& Directory Data ]Being Collected KINM MOUNTAIN NHAIA KIN»I MOUNTAIN. N. C. ^ MORE ABOUT Rufi Uantitmcd From Pmjv Ot\e Roy Botary Sets i Tiber's Seli>Deiense •. CoUoctinjj of data for Kiiijis Mountain and Bosscinor t'ity’s n€>w 1969 c'ity diivfloiy was Itc* ^n today by llto MuIlin-KilU* Company cti North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Hoiialrl 1-^ Ki.\l>y, 4n charj'o of tin? project, s.iitl it >vill roqjiro sc*\<*ral wcoUs for completion. Crows will lx* or^'ani/ctl to as semble names of citizens and list ing their residcmo anears .rgo and will ear xy data cunviri in all respev-ts. This will he the second volume by the Mullin-Kille C'ompany for Kings Mountain. • The dircetory will have fiv<‘ sections, namely, a elassilied buyers* guide, a.street gui, ,y tire cornmissimi, .Mayor- .lohrr IIeni*> •Moss named tire follo\s'ing to a (onimittee lo deteiiTrine wlrether the I'r'eonrnu'ndaiions carr lx* inr- pl<'mente(i: C’hief of I»olice dimi Mi-Devit I, Commissioner s Cline and \V. S. IJidrlix, Mr. (’ain. Gene Kno.x, of ih<‘ P'l'A s^ifety com- miti«-e, and liinrself. iCrii's Mouniain Hotariuns will Mooresville Lions club has spr .>or a pancake dinner on Fn- ^^mpieted plans for its 29ths an-' serving Om Fiddlers Conven-! K’chi 5:30 until i^:30 p.m. at B Ai tion. according to Shaw Brown, R Restaurant, , program chairman of this year’s! Claries Mauney, president of; the -iub, said liekets are S1.25 jjjg tri-state event will bo| for ; nults and 7o cents for chll- Saturday, March 29th, at .irvii and aiv for “all you can the Junior High School Auditori-' um and gymnasium in Moc‘ies- Dick Shaney is chairman of the vllle. The show will stai-t prompt*; project -ommittee, Warren Stock- ly at 6:59 p.m. and the doors will ton IS Ci-airman of the ticket sales he optMu?d at 5:30 p.m. for the committ •& and Joe Smith is pub- conti»stants. jliiice Injured In Smash-Up TiMrtihy, F*8h«inr iTt iHt ¥6S^AiMt) ! -Mrs. Paul MaG-innis is ex pected to be dischaiiged fro«i Three persons wei'e hospltallz ' ed following a three-cai* crash on U. S. 74 and Goforth street late lies, teachers, law enforcement, laiw-^'ers, and especially women are thoroughly enjoying It. Why do so many quit? The reasons ai’e few, but the chal lenges are oreat! One of the big- , ^ ^ gest problems is discipline. The Wednesday alternoon. atmosphere of, “having to learn” ^ were Mrs- Carl Childers, discourages many. This is what Meadowbrook road; her our people, especially the youth, Miss Pamela Kay Chil- need more of today. Most adults:^®^^' Robert Gerald Wil* may r*ecall such an atmosphere ^^orth street, in basic military service trainijig.^^^^' stdd Mr. Wilson Charlotte Presbyterian hospi tal Thursday. She has been un dergoing treatment and obser vation for several days. JUNIOR POUCE Kings Mountain Junior Po lice club will gather for a din ner meeting PYiday night at the Police club, City Officer El lis Klnri; announced. licity ch urman. PROMOTED — Pfc. Robert C. Merck, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Merck of Kings Mountain has been promoted to SP/4. He entered service in October, ond is new serving in Vietnam. SP/ 4 Merck's address is US S3S306* 14, Co. D 3rd BN 47th Inf., 9th Inl. Div. APO S. F. 96372. Mrs. Gates' Brother Passes Mr. Alexander's Father Passes Kunciiil rite.'; for Anthons Al<‘.