Population Greater Kings Mountain 21,914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9300 Th* Grt«rt«r ftlngi MpuntoiD llgurt U (Urived Irom tta« •ppcial Ualtpd Statpf Bureau of the Cansus rpport o Icmuary 1S66. and Includ** tbe 14,990 popuiotlon o Mumbpr 4 Township, and the romoining 6.124 Iroa Number S Tow«fhip. In Cleveland County and Crowder* Moiintcdn Townshlo In Gaston County. VOL 81 No. 6 Established I8b9 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, February 6, 1969 Pages Today Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CENTS KM United Fund Drive Rated Most Perfect In State li. I'i m] ' ' H FUS0 fUfllO I^UND ^*’**s. : . ..... . .‘‘T BOY SCOUTS AI£ HEARl FUND EFFORT — Boy Scouts in First Baptist Troop 92 are distributing posters in the downtown area inviting participation in the Februory Heart Fund campaign. An nual Boy Scout Week gets underway February 7 th with special events for the various troops plan ned through Feb. 13th. Sunday is Boy Scout Sunday and Boy Scouts are encouraged to dress in uniform and attend church of their choice. Front row. from left Robbie Bridges. Larry Hamrick. Jr.. John Knox McGill. Billy Talbert, John McDevitt. Glenn Roberts and Ed Anthony; Second row. from left Ricky Morrison. Monte Wilson. Don McDevitt M. D. Phifer. Chris Laughter. Bo Maner and Steve Moore. Third row. from left David Hullender. Frank Humphreys. Donny Bridges. Kenny Bridges. Ken Culbertson. Jr., and Billy Patterson. Scoutmasters Ken Pruitt and Jim Yarbro are not pictured. (Photo by Isaoc Alexander). I Mis. Gamble I Chcuiman. Oi Heart Drive \ I [ Mrs. John H. Gamble, home; '’^''^T?^nr>int^5't^acher*atVKings -Moun tain high school, will head the' *1969 Heart Fund Campaign in; I King.< Mountain. ; ( I ' The former Betty Roberts. Mrs. | I Gamble is widow of John H. ' I Gamble, for many years a mem*; 1 ber of the high school coaching | staff before he was fatally struck ■ by the crippling disease, multiple' ■ sclf-rosLi • Mrs. Gamble and son, Johnny, live on Hawthorne Lane. She is a graduate of Appala'chian State. University witli bachelor and master- degrees. ' Mrs. Gamble’s appointment was made this week. Spokesman for the county or ganization said the new crusade chairman is ideally equipped to lead the 1969 Crusade. She will bring energy, organizational skill and enthusiasm to the Society's efferts to save lives now from heart diseases and to raise funds Icr heart research, education and service. Mrs. Gamble has appointed ’ chairmen in the various pliases ol the Kings Mountain campaign. Mrs. Henry P. Noisier will .ser\'c a-- Heart Sunday chairman and, Heart Sunday on February 23rd CHAIRMAN — Mrs. John H. i Gamble will head the 1369 Heart Fund Campaign in Kings Mountoin. BSA Week Starts Friday Five troops of Kings Mountain Boy Scouts will participate in Boy Scout Week activities beginning Friday and continuing through February 13th. Highlight of the week will be City Government Day on Wed- nestlay when five Boy Scouts will ^yj|| culminate the month. - long serve in official capacities. They efiort. Chairman ol Business Days arc Adrian Beam and Robbie iy L. E. (Josh) Hinnanl, exCH.*utive Bridge^, beth ol Troop 92. and Curt officer at First Union National Falls, Frank Barbei and Jimmy Bank. Chairman of the committee MANAGER ^ Ralph Duane i Robinson of Shelby has been > appointed generol manager of Craftspun Yams Company. ^ Duane Robinson Joins Craftspun Daniel L. Brier, Textile Divi sion Director for the B.V.D. Com pany, Inc., has announced the ap pointment of Ralph Duane Robin son cis General Manager of the Craftspun Yarns Company plant at Kings Mountain. He will su Serv ices, will make tlie principal ad- dros.s at the annual meeting Mon day nigiil cl the Kings Mountain United Fund. Mrs. Campbell's Rites Conducted SPEAKER —^ Dwyer C. Sump of Charlotte will make the princi pal address at the annual dinner meeting Monday night of Kings Mountain United Fund. KM Cablevision Stalled Bv FCC KM Cablevision. In stalled, at loa^t momentarily, by I Dinner will he served at < ' c’eloek at Itie Country riub. I The recognition banquet will hcnc: leaders in the 1968-6S am- ' paign adjudged the best conduel- , ed over the .state. Pre.