u ] I Page •nWG5 MO<»MTAIN HFRALD, KINGS MOIIMTAIN N. C. Thursday, November 6, 1969 IWoving Forward. Looking Up"; Hundreds Attend 66th Festival •(•lOfiil 1'(KmI and huiwlicd> id liibils i!' Mic Kin;^s Mo n* liii inonumcMi ai iln- siu* of ili,* r, il ia* of Kint^s Mmii..i:n ai Jii-u hy ICiujs Mounain Nalinnal Mililaiy Park fraitiMvl in talih* dtco. and in (‘xliibitiiin Irdls. Con Vi i.sat ion j>i**c(*s v\ir<' tin* flininji lahlos vvhioli were »cnic. od willi lh(‘ small nionuMU'tits ami dt\‘oral(*d wii li coi nui-ojiias aiM In sj):ir of ihf f'al i'X- liiliiis .is tlio .voun^r loi); i»u:d:d (h(*nis»*lv(‘s this yoar in ilra\viii.Lr. I>ain’ini4, and ihsplay;;j;( ili -ii’ favniiti* things. Upcoming''riianks jfivini' providtd nurn(‘i'nus ImUoy •pihhlo.s and on<‘ yonn;'sU*r, Dav id Hcrinlon, dopicii'd his idtanl iu;k(*y: a fat 'roin 'Purkoy on iho dinniT lahn*. Division ni and IV’, nc( ilowork and arts ami oriil'ts, w'or<‘ al.sf> favo.ilo visilinj; spots of faiij^o- (*rs. IniIiidof (lastonia sonmi'.' .Somo Domocialic loadois in the area say Harris woul 1 maki* an oxcollont candidato aiul thoy may ^^otj Ix'hind him. Area Scouters Win Awards MonK AnOVT Condemnation VonlDhu'tl l‘'ru/ii f*atfr Oar VVhilt- said. Anotlnn- suit aoainsi Hul'ord 1). (,’Iino, 1(, acTjuiro a portion of llic da>m silo, r«‘sult(*(l in a c.iniini-- sionor i.iAartl lo Mr. ('lino lh‘ appoalod and tho appeal is (iilondarod hir Iho N>ivonilMM 21 lorm of ('lovoland Superior (’our-t bofim* Krcd 'I. IIasl>. Action a;4ainst .lolm b. ('lino a waits ap))oiMtni('nl ol Hu* thiiM- niomlxn loninii.ssion team .o Clerk oi (’ourt Paul Wilson. Tiroo appaintmoiiis liad not b(‘4‘n made Wodnosda.N allcnioim. ('o)idoinnalion ailion has also boon fih'd a;i;dnsl Coh man 'I. (Joforth. AHoirr City Board Coiit'nniffi Otir Tho Mayor said tho IjamPoi^io huildinp; on C'lo\oland avoma* is iloftignod loi use “in all and thiit it will provide accom modations lor indoor .sports and sports ovonls, mootings, cominun- ity gatherlnj*^. a day caro nurs ery, and .social services. Th(‘ other will ho a stadium committee, which will be* aslasi to provide plaii.'^’ and lacominond ations' for dovolopnnnit of a stadium ado(|ua1(* tor hascb.ili ailclWAh(*r o\onl.s. Ui'\. David L. Castor, pastor of Ivosurroction Lutheran chu^^•h, was i>r(‘.scnt(‘d Hu* Or^aiiiz(*r’s Award and several othei local .S.outcrs were cjt(‘d at llu* an nual Batlle^iround District Boy Scouts ol Am(*rica annual roctig- nition baiuiuet Thur.silay nl^ht al (Jardm-r VVel)b collC}^'e. AL. Castor orKani/(*(‘;u in Kin^j; Mountain. OttuM traininj; awards w<*nt to local sc<»uu*rs .h'rr.v Blalock, Mrs. Klizabelli Still. Charley Kcid, Km- melt .Moss, Ken Pruitt and James Still. (h‘or:.ie II. Alaimey was api)oint- e.| chairman ol Hu* district fin ance commitli'c and Shulord Poole; was apjiointed chairman of ih(' (li^tricl (Himmittee on ad- vancenumt foi the cominji year. Ollier awards pre.s(*nled were the summertimt‘ pack awjirds to Pack HU and Pack llu* re cruit of tlu* month awards to rr(»ops !)1. f)2. KM. 112 ami 2iM) and Ikicks KM, K)S and HM; Fair awards tr» Pat’k 110 and KM: Ti'Ktps 105, 100 and 101 and Ex- pioi'i’i i'osts *107 and 291. Pick Morton ol route 7, Shelby, iJMMdved a lile saving* award and a first aid award went to ll-year- old Cliy KIder ol Shclhj. Award.