li— f Utf Builalo Creek (Continued From Page One) Ctly1ecir<|l (Continned From Page One) Ificic fbi^i Ml. Biyant's reccmsl<#er this adlon and I’esfudy the possibility of pi'owxKlinj' with the recreationaj aspects.” « * i day’s action by the ci‘y board was hs agreed upon, either though af Said W. S. Biddix: “This is a Tm VvA4AM«ll«f « aL Wk ;boih immature and Irresponsible,fommunidation of some kind orj-big disappointment. This is Kings 111 I IClIvIlUiy 4 A{||Af KASS6S -Mountain's project and should be I governed by Kin.;s Mountain.” done in haste without giving co<- i sideration to all the fac*s' , a represenrative. iBeforo the vo‘e was taken on' Frederick Eli (Rick) Finger, i •* * xir^^ ^Tov^, rr iwr o'nri ’vt... Prprt J luioral fitcs for Mrs. Mary Hi, remarks also carried some| King's motion. .Mayor Moss made' Said T. j. Ellison: "I favor lU, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred t t? nne political overtones: He said, •‘The a recommendation, offerins a giving nothing away. We've been Finger of Kings Mountain, has u : people of Kings .Mountain will resolution retfuesting that the.treated like a red headed step been initiated by Phi Eta Sigma. I have an opportunity to express county commissioners and the child long enough." honorary freshman scholastic Bryan, were I heir vote of confidence in the House delegation endorse the a- ^ Norman son fraternity. w" ^ city board action .May 13 th. If a 'Vr looU“ hv’7h^ i;7r\,'’„burg'C ZerJ ! new board is electeJ. they will hill SB 3(>1 us adophnl by the motion We have mmoromis Fred Flnser Spartanburg, S. U, intermoin bill to N. C .senate on April 24. the a- tuV'EstSed In 1923 an.i repre- LI ‘ Mrs. Bryant was dead on arriv- ■ have the lake authority wot k out. If they should repeal groemen' being readied by city "yrnSre.''' seated by chapters on the na- the action Of the pre.sent board comm ssioners .Monday and that • q ^ university and col- , wc will pass a Lake Authority all c.tizens intetesled m s cin<i^.j, solely financing the pro- lege campuses, the fraternity is al at Spartanburg General hospi- IHIII that can he used anythlmc; a c^oo^rattvc Cleveland Co^ ject. we should control. Our hand o,^n only‘s"o students who make tal at 6:30 p.m.®Friday after a he city boaid decidej. to use it. .send telegram. I * of frlendshi;;. has been refused a B plus average. sudden illness. She was native of -d,fye“S mining -- , SPartanlturg . County. S. C.. , ... »* 1 1 j. *'t'. «!...« t \ • i_m •••••'' i.iiiic.. 4 .^ui/irui I oi'iidic I owai toiuLiMi K v^uuii .jf ing, I cant implomont ratification of hi.s billij^jj, 3^^^ adopted April 24‘h.”i money.) We have retaine<I daughter of the late James N. I get Inv.dved. I want it made as agreed upon. 1 Ranker Hinnant- “i Gardner Gidley & Associates and and Mary C. Alexander Tucker. .Uys loLro All >1 n«. l-i u n/l.. iirv t\l/vrl inner • y-i u n. .. r •' i clear I'm not opposing the lake Many hands went up pletlging believe this crap aboutNorth Carolina Buieau of she taught in the Spartanburg I bill. I want ‘he county commis- they would send wires. ^’Buffalo Creek, but I’ve lived here Recreation for the recreational County School System for over ision and city commission to work However, ■‘he uudienw urgedjsbt years. If the cojntv commis-i necessary for 40 years. She was a member of : out their differences on who.p Hn*fni . . . - au 1 .n . ' /.one. I’m for zoning and am j ing for either to do it.” He also vork However, -he audience urged‘ycar.s. If the cojntv commis-: But, it's necessary for 's to ctjmmissioners ‘not to back were interested ‘hey’d be "ootj cf all that wo have a will- , on King’s motion.” - here.” f , like authority,;.