\;indcj', 74. of C'harlottc. frro- Ihcr of Isaa<- Alexander, King.s .Mountain liigh school leather, wci'c held Saiunlay at 2 p.m. fr om N'ew Hampton Prcs'bytcrian ( Inn (ir in ('liar iol tc. .Ml. Al<*xandci died Wcdnc.sday n'.ht. Other- survivors besides .Mr. anil .Mis. Isaac Alexander, who li\c in .Slrelln-, ar-c six sons ifind tlu'cc daiighlcis. Burlington Bealips Marketing Bancorp Making Annual Report Dimes Gifts Over S1200 The first annual r<'poi'l et l-'irsi Union National liaru-oi p is being mailed to sioi-kholdeis aii-mding to L. E. Uimiant. First I'nion Na tional Hank anri ('ameion Hrown Company are majoi- sut)sidiai'ies of the Imlding ronipany wliii'li was one of tire lirst one h.ink ho!i1ir.W companies in tire r:iin’d States, formed in A striking foui-coloi- rover was created by Karl Kcil>a.k. an artist who is also a nuclear' engin<‘ei'. Kei’back's kinetic “tumia compo sitions” utilize inti ii ale pi i-^rnatu- systems to piodui i' li ansliguied images intendeil to di'amali/.e in novations symbolic ot the srgnili- cant changes «>f today. The annual meeting of sio»-k- hoUler's will he ireld Monday. March 2lth at He.nu a.m. at the main otlice in Cirarlotti*. The annual report reveals that total resour<-es at year end ex- ^•eeded S0.5d million, that the bank now ranks Gdtli among lire na tion’s M.'ddd hanks, and that in spite of liiglicr operating ex- pi?nses in all calegoru'S, a revor-i $T,S34,5S<) in net opruating earn ings was achieved, lesiilting in an increase of .S9i)3.3 IT On a per share basis, net operating <‘arn- ings increased fnnn $2.o2 to $2..M with a diviriend of Sl id per- share liein.'^ paid to stockliohU-i's f Dimes for- Mirth Delcils. 'Tire (ampaign was h<*iher’s .March lieadi'd !)> .Miss .Mary Alice Mc Daniel. Persons not'contacted may still hu '.v.iKl their' coirtrilriiiimis to Mr. Masters^il Harris Funeral Home. Dadd To Fill Baptist Pulpit Kev. Austin Ayinde Oada of Week Oi Prayer Services Start Gli rna will speak at the morning worship sinvice Sunday, at Fii'st Haplist ciiurcii. Rev. Dada is a memirer of the Yoruha tribe (d Nigeria, and was converted to c'lri isfianity Ihrouglr the work of (lie Foreign .Mission Hoard of the .Souilrern Haplist (‘(niveniiini. .A gi'aduale of th<* Nig<*!'ian 'rheological school, Dada has served as a pastor an ! as asso ciate secretary of the Ghana Ba|:- lisi Coinmilion. He is the GIrana member of the Executive mitice of tire Haplist World Alli ance. iU' is uirrenlly sluilying at .Southeastern Haplist 'rheological .geminarx' at Wake Forest. A major realignment of the marketing oijranizatlon of Bur lington Yarn Company, a division of Burlington Industries, Inc., \^as announced today by Earle A. Harnriek, Jr., f all yar n products in the South and South east. Mi uce D. Hodgi's Jr., has been named operations vice president in charge of eustomt'r and other I'clated stallf functions. Mr*. Hodg- i's formerly held sever al key pf»si- li(»ns in the mei'chandising area. John F. \V<*sIey has b<*en ap pointed manager- of dyed yarn rnei-chandising in line with the leermtly ann<»unved construetion of a package an dskein dyeing o|H'i'ation at Oxford. N. C. Mr. \VesIey will continue to be head quartered in the New York office. J. T. M( Loud has been app-oint- ed manager of s(M‘eiaI accounts and will he locateti in Higli Point, N. 