-- were pres(*nled to the Sbel.n Daily Stai, tlie Cleveland Times, the Kiiv.fs Mountain Her ald, WADA, WOIIS and WKM'r, Ka tlu'ir support in publlei/in;," scout activities. Sludby Pe.scue Scjuad, Upper Clevelaml Heseue Sriuad, Cleve land County Volunteer Fire Dc*- partipenl and Casar \''oUmleer Fire Department were leco^Miized , tor piovidin^ service durhi;.; the scant 4-ampinij M'ssion.s. •d fl □ lH'” n •D CO CO 03 03 n J c 'CO rt u CO y- ■ - 0 o CJC) ^ "—0 r I'l ^8 BqSa ■ ycL 14 pt. ACCOU.XT NO. in .. Account Number Is Important ax m The .social security acjuunl num- a(»r has always beep tin* key in the operations of the social .se- -■u Ity program. Durm;; tin Jjast few years .several other agen.ies .avc started using the num!)Cis for their eornputeri.^’d recerl ^ceping. Hence, a social .^tciniiy arc) is more important n iw Ilian »ve,\ How should a pei.^-on get a social security card? ^ The an.swf.' L rather simple. . ) o tlio nearest scMal .“^euirity oL ice. If it’s inconvenient to visit such an office, oi If you live some distance away, go to the nearest Po.st Office and ask ( a an appli cation for a social .security card; c-.Tipletc it and mail it to the nearest social security office and a card will be mailed tb you. If y-..u Icse your carvl. o. .should married, you should reciue.st a^ duplicate ca.d by following tho^ aijovT piocedure. Rc.membei a mal application fen a sccial secur^^ it\ end must be (om.ploted. (A telephone call or li'tter requesting a .a;d cannot be honmcd.l A per- s \\ should never have but one number throughout hU llfe-tiine. LODGE MEETING Kegulalion communication of Kniirit w !. dgr 330 AF&AM vvid be held M mday night at 7:30 p.m. a at Alas»mi( Hall, announces Thom i.s D. Tindall, secretary. LUTHERAN TOPIC •Dedl-ded tn the Service of Mod’ will he the sermon tojiic of Rev. t'harle.s Kash'y at Sundtiy Morning worship services at 11 ( 'clock al SI. Matthew’s Lutheran church. OQXX> C5X^' 'i o L.^ >o 0 0 < «Ht ■K.tl (■MUII4M C0I CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT URBAN RENEWAL AREA PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN — The Preliminary Site Plan submit* ted with the application illustrates the major features of the downtown project; clearance of dilapidated buildings to provide adequate porking and stimulate privote investment in new con struction buildings, rehabilitation of remaining buildings, and improved traffic flow. This architects sketch does not represent AMERICAN EDUG^; actual redevelopment plans for each parcel—this will be devel oped in detail during project execution based upon recommenda tions of the Project Area Committees established for that pur pose, Director Joe Laney said. The squares with the dots in the upper right hand corner indicate areas where new structures are anticipated. Building Peimits Issued By City City L. siiu(*ii(jn DAU TIEXG, VIETXAM lAH- rxct Kilfoid W. Hastings. Jr., ilctiug ponriKs for parcuts live on R.ouU’ I, of four i-osi(lciic'os and Hessemor City, N. C., was pro- Birth Announcements two i(*sioi K;ig»‘ Oiu*> Our plemontatiiui liy llu* city vom mission, At this {loitit (lis;'U.ssi(>n began on tlu* merits of an iiifor mational v(*rsus mandatory refer endum and llu* other (juestions 1) for a retci'cnduai. mandaloiy or informational and 2> lo del(*r any action at llii> time, \\*‘re n€*ver post'd. Balh'Mtiiu , si.ilc lumorary cliair- nian, oi Raleigh. .A/OA*K’ Aliorr Education Week (Cvntuinvil h'om ZV/;/' ifnrl Mr.s. Balleniint* said, ‘‘We an* pU'a.M'tl to have these CTcv'(*lan.l County citizens j4iin the hundj-e.ls 4.. other volunteers in North t*art»- lina lo helj) bring about a better (oiiirol of systic fihrosi.s liy col|(‘ci- ing tlu* funds so vital for