•) Popnlaticn Greater Kings Mountain 2ia914 City Limits (1966 Census) 8,256 City Limits (Estimate 1968) 9,3.00 Oi«oter Hiagi Mouatota flfora la dariTtd If am tka ipactn) l^olted Statas Buxecni ^ tka?€atiaua raport o fOBvary 19M. oad taciudaa iba 14,H0 populotiaa a Mutubar 4 Towaahlp« oad t^a ranudaiag 6,124 Ifoa Numbar 5 Towaablp, la Clavaload Couaty oad Cfowdar* Towaabip la Qoatoa Coaafy. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspapei VOL 85, No. 42 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, October 15, 1970 Eighry-Fitih Year 1 f ^ Pages h j Today r PKiCE TtN CtNiS Trailer, Zoning Ordinances Cfarilie Tiailei Parks Pfc, Mike Graham Cage Tournament Killed In Vietnam ^ His Platoon Was Oveirrn Tuesday Night KILLED IN ACTION — Pfc. Michael Allen Graham was kill ed in action in Vietnam Tues day night. He had been on du ty in Vietnam since July 12th, his 20th birthday. United Fund Kick-Ofi Set f) t A kirkoff luncheon Wcdnos- <Uiy at noon at First Presbyter- n church will ofXiomlly launch le 1971 Unitixl Fund .Campaign lur $35,100 for 11 agencies ami 27 causes. Shuford Pooler, publicity chair man. shid the goal was upi)od 10 IMTccnt from last year to include several additional agoncios. The campaign will bo conduc- t<'(i via a 10-day period of solici tation for ph'dges. Drive Chairman Don Jones said bi':ges1 budgeted item is for the Boy Scouts of America of $7,952 followed by the Cleveland Hoseuo S(iuad, Inc. of $1,5S4. Other cairses include: Kings Mountain Ministerial Association Helping Hand, $3600; American Red Cross, $5..500; Girl Scouts of Ameri(‘a, $3,7.50; Kings Mo n- tain High School Band, $2,5.50: Kings Mountain High School Chorus, $1,100; Salvation Arm'V, $1,(W): aiiministrative cos'ts, $.500; and emergency fund, $559.72. Morth Carolina Community St'rvicvs seeks -a total goal state wide of S'-MS,035.00 for more* than 15 causes. Local asking is for $3,071.28 including such causes as the Chiidien’s Home Society. Florence Critlen'jon Home, North Carolina Menial Health andMJn- ited Health Services, and others. Chairmen of the various phases o^ the campaign are Mrs Frank ^Smrox. advance giifits; Donald r Craw ford, public employet'S; Joe Smith, correspondonw; Shuford Pe<dor, publicity; Bennett Mas ters, commeivial; James Hern don, Jr. and Marvin T<‘or, indus trial; Don Parker, public schools; and Mrs. D. . Hord, pro'fessional. p:c. Michael Allen Graham, 20, was kiMed in hostile action in Vietnam Tuesday night about 7 p.m., mem'bers of his family were notified early SatuhJay morning. Graham arrived in Vietnam on his birthday July 12th. He enter ed the service Friday, Fobruan>’ 13th of this year. His wife, the former Teresa Howell of the Bethlehem com munity, had. receivcHl a dozen red roses iTom her husband on their first ^^’e!:iding anniversary Sep tember 20th. His parents receiv ed two letters Tuesday, one dat ed September 2Hlh and one dat ed Septemiber 29th. A native of Cleveland County, Pfc Graham was son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Graham of the Dixon community. He iWas graduateld from Kings Mountain hii^h school and was a school bus driver. He was a member of Bethlehem Baptist church. Before induction in the Army he was employed by Kings Mountain Mica Com pany. Ac(^rdiijg to information re ceived by'the family here, Pfc. Graham was on patrol duty when counter-attack by the enemy.” Surviving besides his wife and are his sister, Mi's. Joe Broum anid brother-in-law; his grand parents, John L. Caveny and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Graham, Sr., of Kings Mountain; and his par- enls-in law, Mr and Mrs. ‘^yd Howell. Military funeral arrangements, which are incomplete, will be an nounced by Harris Funeral Home I The city commission Tuesday night, alli^r recommendation by »_i;ty Attorney Jack White, clari fied the city’s trailer and zoning j r.rdinan^e which, in will ( i