|)olicin" and zon- Glee E. Hrid-es, liardwareman,j And C. C. Horn Jr represent-'*"'' I^erlrnieter.'zonlng is protec- I be said, “I l<now that bunch. If youjin^r properly owner Coleman Go !^*"" sanitation and .safety of I in one inch, you’ll los<‘ 4()j forth, drew (he fire when he ro* ^ owners. The board has I>emonstration club, mcmlxT of - ni«t-l j marked, “For years there hasi deligently for 36 months the S. C. Retired Teacher’s Asso- I Mayor Mos.s, acknowItKiging thejbocn a lack of‘communication a-' "" ^*^*s There have been v*al»>n and a direct descendant of ii&SOTE SQUAD WINS AGAIN Clfwcland County Rescue Squad won top honors in iiescue opera- Hons. From left to right, Raymond Golloway, Ge le Champion, Captain Delbert Dixon, Bob Hope ttttd James Belt. (Photo by James Belt). hilly Mauney Co7itninf tf Frmn l out- (ho StJhtttor Whi'e, wrilf* an ac>’i'(>ta Ble Lake Authoriiy Bill thal will bp actjepled lidlli h> llif city bOafo an<l couniy nantnissiorK’r.'^. “I feel 'hat tlu’ county I'oin- iiliksfon ib<‘ city board sh«»ulf! (ie givbn a change to study any bill written and have tlic oppor the Second Presbynerian church , . . of Spartanburg, the Roebuck . Glee E. Bridges, liardwareman,j And C. C. Horn Jr represent- *"'' P<‘rtfn.Pter,*zonIng is protec- Garden club, pas‘ president of saUi h«* wished to clarify *hat he said, “I l<now thal bunch. If youjin^r properly owner Coleman Go i^*"" sanitation and .safety of the Spartanc-rg Cou ny Home and .Senator Jack White were; • - — - ' * . _ ! not on opposite iM>les In the ’ ter. ■ The city board Monday made! group, witlulniw his recommend-' oross the creek/" many bardahii^f and many ob* the founder of Wofford college. i-evislonsin controversial Bill 364. atlcm and a v»»te was taken on p , . . ' stacles, sorrr^ not necessary. It is ^ ^ ^ ! The Bill passed •‘bird reading inj King’s motion that “Kings Moun-| * v i ^al recreation can be She was a graduate of Lander the Senate but has since been tain Buffalo Creek water reser- ^ inquranpom^n loftl*' of *he.project. We remain allege and reived her B. A. returned to c-ommiltee, acc-ording, voir be used as a water reservoir) as dedicated; We must be degree from Wofford college. Her to Rep Mauney in a telephone only.’’ It passed unanimously. 'fresh air” hp snW wn citizen^ rf Kings k^osband was he late Ellis K. eonver.^dion yes‘erday. , Each commissioner exi>ross<Hl| minutes ^ Mountain. Without ‘hose author- Bryant who died March 24. 1969. After a meeting of the county 'his disappointment: j \Tr.niin J .i„.a .* tested in Kin s Mountain, - commission, city commission and said Ray Cline: I am disap-! whpfhpr *ii ^ ^ question recreation (industrial, residential* H daughter, Mrs. state House and Senate members pointed not to hear from tkel ‘ ■J' wildlife) can’* bo .r Biyaju * uwuok oi ' Monday to discuss a bill ‘o create coun\v board. If the bill as n- ation u pj^mVn^^ properly. We .cannot shirk Roxtwixj. ;a King^ Mountain Lake Author- mended Is passed, then we will 'rp, .-„-vnr resnnnsibility. M^e have had j Hillman Lake assisted itV. The^.itv board delayed until - — -;-r ,Jqp "rJ ^ephe<\ “No. ■ tremomfous backing from Kings by the VvDB Alderman T.iUdavniPht action on a motion The county commissioners, all for water only. No Mountain.” 