Thursday, February 27, 1969 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. SECTION C Women’s Health f CURVES" FOR 'i:ays under i4 ' Berkeley, Calif. (WM'NS) A survey of 162 Uttle League plac ers has revealed that every sin- ijle pitc^ei* suffered from bone And cartilage inflammation or |ome other elbow injur>\ In citing this survey by medi cal researchers to a National Conference on Medical Aspects of Sports, Prof. G. Lawrence R;ir- ick, University of California, said tliat only a few non-pitchers re vealed damaged elbows. Dr. Rarick pointed out the danger of stress to joint struc- jures during the groivVing years. Curved ball throwing is not re- ommended for boys under 14 ears of age. Pitthlng should be imiled to two innings per game. « • « JOLOR TELEVISION X-RAYS SOUL" Basle, Switzerland (WMNSi The use of color gives an x-ray .icture of the soul,” accordinig to Dr. Max Lerscher of the Insti- ule of Psycho-Diagnostic Medi cine. ' Dr. Leuscher said you reveal yoursellf when you adjust your ■olo rtelevision set so as to play up one color more than another. If you heighten the red tones. you exhibit self-confidence and physical vitality, he said. If you mute them, you're probably self- effacing. Intensifying the blue indicates tranquility and impass ivity. Turning up the yelknv shows an optimistic personality. Preferring violet indicates neu roticism. In other words, when adjusting t-he color TV set leads to familyj in Bethware News 'Girl Seput Cookie Sale Starts Friday, Area Girl Scouts Participating In Drive sq;uabbles, there’s no point . . blaming color blindness or color j insensitivity. It’s a clash of |)er-, sonalitic . SINUS SuHeieis B(’re's good news for you! Exclusive new "hard core” SYNA-CLEARj pccongestant tablets act iiLstantly and continuously to drain and cl<*ar all nasal-sinus cavities. One “hard core" tablet gives up to 8! hours relief from pain and pressure of congestion. Allows you toj breathe easily—stops watery ey(*s and runny nose. You can buy I §YNA-CLEAR at your favorite drug counter, without need for a pre- | scription. Satisfaction guaranteed by maker. Try it today. Introductory Offer Worth $1.50 Cut out this ad—take to store listed. one pack of Syna-Clear j 42’s and Receive one more Syna-Clear 12 Pack Free. KINGS MOUNTAIN drug company 2:27 TO CONCEIVE OH * NOT CONCEIVE | East Lansing, Mich. iWMNS) | “'When children are taught howj babies are conceived, they should* be taught how babies are notl conceived,” Dr. Selig Neubar'dtl has told students at Michigan State University. j The now Rochelle, N. Y. obstet-i rician and gynecologist said that, although Ignorance of modern re*, liable methods of contraception might explain some unplanned prcLnancies, intelligent American women cannot use such an ex cuse. They are, or should be, in formed enough to avoid “sur prise" pregnancies. « • • 23 SAP-ETY RULES FOR POWERFUL DRUGS Washington, D. C. tWMNS) ] Like -a rope, the drug your doc-; tor prescribes can be either a lifeline or a garrote — depend-i ing on whether it’s used proipcrly or not. I Most people realize that mCdi-: cine cabinets should be cleaned out. But .safety rules for prescrip-. tlon drugs are more intricate than that, according to an infor mative pamphlet listing 23 rules, Mrs, Lewis Philb(‘ck has return ed home from the Kings Moun tain hospital. Mrs. Minerva Philbeck spt*nt several days with her son Lewis Pliilbeck and family of Bessemer City last week. Mr. Jasper Philbeck ontere<l the Kings Mountain hospital Wednesday. Recent visitors of Mrs. J. M. Wright and Marguerite were Mrs. D. M. Teague and Miss i*:stelle Barber of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Teague and Henry Bell of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goforth, Larry Bell of Sheioy and Mr. anj Mrs. Otto BelJ were recent visitors of Mrs. J. W. Bell. .Mrs. Sam Btdl and Gail, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Calhoun of Jay Patterson, Jr., and Gina and Rutherfordton, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Murmy and children of Bostic, Mr. and Mrs. Zay Moore and including: Oba Adams and Mr. and Mrs. ^\ever take a medicine in the Carl Blanton Sunday guests of dark. ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blanton. They honored Raymond Blanton, ♦If new symptoms develop afft- Cathy Calhoun and Dennis Davis er medication, tell your doctor. with a birthday dinner. ♦Keep the lalx.