m r Popnlation Greoter Kings Mountoin 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8.256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9.300 •^4 QfMrt«r Eiagt Mouatois tigur* U 4«ilT»d bom •pMKd UBit«d StatM Bur*au of ttao Cooitu roport o loouanr cmd IneludM tho 14,BM pepulotioa o Muatoor 4 Townthlp, «nd tho romoiiilBg S.lBd fMM Nunbor S TowMhtp. la Cltvtload Couaty «ad CrowSar* Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 81 No. 37 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, September I I, 1969 Seventy-Ninth Year PRICE TEN CEMT5 Treatment Plant Should Be Ready By March 1 PH A Building Permit Is $21,177 KM Authority Pays $248,000 Advance of HHA Kinjzs Mountain Public Housing Authority paid for one of the largest building permit fees in city history Wednesday, $21,177.69 based on contracts totaling $2,- 177.690, for the 150 low-rent hous ing units now-under construction. Thomas W. Harper, hou.sing authority director, also reported tho authority rcj)aid tho regional office of the department of Hous- : ing and Urban Development’s i Housing Assistance administra tion advances on the project to date of $248,0(X), including $6,586 in interest charges. jTho Rev. Kenneth R. Lawson. The payments were made on ia.stor of Florence Baptist chur 'U, i receipt of proceeds of the $1,739,-; EVANGEUST—Rev. Kenneth H. Lowson of Forest City will be evangelist for Foil revivol ser* vices beginning Wednesday at First Boptist church. iwson To Lead laptist Series Mrs. Ed Hord, 92 Last Member Of Family of 16 Funeral rites for Mrs. Lillie j Hord, 92, last surviving membt'r | of a family of 16, who died Mon- i day night, were held Wednesday j afternoon at 4 p. m. from the Chapel of Harris Funeral Home. | The widow of Edmond W. Hord,; Mrs. Hord died at 11:30 p.m, Mon - i day night at the home of her | daughter, Mrs. C. D. Ware. She i ! had been in ill health for several I years. She was a native of Cleveland I County, daughter of the late Mr. I and Mrs. Jesse Hord. ! Surviving are two daughters, , Mrs. C. D. Ware of Kings Moun- ' tain and Mrs. John P. Wilson of j Cherryville; tour grandchildren land 11 great-grandchildren. , Re\. Charles B. Summey offici- ’ ated at the final rites and inter* I ment was in Elizabeth Baptist I church cemetery. W eathermanSmilesOpening 22nd Annual Bethware Fair Forest City, will be the evangelist /during the Fall Revival at Fir.'^t /Baptist church next week. Teams of visitor.s will go out Monday and Tuesday evenings to invite the community to attend , the services which begin Wedne-- and go through Sunday, at 7 On Friday evening, the uth will go Irom the revival to football game. /\ftor ♦he! hme, a fellowship period is fanned with young people from (a.'enefit of fije-fighting equipment for the department. Oak Grove Volunteer F'ire Do- pai tmeni will operate a dunking machine and popcorn stands to ■Oxford after an abscence of too Kings Mountain native, has been fire-fighting equipment for ..many jears. ’ elected first vice-president of the the department. Agau Oxford's Geueral Mauager The appointment of Ernest W. j Agan. Jr. as General Manager of: ! Oxford Knitting Mills in Kings , Mountain was announced today, i by Grady M. Jackson, Vice Presi- ,dent of the parent Oxford Indus- : tries, Inc. ELECTED—Dick Webb has been elected first vice-president of the North Carolina • Virginio Chapter of the American Soci ety of Training and Develop ment. Dick Webb Commenting on the appoint- ASTD Officei SPEAKER — John A. Lang. Jr., administrative assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, will address Shelby area Kiwanians at a nine-club meeting next Thursday, Sept. I8th, at Hotel ! Chorles in Shelby. Engiueer Says Coustructiou Is Ou Schedule By MARTIN HARMON Construction of Kings Moun tain’s water treatment plant oa the east bank of Buffalo Creek is on schedule and the plant j should be ready to supply potable 1 water by March 1. Dennis F’ox, project engineer i for W. K. Dickson & Company, ! said Wednesday, ‘T see no reason why the plant shouldn’t be ready ; for service by March 1.” He also reported that Ray D. LowJer Company, which holds contract for pipeline installation, js pi'ogressing well on laying the • big 2'1-inch main from the treat ment plant to the west city lim- I its. He said the Lowder firm is I “about two weeks away from U. |S. 74”. J Ho also said in-city work on ! laying lateral lines is proceeding , well. I