2?. • bv comm. Norman Kins, second- of w‘hom were present here inj received for rec-; The mayor added,. "Already we nnat^rU °s“" ’ ed by 'wo other commissioners, the courtroom for Monday s first; "•aoon.^^ ^ , have closed on 5S tracts of land." ‘ tUtllty to consul-• llicif l('g;il ad- veme i*i\. viapi's. I have no ini(*nlion of Mi'. Cornwidl died a! .o:2.') p.m iniiroading a Lake Authority Bill Tiuirsday In tlu- Kirus Mountain A. H. Coinwell's Earl Stioupe s Rites Conducted Rites Conducted thoT'thp Hkp as a water meeting of the week, pledged toi ]ne Mayor, "Two times we He i Kuui’ial I'iH's tor Arlliur Henry Funeral rites for Earl .Stroup<s \.oy Kinffs make known their decision Tues-j ^^^e offered available water and long CorinviUl. M), were held Saturday Sr., 53, captain of the,, Northj onlv” ***ay on whether ‘hey would sup-| to all. ,We expected SI 10 alteriUMui at 3 from Central Carolina Depaittnent of Cofrec-: * Another rPT^ion for the delav port the bill, which would give! ^^Poration in return. We are a- prop '^‘*>‘' ***'*^ to re;:nonsibiIi‘y in! than the Broad, propertv.” ^mmS^sioners t^me m cStnsult: in the lake area. , ^f ^^-*1 r_ There was downtown talk tha*|; United Metliodist ehun-h, inter men! follotAing in Mountain K( down the thn»;ils of our loun'y cbrhmlssiontus tu- city commis sinners. “I always like hi rcul 1 Inll Wfore 1 decitk* v.hi’thcr I am a gainst or for it. 1 feel the enuniy OU&rd was diu‘ 'his privilege. I She nb ieast>n fnj- lieing hasty wltji^lhis legislation anil partiiu larly weaust* of the eontrovi*rsi(‘” that !luV<* dcv<’lop(‘fl, 1 ;irn unal)le tb uiulers’mifl the ciiy lujui-il’s at titude Ln trying to railroatl Die bill not yet rovviiiien in getieral fniu-fi view' of all the eoMDf)Versii-.s ihai have (levelotM-d. “ I feel the .'u Don id' Ihf Kings Mountain hoard of eonutiissioners Tuesday niglit, April JDDt. was a great mistake*. I’his aelioa was imma’ure and ii icsj onsihle and W’as (lone in haste without giving cfin.slderation to all Die faets. No one ha sstat(*d they are agains* the efitablishnu’id of a lalu Horitv nr zoning of Die lake. lio.sjutal after tor somi‘Dnu* declining ,ions, •■“I'l -r......!... Another re.-tson for the delay port MCM>n Baptist church, of which he'was a momber. Authority Bill the county commissioners, meet-' Mr. Stroupe dk.M a* 12:30 a.m.i agreed to by the city board in a ing on Monday night m Shelby, we -He mentioned 4hat some land a-: Her nusoand was the late Ellis Broad River is going for K. ‘ Bryant who died ‘March 24, acre. "‘i say ‘he Buffalo 1969. property is no more valuable Mrs. Bryant held an A. B. de- :gree from Lander college and MA degree from Wofford college. their attorney about revi- lu'alth Monday in the Kings Mountain^ session Monday to voted unanimously Monday night, huspilal tollowing illness of .sev / fui ther lestrict this cl'y’s author- pot endorse the proposed Kingsi; He was 1 native ef {'levelami weeks. , . ■ , reservoir area. Mountain Lake Authority Bill,*; ruuniv.'s(.M of Die late Mi. and He was a native of, ^aston' These lestrictions would limit thourh thB Mrs. William .1. (Nnnwell an I (’ouniy and a former member of; Kings Mountain’s zoning, polic-.jny member of the i^aJ ^aixi luishand of the late Margaret the Kings Mountain Police Do-j ing, subdivision regula*ions. hous- bu w^as re^rUd by Bill Cun ie (5)rnwell and Brigh* Ward partment where his son serves as; ing codes and other powers to who quoted County Max ('ornwell who survives. d(?sk sergeant. He was a ^ navai j that area within 3,000 feet of-The Hamrick in jesterdays Shelby Mr. and Mr.s, Cornwell were veteran of World War 11,. a, reservoir’s high water mark 1744) Star. Mr. Hamrick was quote(l as married Aug. 13. 