cmilin- iunI rc.scarcli al Duke Cystic Fib- rosl-- Coiil(‘i and other major nu*d ical centers in oui countrv.” Aiuly Dover purchas(*d a permit To add a rocun to his residence al '29 .u iinelt Drive." Cost estimate is $.50') and Du.vey Blanton is>con- tractor. Kmnu'tt Ross bought a permit to liuild a carport at his W(K>i- side Drivt* residence. Cost esli- mau is SKMK). semer City, in 1956. and Catawba Valley Techni(?al tution, Hickory, in 1957. ■from Insti- Butler Improving From Injury Kings Mountain hospital. Ml. and Mrs. Paul F. Perkins, route 1, announce the birth ot a son, Sunday, November 2. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Larrv D. .-Vndor- . OI(d Glory . . . honor it ,. . (defentJ it Mrs. McKenzie To Lead Study ny has, the nighcr his income ;> likely to be. L'(»ns('(|ucnily, a com munity most of vvIklnc .Joluinvs hdve compleit'd their high school education will likely havi* :i great <*r p> a recessive g<*n(*. It is a problem oiu* in 20 births. When two car- rier.s t»f cystic filiro.sis marry, llu* vhancc.s ol producing a child with cyst is fibrosis is one in foui births. Thus, cystic filirosis disea.st* is fouiiil ;iboul one in I.'HKI liirlhs. Then* is no . un*. There is no lest for dct(‘rmining a cy.stic fibrosis canier. Tlu* hopi* is in the more than 30 cystic fibrosis ivseareh <(‘ntcrs supported by the National Mrs. VV. VV. McKen/ie of Wil mington, Baptist asscciational mission study chairman, will lead tiu* foreign mission study of the book, “Sons of Ishmael”, at Kings Mountain Baptist churcli Sundav afternoon at 5:30. to the Tlu* program is oiKui intcresterl community. -Mrs. McKenzie is sister of Mrs. Earl Oxford of King.s Mountain. W.MU Director of the local church is Mrs. Eugene Roberts. .Mrs. Marion Dixon is Mission Study (diairman and Mrs. Od<*ll Renton is president of the Wom en’s Missionary Union. to-attract businc.ss ;>n(l iiulusir.v to a state or comnuiniiy. thus im proving eniplovmcti opportunities for A nindividual and providing gt^e'ater re.souiccs for the govern- nient.’’ T'hc ili(*me of the cystic fibrosis •ampaign is “(iive A Child A Br(*ath Of Lil(*. Rotary Auction Saturday At 7 Finally, W(*stmorcland poinu-1 out that a community vviierc jol.i- nre awanled on the bas.s of (piali fications and the* .s.-hools encour age Students to hcconu* (juali.ied is Jikely to lu* a p(*a(.H*ful c-miimm- itv. Curious Savage To Be Presented auc- club Little Tlu’.iln* m(*mb(*rs art* busy rclu'arsing foi their forlh- toming production of Tlie Curi ous Savag(*.” WTtOn stud(‘nts see that lime spent in schools is an investnieiu that will pay dividends, iliey arc more likely to conlinue tluur siu dies through liigh school atu! \n'. hdps beyond. The eomcvly will b(* pr(*senied on two e\ ening.s, NovcmbiT IJlIi L5th, at ,S {).ni. in Central and school auditorium. Tick(‘L Went on sale this week. .\nnunl i'e Flephanl tion lo ') --''iit of a Rotary scludarship D'e n the Kings .Moun tain Rotarv club will be held Saturday nigiit al tlie Kings .Mount-iin National Guard zVnn- ory. I 'I'hc aucti.ui gets undt*rway at 7 p.m. and admission is frt'e and open to llu* public. Among tho various it(*ms to be auctiotu'd and .sold to the highest bidder is a 19.53-model Plymouth. u:. Joan C. McGill is general cliaiiniau of llu* promotion. Garland Butler. 