prc\'ont trailer parks from local- * ing within the city limits cxcoj)! in two zoned areas. SiX'cificall3, the clarification states that trailer jiarks can bo located only in Heavy Indu.strial and R-20 zone^ and that minimum lot size's within such parks would be 40 by 80 feet. j The amendment state.s no per mit will bo granted for a trailer paik unless it complies with the zoning ordinance'. No changes were made in re quirements for individual trail ers e.xc£?pt to spec'ify a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet for one trailer. More than one trailer placed on such a lot would be considered a trailer park. The city attorney noted “much confusion” in the city’s zoning or dinance adopted in August 1966. This ordinance permitted trailer parks in only two zoned areas and did not allow individual trailers within the corporate lim its. Later, WhitI? said, the city board realized the need for more hoasing and allowed individual trailers anywhere within the cor porate limits. The present ordinance also reads that individual trailers arc not allow'ed within the onc-milc perimeter of the city. The board asked City Attorney White to make recommendations at the next meeting for equaliza tion 'of tile Zoning Ordinance in regard to individual trailer lots within the one-mile perimeter. The ordinance won’t affect trail er parks already established within the city limits and mile perimeter. Scheduled H ete Mrs. J.W. Fanis' Rites Conducted Funeral rites for Mrs. Mary Jane Patterson Farris, 86. widow of John Waiter Farris, were held Bennett Masters, manager of Wc'dnesiay aftemwn at 2:30 Harris Funeral Home, said Wed-i p.m. from Dixon Presbyterian nesday night the body of Pfc. j church of which she was a mem- Graham was to arrive by plane jber at Charlotte Thursday morning at 9:57 a.m. Funeral arrangements had not been made late yesterday evening. Sewer Committee Met Tuesday Rev. Robert \\51son, pastor of the church, officiated, assiste<i by Rev. G.:irtis Bundy, pastor of Oak View Baptist church. Mr Bundy sang “Does Jesus Care” ‘and the church choir sang two selections. Grandsons or Mrs. Farris wei'e pallbearers. Mrs. Farris was a life-long res ident of the Dixon Community. She had been in declining health for several (j-cars an<i died Mon day morning in the Kings Moun EVANGELIIST — Dr. J. Calvin Reid will begin a series of evan gelistic services October 25th and continuing through October 29th at Boyce Memorial ARP church. Di. Reid IRP Speaker Dr. J Calvin Reid, of Char lotte, will hold a series of ser vices beginning Sabbath morn- rng, October 25th, at a.m. at ^oyce Memorial -ARPchurcJi and continuing each night at 7:30 through Thursdaj^ Oct. 29th. Dr. Reid was born in Char lotte, N. C. His father was an el der in the Sardis ARP chrreh. He marric-l Mis.s Charlotte Orr the daughter of Dr. E. X. Orr, who was pastor O'f Tabernacle ARP church for many years. Dr. Reid holds an A.B from Erskino college, a Bachelor of Divinity from Pittsburg, Xenia, and Th.M. from Edinburgh, Scot land •and a Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Ky. Ho is most widely known for his children’s sermonotto book called, “Bii-dlife In Wington”. His books will be on display in the church library. Dr. Edwardfj invites the intor- kCsted community to worship in the series of service's. EastoCoilego To Play Eight En Mew Oiuldmg Eight colh'ge gamer, one betvst'cn Lie louring proie.s- sicnals Mot;r<‘’s ncdiu'a:l.s, an I the North Carolii'.a c mmunity college state it'urnanient liave been announce I by Mayor John Himry Moss ami Roy Pearson, ' recicutijn director. Thej' .<a'd nef7r)ti;i!:f)ns arc un-; denvay to s.iieduie more basket ball game.s. .sr>mo profe.ssi'mal j wrestling cvent.4. gi,:p('l sing:.! country and western mnsic eveni.‘ and a clowns Kiddie Si'.uu. They al.