THE KINSS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. I|) 8 , ON SAT. MOVIES RUN IN REVERSE ORDER SUN. thru WED. — 2 HITS^ — No. 1 — "HELLFIGHTERS" — No. 2 — J^DESPERATE ONES" ON WED. MOVIES RUN IN REVERSE ORDER nrst^Citizens Is Launching Credit Card Bunkowsld Team Takes Honors At N. C. State School Group Sets Meeting Page b Cotton Farmers Are Wrestling With 1969 Planting Decisions WINNER — Mrs. Robert Hawks of route two was winner of the t<^ prize, a RCA Portable Television, given via a free drawing at Timms Furniture during the weekend. Other prize winners were Mrs. Roy Sellers of route two, Mrs. Russell Putnam of route one. and Mrs. W. D. Werner of S07 Crescent Hill. ,1 Bthea 739-2176 STARTS THURSDAY SHOWS 3-S-7-9 WEEK DAYS SHOWS 1-3-5-7.9 SAT. SUN.: 1:30-3:30-9:00 ALL SEATS S1.25 goodgrief i^candy! Robert Hoggiog, Peter Zoref orxl ^ Selmur Pictures Corp. present A Christian AAorquond Production Candy Technicolor^ CRC ^ COMING SOON — "2001 A SPACY ODYSSEY'* "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" "THE STALKING MOON" "KING KONG EXCAPES'* PLUS "TERRORNAUTS" CARD OF THANKS Within the next few days First-^ I Citizens Bank & Trust Company I will launch its Master Charge; 'bank credit card throughout its 55-town market and service area in North Can)- ' lina. ; 1 First-Citizens is a mem'ber of Atlantic States Bankcard Associ-t ation whose members throughout the two Carolinas and Virgiiilai will simultaneously initiate ilieir; Master Charge credit caixl cam-; paigns as well. Master Charge, thru Interbank, is the Nation’s largest and fast- I est-growing bank credit card. ' According to Vice President E. | L. Hicks who heads First-Citizens I Master Charge Department head-! ; quartered in Raleigh, the bank will other a number of unique services to its participatinir mer , chants as well as to its custo- i mers, including specialized com puter marketing information, su perior rapid credit and applica tion authorization and an excius- ' ive promotional campaign in p'»\ m(‘nt.s - 'Pin* j)r(*sent m.'iin'aiiied We wish to express our heart- which First-Citizens cardholders felt appreciation to the many win cash awards, friends and neighbors, the doc-, tors and nurses, for all their, many kindnesses and expressions ^3,.^ availahle of sympathy at the death of our a^y^here in the United States loved one. May God bless you .^^aywaited everjone. (until we could offer the best and THE FAMILY OF j our customers now will have the MRS. JACK ANTHONY | very best within a matter of 2:27: days." h6w much Aim"Voij PAYING FOR INSURANCE? Probably a sizeable amount. It is possible that we can save you money on a comprehensive insurance plan. — SEE US TODAY! — INSURANCE IS SECURITY THE ARTHUR HAY AGENCY "ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE" PHONE 739-3659 'Phe annual m(*(‘ting of tlie Di.-< trict FourU'(*n Scliool Boards As- A sister and brother team are soi-iation will he h(‘l<l at tlie s. continuing to sot high acad<‘niic Huy LowdtM- .Scliooi in Lija-oin ripcords at North Carolina .Stale ton on .March University, leading a list of 12 Cleveland County students on tht* 7Mt<*me for this year's .ijafh Dean’s List for the fall semes-1 school l)o:ird m(*m!)ers. district committeemen and school Diana Lea and Kenneth D. ^ijlministralors is .Steps Bunkwski piekwi up this fall Forward lor Education’, wherf* they left off last spring School units included in tlH^dis semester on the academic honor trict aie: C’l(‘V(‘larul, (laMon. Lin roll. coin and rharlotte-Mt‘ckI(“nbur.!.' ' Kenneth, a senior, mastered the County units, an l Kings Moini demanding studies in chemical tain, Lincolnlon, .Shelhy Cii> engineering to score a perfect -4.0 units. record. He was one fx; only 74 Followin.