'rhomas J. Cashill has been ap-‘ pointed New England district manager with headriuarters in Pawtucket, RlKKle Island. This years event will mark! more than a quarter of a century in the promotion of country mu.slc by M*x>resville Lions. Large crowds have always attended the| Moore.sville convention: and this! year will be no exception. „ , , r-w T Dwight Barker, popular radio' luneral riUs for Don R. Lov- jiersonality who has his own ette. .56, of Hudson, brother of shows on Radio Station WHIP in. .Mrs. Floyd Oates of Kings Moun- Mooresville. N. C., and radio sta- lain, were held Sunday at 2 p.m. tion WDBM will again be Master^ from Hudson First Baptist of Ceremonies. ' church, interment following in $225.00 In cash prizes will be! Mt. Cai-mal church at Moravian awardetl the winning c-ontestants.' Prizes will be given to the best; Mr. Lovette died Friday in a modern group, best country music! U-noir hospital after siMfering a gr;oup, best fiddler, best banjo, heart attack. best buck dancer, best novelty Sui'viving besides his sister act. Also, a new award will be, hero are his wife; three daugh- given this year called “The Mo.st tors, Mr-s. Walter Sala of Con- Promising'Talent Award”. ' over, Mrs. Bill Lovelace rjf Hud- To make the fiddler a little son and .Miss Donna Rae Lovett something special. Mooresville of the home; two brothers, Ed Lioa'-’ will present the best fiddler; Lovette of Dur ham and Ivey Lov- a beautiful trephy. Ribbons willj ett of Moravian Falls; and a be prestmted all the winning sister, Mrs. John Gallagher of gi'oups in a* she noticed that the car had efforts. The other choice is struck by another vehicle TC UNCOLNTON Area school administi'ators and school boai'd members will go to Lincolnton Wednesday tor the annual meeting of the District 14 .School Boards As sociation at S. Ray Lowder .school. Theme for this year’s gathering w'ill be, “NexT Step Forward For Education.” METER RECEIPTS ■Pai'king meter receipts for tlwo weeks ending Tuesday to taled $217.55, including $190.05 from on ■ street meter’s and $27.50 from off-street meters. TC CONFERENCE Commander Carl V. Wiesen- er, and Post Adjutant Joe H. McDaniel, Jr. attended the an nual spring conference of the North Carolina Department, A- — ... , . . . merican Lcffion. S’' u 'ey a:.d give up and simply quit. Minor Sunday in Fayetteville. e.vcL'ses come easy. If a student^** Damages were estimated by! feels he is not learning, then it P^iit^^man B. P. Cooke to be ap is he who has failed, not his in- Proximately $200. structor. ! . Albert Brackett's fCoitfinircrf From Page Three) \ iving are tw'o grandchildren. Ben Herd's Father Passes Competent judges are being se cured to pick the winners of this event. Entries to this big contest are being received and any bands, [ fiddlers, banjo, buck dancers, nov- ; city acts that wish to compete for th(? large cash awards, please Ignorance, not knowing any thing about the art. brinlas reason for fear. Students from the ages of 5*72 are witness to its simplic ity and safety. Long ago, the great art of "’ith a 312, Karate was founded by our Church Leaders Of the time, in order to protect what good re- iLadies League) SERMON TOPIC Dr. Paul K. Ausloy will use the sermon topic, “Sin An'd Grace”, at Sunday morning worship services at 11 o’clock at First Presbyterian church. cd set honors with Edna Bowen BROADCAST STANDINGS Fuheral rites for Loron J. W. write