6. 1969 uw Thursday, February 6, 1969 : TheV«teiaiis Comei EDITOR'S NOTE: Below arc auihuriiiiiivo answers D> i'U‘ V e 14‘r a n s Atlminisliallon some of the -many eurrent ques tions from foimei servieemei: ami iheli lamilies. Further In- tormatinn on vetoians beneiits may be obtained at any oftUu*. Q—I have b(*en waitin^i to file my 19GH invomc ta> return until I i(*coiV(‘ a statement from- llu* Veterans Administration a? to the amount of sendee - connected WNSS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KING^ MOUNTAIN. N. C. Page 3 eomi>ensation I was paid last I year. When niay I expect lliis I statement? A—Since ycur service-connected j disability comptmsation is not lax- I able, you will not receiv(‘ any statement irom VA and need not I delay filing your return. As a matter of lad, veteran.s’ benefits ' generally arc' exempt from laxa tion and need not be reported on income tax returns. Among these exempt veterans’ benefits' arc iren- sion payments, educational us- I sihtanco allowanee.s, grants for ^ apecially ■ equipped homes and cars for the .severely disabled, and payiTumls to surviving di'irendents of deeeased veteran.s. T^e only reportable Item is the interest CTrned on t-l. !• insurance divi- dendF loft as depOKit oi credit with VA. Til is intei'wi is not considered a veteran’s benefit «ml must be :repoit(‘d as income. Vetc'rans were advised on the anniversary date ot tlieir policy in llltiH of the -amount of interest their policy .earned lor tho year. Q—I n('giett4*d to have s.)m<‘ n(*ede(( dental work done wliilt in the Army because 1 was an.xious to gel out of -servict'. Can I get i treainieiil from the Veterans Ad ministration? 1 have been out of \M MOS DLD IVMF»9 OLD AMPS Si ^WGREEN STAMPS WITH THIS .COUPON AND PUROiASt OP * $10.00 or Moro OrOor l|[ FREE Ot your Kings Mtn. WINN-DIXIE STORES Void After , ten. o. I9f)9 service three months. A—UndtM- a new VA policy, a veteran may receivi such treat ment, without regard to support ing military records, if he* applies v\ithin six monlin- after reUcise fii)m service, and If it is detcjm- ined proiessionally within eight, I months after separation tliat the *conditicn is .service - connected, i W’ith supporting military records, a veteran may receive VA flonlui trt*atment for service - connected conditions during the first year ' after release from .service. The us4‘ of seat belts could liave .saved the lives of at least , 3(M» pc(.ph‘ in North Carolina dur ing the past year. ■ W-D U.S. CHOICE * Mkm-Faiin lobs On Increase UALEIOH — Fbnployment in creased 12,800 in nonfarm (*slab lishmtmts in North Carolina dur ing Dec(*mh(‘i. rising to a total of 1,693,800, Stale,Lidwr Commission-, er Frank Crane rejiorted today. . Crane said the year-end joo figure* was up f)9.S00 from a year age. He also reported a penny incr(*asi in average hourly earn irigs during Dec-ember, bringing factory c.Tiployet- earnings to $2.20; a half-hour rise in working hours, bringing tiu- average woik week to 41..3 hours; and a .