^ n'gistratlon, the alt students out of the 11,990 enroll- ernoon program will consist oi ihI to achieve a perfect record panel discussions led hy prom:- during the fall. nent lay and iMofessional edm i; ! Diana earned Dean’s List hon- f)rs fnnn throughout the distri* i ors as a sophomore in English, and the state*. I They are the son and dau^hUn- Jeuome Mellon, Assisiant Suih'i , of .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Bun- int(*ndent of Pid)lic Instruction. I kowski of S02 Meadowbrook Rd.. will he* the principal speake r tor i King.s Mountain. the 4*\(*ning .se*ssif)n. Ilis ad<tJ<*SN I Chancellor John T. Caldwell will follow a baiKiuet to hi* held "Vp.,,. so will llu* skipV>w announced that the 12 Cleveland in the sclneol cafe*i<*ria beginning ' • i • jstudfnts earning the Dean’s List at (>:15 p.m. U. J. Ramseur will honors for achieving scholastic he honored at the dinner me***!- averages of "B” or better were ing as a Bast Bresid<*nl e>f the* among 1,S49 NCSU men and NC.SSBA. women to earn the recognition. 'Fhes** area conrer<»nc**s of th<* That total represented approx- N. ('. .Slat** School Boarel.'^ imatoly 16 percent of the student riafion annually attract eev'cr l.ono body. In cfjntrast, only 444 siu- school hoard meml)ers. ceumnii- dents were susixmdod during the teemen, educaiois, and eiiiior in fall a ratio of better than foui* terestc.l persons. An attendance* honor students for each student ot about 3<K) is anlicipat<*d lor the who failed. District FourtCv-n iT:e**iing. .Mr. .1. Following are the Cleveland Harlan IU'afne‘r. ('haii man (>( tin* students, their classes, courses. Lincolnlon ('ity He)ard of Educa- parents and addresses: tion is currently serving as Dis Kings Mountain Peter J. trict President and .Supt. S. Ray Hauser, a senior in chemistry. Lowder is District .Secretary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaci< Hauser, The .State iation was oi 501 Crescent Hill. ganized in 1937 and ihinugli its Shelby — Rebekah E. Adams, history has been d<*rlicated to a junior in sociology, daughter of se<*king improvem<*nts in .North Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Ellis, Rt. 3: Carolina Public FJducation. From David M. Brown, a sophomore in its oftLicos in Chapel Hill, the As architect'iure. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. sociation works with school Ixiai*! North Carolina farmers are ing the total cotton allotment: wre.siling with the d(*cision of- With a yield of 40t) pounds per iunv mucli cotton to plant this acre .selling for 22 cents per year, 'rhre** siiaigld l)ad-weather pound, the r(‘turn would be $S.S y<*ars an<l so!n(* changes in tlie jjer acre. Add to this the S3S sup- cotton pri«;iam have to be weigh- port paymt‘nt received on the do- **d in !h*‘ d* tision. ■ mestic portion of the allotment 'Phe Itibti pr*»giam features and total per acix* gross incopie th**se imptulanl (*lcments, as d<-- totals ,$126. scribed i)y Jim Allgood, **xiension jf ^he cost of producing an faim nnuiagemcnl c(onomist at acre of cotton is $90. the return North ('ai'olina .'-date University: from growing all the farm wt- Pherc* will D- no allotment would be $;i6 per aci(* with income from soybeans loan i at<* is , $51. the difference s $.5 per aero. “.Som<* farm<*rs will choose bo- 'Pin* piicf* suport j)ayment is tween jdanting not planting incr(M.Msl. “Facmci's have a wid<*r choic** on ilie amount of c<dion ilu*y r:in i ri)du.<* in 19-')!).’’ Allgocnl i)oinT**d out. “It's -niyon** gu(‘ss .just what si/e f rof) we wil! have. 