V # I Population Greoter Kings Mountoln 21.914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9.300 Uitdttr kia^i Mouatalo tigur* U dtflTc# tims lb« •iMCtrJ Uaitpcl States Bureau of the Ceatue report e }aBk-«ry I9h6, oatf lociudet the M,990 populaUea • Numher 4 Tewpihlp, aad the romamlDg 9«i24 Itos Number 9 Tewaihip. to Clevelead Couaty aad Crowder* Meuatota Towathip la Qaetoa Ceuaty. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL 82 No. 12 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 19, 1970 Eightieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS / Four More Candidates Seek Office X. RECEIVE CHECKS—^Miss Linda Ross and Leon Ross are pictured being awarded a donation of S350 by the president, Mrs. Victorio Bess, and the vice-president, Luico Wilson of the Kings Mountain Improvement Association. This donation will ossist the two students on a trip to Russia ond other foreign countries. The association is asking oil churches ond organizations to give'a contribution. (Isaac Alexander photo) CBD Plan Before Planning Group A MAH OF MONTH—Coptain Del bert Dixon has been honored as the Cleveland County Rescue Squad's first Man of the Month. Dixon Tapped Man Oi Month C^lovoland County Hoscuo Squad has named four-term Captain Del- b(*rt Dixon as its first' “Man ofl the Month.” Re^inninff in March members, of the volunteer or"anizatif)n vvillj lionor one .of its members for ser- j vice. I C’aptaiu Dixon, re-elected in Jan-1 uary to a fourth term as head of-j the or^janization, help<*d organize; tlie local squad 11 years ago. | Commenting on Mr. Dixon’s so-: lection, a member said, “Delbert is well known in this area, hav ing lived here all his life and .'U!tivo in community affair.s. 'Through his efforts, we believe tlte local Rescue Squad is among t)io finest in the state. I a.sked Delbert what his hobby was. if any, and he said, "I have none.” Any rpscuo jnembor will confirm this .statem^.l, Our captain is al ways on call night and day.” Son' of a former-mayor Kelly Dixon and Mrs. Dixon, Dixon is i'mployed by Lithium Corporation. Ht\. served in the Navy during \Vi\rld War II. Is activ'o in Central Methodist church whore both he and hLs wdfe sing in the choir. Mrs. Dixon is the former Sue Baker of Gastonia. 'IJ'hey are par ents of four childrerh^ , Mis. Blanton's Rites Conducted Kiineral rites for Mi's. Lois I Gfi”ins Blanton. 37. wife of Collins Blanton. 37, of 207 West ftidge street, wife of Frank Blanton, city gas department em ployee, were held ^turday at 3 p.m. from Ternple Baptist church of which she \vas a member. t Mrs. Blanton died Thursitey at 12:10 a.m. in the Kings Moun tain hosp'tal ai[tor several week’s illness. Dealli was altril)Ule he beard meinb(‘rs wanted to ;ted ■ the matter fu thc'’.’' r^e •aid that Crescen Hill, since its levclc^ment began afirr Vv'c Id A'ar II, I. IS been ! nited to sin gle- family dwellings. He a ded tho zoning board will meet again prior to the .March 24 meeting of the city commis- don to give tlu* request further consideration. He said the pros- Dcct ve developers. Fields Youni ind C. B. Cash, both of Shelby, likely will be invited to attend ho meeting. | Hal Plonk told the city wm- 1 mission last wTck the developers. ' f ic-zoning is obtained, would i take options on one tract for 9D i lays and the across-the-street i Tact for 120 days and would im- ' mod ately build 20 units. If de mand appears warranted, the levolopers expect to build an ad ditional 20 units on the other ract. Sw'n'ming pool, putting g^*epn. and 21 parking spares are plan- led for the initial 20-unit