-^ident John A. Clie-shire will pn'side and Mr. Siirr.p will also conduct inslalla- ' lU^n of n(HV officers. Shuford (Scoop) Peeler will be installed as pro.sidont of the UK intone Company executive, were here lor 1969-70 and Kyle Smith' Sunday afternoon at, 3 p.m. will be installed as campaign ivoni First 'Presbyterian church chairman succeeding Mr. Peeler cf wnUh she was a member, who chairmanned this year’s sue- • Mrs. Campbell die J suddenly ce.ssful drive. Mrs. Vernon P. Cros-; Friday night at 9 p.m. at her by will be instalUxl as sc'crclary- iiomo at 408 E. King street. Death treasurei of the organization. She was attribuUKi to a he«irt attack, succeeds Harold Coggins, the out-, The Campbells had lived here has been treasurer. , vince 1942. Awards to busines.ses and man- Mrs. Campbell was a daughter Kings Mountain Unjted Fund was cited for conducting the most perfect drive in North Carolina during the year and won a sec ond trophy for the be.st drive con- , ducted in the category “under $100,000“ in the state from Jeffer son Standard Broadcasting Com pany. The top award-s were presented at Jefferson Standard’s fifth an nual campaign achievement cele- 1 bration dinner Tue.sday night at t jeflerson Standard Country club in Greensboro. Accepting the awards from the local organization were John Che shire, president, and Shuford Fee ler, Jr., campaign chairman. Oth er local people attending were Mrs. Cheshire, Mrs. Peeler, W. I Donald Crawford, campaign lead- jei in 1966-67, Mrs. Craw'tord, Kyle I Smith, incoming campaign chair- I man for 1969-70, and Herald re- ' porter Elizabeth Stew art, i W. Roger Soles, president of j Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, presenting the awards, ; noted that from a possible score ; of 10 points on the year’s drive ‘ Kings Mountain scored 9.7, show'- , ing a gain in per capita giving I and in total participation, j It is the first time Kings Moun- 1 tain has been so honored and the j first UF group to receive double honors. TTie trophy for the best drive is a traveling trophy. It become:- a permanent possession when a UF organization wins it three years in a row. The other award is a permanent trophy and is one Cl three presented. Other tw’o trophies went to the commu nity raising $506,000 or more: the Grbater'GiVensbdrc- chapter which i raised $1362,730; to the communi- i ty raising less than $500,000, the I Greater Hickory chapter which { raised $186,248. i In the “less than $100,000 cate- I gory”. Kings Mountain conducted I Its drive for the second year in one day and raised a total of $30,- 029, a 43 percent increase from j the previous year and 13 percent ■ over subscription of goal. The I Kings Mountain chapter, among ; 70 reporting, had the highest for Mrs. Herman Campbell were j score on the rating sheet and w as held Sunday afternoon from ! adjudged the top winner. The 1969 honor roll of volunteer campaign leaders in the North ; Carolina United Community Serv ice? w’ere from Alamance County to Yancey and more than 200 rep resentatives attended the banquet. “The outstanding achievements j are based on a w*eli defined cri- F'uneral riles for ^rs. Elva said Carolinas United Hutchinson Campbell, 57, wife of President Victor Bryant, Jr. He lie.man L. Campbell, Superior said the winners reflected organ!