1969 i- wai>^ •w'k-irv'.«<••* ''alls I'ber- igiis Mis- Mitt- 617 /oJ ders f vgus the Wi J '(Bt/ . ti,.. w.iT . Thursday,I, 1969 : ,,'i X v.jltvjf;. i4ia»iH) A .^' i '■( V THEIflNeS 4ii(2iOr^^. M. c/ A Thorough Job ~ .. ..iTu.. -2^ aaOM^ MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS Stanley F. Voiles. M.D., Directoi National Institute oi Mental Health research probing I marihuana puzzle j In this day of increasing inter-' est in drugs and drug abuse, one of the most common marihuana - remains a mystery. Medical science does not know, nearly enough about marihuana. We don’t know how marihuana changes ability 'o think, concen trate, and perceive tilings. We don’t know how personality fac-. tors, expectations, and past ex periences influence a person’s re actions to the drug. Natural marihuana varies tre mendously fn strength and com position. Uniformity in scientific studies, so that results can be compared and checked, has been almost impossible. Not long ago the active ingred ient of marihuana, tetrahydro- jCannabinol, w.cs product‘d for ‘he I first 'time in history in pure form.- I This exciting discovery, made by NIMH-supported research in Israel, produced the chemical compound synthetically. This means ‘hat researchers can now precisely measure the drug’s ac tion. I For the first time in history,’ they can accurately study the, sliort-term and long-tcm effects of marihuana on ‘the, Hdnrih body. Research projects are ibcing conducted in universities and oth er research centers all over the country with NIMH support. The NIMH is also developing ■a public eduoatio nprogram to disseminate research findings to| provide current, fac’ual informa tion about marihuana — and oth er drugs and their misuse and a- bue. A new information leaflet by the NIMH that tells what we do know about marihuana is just oiff ‘he press and is available free to anyone who requests it- Its title is “Marihuana — Some Questions and Answers.” Request it from: Mental Health Matters, National Ins'itute of Mental Health, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 20015. { -b. INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE FOR GREATER INDUSTRIAL GROWTH • EXPERIENCED IN BUSINESS • EXPERIENCED IN AVIATION • TRUE TO HIS PRINCIPLES • VOTES HIS CONVICTIONS YOU NEED HIM HE NEEDS YOU VOTE FOR WARD 3 COMMISSIONER X TOMMY BRIDGES A Statement From T. I. (Tommy) Ellison To The Citizens oi Kings Mountain 1 feel 1 have an obligation to you, and for this reason I again offered to seek the office of Com missioner of Ward 3. Today, Kings Mountain is in the process of several major projects, our water project, our civic center, public housing, downtown development. These are but a few of the projects which I have worked for, on your behalf, for the past several years. I know how difficult these were to obtain, and 1 also know that to complete these projects the same hard, determined, stable, reli able. dependable and competent leadership is needed. I do not feel that I should turn my back and leave a job unfinished. For this reason I ogain ask for your vote. I will continue to work diligently and faithfully for continued progress for all the citizens of Kings Mountain. This is my pledge to you I I Kmes Monntaiit Woman’s 6, 7:45 P. M. Questkm And Answer Session From Floc^f Sponsored By The Kings Mountain Jaycees ii . Best Buy... HERALD Want Ads Dial 739-5441