com- olrx.. Anticipated rentals ave $12.7 ocr month for two - b<'droom m ts ar ' $140 p' r month for hrcc bedroom units. Easier Cantata At Grace Church The 25-voice Sanctuai-' rhoir »f Grace UniTd Metiindist hur h will sing the Palm Sun day Cantata. “’Hallelujah. What ^ Saviour”, Sunda.v morning at he n o’c‘'!cck worship serv ce he church. The Easter Cantata is und '■ho direction of Robert Cashion.' organist and choir director. Bud Bumgardner will serve as nar rator for the cantata whirdi de picts the greatest and most in dispensable ingred ent in he uni- verse-^love. Carl Robbs and Curtis Sal mons will be acolytes for tho service and ushers will be ROvky Carroll, Jeff Crawforl, Bobby Lane and Jee moved to offer new, sacrificx^s of praise and worship to whom “who loved i s and gave himself > or us.” “Tho greatest single fact in all human-history is Cat- va-ry, where Gf>d's “no greater love” for mahRin ’w as profound ly and eloquently expressed in the death of His Son.” Members of the Choir are Mrs. Nad nr Bagwell. Mis. Janelle Brackett, Mrs. Margie Dellinger. Mrs. Jan(' Hinson, Miss Jessie Jonas, M.'s. Linda King, Miss Kathy Lane, Mrs. Doris M/Gin- uis, Miss S-andy McGinns, M^s. Mable Ross. Miss Pegg>' Ross, Mrs. Dorene Ballard, Mrs. Co- tene Bennett, Miss Pat Lane, Miss Lorraine Jonas. Mrs. Elvia Pearson, Mrs. Virginia Jonas, M..S. Virgin a Jonas, Miss Becky Dellinger. Scott Bennett, Billy King, Lawrence Bennett, Biil McGinnis, Carl Price. Bill Jonas and Ro.v Biddy. Chief McDevitt Kiwanis Speaker Kings Mountain Chief of Police Tom .McDevitt will .speak on the topic, “Drug Alert In Our Com munity”. at Thursday's meeting of the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman’s club. The Kings Mountain officer at tended a school on this subject last month. JOHN H.MCBRAYER (R) Senote Candidate MARY LOU BARRIER (D) For Education Board Bowles Speaker For Lions Event \ Farmer s Night Banquet Set Ibr Tuesday i Senator Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles of Greensboro will b(* the principal speaker at Tuesday night's Farmer’s Night hanquel of the Kings Mountain Lion.s club. Farmers of the KJngs Mountain, area will be guests of the civic club, an aiuiual custom of the Lion.s lor many years. Lion Hal S. Plruik i.s clriirmun of tlie arrangements commitu*c which includes Lion William L;nv rence Plonk, co-cruiirnian. Dinner will be .ser\(*fl at 7 p.m.' in the Woman’.s club dining room.l Other civic leaders and < il\ of.! ficials hav(' been invited to at tend. Si'iiator Bowk’S, elected to tin- .state senate representing Guil ford County in 1969, h:ts long been active in civic, government and community affairs. Ho was dirf'ctor and later chairman of the board of 'he North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development from 19t>l-65 and served in the N. C. Hou.se of re.sentatives from 1967-6S. He solv ed on the State Art .Museum build ing commission, was chairman of llio slato omorKoncy r.-s.-ur-Ts: p,ni,.„,hrr.s .-..id f, i.-nds p annms commilto,. ,n (h- n Urr’ ,, of nv.l dofonso. and on tl.o C.ov-ji, . e nors vocal.onal rohab.luanon | j,ra.i„y tho Kiy,ti..th Annivorsary V V"'''' of Kirst BapliM . ion. agro.l1 ui-Bl and pohhol Charloslon. wo faro comm, oos, iho s(a(o|s„^„„ Carolina, a lormor pastor, hanking romm.i too and on thoyviil speak at the mu. i,ing wor- election laws commitico. 