- zation and development of a team. Mr. Bryant presented the President’s Cup for most improved United Fund to Moore County which until this year had no ex perience in fund raising. Kings Mountain UF President m RITES HELD Funeral rites First Presbyterian church. John Cheshire said he was elated with news of the double honor to Kings Mountain United Fund and expressed appreciation to all the Kings Mountain Improvement Group Asks Negro Jobs In Downtown KM Thomas L. Trott, insurancoman.! North Carolina, received degrees , her home in Oxford, N. Chairman of special gifts is Mrs. | Irom Appalachian Stale Univ»T.si-1 ^ heart attack. Cfnitinued \On Page Six t Coyitinucd fOn Page Six Grimes family formerly lived in Kings .Mountain, going; to Oxford where Mr. Grimes is associated with Burlington Indus tries. He is a former superinten dent of the Phenix Plant here. Going to Gainesville lor the funeral rites were Mrs. Henry ber of Commerce and Merchants Neisler, Mrs. Joe Neisler, Jr., Mrs. Association and relate the re- L. E. Hinnanl, Mrs. John Plank, quest, he promised. Jr., and Mrs. James Herndon. The meeting opened with a re- In Kings Mountain the Grimc.s view of the fhrcc-ycar history- of family, which included four sons, the Imiprovement Association was active in F'irsl Pre.sbyteiian formed for the purpose of mak-; church. ing “Kings Mountain a better program by Junior Scout leaders, \ioss arvi Commissioners W. S. place for everyone to live.” HoSOitol VisiHllCI Scouting db'plays wall be placed Biddix and Nornun King. Ministers present and speaking « i ji ^ J in downtown windows by this, a half-dozen visiting Negro in suppoit of the association aims 9Cll0mmU' nications Commi.ssion, Presineni Jonas Bridges said Wednesday fi;;;:^'bnh;area‘ior dr-,ho n;io m.-. and M..S. wh ‘^e high acccmplishment in the (am-, Travis Hutchinson. She was ac- paign will be made by President j Hve in First Presbyterian church Under the FCC rulin:: a st .uion I and in the Kings Mountain Worn- Mr. Sump is a graduate of Wayne , an's club. Staff University, Michigan, with’ A native of Florence, S. C., she bachelor's and master’s degret's. graduated from Cofcoran School tho.st/from the mclro- Iff Michigan he served asexecu-|Cf Art. Washinigton, D. C. tiVe director of Highland Park ■ Besides her husband whom she located within 35 miles oi a met ropolitan area can tran.'smit pro grams from only five cliannels inciudin pclilan area. Charlotte, 3(' mile lund drive successful. Haas Memorial lUtes Sunday Memorial services Kings Mountain Negroes, at a Tinday afternoon meeting of the Kings Mountain Improvement A.--sociation. said they want jobs in downtown Kings Mountain business firms. Present for the meeting on in vitation were Mayor John Henry distant, has .four if'gular frequency high frequency. Scout ^unday this Sundaj. w!^<|Lite friendly, with Kings Moun- Gile.s, president of the Cleveland from 10:30 until 11:30 a.m., 3 un sp<»cial plam vverc an^^^ ' tain industry praised for their Co, nty NAA'CP and of the Clevo-i til 4 p.m‘. and 7 until 9 p.m.; Sun- Lmmer. .wc.ss, iioop scouimab- oppor- land County human relations days from 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. ter at o<*inw'are. anct Henry *vic- .... x., ■■ ' Kelvie, Troop 90 Scoutmaster at ■ 1 station.- — hvoi Community Center for three years, married in 1937, she is survived Nellie Haas, formerly fit KlBgf •y and two ultra-1 as United FYind area represenla- b>' two sons, Joseph M. Campbell Mountain, who died Deoeiobcil tive for tw'o years and as execu-1 of Shelby and Herman L. (Sao*j21st in Maine of a heart ^ , .k. live directoi of the Clreater Miciii- dy) Campbell. Jr. of Crestview,. conducted Sunday at 5 ‘T dcn’l believe we could ob- gan Community Chost. C(tntmtted Ou Page Six p.m. at Trinity Episcopal church tain many cablevision subscribers —- - j which she was a member. vvlien offering them only one new : „ - 1 ■! 