'Plu* jm- poidant thing for th** farmer is that In* evaluate all altei-native h(‘foii* planting time." Allotm(*nls v. ill be the sam<* as Thompson of Bessemer City. IMEMO TO ADVERTISERS uestions nswers ^ and k about NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Q. What ara tha 6 moat importaat rulaa Q* What daaa A3A 4a §m proltabla aawapapar advartlaiiigT ^ . ^ A. ^ L Tour advartiaing maaMga ahould ba aaariwt friandly. informativa, aaay to road. <U^ ^ facta aAd nawa about your marchandiaa aad ^ aarvioa. t. Advartiaa lagxilarly. Maka your adoartlrfaf do what aucoetafiil aaleamaa do—call au customara and prospacta oonaUtantly. Inaist OB audited drculation raporta that five you tha FAcra about tha audienoa that your aalea measagea will hava whan you buy nawapapar advartiaing. Q« li thara a maaaura for tha valua of nawa*; papar circulation to an advartlaor aueh aa tha atandarda a marohant naaa In buy* Ing marchandiaa-* for asamploa Uka STERLING M aUvart At lagular tetarvala mm if Ruiaau’g largo ataff of axparianoad ciriailatlga auiltara m$km a thorough audit of tha draulallgfe laaefda of aach publiabir aMmbat. Iha mmdt§ of aach audit ara pubUahad In an da^oa-Mad A3.(X| lapart iw yaur mm an A* Taa—la tha wdl known eireulatlon atandarda of tha Audit Burbau of CmouLAitOMi^ Q* Whft la tha f A* Tha A.B.C. la a oooparativa, non^proit aaao«j2 ation of 3,460 advartiaera, advartiaing aganciaa and publishara in thaUnit^Stataaand f7******is* Organiiad in 1914. Brought Ofw dar out of advartiaing diaoa by aatabliahing a daflnition fbr paid airculation, rulaa and atandarda for maaauring, auditing and porting tha drculationa of naw» popara and pariodioalgh it % What ara tha FACTS In A.B.6. raportat A.B.O. raporta tall you how much alrculatloi^ whaia it goaa» how ebtahiad and athar facto that haip you buy advartidng aa you would maka any aound bualnaaa Invaatmant—an tha haaiaaf knoam valuaa and auditad Infarmatia^] Ara nB publlaatlona allgibla ibt iLB.Cl^ BMnbarahlpt I No. Only thoaa with paid aiiaidatlon. Thia la. important to advartiaara baoauaa It to avidanaa. that tha papar to wantad and laad^ Q* la thio aawapapar a toMmbaa nf tha Anfll' Bnraan af CIranlatlanaf A* Tba^ KB aia proud af anr 4 you la b tha #Aora ahoul aagaa will ho' hi lhaaa .fM>. ; ,r-» •« - i aagaa will hava whaa thay pagaa. Aak Ibr iatidi A.B.a' KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD A.i.C tlDORTO — PACTS At A lAIIC MIAiURI OP AiVliflftat VAtgl^ Brown, 127 Brookhill Rd.; Mich- members and school commitlec-^jj^^^ provisions. 'Fh** skip-row rules al , 1‘i.s fainn-is l(» cou?it only tlu* land plaiiicfi to cf)tton in the al- ' lot**d H.*res. The price sui>port p.iyment will b(‘ 1 1.7.5 cj-nis p**r pound, an in- er**a'^e <*■ 2.19 rents ov(*r HKiS. Allgof:*!-.-in 1 Ibis e.xample in disfu.ssing what Ilie |;-ri<‘0 sup port paym(*nt f*an mean to the y'lverage commercial gia»wer: If the farmer lias a proj(>cied yield of HX) pounds per acre project.‘d yi(‘l*l is what the j)ay- ments are based on — the pay-, m<'nt be re'‘oiv<*s for planting hist domcsii,* aIloti-n**nt (().> pero*nf! of total* will lx* about ,$59 per ari-c. If a farnvr plants all of his farm allotment, on t!i<* av**rage. he W"uld re^eiv** about S3S p(*r acre from pri.-e iuipport pay ments. Rrice siii)pori payments are made only on the domesii»- ABILITY ROOFING AND GUTTER COMPANY • New Roof? Installed B Roof? repaired • Free Estimates 487-4031 Shelby. N, C. 2:2T-2:20-pd New issue here today ment. Allgood pf)int<‘d nut that faim*'rs ;'f*<*n planting th<*iri ael D. Doty, a .senior in product men at the local lev**]. Piof(*s.sor design, Mr. and Mrs. WaiM Doty, Guy B. Phillip.s was tin* principal 607 W. Dixon Blvd.; Edwin C orRani/or of the Association, anrr;“-;y,;; „,,,wini; Ford Jr., a senior m product de- served as Executive SeenUary for: Sign, Mr. and Mrs. E .C Ford Sr., many years. Dr. K, D‘ny-1 f,„.mallv i to ..row K- • 103 .Springdale Rd.; Ronald K. man of Chapel Hill currently Hill, a senior in mechanical engi-'serves as th(* Association’s Ex**- neering, Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Hill, cutivc Secretarv. 