<o said reservations are now -being a<-ce:)tr.i for Christmas parties by bnsinesse.s, indusiiies and individuals. Gaston collegi* will play here c'ight times, with tlu? openmg game on November 13 ((‘aiuring Gcjikin and Gardn.T-Webb. The state tournam(':it is on l!ie nighis of February 21 through 2V ind will bring eight teams here, including bctli community and junior colleges. DEMOCRATS OPEN CAMPAIGN KEA.DQUAflTERS — Cleveland County Democrats opened campaign headquarters in Shelby Saturday. Participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremonies were, from left to right. County Treasurer Mrs. Harriett Evans; Basil L. Whitener, candidate for the U. S. Congreess; J. Ollic Harris of Kings Mountain, candidate for the state senate; Mrs. Ruth Dedmon. candidate for clerk cf Superior Court; and Senator Marshall Rauch of Gastonia. Democrats will form a caravan Wednesday for a dav of politicking all ever the county and at 6:30 will eat baibecua and L^ar speeches from all the candidates in the November election. Democrats Slate Caravao; Bi)!a To Feature GOP Rally The city commission sewor com mittoo held a planning session Tuesday night following the com. j' mission session with members of, hospital after serious illness the W. K. Dickson engineering j months. Interment was in the family Work has continued on possible Enon cemcteiy near York, sewer-uso regulations and long range plans for sewage line in- stallftt ions. Mc'mbers of the committee are Commissioner Jiim Dickey, Chair man, Commisioners Ray Cline, T. J. Ellison. W. S. Biddix, and May or John Henry Moss ex officio. State President Will Address District Woman's Club Thursday Kings Mount.iin Woman’s club and Kin, ts Mountain Junior Wo man’s club will host the District IV Fall meeting of the North rarolina Federation ol." Women’s Chubs Thursday, October 15th, at the Woman’s clmb. g'he hostess club will serve lun cheon at $2 per plate and reser vations are asked, accon^’ing to 'ISIrs. J. C Arnetto, publicity chairman. Mrs. IlajTwood E. Lynch of Kings Mountain, District IV pres ident, will preside. Highlight of the meeting will ibe the presentation of district a- waixls 1.0 outstanding junior and senior clubs' from Lincxdn. Ruth erford, Gaston and Clovelanld Counties. The morning coffee hour from 9 until 9:30a.m. will be hosted by the Kings Mountain Junior Wo- Oman's clulb of which Mrs. Oal "^Fisher is president. Mrs. C. D. Blanton is chairman of the hospitality eomimittee and •Mrs R. G. Cox and Mi^ J. Wil son Crawford are co-chai'rmon of i-ogistAjCon. Principal speakers for the day's mci'ting will include Mrs. Paul Keller of Smithfield, president of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs, and Mrs. James Dean White of High Point, third vice-prosLient and Junior Diix'ctor. Mrs Keller will use the topic, “A World Held In Trust For The Future.” Mrs. White will use the topic, "To gether, We Build.’’ Registration will begin at 9 a.m. in the lounge of the Wom an’s club. The meeting will con vene at 10 a^m. and recess for luncheon at 12:30. Mil'S, W. T. Weir is president of the Senior Woman's club an"' Mrs. Cal Fisiher is president of the Junior Woman’s club Mayor John Henry Moss will givo greetings from the city and Rev. Frank Shiley, pastor of Temple Baptist church, will con duct the devotional. One hundre'd clubwomen are expected to attend. Surviving are two dauditers, iMi-s. J. E. Childei-s and Mrs. E. O. Gore, both o.' Kings Mountain; one ^on, Rev. Charles Farris of Kings Mounliain; two brothers, Yancey W. Patterson of Kings Mountain and Kenneth Patterson of York. S. C.; '17 grandchildren: 35 great-grandchildren; and Ifl great-great-grandchildren; two sons-in-law. Rev. E. O. Gore, H. K. Stewart, and J. E. Childers of Kings Mounftain, and two daugh ters-in-law, Mrs. Charles Farris and Mrs, Walter C. Farris of Kings Mountain. ABOARD HAWKINS USS HAWKINS — Navy Petty Offijer First Class Robert A. Gamble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Janies F. Gamble