11 M J If- I » Mrs. Haas and her husband rXi't Bloodmobile Here Monday: Vicky «a .ini.u. Ol .0. Heart Operation Scheduled Tuesday: Mi Bridges said he and hW’irm 1 ^^s- in the are checkin" further into the sit Vickie Williams, si.x, has enter- and if she does, her chances oflw'ork of Trinity Episcopal church Ii'iiion hnnina to find ‘Clipf Charlfittc Memorial hospital living a normal life thereaftei | andj Trinity Day School, in the trom the FVC ruling p(‘rhaps by for a >ieries of tests to determine arc good. j Kings Mountain Woman’s club appeal ^ ^ * whether she can withstand open ', A “blue baby”, who weighs only j and in numerous civtc and serv- 1* * ' i heart surgery to cornvt an ab-’ 3('pounds, Vickie tires easily now. | ice organizations, including vol- Mr. Bridges said his firm was, normality since birth. ' She attends Sunday School wben^ unteer "Pink Lady” service at the on the verge of purchasing ncces-! H so. Dr. j-'rancis Robe< hek, health permits at Bethlehem Bap-1 hospital. ! sary equipment. i Charlotte heart specialist. wdlT list chuieh. She is daughter ofi Officiating at Sunday’s seivice Another item which would have 1 perform the operation on Tues-| Mrs. Minnie Williams of the Beth-1 will be two former Trinity pas- effect on the future of the entire day. lehcm community. | tors: Rev. Thomas Droppers and i cablevision industiy* is a suit Kings Mountain area iilood The operation, if carried out Rev. Robert Haden, assisted by pending belore the United States donors an- a.sk(‘(i to “give a pint successtully, could enable the‘Robin Johnson of Gastonia. First Presbyterian church. council; Rev. Phillip Mayor Moss said he told the Cleveland, Ohio, and Williford,^ Charlotte, ON DEAN'S LIST Bill R. Wease. Kings Moun tain student at the Univer.sity |Of North Carolina School of Pharmacy. Chapel Hill, wa.s listed on the dean’s list lor liie past semester. group his attitirle on equal op- pastor of the Church of God, al- portunity was well • known and so president of Williford’s Pur- that the doors of City Hall are chasinl* service; arnl Rev. P. L. CASHION WITH CITY Robt'rt Cashion, a Kings Mountain native, has joined the city to work in the codes en- Supreme Court in which television writers seek royalties on pro grams tian.smithHl via cablevis ion. open, for employment and other- Ross, Charlotte, pastor of 'Good! forcoment section of the wo:k- wi.se. Ho noted that Negroes are .H(>p<' Presbyterian chuixrh. represented on virtually all. city Mrs. V. Bess is current pr(*si- yommisslons and committees. dent d!' the assoeialion. Immi'di- He wouki confer with presi- ate past president is Luico \Vil-| dents and directors df the Cham- son. i able program for community development. He ha.s been re cently employed in the budget department of the University of Maryland. CITY TAGS City automobile license plal(*s remain on sale by Kings Moun tain Lions club members at Harris Funeral Home, announc ed Tag Sale Chairman C. P. Barr>*. ol blood for Vlckk*’' at Monday s, pretty blue-eyed blonde to begin vi.«it ol the Rod Cros.s hloodmooiU' first grade in the fall, from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the* Funds tor the operation, expecl- National Guard Armory. ' ed to cost $5,000, are being sup- Vickic requires 20 pints of plied by the Heart Fund and the| whole blood for the operation and ; Crippled Children's Fund. Be-, Blood Program Chairman Larry j cause of Vickie’s health, Mrs.! Hamrick says he anticipates the Williams has been unable to need will be nn t. In lieu of flowers memorials should be designated to Trinity Episcopal churc'h. SHILOH SERVICE Dr. Samuel Maloney, member of the Department of Religion at Davidson oollogc, will fill work. The family requests donors the pulpit at Sunday morning According to relatives of the to give blood in Vickie’s name al worship services at 11 o’clwk joungster, Viekie has a .50-.50 tlio bloodmobile visit Monday. at Shiloh Pressbyterian chuah chance ol surviving the operation * i in Grover.