813 Broad St. Dale D. Ledbetter, a senior in economics, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ledbetter: Stephen H. Sutherland, a senior in metallur gical engineerinig, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Sutherland. 803 Vale St.; Alan G. Vaughn, a senior in engi neering operations, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vaughn, 702 Forest Hill Birth ! Announcements { Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shriner, Be.ssemor City, announce the birth of a son. Wodne.sday, Feb- _ . ruarv 19, Kin'js Mountain hospi- Dr.; Susan R. Watson, a sopho- * more in English, Mr. and Mrs. shocklev, E. P. Reviere Jr., .514 Country Benficld Drive. announce the cotton. Thf* **c jnomist cit(*d another ex ample: Tf a farmer can produce 25 buslu'ls of s*>ylH*ans and s**!! them for $2.2.5 per bushel, thp net in- cf*me per acre would be about $31 w)u‘n Hjured on the basis of a S2-5 per acre c*)st nf prmluction. <\>mpar** tliis return to jdant- PUBLISHED BY PARENTS' MAGAZINE COME IN FOR YOUR .FREE GIFT COPY Kings Mountain Drug Company PHONE 739-2571 Club Circle, allotment or the entire allotment.' These and other alternatives should be carefully ^considered birth of a daughter, February 20, Kings hospital. Mr. and Mr.s. Raymond Thursday, .M*)untain Rob- befo»-e a final decision is madc. ’i jjj_ j armouiiee the birth of a daughter. Saturday. February 22. Kings Mountain hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Martin, 409 \V. Ballard street, Cherryville. announc'e the birth of a daugh ter, Satuixlay, F'ebruary 22, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lt*e John son. route 1. Dallas, announce I the birth Of a daughter, .Satur day, February 22. Kings Moun tain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jwse Mayes, route 1. announce the birth of a daugjitors, Monday, February 24. I Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jimison. route 2. announce the birth of a son, Wednesda>-, F'ebruary 26 Kings Mountain hospital. LAND AUCTION Near Shelby. N. C. Saturday, March 8th — 2:00 P. M. We will sell at Public AueUon a part of the Charles L. Bj*am Property located about 3 mile.** East of Shelby, just off U. S. Highway No. 74 on Joe's Lake Road, State Hard surfaced Road No. 2201, consisting ol approximately 30 Residential Homesites and Small Acreage Tracts. The Homesites will be moderately restricted for youi protection. This desirable property is in close proxrmity to Churches Schools and Manufacturing areas of Cleveland County. A real opportunity to buy lots in a fast growing, Well-located community at your own price under the Auction hammer. EASY TERMS: Is Cash, Bal ance 6 & 12 Months — 6G In terest on deferred payments (If terms arc desired). If you have land for .sale, con tact Clyde Nolan, Realtor. Shelby, N. C. For further particulars or a map of the Property contact: CLYDE NOLAN, Realtor J. B. NOLAN CO. Royster Building Phone 487-6541—Shelby. N. C FREE HAMS AND CASH PRIZES CAROLINA LAND AUCTION COm REALTORS, Selling Agents Hotel Hickory Building Hickory, N. C.—Phone 323-4342 Charles L. Beam, Owner Gene A. Saine, Auctioneer 2:27-3:6 Hazels k. ^ ^ y Beauty Nook ' GRAND OPENING Open Monday. Tuesday — Saturday's Special For Four Weeks Register For Free Wiglet Frost and Tipping $10.00 Permanent Wave Reg. $10.00 $8 .50 12.50 $10.00 15.00 $12.50 Hazel Canipe Owner and Operator 605 Alexander St. Phone 739-4939 2-27—3-6 PLONK BROTHERS &C0. ANNOUNCES 8 X 10 or 11 X 14 ONLY (Plus 50c Handling. Insurance) PORTRAIT SPECIAL! Photographer Will Be Available MON. 10:00 A.M. TIL 5:30 P.M. — TUES. 10:00 A.M. TIL 5:00 P.M. Monday and Tuesday. March 3 & 4 Photographer Paul Knepper All Work Guaranteed By Ingram's Studio No Age Limit * Full Pose Portrait Children and Adults Not Just The Head Exclusive At PLONK BROTHERS AND COMPANY

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