of 906 W. La. Ave., and husband of the former Miss Marie Moore of 804 W. Carolina Ave., all of Bes.semer City, N. C., is serving aboard the destroyer USS Hawkins at Port Canaveral. Fla. The Hawk- kins participated in the second launching of a Poseidon Missile from a submerged submarine. Remainder of the schedule to: date follows: j 'rut's.. Nov. 17 — Gaston Cellegt v.s. Aetna Insurance of t^harloite. Thurs,, Nov. 19 — Gaston Col lege vs. Barber SvOlia 4 year col lege - Concord. Fi'i., Nov. 20 — Gaston {'ollego vs. North Greenville (S. C.) Jr. ^'ollego. Dee. 6 — World Champions — Mojre’s Girls Basketball Team tTlto Red ileds> Mon.. Der*. 14 — Gaston College vs. Wilkes. Wed.. Jan. 6 — Gaston College .s. UNC Charlotte. Thurs., Jan. 21 — Gaston Col lege vs. Lees-McRae. Mon.. Feb. 8 — Gaston College v.s. Wingate. Treatment Plant Showing Postponed The progress visitation show ing of the Buffalo Creek water treatment plant and dam, sclicduh'd for Sundaj' aftontoon. has been postpontxi to Sunday afternaoii, October 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. Mayor John Henry Moss .said the contractor requesltxi the postponement. He reminded senior citizens desiring transportation to the plant to call his office, phone 739-2636. The Mayor and city commLssion members will sup ply the transportation. laiisas Senator TcieSeynotei f HepnMIcans U. S. Senator r»(>b Dde of Kan sas will deliver the ki^ynoie ad dress at a v<'unly-wide Republi- an r.^lly Fr. iiy ingiit, O.daber 23, at City Park iti S.ielb.v. Senator Dole is coming t ) the »rt‘a to h«) j.-t the candidacy of Trntli Di-tiici Cong.'-essinan Jim .-.lyiiill. who will intr(. luce him it the rally. Titc rally will be.:in it 6 p.m. with i frc'o ditricr and al.so will eaturc Lountiy and we-icrn mu- ;c ard the intredo ■'*in.i of R('- aubliian ea:uLdalcs far slate and I teal oiii'. es. ; S<';iatn' D.dc .<orved four con.-^e-j culive terms in the C. S. House of: ■.icpn.sejit dives beginning in HMk). ■ and in 19;>S was elceied to tne! U. S. 8enatt' ’ay an ()vi'’\vhelming 17o-iM50-vote margin. He received the nv'd votes iwer ‘e.mpilt'd by a Kansa.'- n ial eaiid: iate. In the In .s a member of the C'ommitb'e on Agri -ullurc and Fi:re-::’y. v'inrniMee .m Pu'e lic Work. l4H i Committee on Small Business, and S.-U ct C.«n- mittee on Nutrition and ilrni.a'i Nv-e.ls. He is the ranking Repub lican on the Publi.’ Works Disa.s- ler Relief Committee. D.do is active in ad\anving le gislation ic improv('farm income, law enU)re('nvcnt. erime p:evon- '^anlinurd On PtifJc R'ifjht/ f: Amoses Buy "Little Mco" wMr. and Mrs. James Amos have purchased the "Little Moo”, drive- in restaurant on York road, from Lester D. Roark and Joe B. Big- gerstaff, partners in R. B. Enter prises of Slielby. Mr. Amos said the husinosa will be managed by he and his faimily and will cater to families, oipening from tl a.m. until 11 p. m. seven days a week and offer ing a variety of sandwiches and ice cream desserts. Mr. Amos was for 13 years comptroller of Noisier Mills in Kings Mountain and for the past 18 months has been associated with North American Mills in Ga.«tonia. He is a Kings Mountain native, son of Mrs. M. C. Amos and the late Mr. Amos cu ui SPEAKER — U. S. Senator Bob Dole el Kansas will d'31'.ver the address at a county wide Repub lican rally Friday night, Octo ber 23, at City Park in Shelby. 34 Registered In Township 'r:ibt\ f"ur new \ntci*.< n'gN- tered for the Novcunl'cr 3 <'U'c- Cv-n i.i .Number 4 I'tnvr^siii;: ui.lrc. tiu' rcL;!siia:> n poru .1. ri'.e r^jisiiars will he ai ilu' pidliiig places a :mn Salu:\!ay .:om 9 a.m. to 6 p m. to register new \ct(rs and accom<'.cU' traiisfcrs. M s. J. H. Arthur ;i1 West K ti'-.' Mount.iin log-tcd 2.3 new .M;s. Neil at ..c'^' Kjn, - Ni-u-.laiiT >evcn, and J. H. ji.iis at Grover ond Mr.-. J. A. K, Cen.'tcr at IVlIr •.\ : .■ 1W * ’ll. : u> ll ' -ks \\ .'