193S. member of the American Legion,’feet elevation) and comple*elyl raying that, a possibility of still VFW and a Mason. < r eliminate the us<* of the word j •"^''^t’hing a compromise agree- lie was a relirt'd masl(*r mo- “watershed’* in the proposed legis-! t7i^*')t on he proposed le?islation Hianic and a memlu'r of v’enirai .Surviving are his wife; lation. ' was not completely ruled out. Methodist church. Ruby .Mar‘in Stroupe; his son, other changes at^reed uponj Hamrick >vas quoted as saying SIMV.VIM- besides Ids wile aie King-s Moun- „.oiv'd; stagger -he"' terms of I that a primary reason for the oiu* .'^on cTif's Cornwell of ('love- *^*";.^*”*‘ brother, Van(^.|Strou[:ei Authority members, ratheri negative '''^te was because he land Ohio- sevi'n daughters Mrs Kings Mounlamt and oiie sis-j^i^jan appointing all to five vearj board had not had an opnortun- ' ’ ■ ■ • k Hank Bellamy of.Hoois-: ou set; change thej iiy io study the revised bill andj ton. Texas; and -four gi'imdchil-! from “leelccted” *^to re-Ho consult fully wi*h their attor-■ dren. > appointed” With regard to re- ney. Further, he was qu(wd as: P(*v WAvne Ashe his mstor memb<*r« to the Lake; saying that "Kings Mountain was, L(M.n Kurse of Summerton. S. C,. ofrUMatel at the finalLites;'Ma- Au*hority when their initial terms ^'“he Mrs. Vernon Revnolds of BisJiop- sonic burial rites were held in oxpire; and with regard to the mnv l/rncsl Ihiyt's, .Mrs. Lucille Hawk ins and Mins .Margaret Cornwell, ail of KiiM.s M«*unlain: Mrs. Fhn- (*si .Sanford of Ihirlwell, Ga., Mrs. villc, S. C. and Mr.s. Willie Vin- 'rVe ‘ Uo. ky .Moun'i 19 gmnd- adion b. dus.. -1... hd<r was lak- -k’n' en without giving consideration o"'"- rites were. held, in Mountain Res*. cemeUny.. to the jM'oph* e. ho ha\e S(p|d pro p(Tly to Du* ri > and :*.spci-iall\ to py Cllarl(^s Easley, officiated the people who have given j)roi) ./} Du* riH s. Grandsons of wen* I allacarers. Mr. Cornwi‘ll Legion Post Election Set erty t(» Du* city with Du* expt'c- a'ion »)f Du* Iak(* hciii; Ituilt for a rbchNitionaj purpose. “When Du* pcoph' (d Kings Atount.'jin wc»(* .>sk(‘(l to vote bntltlR to luiild a 1 ike it \\ '-s ad vel’tifthd that he lake would hi’ used for i'eci(*at;on. I! it were Du' ihient to U'^c* tlu* lake lor duly a Wnter H’scrviir it would not liave Heeh de(‘essar\ to build i laki* of 2.nnt) Hcies. From a U'gal staiul point f d(>ul>i ilu’auihority of Die' on May 5ih <.\l(mday) from 1 buard of i’ommissioiu*i's to f losc m. until 7 ; .m. the lake to r(*cr<‘:»t'on iiuU*)- Du* Install'Dion of Du* ElecK'd Of Cdndi'lims that (*.\isied in s(*llitig ficcr.s will he one we(*k la‘er on the bonds and Du* 4)f Mon«lay ni.‘dD. May 12lh al 7 p.m. land k) build the lake. Fr<*c supper will be serve.) to “Tlu* p<*opl(* t)f Kings Mountain memh(*rs both nights. Will have in opportunii\- in v\ lake zoning board to be establish- they had no- been pressing fftr: ed under the bill, the two mem-|un an.swer, the commi^ior^’*fi 1 Mr. Stroupe, hospi‘aiiz(!d s<»v-,bers appointed from the coun*y,* vvould not have met Monday) e. al weeks a.go, reentered the! who are not residents of Kiri7S night.” a a u ' hospital .Siiiuiay night at 7:301 Mountain, must own property in Hamrick was also quoted y, He\. n. B. Alderman, assisted after suff<‘ring a heart attack. ' the