^1.54 I increase in weekly earnings wliich averag(‘d $93.34 last month. ('raiu said factory cmployonenf totaling 099,700 in De:oinbei was up 400 from Ih** Noverrber level and was 22,800 above the yeai-ago figure. Nonrnanuiacturing jobs, at a necemi)(‘r level of 994,10(j. were 12,400 higher than in Novpinber and 37,0fj0 above a yc*ar ago. Largest December job increase? was a 13,100 gain in retail trade* brought on by Chrujtmas tner- ('handising. Employm(?nt increas ed .500 in apparel plants. Increa.ses of 3tXl each were reported in lum- bering, machinery, chemicals, <‘V(*1 Jn OtorigtNnu—i (News iO'ms thH.s week from Wanen, Uandolph, C(tlumbus and Hurke coui)ti<;s.) MAICNi; IIOMK rMPHC)VKM._:N I'.8 Mr. and Mis. Joseph L. Jpnc's, electrical mac^unery, financ e, and .schools. Job gain.-* of IOC each to )k I)lac(' in fuiniture, fabricated mMnls, eigareTt<*s. t(*xtiles, i)rjnt- ing, and .Slate and local govern ment. . Craru' n'ported a seasonal drop •of 4,600 in tobaccc/ .sn*mmery em ployment. Motor tran.spoi1atior was down 900, construction and food processing '300 each, and whoI(*sale trade .Several ath(*r industry group.'^ .reportcfi stable employment cs^n ditions in Dc'cember, with no change frcim the proviqu< month DEEDS Warrenion, Rt. 3, are proud of Die improvements being muck? in th(‘ir home. 'I hc' house is being repaired and ){*mod(‘le(l, making it more con- V(*ni<‘nt and comfortable for the re{n4‘d couple, reports Mrs. Ber tha Forte, home 4*conomics Ex- tensitm agent, Warren ('ounty. A lx*droom in the house ks be ing eonvcrtcxl into a family room; the living room will be come a guest bedroom anj a n<-w mas((*r luciroom will be added adjoining the n<‘vv family room. 'I'hroughout tin* liou.se the eeil- in are being iM.veied to make lieaiing more (*ffk*i<‘nt, th(? .'gent add(*d. M-s. Jones said “after bedng marrU’d 54 yc‘ars. we are going to '(‘njoy more comfort than FROZEN PULP Randolph County IIom(*makers arc* finding the* sale* of frozen persimmon pulp a sure* way of adding to !h(*ir incomes, relatc's .Mrs. Sarah W. Durante*, Han- defli !i C’ounty home* (*conomics Extension ag te'atun*el e»n the* m<*nus e>f many lo.*al restaurants, she* note.s. In pre-paring liu* pulp, the* per- •vimmons are gailu-red after a lira\> frost, and strained through a pKed mill. The pulj) is then jjatkf'd in pint c(gitaine‘is and fro*/.e*n. I API LIES \K\V SKTU,>; I Mrs. Reinald Fishe*i*, Whiteville*. Foote Reports Earnings Up Foote Mine*ral Company report!^ net earnings of $2,870,33.5 for the year 1968, compared with net earnings ejf $2..5.52,n(l for 1967. The higher earnlng.s for 1968 were sufficie*nt to cover the prefened steck earnings requirement in ' the- amount ot $2,862,396, compai i ed to the year 1967 when the e*arnings were in.sufficienl to cov er the prt‘ferred stock requirement. Income* taxes on H168 earnings vve-re re'duced by an Investment Tax (Tcdit etf $U066,00fi due prin cipally t • tliC' compU*lion of the N (• w Jolinsonville* electrolytic manganese* plant during the year. Ut. .5, lias put into practice the- in UKh the comparable credit ne-w skills and knowledge* sli<* wa^’ $381,000. i le-armxl at an Exte*nsion Home*- , makers ('lub workshop. I As a yc ig hoim'maker and a j member cif die- Union Valley Kx- ; fc'nsion I Iom(*mak(*rs Club, Mrs. ■'ishcr participate i in a hcginiu'r.s M(*tallurgical Division. Net sale*s for 1968 were $80.