*l up when pour- ’ ing from a medicine bottle so that the drippage does not de- .stroy the label. Mr. and Mrs. John Senter and daughter, Betsy of Gastonia were' Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Miss Nadine Bell, a sfUdent U Western Carolina University, Cul- lowhee, sp<‘nt the we<»kcnd with lior parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bell and Jack. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mi Kinney were .Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis and family of Grover. Mr. Gaston Grigg and son, Kenneth returned home Sunday from the Cleveland Memorial hospital. Mrs. Lewis Jenkins and chil dren visitecl .Mrs. Roby Jenkins of Gastonia Sunday. 1 pint (2 jars) cream 12-20 Girl Scout Mints—thor oughly chilled to make >rittle WTiip cream and add condensed , milk slowly mixinlg well. Put The annual Girl Scout Cookie halves in bottom mold and stand Mints in a paper bag or between Sale opens Friday. \ Butter Flavored Shorties around ’ two sheets of heavy oil paper and The picture of 3*a million Girl the edge. Pour in gelatin mixture roll to crumbs. Stir these into the and chill until finn. . ci'oam and pour into the tray of • • * * electric refrigerator. When prac- MINT ICE CREAM tically frozen, remove from refri- l can ('ondensed sweet milk J gerator and stir once more., slightly jelluHl and beginning to set, whip until light and fluff>'. , . , , ,, Fold in crumbleci cookies and clamly morsels so « annually shipped cream. Place the apricot the products of 14 franchised Scouts up to their elhoKvs in cookie dough has been a popular public image. But that’s not the way toiiay’s Girl Scout cookie crumbles. Fine Arts Festival In Shelby March I Feature Six Divisions Of Show is nationwide, the hows and wherefores are a matter of local council judgment and proceeds remain in the local area, divided TRY HERALD CLASSIFIEDS Fuller explanations aro given, in the pamphlet, available free from Sue Boo, Pharmeceutical Manufacturers Association, 11.55 RPCT RP^I II Fifteenth Street. N. W., Washing- ’ IXCOUU I O ton, D. C. 20005. RCA First With Non-Smear Color TV DUCB/Al Color TV Colonial styling ... “fiddle-free” color tuning! Luxury-feature Color TV. Advanced Automatic "Locked-in” Fine Tuning (A.F.T.). Powerful 25.000-volt New Vista^ chassis Solid State components. Fabulous color viewing pleasure I The SCHUYLER Model GL 621 23" diag., 295 sq. in. picture Low-Low Payments Take Up To 24 Months To. Pay ! Color TV 1 ! -- 'i j _ ^ Color Consolette with “fiddle-free” fine tuning! Luxury-feature Color T\^. Advanced Automatic "Locked-in” Fine Tuning (A.F.T.). Powerful 25,000-volt New Vista’ chassis Solid State components. Fabulous color viewing pleasure! The lAtHAM Model GL-6I9 23’ drag., 295 %q. in. picture Actually, the 5cS million boxes of arc the products commercial bakeries throughout the country. ‘Easrd on rcfjuircmonts ost-ab-' Wil lished by the national Girl Scout _ r it organization, these manufacturers, a fine arts festival will be held Three of the divisions are limi • make five different kinds of Saturday (March H in Shijlby^ ed to Junior Woman s Club mem- cookies three are standard re- for all Junior Woman's Club bers, but members may ® cipes and two free choices select- members in District 4 of the N. high school students to partlci- <><1 from the manufacturer’s own c. Junior Woman’s Club. and music specialties. Six divisions of competition will divisions. Mrs. Paul J. Susie, Jr., , , . offered in the District 4 event president of Shelby Junior Worn- Although the selling of cookies Baptist Church of Shel-’an’s Club and District 4 fine arts < nationwide, the hows and winners in sew- chairman, will preside. ing. art. crafts, literature, music' Clubs in the district are located and public speaking will compete in Bessemer City. Cherryvi o. later at the University of North Cliffside, Dallas, Ellenboro, Falls- between the troops and the cf)un- cai-oUna-Greensboro with \\1nners ton. Forest City, Gastonia, Henri- cil. The council money is used other districts in the etta-Avondale - Caroleen, Kings for subsidizing camping activities | Mountain, Spindale and Stanley. and for the maintenance and re- ’ pair of camp equipment. Although the adult volunteers in the Council make the initial arrangements, it’s the youngsters who aro responsible for handlin'^ th(* details of the sale, making change and filling out