Pdigo 6 Harbin Rites Are Conducted THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursday, March 26, 1970 lurs liu,' for W'^’u' 've:4' h. Ill' I p.Mi. fri in liu' Cluipi'l Til' Kunnr;.) llnno, intnnnoiit in M^unr.ain ii ,,rri- fiaTofl al Ilu' f 1..1I 1 iu s. Mr ilai!;in MmulaN innrn- at in liin K'itr;s Mmui- tain liosintal alU'p ;i w. cks ill- no^K.He was a native o| I'iikens, cl At., in I Mrs. Moli ♦■r^fai hin o)' Cai'lney, S. C. Hi* cmi luvM' of i'nrk Vai-n ol W’url^l V»'g.!^p (Mill loyie of M^Taiul a veleran WSr«lI service. *» NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The (’iry Biiard al ('ominission- ei's. Kind's Mounlain. North Caro lina, herein' ;^ives notice of a jiuh- ll>' liearin.n to he helil Ajiril I IhTh at ().rn. in ihec.tyll i, . Kiir.fs Ahiunlatn, North Carolina hir liio purpose of allowin;^ any interesii'd jierson.s to jjrirsiMit their v ie’A's in lesjiei I to tlu‘ juojwi.^ed redevel ipinenl of the folIoAin,i» (leserihed area known as the (’en tral business Distrirt lienewal Area. Project No. y. c. P-SI. lyin;^ and -heiny in the City of Kiiifts Mounlain. .Norili ('arolina and de- serll)(‘d as hdhnvs: Urn* of Butile'Mound Jlinv,iv'n;r jire his ino::!-.', Mrs KdJjnrf II a, !)in of (;■! ft lie.: id- Wift^NIrs. Paulin llailsn; one HO*^^|4)jite n ir!;;n of the liorra-; n stepson. .I:!;::es ilunPT Cah! Veitnf Poiisnvapli. \’a.: m;o d ’ti.'htOi, Mrs. Ijillie Ann M ■ ti'i c■ of (laffia'v. A grdnch.Iiild a!>o - feet to a stake, another noW j(S)rner: thence another ntM- line ! S. 4S dej?. 45 min. E. 100 feel to ,a .stake. Herndon’s corner: thence with Ins line N. 55 E, 276.5 'feet ; to the b(^Hinning and beinj? a 1 « «■ Road said AN ORDINANCE to extend 1 Wq|||P|| |)oint hcin- continminal with the the Cotporato Limits of the City /‘i; Boyce We.r property 'rim 1 • ww vmiwm southwesI(M*u i-orner of the prop- of Kings Mountain, N. C. P^'pprr^ty ap- city loia1<*d at tin? southeastern WHEREAS, the Board of Com- eorncr of BalII(*grouMd Road anfl missioners has been prlil oned Cold Stu'ct; thence (‘ isterly along urnler G.S. .lGO-4.52, as amended. |Jhi‘ rear property liiu'.s of lots to tfinnex the area s-; along Ilie northern )f the riglils-of-vvay of Spruce MORCANTON Former Con gressman Basil L. Whitener has ur.ged a rev s; J program tf So- eial Security for the heneft c women. The Gastoniap aUlined his , .'Cposal in i s;:e( ' to Morganton Business and Pro- fesb.onal Women JIu. in ..i Burke County city on Monday ! n ght. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and The Board of Commi.ssioncrs • Mh.tener was the auCior ti of the City of Kings Mountain: legislation to peimit women wh; That the entire area embraced worked and paid Sorinl Sc States of the Union HOMZONTAIi I'Tlne Trte SUte'* State" €*'Cotton State" 2 Interstices VERTICAL I 'Treasure Here’s the Aii.*wer AN ORDINANCE NORTH CAROld^i A CLEVELAND COUNTY, righl-of-u-ty lint* a fact lliaf said petition meets i the re(|u remcnis of G.S. !(*')• 152 a.s am«Md(*'iieel I.) .1 point le.'lii-niiv line saiil di'itaruT* l>e- • re or h-s.v;; theilee BOX OFFICE dS .".T C.15 SHOW STAR 4 AT 7:00 Always V 50 A Carload! THURS., FRI., S 3 —No, 1— BLOOr ^’^TT! in color —No TALES OP TERROR in color —No. 3— CIRCUS OF HORRORS in color On Sat. Movies Run Reverse arn lu'operty |j ■ 'Viih Ih(' ('.'I . point on the way line of ( i. on tlu‘ vveslern of (hly .Street ing 26.5 feet m ee souIIumI.v aloiur the w«*-;tern right- of-way line o; City .Street ;iir) jeid mor(‘ or less to Hie tuulhwe.siern eonug- of the inliuserl ion of the liglds-ot \va>' IP,' City Streid and Mounlain Sikmu 65'feet niore or Ii'.ss to a point said point iadng • i' Mle a gde j cij u-iy I'ju' - f a Jot fi'iinting on the .smith riglit- of-way line of M punlaiti Streid; Ihimei* spuiihe.'lv across Mountain Street and al.ig ; said aforemen- (ipuied proj.eri.v Hue 21(» feet mure ir )(‘ss to it.