A change has been issued to up 1 the size of the lateral on Phifer i Road, from Mountain street, to 12-inch pipe. Initial specification I was for 8-inch pipe. 1 Gillespie Construction Company, ^general contractor, had 55 men on the job Wednesday, highest to tal to date. “There’s work going 'on all over the place,” Engineer Fox commente at 3 p. jq director of the CCCjl; OIICC Jl aQISwCI m. and at 1 p.m. Saturday. Prize educational program and' drawings will be held at 10 P-m.; 1938. state administrator! East P-TA Favois Project „ , . , _ _ , . drawings will be held at 10 P-m. in 1938, state administrator ’ Dg* f)i>f|tfr Pivm East school Parent-Teacher As , nightly with merchandise donated (he National Youth Adminis-1 DV l/IUQ f lllll imously Tuesda.v ; by area business firms. Firew'orks fj-^tion in North Carolina. He en- drops to one-half one percent in October. Kings Mountain’s tax levy, ex clusive of utilities is $266,286. On basis of 1968 utility valuations of $1,075,073, the levy would be $275,424. City residents continued to pay 1969 tax bills this week at dis count—though of one rather than! sociation unan two percent which applied in Au-j night endorsed fluoridation, a: displays are held nightly. The: ^^^my Air Force pri-j Kings Mountain Drug Company -The one nereent rti«en„nt r;.tP *’>’ ' Fair closes Saturday at midnight.' May 1942, being separated j has praised the Kings Mountain aoDliL throiwh Sentemher n There is no admission charge. 494^ the rank of maior. 1 Police Department for its piompt- " P • Qyp, parenu and teachers _ .T Resert® ness in solving the recent nar- attended. CftvAAt ® major and is now a Reserve cotics robbcr>' at the drug firm. Motion in favor of tho nronos'il vallSlcI Allwwl major general with a mobiliza- Charles Blanton, a partner, martn hir Rill !■ 1 Ucn assignment of assistant tojwrote Mayor John Henry Moss: ondpd hv Tih Snn^tt ’ ^ ■ lUfAtIf FaTIIIaIiTPiI superintendent. USAF. I “On behalf of the oavners and Aftpr^ I " ' OimflllZea | The North Carolinian was staff! staff of Kings Mountain Drug oarents visited the cla*!srnom-s ’ The city commission Tuesday assistant to the Better Health | Company, I would like to for- _.l! ; night formally approved the Cans-, As.sociation in Raleigh from 1946 i mally e.xpress our appreciation ler street widening project No. to 1947, then held various staff j and admiration for the excellent, W.O. 9.7121H01 and contracted.-positions for various congress-' professional efforts of Police with the State Highway Depart-I men. including Rep. Charles B. Chief McDevitt and his officers. Roberts Asks Rezoning To Ruild 12-Uiut Apartment On N. Cansler \ N — Revival services will SATURDAY DANCE - September 21-26 at Macedonia rnented, “Tho continuing increase ‘ Square dances will be held Baptist church. ^ in demand for natural gas service j each Saturday night, beginningl Rev. Clarence McMahan, pastor reflects the cotinuing growth of ! Saturday, at Grover Re.scue Squad of Gastonia's Mece\vania until about 1755 In other action, the board: ! pated expense in paying its share country was in the Battle of when he moved to Virginia, met Awarded contract to Graybar , of the project. Kings Mountain October 7, 1780. and married Sarah Hardin, and Electric Co. of Charlotte for pur- By a resolution of the North Car- shortly after move 1 to Tiwnn. chase of oil circuit breaker, dis- CHICKEN SUPPER 'olina Assembly in 1786, an ele- North Carolina. Until after the connect switches and voltage reg. The Chancel Choir of Grace igant mounted sword was present- Battle of Kings Mountain he liv- ulators. The firm submitted a United Methodist church will ed him “for his voluntary and dis-j ed on a trad in the fork of Long low bid of $14,538. Other bidders, sponsor a chicken supper he- !tinguished services in the defeat. Creek and Still House Branch were: Mill Power Supply Co..' ginning at 4:.3() p.m. in the of Maior Patrick Ferguson at near present Dallas. N. C. In $15,089; Westinghouse Electrical’ church fellowship h^all. Plates Kings Mountain.” This sword is 1782 he sold parts of this tract Supply, $16,661; Bryant Supply! are $2 for adults and $1 for now in the Museum of Kings, and moved to a new home on Co., $16,736; and Electrical Dis- children and takeout orders will Mountain National Military Hark. Kings Creek in South Carolina. (Continikd On Page iSix) be available. • Mrs. Summois, the former Don- Continual On Page Six