reteipts. The Girl Scout cookie sales liave bc*en in existence since 193(5 although Girl .Scouting itself is 57 years old. They hav’o been an important factor in making Giri .S.out camping available to mill ions of American girls. The polite youngster wearing her crisp uniform and best Girl .S.’out smile who oR'ers a eally' fine product for sale is always welcome. Profits from this sale have been used to pur<*hase a new camp site in Golden V’alle.v, Rutherford County, X. C., ani to maintain present camp facilities. Recently a road has been built into the I l operty which was also paid for h.v the cookie sale. Cookie profits also pay for maintenance and repairs at Camp Rotary and Camp Kiwanis and for camperships for Scouts who otherwise could not afford a camping opportunity. Telephone Talk By R. B. MOORE '-'SI - u S495.0C 1.00 OFF ‘[MBm Color TV Fiddle-free Color TV in bold Moorish Advanced Auto matic “Locked-in'* Fine Tuning ; (A.F.T.) select# j the signal J electronically, 1 The PAMARO ” Model Cl..67b 2y am, 296 sq. in. pldJif RCA 6-Speaker Cred^nza Stereo $350 .a. 3 Here*s Portable Color at a low, low price! RCA Color quality in a budget-priced portable! Luggage- type handle. Power ful Sportabout Color chassis. The TROUPER Model EL.4I2 lCdi«t.. I02$q. kplcturi -gj . In addition, each troop receives ■ a portion of their profits for their f-'.vn troop program. This money becomes a part of the troop bud get; and by vote of the Scouts, may be spent for a camping trip or any other facet of the Girl Scf)ut troop program. I Chairman in the Kings Moun-j J tain-liessemer City-Grover area isj ; Mrs. Kenneth Bunkowski. , Mrs. W. C. Ballew of Kings .Mountain is Neighborhood Chair-1 man. i Girl SexTut cfjokies can be used in a variety of recipes. Amont?‘ them; COOKIE SOUFFLE Using Buttered Flavored Shor ties 1 cup scalded milk 12 cookies broken 4 egg yolks L* tsp. vanilla 1 egg w’hites pinch of salt PouJ milk over cookies, add I well iTcaten yolks and cook in a , double boiler until thick. Add va- I nilla and stiffly beaten whiles ' and salt. Put in a pudding dish in pan of warm water to bake for 1 35 minutes at 325 degrees. May be served with chocolate sauce. APRICOT WHIP Using stewed dried fruit sweet- ; ened to taste L* tablespoon plain gedatin 3 tablespoons cold water 1 cup hot apricot syrup 3 4 cup crumbled Buttered Fla vored Shorties j 1 ci:p whipping cream j 12 stewed apricot halves Soften gelatin in cold water; add to hot syrup and stir until , dissolved. Cool and chill. When HELP YOURSELF AND YOUR COUNTY BY HELPING GASTON COLLEGE. I am sure you are aware of Gaston Colleges need for expansion. So what do you plan to do about it? The purpose of Gaston College is to meet the vaiy- ing educational needs of all people of past high school age and to help meet the special and unique training needs of community institutions busi ness, industry and government. Gaston College is one of the two community col leges in the South with programs approved by both the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Engineers* Council for Profession al Development. It is a known fact the majority ol graduates remain right here in our own neigh borhoods. By upgrading our educational facilities and improving yours and your children’s educa tion, you will be helping yourself and showing your faith in Gaston College. Give generously to the Gaston College Building Fund. MAIL YOUR CHECK TODAY TO; Gaston College New Dallas Highway Dallas, North Carolina 28034 HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS PAY ; ; Oh, 80 portable, — J of a nri#«o fKol'o at a price that's oh, so right! Persona! portable likes to travel... and its price is easy to take. Dependable RCA quality. Th« HANDMATE Modfl AL-OM 12* difg., 74 sq. In. picturf Fiddle Free Color T.V. RCA Advanced Automatic "Locked-In" Fine Tuning (AFT) Selects The Correct Signal mmm Color TV electronic tuning! 29$ picturi Color TV that's ModeiGL-esT^ t “flddfe-free” Only One Of Many Models Priced Too Low To Advertise i+ure WE RE OUT TO STAMP OUTi hot, humid, sticky, sultry, moldy, miserable homes next summer by giving 30,000 S&H GREEN STAMPS with CARRIER Central Air Conditioning. Because of this some people think we're off our Rocker. We can't control what people think. Just their comfort. CHILDER S ROOnNG & HEATING CO., INC 300 NORTH CANSLER PHONE 739-5166

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