- 882.227 camparetl to the $82,870,- 086 reported for the prior year. fncre*a.se*el lithium sale.*' partially off.set declines in sak*s of the Uranium ! s(*wing clas.s in the j 196S. She* had nc\er PINKY PIG SLICED i W-D U.5. CHOICE ■ ■ — _ — __ TOP. ROUHD R0AST^99' PORTERHOUSE STEAK W.o U.S. CHOICC W-D U.S. CHOICE ROAST T-Bone Steak^” Round Tip - 99^ W.D U.S. CHOICC STftAlC W-» U.S. CHOICl- ROAST fop Round "*1“’ Sirioin Tip “*1 W.D U S. CHOICC lONELCSS W-D "HANOI-PACK" tl-U. PKG. OOtl N. Y. Strip-TCr. Beef 3-1 \V W-D U.S. CHOICE STEAK $109 40 4 ’ THRIFTY MA!D PINEAPPLE STOCK YOUR FREEZER! CUT AND WRAPPED FREE! W-D U. S. CHOICE TRIMMED AGED WHOI.E 35 TO 4S Lb. A«4. Beef Loins »> 9B SAVE 41« DEODORANT DIAL SPRAY ““ 59^ W-0 'U.S. CHOICE WHOLE AGED REEF (7 Lb. AVC.) Tenderloins - I W-D U.S. CHOICE OONELESS AGED WHOU (lO-U U. SIZE) N. Y. Strips1 $199 LAND O' SUNSHINE . Lm:? 4 with other purchoses BUTTER.. 69' ASTOR . . . limit I with $5 or more order COFFEE.. - 59' CARNATION EVAPORATED . . . Limit 6 with o $5 or more artier MILK..6 AGED EXTRA SHARP N.Y. Stote Cheese LR. 89^ CRACKIN' GOOD 'RIG TEN' COUNT Flaky Biscuits 2, CANS 29/ ItEeULAR OR COLD WATER ARROW , , . Limit 1 with a S5 or more order TASTE O'SCA FRENCH FRIED Fish Cokes 12-or. PKGS *1. iKtlfVUP^K UK WWki/ TTAISK #%nnvTT « • • L.(ri)ii i wiiii u .9.J ui v/iucr Detergent... ~ OTL'^MONTE . . ^ ^ ^ ^ Fruit Cocktail... mycrrw9JK 7-or Sue Lysol Spray Void After Feb. t I N I 6’ ? or NoHtema Rtfl [or MrntH. Sbe*c Creeni Void After feb 8 .«K:X.*irR/A|:l I g JT. ^^STAMRS LI bO ct Boiie k| Anocin Tobictf |;l Void After Feb. 8 r I 2-lb PilIslHirv Poncoke Mix Void After Feb. 8 32 or A-.tof Prune Juice Void After Fpb 8 MONTE SLICED OR HALVES • e • • VW. MUNIfc »I.IV.BU VK Peaches 3 DEL MONTE WHOLE KERNEL OR Cream Corn DEL MONTE EARLY Garden Peas DEL MONTI RLUE LAKE CUT GREEN BEANS... DEL MONTE _ LIMAS.. 389< ■m No. 303^ CANS No. 303^ CANS L JUICY FLORIDA jOranges 5 491^ ^U S. N.. 1 MAINE RUSSET RAKING Potatoesl0»°69)^ • FRESH TENDER ROLE Beans.. 2 39ir MORTON . . . APPLE. PEACH OR COCONUT CUSTARD DEL MONTE WBk I B CATSUP..3 20-ex. BOTTLES TASTE O'SEA BREADED PERON TASTE O'SEA FISH STICKS 2H-U. I PKa MORTON • Beef • Turkey # Chicken MEAT PKS 5 .„^| PKGS. I. MORTON . . . APPLB. rtAvei un i.wwwr»wi FRUIT PIES 4 ” 99' F*OZM SHOUTMNG — ^ ^ POTATOES 4k1. •PREEZIR POIRN MEAT LOAF, SALmUtY STEAK. SLICED BEEF OR TURKEY ■' CRAVY ~,‘l” FRESH FROZEN SLICED ^ ^ STRAWBERRIES. 3 ~1. s] ring fjf dnnr any s(‘whi hetnre-. tait lior hu.*^hand promisc'd to buy li<-r a nt'W sow ing macliine- (»ni(* she* le*arn<’(l tej use* one*. Sint‘(» the* sewing class, .Mrs. FLsh(*r has he-fn Inisy se*wing hir hor family and othe-rs. n‘pf»r!s Mrs. B(‘lty ('*. Thompson, homo <*conomi('< Kxte'iision age-ni, Co lumbus County. She* has made* 16 garmonts for !if*rs(*l'f. 12 garments for her veiling daughters and 1 garments for oMicr relative's. Mrs. Fish<*r is ple'ased tliat she* is saving monev ihrenigh home .s(*wing, Mrs. Thompson eoneludes. WORKS WIIILF SNOW FLIFS Wliile th<‘ sneiw llie*s in Hurke Feninty, members e f the Jonas Rielgc Kxiensiein Momcniakers Club and rlie Jonas Ridge Com munity Action prejgram will be busy making mattresses. During a .seiies eif work.shops. 