- intersi’cii(uj with a rear jiroperiy tine of a lot frnnl- ing on tin* norlherii right of vay line ol (,»)Id .Slrt'cl; theiiee \V(*st- ('il\ If) !eet more fir I(*ss ,alon‘->' of-way line of I.alte Slr<‘(M to the northern riglU-oi-way lino of Gold Street 290 feel more or loss; theiu*e westerly along the north ern right-of-vva\ line of fJold Street .50 f<*et more or le.ss to the noeliU isi eorn'- the into sgo- lion of the rights-fif-way of Gold .Street and I'iedmont Avamue; iheti.*e noi'tlierlv .dong the east- Sedation 1. Tly virtue ( f tlu? lu Hiority g.-nnt('; saidN‘xamitKitian at tlu‘ offices of the lot: westerly property lino 21(1 feel more o?’ less to the rifn tli n ri'^ht- of-way line of G.dd .Street; llienee westerly !() KmU nion* or le.ss alon^F 11,,. norllMM-Iy ri::ht nf-way litu‘ o| (add Street lro[)- tM-ty line >f a lot fronliinron the .south(‘rn riydit-of-way line of GuM StifU't 91) feet nior(' or I>oinf: fhenci' southeasterly diai^onal IP) Km'I more nr hvss to a point on tin* eastern most track of the Sopthern Raitrnad; ttienee .southeasterly from saitl railroad track too f(‘et nior<' or l<*.ss to a point on the wevstern ri.L,dii-of-wav Kiiifis Mountain Rcdevelo;:.ment jCommisson. City Ilall, Kin;^s '.^lountnin, North Caiolina, dur- in,!; re;^'alar of-ice hours, which , are f-i.-rn S:3h a.m. until 5:00 p. m. Monday Ihrou.t^li Friday pri or to lh(‘ hearing and \v\U be ('pen for discus.sion at the hcar- hyir. Any person or or^anizat'on desiring to be heard will ho giv- U) (>piioriunity to t>e heard at in a nieeting. just above a lar^je poplar: Thimee along a hram h as it me anders in a.Soutlnv<*stcrly direc tion 496 I eel more or le.s.< to a slake: Thence S; 49 E. S6 feet lo a st.ake in the ed"o of Phifer Roa i: Tlience alor; Phifer Road N. 86 E. 103S feet to a stake: j Thence N. 53-30 E. 70 feel to the lK*mg ^ Beginning. .See deed as follows: Book 13F at Pg 311 Book 13-C at Pg 314 and Book BF at Pg 310 in the Cleveland County Registry." MR. AND MRS. JAMES E. AMO.S PROPERTY / an iron stake‘ the 10th day of March, 1970 at W.Iham Herndon and Neis-, John Henry Moss, Mayor ? ''Vr" I Kings Mountain lb rx..,.) Mm. M. l.M feet to an ! .To.seph H. McDaniel City C'lerk in manner as Ls deemed advisable by said health authorities under increases in the a- the supervision of the Chief of of Social Security tax Police of the City of Kings Moun-, every employed person tain. in the United Slaces, coupled Anyon(» violating the provision^ policy of the Nixor of this (Xdinam-e shall be pun*!th. it per.sons cw ishable by a fine of not more- Med care must pay the than 100.00 or imprisonment S55.00 of hospital costs .hav< references ! exceeding thirty Gif)) day.s. j the effect of heightening the i;v o-... Ordinance shall take present limitation feet Immediately upon its adon-!?” rights of women under tion. DONE AND RATIFIED by the Board of City Commissioners, of the City of Kings Mountain on i Social Security," the veteran legislator asserted. ‘‘A better deal for workin,:^ women under Social Security is absolutely es sential.’ iron stake, a new corner: thence a new lino N. 55 E. 312.5 fe<*l to (in iron stake, a nw corner at edge of a 20 f(K)t street: I he thence along said .s(r(*ot S. 4S NOTICE OF. PUBLIC HEARING : G'he Zoning Board of Adjust-- ments will meet in the Com t Whitener recently announced jhis candidacy, for (Congress from the 10th Congressional District. I He served in the Congress for 12 years prior to 1969. /•I,.., 4- »Viii UlCC-l lit . lilt; ( k^. 