or call Shaw Brown. Box 1, Hold. 76, of Cherryville, father, Mooresville, N. C. of Ben Hord of Kings MounCain,* were ht'ld Friday at 2 p.m. from interment following in Capeima- interment fololwing in Cap'our enjoyment of out-of-season vegetaWes during the winter months. And as a bonus for the l>u.sy homemaker, frozen vegeta* bh's ai'e (juickly prepared. The way you pi'cpare frozen vegetables can make a difference in their food value and flavor, ice. advi.st'd today The rate ot self-empJo>TTient taxj is 6.4 pt'rcent. or a maximum of $499.20, and is in addition to in-, {x>mo tax. i .\ .self-employed person Is one, who operates his own basine.ss orj farm. A farm employer is alsoi coovsidered self-employed rf he* employs others to operate or work the far m even though he does not live on it himself. ; A farmer must file a Federal income tax return and pay the self-employment tax due if his net earn!n’»« from self-emolov- mont are $400 or more, even if his gross income ts less than $600 and he owes no income tax. The .self-employment tax ap-; plies to a maximum of $7800. But • “Jesus Associated With Un desirable people" will bo the sermon topic o f the Rev. Charles Easley a t Sunday morning worship services at St. Matthews Lutheran church. At t he Wednesday < Lenten service he will use the subject, “An Old Trouble M.iker.” continu- ^ ing the theme. “Ancient Pr-oph- Clyde*^ Culbertson ets With Renewed Voices.” Ronnie Culbertson CARD OF THANKS (Mi.xed League) John Dilling Richard Culbertson Bob Herndon Ranny Blanton says Nit a Oir, oxtension frozen ,his figure is reduced SUPPLIES by any f,. to the deaf,’will fill Hu* pulpit at the 11 o'clock morniirg wor.ship service. At the 5:30 p.m. vesper- Irour Rev. James Wilder will use tire Heart Fund Gifts $1326 John Ormand's Rites Conducted sermon topi(^ “God's Thife K s , and Mrs. Wilder' will pix'seut an ! illustrated message, "Alaska's ' Misusion Ft'outiers”. .'g<*rvices ne.xt I week will be li(?ld oii Monday at i 9:30 a.m., on Tuesday at l::30 i>. ' m., on Wednesday at 7:.50 i>.ni. and on next Tluusday at 7:30 p- m. Mrs. Eugene Roberts, WM.-^ di- reetor, sard the eliurch sanetuary ' will bt* open for individual prayer' each day from 10 a.m. until !) p. m. Mrs. OdcU Menton is pi<*sident (>t the WMS and Mrs. Tom Tale is prayer chairman. (’‘niii'ibutions lo the Kings Mountain Heart Fund campaign I'OI- I!),!!) totaled $1326.00 thi.s v\eek. Mrs. Jolrn H. Gamirle. drive cirairman, reported yesterday. Ml'S. Gamble .sai(f $1100 was lollci ted vhi liouse-to-iumsi* citation .''.nday by 60 volunteer workers. A Heart .Sunday r'ouiig ladies. 'Hie group was recently honored to present this year’s annua! uon cert for botli the \. C'. .Senate and Hou.se of P.eiuesenl.itives in Raleigh. Ml*. Ram.sey. a native of V.rl- de.se, has been minister' of music Ht the Shelby ehuicii for- tliepast two years. He is a gradirafe of Mar'S Hill an I Lenoir Kiivne eiil leges and was recently tapiM’d as Shelby’s Yturng Man o: the Year. Member's of 'Tlie Geur'iation” are Kathy Manthei, Idehbie Rog er's, Susan .M( Donald, ('ar ol Smith, Quin Hissitie. .lo Ann YrJes, Connit* Clark, and I’attv MeBrayei'. E«ldie .Sparks will as sist with Hie lighting and •-•und. Union H'lptl.st in Cleveland i■’u^e^•al riles lor- Mis. Lena l!ai\(’\ Mellon. 