11 mattros.sps will be completed, ran -ing from king-size deiwn to hahy crib size, says Mr.s. Jane C. Arn'Jl, heime* oinnomics Fxten- sio-i age*nt. Many eif these Jonas Ridge families alrenafiy have new sh(’e-ts, pillfvv-cases and blankets oreler- e*ei through the Hetfor Bedrjing Program of the North Carolina Agricultural P^xtensiein .Service, the agent states. In addition, the women of tiu* Jonas Ridge community got to gether se\eral times a month to quilt. “If will be interesting to sf - the long-range results of the Re fer Bedding progiam on these families,” Mrs. Arndt observes. Tlie American jM'ople* through their Heart Fund have eentrjbut- e*d $140 million to re.sean h in heart disease*, states the N'ec'th Carolina Heart Association. ojieratinrr- were phased out at :nid-yeai'. with a resultant reduc tion e)f total salc*s. Sgt. Davis Member Of 24th Infantry AHTNC — Army Sergeant Don ald L. Davis, 19. .son of Mi. and .Mr<. Le*e R. Davis, Bess(*mer City', N. C.. is in Germany as a fonvard observer with the 24th Infantry Division taking jiart in the mili tary K.xercise REFORGER I. His wile*. Patricia, lives in Forest City. The exereise. to be eondurte‘d in Europe in January and Febru ary 196f;. involv(*s U. .8. Army unit.*-' based in the* U. S. and Eu rope, It include*s about 12,000 Army" troops a.s:signof1 to the 24th Infan- tiy Division, based at Ft. Rile»y, Kan., and to combat service sup- fiorl units from across the* coun try. These unit.s w(»rc flown to ?..uroj>i- in January. During Fe-bruary 100.000 North Caiolinians participate* actively' in the Heart Fund, states the North Carolina He*ajt Associa tion. Dr. Paul Dudlt'y Wliite. world re*noVv'ne'd Iteart specialist, calls he-ai’t flise*ase the “i(vv<*ntieth eon- tury epide*mie.‘’ 7'he Heart Fund is fiedi-ated to the coneiuest of this epidemic. Picture Story ^ af Your Wedding ^ In Color Tape Recording! Also Made CARLISLE STUDIO 314 S. Lafayette Shelby. N. C. Phone 487-4621 SINUS Suifeieis Here's good news for y'ou! E.xclusive new “hard e*ore” .S5*NA CLE.\R Dee-ongestant tablets act instantly and conlinuou.My to drain and clear all nasal-sinus cavities. One “hard core” tablet give‘s up to 8 hours relief from pain and pressure' of oonge*.Ktion. .Mlnws you to breathe easily—stops watery eye*s and runny no.^e. You can buy SYNA-CLEAR at your favorite drug counter, without n(*ed for a pre scription. Satisfaction guaranteed by maker. Try it today. Inttroductory Offer Worth $1.50 Cut nut this ad—take* to store listed. Purchase one pack of Syna-Clear I 12’s and Receive one more Syna-Clear 12 Pack Frt*e. KIHGS nOUNTTUNi drug company 1:16-2:11 Col. KM Saver Says ... 0AVA The wise young man and young woman will save a good part of earnings toward that solid start in lile which education and home ownership give. We welcome your savings into an insured account at Kings Mountain Savings & Loan Association, earning the high 4L_.g current dividend. Kings Mountain Savings & Loan Association P. O. BOX 746 KINGS MOUNTAU I, NORTH CAROLltCA 28086