4o Mm. L. o() feet to a stake. {Room at the City Hall on Friday Thence S. :55 W. i morning at 8:30 A.M. to-consider iLt ,- thence S.: requests of Hazel Gill for a s’do TEEN DANCE Hyonan Dies At Age 85 Be "Good Egg Don't Crackup In Accidents, «*tH i ^5 o’clock ill tlio King.s fli , 1 -Mountain hospital after declining ' "’<■ l'- ■ lu-.-ilth for'ihrpp vo.irs 1 Rev. John James Hickman, 8.5, ,f retired rhinisler, died Tuesday this * B<» a good egg don’t crack up in one 460 traffic accidents which, the N. C. Slate Motor Club cautions, could snuff out 24 lives and uv. jure 850 others on North Caro lina’s streets and highways dur ing the extended weekend. Tilts 1970 the 241)1 day of Maixli, 18 deg. 43 min. . . the‘yard viarence an.i request of tofTinning. SECO.ND TRACT: ; M, .sdames * 8».tuat<*d on the W<*stern side of J(din Henry Moss, Mayor City of Kings Mountain 3:26-4:9 , a street and beginning at a stake I in the ejge of said street, Wil- Giam Herndon’s corner and runs thence a new line S. 55 W. 276.5 Rayfield, Williams; and Me Swa n W an extension of 1 time limit on a business trailer I located on Slater Street. Jacob Cooper, Chairman I 3:26 ‘ ‘■‘The Mi.'nife Movers”, an eight^pkee band, of Ciierry- ville, will pl3,>‘ for a teen dmee Friday night from 8 until 11 p.rn. at Grover Rescue Squad building. A Tecn Dance is held every Friday night at the Squad building. Admission is SI. The state will count its high way toll for the Easter holida.v opening the .spring travel season from 6 p.m. Friday. March 27. through midnight of Monday. March 30. for. .a period of 78 hours. Last year during a similar peritKl, 20 persons w'ere killed and 802 injured in 1,364 accidenl.s. In 1968 Easier .set an all-time holiday rmer Lumber Company, a mem ber of Bynum Cha;4el AME Zion church.and Pride of Kings Moun tain Friendly Aid Society. Surviving are his wife, Mr.s. Carrie McClurc' Hiekman; thr(‘<‘ daughters. Mrs. Iota Oaks of Gas tonia, Mrs. Annie Mae Gordon of Mount Vernon, New York, and Mrs. Kth(*l Lee Mllchem of Washing ton one stepson, John Anderson 'of Ga.stonia; ,s«‘ven grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements, which are incomplete*, will be announced by J. W. Gill and Son Funeral Home, : .speeding, 327; drivng left I DELUXE ; I * New Concept in LIVING ROOM FURNITURE . .. loaded with outstanding features son SUITE Sofa Suite, End Tables Bed, Magazine Rack! with Soft, Tough, Beautiful U.S, Naugahyde Covering, for, years of hard wear! —— v! “■r o U.S. Naugahyde Expanded Vinyl Covering, o 180 Coil, Double Spring Construction. • Foam padded on seats, backs and arms. • Hardwood frames. • Reversible, foam chair cushion. • Built-in walnut, Marlite top end tables with arm storage compartments for magazines, records, etc. o Colors available; Russet, Black, Tangerine, Turquoise, Shell White, Beige. r - ^ Arms Covered ^ with No Scar Marlite ■ 2 MATCHING ASH TRAYS INCLUDED Ha( Bratt Rocoptocio with Naggahyd# Bato I Aim* lift to rovool ■ I STORAGE COMPARTMENT I II Top of Coffoo Toblo lifts for Storage ■'K Matching “Combo' Coffee Table & Storage Chest INCLUDED Roversibio Cushion -j_ Ji v,\ FOAM SEATS & BACKS This SUiTE Includes SOFA. CHAIR, COFFEE TABLE and 2 Matching Ash Trays—Complete ■'--Tt;;- You'll onjoy (his suit# in your living tbom or'^on . emaitnfly versatile and comfortobto . . . ir eliminatos need for ond tobies, provides tuckawoy space fer mago- lines, rocords. beverages, other items. Comt to* it now, wp hovt only o limited nvmbor! $259»s ''A "V CO