1 ship period DistimoiM i"'’ "V";''" Di.stinguislu’d Service Award for SPEAKER — Senator Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles of Guilford County will be the principal speaker at Tuesday night's an nual Lions club Farmer's Night bonquet at 7 p.m. at the Wo man's club. First Baptist 180th Birthday CHARLES A. GREENE (D) For County Commission I Buiord Cline 1 Appeal Deadline Is Friday Dciidlin. of Hufoul Cline tc. : file formal notice of appeal is Fiiday in ilic litigation on the ' iiy's condemnat on action a gainst him on the Buffalo Cnn k dam site. City Ailorni'y .lack II. White said formal appeal must b<’ filed within ten djy.s. togeili.r wiili appeal notes, to’tlio circuit court of appeals. Should the appeal hi* fill’d Mr. Cl nc. who lest a “points of law” 'qjtx'ai from C!c.. k ol Court Haul Wilson's rulings by ruling of .“Superior Court Ju ge SHn J. Ervin. Jr., would hav(' 69 days witliin w’.ikh t<> file a complete ,}. ief. 'File litigation cemcerns the line port oip 93.3 acres, of tiie 15. ffalo C'rec k dam .site on which we. k w:}s begun .March 11, two Uys after Judge Erv'in had sf^n- cd tile formal judgment in tlu case. Mrs. Powell's Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Dora Clark Powell. 71. of ro. te 1. Grover, were held Sunday after noon at 3:30 fiom Bethany Bap ■s: ciuncli of wliich she was a member. Rev. JanK'S .Sanders, -assistc Choir To "Crucifixion Sing if She W'-is dauglitrr of 1ln' late M.\ and Mrs. Haivey Clark, SiijAivng arc three brothers Erntffit Ckiik of Shelby, James Clark of Poikville and \Vile> Clark of Gw’nville, .S. C.; two k>nk into tin* pii-st and the i sisters, Mrs. Raymond Camp of vvilli comments by former Grove,* and Mrs. D(»Ia Pae(» of I ('lioir will bring .sjx’cial music at th(' morning i^ervice. Lunch will he served at tlio churcli, and an aft<’rnoon pro-: gram will begin at 2 p.m. fe.-itur- ing a lutiua iiaslor.s and memners. Tile Men’s Cliorus will sing dur ing the afternoon. Greenville, .s. c\; and a half sister, Mrs. Della Hyde of Char lotte. White. Ref Blanton, Howard Jackson, J<'rry Hollifield. Floyd Thornbuig and Glenn Cari'oll. Active pallbearers were Jerry | children, Mrs. Joe ■ CB^irbarai 1 ner and family of Gastonia, and; Eidsnn of Gastonia an;! Joe Me- Mr. and Mrs. Joe McDaniel Jr. Daniel, Jr., Kings Mountain city j and fam ly in serving and onter- clerk and treasurer. Among rel-Saining. i METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts i(or the weik ending Tuesday to taled $115.75, all from on-street meters. The Senior Choir of Central United .Methodist chun h will sing the Easter cantata. “The Crueif xion” by John .Sl.iinri Sunday afternoon at 5 p.m. at the chunh. .Mrs. J. X. McClure, organist and choir director, will .ireel the presentation. The inlerosti’d community- is in\'ited to join the local congregation n h'earin - the program of worship. The Cantata is a meditation on the Sacred Pas.sion of th(’ IIol> R(?deomer. Soloists will be Mrs. Rennet I blasters, B. R Peeler, Jake Dix on. Mrs. Delbert Dixon. Bill Rus sell, Arthur Walker and Curlton Harris. Other choir mom hoi's are: Sopranos .Missi’s .Mary Al ee -McDaniel, Winifred FuPon, Bes sie Bumgardner, and Mrs. Guy Trout. Altos Misses Susan Ander son, Mary B.yant. Lou Bryant, Lynn Harmon, Debbie Tip'^ms. Marilvn Dixon. Mrs, \V. A. Rus sell, Mrs. Harvey Williams and Mrs. W. D. Werner. Bass — Delbert Dixon, Mark Stockton. Captain Meek Ormand Logged 101 Wednesday; Birthday Party Held Capla n Batii* .Meek Ormand spetil a quiet llilst liinhday i Wednesday. 'Fhe u'lireil i illroad C'lnductor , had lun. )> .is usual wifli his laughter, .Mis. C. T. Caipenler, • Sr. atui Mr. C’aipenler, then re- , ti)v(l to his liome wlu-re num erous f: iends ealled dii.ing ilie day to \vi.‘^h him a "happy birth- , day.” Familv' members )ia!ey. pasto.