15 - year • aid : Shelby youth, struck by a bullet ■ in a Halloween accident in SHel- by, remains a patient in the in- t(*nsivc care unit of Cleveland .Memorial hospital ;d Shelbv. His aunts, Mrs. James Roberts and Mrs. Clarence Poteat, of Kings Mountain. rciJorted his con dition Wednesday night as ‘sat- islaclor\'.” Danny Martin, 18, of Shelby, h;^ been charge;! with assault with deadly weapon resulting in serious bodily injury, not result ing in death, in a warrant signed by the injured boy's father. He ha*j been released on bond of ■ $2(K). According lo Shelby city police ! Butler reportedly told them he- was shot in the side while walk ing on S. Latayetle street about 12.3:/ a.m. Friday hi unknown j.'ersons in a passing car. The jiclice reiKirt stated that Butler' was with his brother. Keith, and | Danny Martin. Further invc.stiga- ' tion revealed, police said, that the ' boys were in the coin laundry on S. Lafayette street when Danny -Martin, a frit’iid of Bulh'rs, came in pointing a .22 calibre pistol he It'M.I been cerr-vinfy amund m*'1 said, “all right boys, nobody mo\('.” Th( hammer reponcuiv slipped, firing the gun and wounding Builei in tiu* side. Po ik’e said their investigation r(' \eal(*d the sluxiting was an acci dent.. I the birth of a daughtei, Sunday. I November 2, Kings Mountain hos- ‘ pital. I Ml. and Mrs. Kemp F. MVath- . ors, .505 Broad strci't, announce the birth of a son. Sunday, Nov ember 2, Kings Mountain hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Waldt, 1106 W. Airline .\v('nuo, Gastonia, announce the birth of a daugh ter, Tuesday, November 4, King,s Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. West, 112 Wncf. road, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, Novem ber 4, Kings Mountain hospital. VA Explains More Benefits Blood Bank Returns Monday Up to $250 for the burial ex penses of an eligible deceased vet. eran will be paid by the Veterans ; Administration witliout regard to .whether the interment is in a I naiimial cemetery or a pi ivate I burial place. VV. R. Phillips, Managei- of the Winston SaltMn VA Ht'giimal Of fice. said today the allowance is payable in tlu* case (tf wartime veterans, including those who have served after August 4, 1951. He addcvl that peacetime as well as vvartiinf* veto.ms are eli gible for burial 40 any national cemetery tl,iat has available space. 1 he only requirement is that their last period of active duty must have ('nded vvilii an honorable dis. ' charge. I Administered by the Depart- t ru'ni of the Army, the henefits incUuie grave site and actual in-' tt.mcnt in the national cemetery A yard or so of material—and almost 200 }'cars of dreams and determination—^niake an American Flag. We honor that flag when we value the heritage it represents. We defend it when we strengthen our freedoms by using them. All this is part of what our young people must learn if they arc to become responsible citizens. Many educators count on the Treasury's School Savings Program to help illustrate these ideas. They know that buying uTs. Savings Stamps regularly gives each youngster an active part in his coun try's affairs, a part he can understand and from which he can come to appreciate how his country and his freedom depend on what he does as a citizen. Let the School Savings Program hdp your slucicnts he'p An Firemen Set Benefit Show In su» h cumnuuiitii's, tlio uncni plo>n'U'ni 1 ate i.s huvccc'd. atnl a highttf iXTi-cniagc af tin* 'Dnimiiii ity thcrclorc has a si.ikv i’l the preservation in the community. Every clement of so»':ciy. Wi*st m<»reland stres.scd. nnt.sl idusidcr b(»tler education his job. Sponsor(*fl Xatiimally and ah- Ifcihwaie si liool nually by tlu* Xational IMucali