■] :*ln'«e G f •''onhnnrd On Po'c- J'lfiht) Barbecue Climax To CouuIy Teur _ NextWeclaesday Cleveland County D<*mocrat.s officially opened campaign her.d- , quarters Tue.sday. Fmmoi Con gressman Basil L. Whitem r. t-in- •didale for Congnss in t!u? Nov ember election, cut ilte ribbon that .sigr.l led the officia/l oj-ening of the Democra’s’ fall campaign. State Senator Ma’-shall A. Rauch and J. Oil:e Harr:--. State .Senate card: ate frtm Kings Mountain, sliared hunei's with \Vhilen(*r in the 9:30 a.m. cerenronv. Ah<*ut ](M) lo.vii Democrats were on han<i for the offL-ial o- p<'nhig. The c.ampa' n head'iuar- , ters, lov-aled in Young Hroihers . Townhouse', across fj-om S!ieil)y City Hall, featines campaign fat- iiiiu's for all Dem< .•raiic candi dates The heaihiU'Hters has am ple rtjom ftm preeinet mi'Ciing^s as well as p -iv ate office's. Beverly E. (Buck* Lattimore lif .sht'Iby lia.s bt'cn ap{H>;nted full lime office nianagt^r ft>r the he'jdqu'irU’i s. aveor.'ing to p.arly chaii-nan t'a;n<':on Ware. T^aiti- mon. a graduate o; Wofford ollege. has workeq on tlu' cam paign si-rff t)f United Stales Sen ator Ernest F. (Fritzs Ih'Hings and has served legisla tive internships in Senator Hoi- lingy’ Washington office ar-.d in iht' offi.r of Sinte Senat >r J.a 'h II. While in Raloigh. Tlie l;e.;d- quariers is open Mi>nd'\y throu.gh .■'kit;, r ay f"om 9 to .5. 3’le nab- lie is invited i») .stop in for free cainp.dgn literalu:o. I’olhHvii'g tile <'pening 'Pues- day a gr.oup -T ) o- n: "e d •* no- c .Its at:ic'r('<i at Cleveland ll 'tc 1 to lie >r a hen ! ('"n address (Cmitinnt'fi 'ni P<inr Li'/ht) Sunday Traffic and Barking Dogs Cg! Cilv Board Attenticn Tnc-sday k ^ • PRIZE WINNER AT COUNTY FAIR — Randy Mcactntel, FFA member of the Kings Mountain Chapter, won top prize in dairy judging at the Cleveland County Fair last week. Darrell Black tied for second place in beef judging, and John Earney tied for third place in dairy judging. Pictured above, left to right, M. L, Campbell, teacher of agriculture/ presents Handy Mc.^aniel the first place check for $15.00; Darrell Black the second place chcclc lor S7.50 and Johnny Eazney won a three way tie for third place in Dairy Judging. Sii’’ la 1: ; . !i • ind h.'vking h. .U’v.. . 'i.l Hu- attention (»f the . . V .u.aid I uesday nigitt. Ken Uo'aer!<, spoke man for the .M«junlain Jaycees, toM ooavl mcvnber< Iht' JayciM's are Inqan.: ! ► establish a KinjsM.>un-' -ai’i 1)-g 8!i('l:oi- .iftcg the prob ’vaij ot ' .i'- ’s barking at 2 a.m.” Inoitgltt up by ('l:iyv.)n Kelly vTlto?- adjournment of the regular meeting. v't.-mm. T. J. ''’Hi-;.-!! agri'ed with. .Mr. Kelly and said ’’at least 15 *\«’re in my y ird the otlu'/ night'* arul 0>:nn]. Jim Diekey said the j probh'm aU.) t'.\ <t • in otlier a’-eas | o' eit;v be.'-'de'. Fast Kings; .M-unuain. “In faet, I’m about ' n A '\ to take up fiivirmT*. .Mr. I'iekey, who lives on Phifer nvid I'oliee .'liief Tom MeDevilt o- ...rei'd till' cily’.s dog ordinanee ].< outdated. 1 Air. Kelly had suggested the , elty’.s auxiliary p.*!; h'na' a;id llesouo 8quad bo asla- I to lu'lp I0V.4I ;)(d:.'isnen -vgb Sunday aft- erncxm traffic d'aiij'!-. the next tw«> Sunda.vs wlion fall V'.dor is ti'd to he at its peak in the mou:ilain.'. T!t<’ Chief said he was symna ilielic with tite prohli*m. “It’s, hard to gel aero-s the street on W. King to the First Baptist oluiM'Ii” and City Ch'rk J.h' Me- Danii-l, who also lives 0:1 W. King, .aid he had diffieulty in gettij'.g out of his driveway during the hour.s of 4 auvl 8 p.m. on Sundays hi'eause of the eais baekiui up on busy U.S. 71. Tlic board agreed 10 review the traffie p:-oblo:n with Clii('f Mc'- Devitt and formulate a plan to stH'ed up traffie flmv atni asked the olnef to prt)\ i.ii* members of ih(' s.tb ty eoinmittoe with ix>pies of the vity'-! dog ordi-fuiA' and work toward formulating a bel ter one lor the city.

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