lake area. Ibe Star that an effor was ma 0| rpi,- l:i, Kojird would most of Tuesday afternoon until; Ilf was Ilu- s..n ..f tlu- late Wil- members, three of-hem -=> o.m. to get in touch wl'h Mayor' liam L. Stroupe. and Jessie Jenkins I residents of Kin,>s Mountain and iloss, not by himself or the AUXILIARY 'Phe American Legion Auxil iary will hold regular meeting I land in the area defined in the the other two residents of the eo.’ntv board but by an county, but no of Kings Moun-;ed citizen, authorized to tell the tain. TTie change would require mayor that the commissioners the two from the county to own, were ready to sit down and talK. M’he ri’guUir elCi-Dun of officers t'ni- OD.-^ n. Gi(‘en P<)st 1.55 f<tr liMiP-TO will he held at the Post P- 'Pluir.sday night at T;30 , at the American Legion build ing. Mrs. Chuck HuffsUckler and .Mr.s. Ken Cloniu^r wilj be A “Poppy pay” pro gram will b<* presenlcvl hy Mrs. .Dm Downov. bill. in a spirit of give and take to ‘ry to resolve this thing to their mu- Sena‘or Jack White, who intro- tual satitXacMon. . _ d'.ned the legislation, said the At presstime Wednesday Ma>or original bill had already passed Moss had receded ^o ‘ third leading in the senate hut; cation from either Mr. HamncK, that he would recall it and make; or any member of vie c *he revisions. I board of commissioners. j their vole of coiHidi-iU'e in Die cli.V board action Ma\- 1.3Di. if .h ni*w ho.iKl Is elci-icd Dn‘v Wlli hdve the lake auDioiiiy hill tb Vt'tirk with, [f Die\ should ic the action of Die prescni y^*nrd, wt* will pass a I.akc* .\u thority Bill that in* used an\ tlltlP the cilv l)oaid ^h’cidcs to us IV’ Notninci's arc* as folhaws: Comnvmder: Carl .Wilson and Pwohci'l Wright. A/ NOTICE OF SALE TC SATISF5' LIEN First Viic* Commander: Hubert .■\d(*rhoUii and Hohert Ruff. .^(•I'ond VDce Commander: C'arl V. W’ie.sdier and Grayson Brown. Adjutant-Finance Officer: Joe .M, I)ani(‘l. in.^'orian: .l(»lin W. Gladden. (Diaplain: W. B. MeSwain and Rhea 1: uh(‘r. We, the und(*tsign(*cl. have a fnerhfinic's li(*n against a 1959 Chevrolet. .Serial =^(’.591121.5 ITtl. tPgUthred in Du* nanu* of Bi'tty 0urrl«i M(n>ie. IIDU M ngraci* IM.. ftihes Mountain. N. (’. I Merhanic’s li<*n and storage Charges of $211.13. Wh heivby demand full pay- li .payment in full is n u mad * by May 20. UHi9. Die ab.iv CribWl vehicle will lx* .s(»ld at puh .''-'gl. at .Arms: David Delevie and Jackie l>an'(*lt. Asst. .Sgt. at .Arms: Jake Bridge^- an,l Gem* Wright. S(*i-vic(* Officei-; G(**ie .Steffv. K.\<*cutive Conimitlei*: Jay Po ut'll, Linher.g Di::on, Dion Brown, Clinton J''!!y. Gene Gibson, Tom .\!<‘acham. Floyd Dov(*r. Randy Caipeni<‘r. Bruce McDaniel and Vardell Neal. I.(‘gionnaires are invi‘**d to \(Mc fo!' the candidate of his lie MUHion at Dixon i'ln*\ioh‘t, iIk/ici*. Tlu* Otis I>. Grt'en Post the., .124 Railroad Ave., King.s nu'inlteiship new 'numbers (iOO. Mountain. N. at 12:(M) noon on laru(*si in its history. that date SK ;ned DIXON ClIKVUOITrr. i.\c. BY: IX).\AIJ; 1>1.\().\ W: E. A. Jolly l.'seii rar-; Kings Mountain. N. C. .5;1-S U-5>^SIFIKI) I will balwsit for work iHg mothers in mv lioim jihiM. Call 739-5191. Talent Show Is May 8th 5;1S-1)4 AiBftrt Barnett Tf Be Honored , Albbrt Barnett, a senioj- geog ^ (■abhy major from King,. .\h)un- tifn, Wil) be iionored daring A- 4^41 Js Day c(‘re:n(eii(*s at .North Carolina, coile.g<* Fridav. Bcirtteit will receive the .