61. of Old Fort, m«»tirer ol Geoin* .Mellon of Kiie-.s Moiinlaln. uei'e held .Suii- duu\ Fri lay morn- in’ .after .a luief illiu'ss. .She is sin\ived. in .aidiiion to lier von lure. ))\ ln'r hush.ainl. Tlioin.is .Moody .Mellon; three >: Itock\' Mi«u,rt, .Mrs. Ruby .Stevens of Old i’'oi’t, Mrs. Frances Keller (►f .Siiei;>y, and Mr*' I.onise Oaks and IPdiei l.a Ihitnam. IxUh of Chicago. Inn.; Ihier* sister's. Mrs. \Iaud(' Heaehlro.arEl and .Mrs. (r.-x.sie DilliiLdrant ot .Mar ion a-d Mi-.s. I{i' la K.’ Woo | of IVirh- eiiordton; 12 grandclrilflri'n and 20 oicut-grandchildren. Funcia! rites Pn* John Abel Ormand. Sr.. 73, of Ikssemer City, were held Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. from Long Cr<*ek Prefi- bylei'ian vhureh. interment fol lowing in llie cluireh cemetery. Rev. Robert Bullion and Rev. M. F. Ormand tifficiated at the final rite.s. A native of Gaston County, Mr. Ormanci was the son of the late John and Sadie Huffstetier Or mand and made his home in Long Creek Community on route one. Ri'ioi’ to sei'vin.g as Gaston County Ire.isu er from 19-17 to 1962, he vva.'^ a harxlwarc mer chant. He al ■ I.(led Davidson col- 1( ;( an I A Univei'sily at Heauiii*. F near' whei'e he S( rvetl dui i.r..: Wor Id War I. He was a in» tir.rer of WIu?tslone Lodge, l>ost 23 of the American J.egion ami a memlMU of Long Creek Pi'eshyfei ian chureh. where ire served a.s.an eic (-biained Iw writing the disjiivf cli.rii’mnn: Mrs. Mary Ft la Crane, Farris Drive, Cher- lAville, N. C- from CfK)kod pork fat. Miss Orr, suggests you add fi'ozon vegeta-1 t)les to lic|uid fi'om cookcsl pf>rk after the meat has been prepar ed. Ilf you tr*y to crok vegetables and meat together, the vegetables will he overcooked before the iTTcat is done, she points out. Cook vegetables in bouillon in place of wafer if you’d like a tasty vegetable without adding butter or margarine. To cut down on caloi*los, add lemon juice in place of part or all of the mar- -.larine or butter. enuin- ment and will be added to the building fund. Plates are $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for children. HOSPITALIZED Mrs. Mary Harrison entered Cleveland Memorial hospital TuesdaN' for observation and tr-eatment. She is a patient in Room 271. UONS PROJECT Grover Lions club will spon sor a spaghetti supper Saturday, Mai'ch 1st, with serving of lunch beginning at 11 a.m. and serv ing of .supper beginning at 4:30 p.m. Proceeds will be used for the paving of Graver cemetery roads. Plates ar*o $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for children under 10. For takc-out orders, call 937-6001. RING BINDERS ; r - Plus Many Other Needed Items Herald lio City firemVn reported no fii’<»s rxvurred • In tlie area in the week ending Wednesday at 5 p.m. Publishing House i Mrs. M. L. Harmon, Sr., wishes I to thank the doctors, nurses, and I helpers wjio were so kind to her , dui-inli her stay in Kings Moun tain hospital, and those who sent the beautiful flowers, the lovely cards, and those who made the ! pleasant visits to her during her sickness. Si Di'. a di'U ks nounco daught Allen ^ Willian Springj 'I'he free fr ity at ) entlv c * Oak vided 1 noon a of .Misi and Me Haskcl V OWi mony Rev. R the chi 3'he banked lighted i*andel£ dral tf glads, mums at (xicl Mrs. ist f(jr music hv Ger ‘The ii i)efore ding P The hy her gown f al Aid ieo wa line. A pearls the hu a( contr from t » he ha nhant lar tra