* (H Fh'St Presb lerian I church an! M-s. Aush, y, -and ; Rev. !.■). I>. Alderman, pastor (J I Central .Methodist eluir.h, and Mrs.. Ald<'i*man. Earlier that morning, Captain Meek's fellow members of First Pieshyterian duiieh, held a birfiiday party in li's Sunday Scbeol class where he holds a ra'tiid of 2S years |)erfeel .it- tendance and is Elder Emeritus. Tin* elass members gathered at a decorated birthday table to cut a birthday cake. Captain Meek help<'d cut a si.onl birthday cake at the family g<’t-t()-gether. On his 100th birthday last year, (lie well-known Kings Mountain man re:eive' Lou Barrier for the county board of education, Mr.s. Barrier was elected in 1968 and, under a staggered term ar rangement. now seeks a full four year term. John H. McBrayer. Shelby real ty dealer and developer, filed last weekend a Republican candi date for Seat No. 1, 43rd State Senatorial di.strict. He Is expected to oppose Senator .Marshall Rauch, of Gastonia. Mr. McBrayer said, “I hope to have the opportunity to .serve and repre.sent the people of Cleveland and Ga.ston counties in the North Carolina Senate. I have many friends in both political parties, and I am looking forward to meeting many new friends in both counties between now and tho November election.” Mr. McBrayer is a numiher of the county Republican executive committee and completed eight years a.s a momiier of tho <*ounty elections board on March 1. His wife is Nancy Beam McBrayer . and they have three children. Mrs. Barrier .said: “I have en joyed serving on tho County Board of Education this term and appreciate the help and support given me by the people through- •■Hit Cleveland County during this time. I feel b(‘tter qualified to serve the people of this cxiunly w'ith the experience’ I have gained and therefore announce my candidacy for re-election to the Cleveland County Board of Education. As before, my only aim is in contin uing improvement of our schools to tho needs of our children.” Mrs. Barrier is tho wife of Dr. Cecil L. Barrier. She attended Radford C'oHego. in Virginia, and wa.c graduated in 19.50 from the .Medical College of Virginia School of Nursing. Mr. Rucker said, *T believe in good, sound local government with a low. stable tax rate and as much progress for our county as a balanced budget will permit.” His wife is Carolyn Webb Rucker and they have four sons. He is an air force veteran of the Korean war. a .Methodist, mem ber of the .American Legion and VFW and the Elk's Lod^ Commissioner Green is a deac on of Zoar Baptist church and IS Shelby st aff manager of Home M'cunty Life Insurance Com- nany. Ho is a member of the board of directoi-s oi! Goodwill Industries, a Kiwanian, and is current president of Shelby Life Underwriters Association. H i s wife is Louise Callahan Gieene Jind they have three children. Mr. Greene said: "After a great deal of serious consideration and urgency from my friends all over the county, I fCtmtinucd r K'lative in New Yoik todav ion’t. Because of the postal strike n tint .stHMio'i of the country, ■nail is not Ixung deliveied. Postmaster Charles Alexander said vesterday ho had n’ccXed a directive by wire fmm the Postmasitv General not to accept any type’ mail destined for de- Uvi.iy in ,\ew York City, the Br«>n.\, Br(K)klyn, Flushiiyg, Far Rol•ka\^■a\’, .Jamaica. Long is land CGly, .Staten Island. Manil la, Hicksvllo, and Riverhead, New York. A postal strike is "on" in some se<*ii»)ns of .New Jei'sev, S'aid the postmaster, hut as yet no direc- tives have been forwa.;ded here abom dispatch uf mail.