission as an exam-,^*' Babb. It is presumed such action inei. would require an act cf the (R*n- A native of l.aun*! Hill in Sc*ot- era! A.ssembly. lan<l Countv, M Intyre is a grad- Currently Ward 5 is much larg uate of St. Andrews Presbyterian er than its nearest in size, Ward Colle.e. He is active in numer- 4. Addition pf tlie nc‘W area pop- ous civic activities including the ulatian to Ward 5 would add to- Junior Chamber of Commerce. .hr imbalann*. Rotary, the Red c'ross Gastonia is currently seekin,’ Merchants Association. lie is a passage of legislation to revise mem’oer of the First Presbyterian it-*, voting district boundaries lo church, leduco imbalances in ward pop-! — ulalion and provide for anne.xed NC FIRES areas. i City fir<*Tnen reported an- Formal statements of in{(*nt swering no fire alarms in the have not been issued by the* six, <ity limits within the week per- (.Continued On Page Eight) » iod ending Wednesday. Class Of '44 Plans Reunion The Kings Mountain High and the School Claris ot 1944 will hold a 25th anniversary reunion in the spring. Class President J. 1. Mc Ginnis. Jr., said this week. Othe; mem’oers of the organiz ing committee are Joe McDaniel, Ir., and Clavon Kelly. Davis, Bennett Lloyd Davis and Jack Bennett of Kings .Mountain are among Water Works operators from eight communities attending a ivurse in Water Works Operation at Gaston ci>llege. Purpose of the course is to as sist water works (jperators in ob taining a North Carolina B certi- ficjti*. Upon (’onipletion of the course. th(* men will bo <*lig!hle to take tlie North Caixilin i State Ex amination in Water WoiUs Oper ation. Instructors for the course are George Ball, chairman of Gas- Particular need at the moment ton’s Biology department, and an* addresses of class members Dr. Charles Wimmer, chairman who live elsewhere. ol the ClK'mjsir> depiirtment.

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