\a- • tldrial Geography Honor Socie'y Award for excc'Ilence in 'gec»gia- w.iv ' i< pHy. H<‘ will also he r(*cogni/(*d Proc fdr aead(*mic achie\ement ITiAintuinin^ a Vj tlH a\eia .\nnii:il .'<c!iools Talent .Show of Du* Kings Mountain Kiwanis cluh .\nv V. ill h(* held Thursday ni ght. May sih, :i‘ Ci'tni al school aiuiitorium. All schools are partieipating ami U’c-ijhic.-^ and ci'rtitieates will !k* piesenle*!. A conti'-u is now undeiway in the Inch si'tiool t<» oht.'Dn a mas- ‘er ot cer4*momes|oi' ilie <*vent, I iu‘'v inn(»\ation. Burlit* Peeler, •Ir. IS coiuluclmg try-outs. Ml. Pc<*d*i-. lommeniing on the forth oming s!iow s.ii»i. “Tlu'ie is c.\.ellem talent from the scluuds and Kiw.uii.ins are hH)king for- aiioDiei tine slu)W.'’ ils from tlu* 4*veMt will in h(‘ app]ie<l to c'osi of P'linis c»uirts for Kin:::i Mountain school. GARDNER-WEBB COLLEGE 1969 SUMMER SCHOOL Hist Teim, June 7 - July 11 (With a f(*w e.xeeptions. .sec-ond term courses will be a continuation of those listcxl below) REGISTRATION WILL BE AT 9:00 AM» SATURDAY, JUNE 7 ALL CLASSES WILL BE HELD MONDAY Through FRIDAY AT TIME INDICATED 8:00 ^ 9:55 Art 101*—for Elementary Teachers Biology 101*—General Chemi.stry 101*—General Data Processing 221*—Beginning Data Proc(‘.ssing 224*—Computer Programming 91 (Bash. Non-credit) English D —Grammar EngliNi !' Ccmpositlon F”''U'li I ■ Intermediate IiealC* * Intnulai i *;• to Bu. iness 111 M:iilu :na I* s 91 (B:i.sic, Non-(.edit) Mathematics 108* Analytical Geometry and Ca Iculus P.sychology 201 General Sociology Introductory Spanish 103 Intermediate Spc'och 101—Fundamental 10:00 — ll:S5 .\ceounting 113—Principles .\rt 102*—tor Elementary Teach(*rs Biolagy 101*—General Chemistry 101*—General Data Processing 221*—B<?ginning Data Processing 224*—Computer Programming Economies 203—Principles English 91 (Basle, Non-Credit) English 201—English Literature French 101—Elementary History 101—^W'orlcl Civilization Mathematics 27—Plane Geometry Mathematics 101 College Algebra Theory' 110—Music Appreciation Typing 107—Beginning 12:00 — 1:00 P.M, LUNCH 1:00 — 2:55 Bible 101—Survey Old Testament Basiness Law 211 Data Processing 223—Computer Concepts English 91 (Basic. Non-credit) History 201—American Mathematics 91 (Basic, Non-credit) Spanish 101—Elementary Theory 109—Introduction to Church Music 3:00 — 4:55 Physical Education EXPENSES Tuition and Fees per semester hour — $30.00 Five Weeks Ten Weeks Air Cond. Room $55 Air Cond. Room SllO Board $(i0 Board $120 Total $11.5 Total $230 All charges are payable at time of registration. A dormitory damage deposit of $25 is rt'quired of all male resident students- The College reserves the right to cancel or add any course depending upon the demand. Note: Courses followed by an a.sterisk c*over two periods. Art 103* (Applied) and Art 105* (Crafts) to Ih' arranged. CLIP and MAIL To: DIRECTOR OF SUMMER SCHOOL Gordner.-Webb College Boiling Springs. N. C. 28017 I am intere9ted in the following courses: FIRST TERM NAME SECOND TERM STREET NO. CITY STATE SirPLIES PENCIL SHARPENERS TYPEWRITER ERASERS MAGIC MARKERS STAFF PENS SCISSORS PENCILS STENSO SETS DRA WING INK GLUE AND PASTE TEMPERA PAINTS vD PROTRACTORS RING BINDERS Plus Many Other Needed Items Herald • V House .17/$S Fivt ^\oine soiiet Chari Debut , JUne i Audit I Mer (ompl wliich prc'sei Carol A To 'T.Mis (iaugl Fi arc bu De Da Je Ur Ba Mi no in Bui ore tar tor A Cr T^Ro me ian Me prt fie rai M Ser Fri lur Jun ins p.l ce let , vic( Mr CIc lair pio Dri pit. wOl Te .Je are iso F. Cc / \L'

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