^ASE 2 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursday, October 15, I97Q Established 1689 The Kings Mountain Herald 206 South Piedmont Ave. Kings Mountain, N. C. 28086 A weeKly newspaper devoted to the promotion ot the general wettaie and published (or the enlightenn.ent, entertainment and benefit of tlie citizens of Kings Mountain and its vicinity, published every Thursday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Rings Mountain, N C., 28086 under Act of Congress of March 3,1873. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Martin Hannon Editor-Publisher Miss Elizabeth Stewart Circulation Manager and Society Editor Miss Debbie Thornburg Clerk, Bookkeeper MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Frank Edwards •Rocky Martin Allen Myers R^er Brown • On Leave With The United States Army Paul Jackson Ray Parker MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATIS PAYABLE IN A0VAN(^ In North Carolina cmd South CmoUiui One yoar $4; sixmonths $2.23; three months $1.30; schod year $3. (Subscriptions in Neath Carolina subject to three percent sales tax.) In All Other States One year $6; sixmonth $3; three months $1.75; school year $375 PLUS NORTH CAROLINA SALES TAK TELEPHONE NUMBER — 739-5441 TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE Humble •3/ourselves therejore under the mighty hand of Chd, that he may eocalt j/ou in due time. II Peter 5:6 Last Call Saturday is the final day to register to vote for the November 3 general elec tion. In Number 4 township, the report of the registrars is that 71 new voters have appended their names to the books on the first thvo Saturdays and some are inclined to regard this figure as a puny one. This is not necessarily the way it is, since the now opening of the books follows by only six months the spring registration period prior to the May pri maries. Most folk are registered, limit ing the new voter market to those reach ing 21 and therefore legal voting age and persons who have moved into the area during the intervening months. The November 3 general election is likely no more important prior ones, nor less. than many In North Carolina, for instance, Tar Heels will determine whether the state adopts a new Constitution, parts of it, or none of it. The registrars will be at the pre cincts from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. It’s last call for November 3. Women's Wear It's been coming all the time, at least since milady swapped off the side saddle and donned man’s attire when riding to the hounds. It’s been coming in high society cir cles a long time as womenfolk donned pants for leisure hour living. Now it’s come on full force. The school marms, like their juve nile charges, are going to wear PANTS to SCHOOL. It really ain't news. Fashion' for la femme merely fol lows the fact. She’s been wearing THE pants all the while anyway. Citizens will enjoy the Sunday after noon tour of the Buffalo Creek water treatment plant. The Herald finds it surprising to hear citizens remark, “I’ve haven’t been out there since the flood,’’ or “I haven’t seen it since work started,’’ or “No, I haven’t seen it.’’ The landscape has been changed mightily at this draw on Bufialo Creek. Auto Population Kings Mountain’s motor vehicle pop ulation in 1969 was 8407, Shelby’s 21,263, and Cleveland county’s 38,307. These are the figures supplied this week by the N. C. State Motor Club. Meantime, the state’s motor vehicle population topped the three million mark for the first time, jumping by 173,141 over the previous year. It can be guessed safely that the 1970 registrations will have increased a- galn and those involved on the bumper- to-stuff on King street Sunday would place heavy bets on it. Sympathy of the community at tends the family of Pfc. Michael Allen Graham, who was killed in enemy action in Vietnam. Congratulations to Mrs. /Kathleen Wilson who has been elected president of the Kings Mountain Improvement es- sociation. Emotionalism glad. “'SSt Many citizens feel that all elections are important and they are for those who are elected have a direct effect on the well-being of their constituents, whether they serve in the Congress, the Slate House, at the county courthou.se or elsewhere. “Make’em glad, r'..?;:e’em sad, make’em laugh, make'eni cry... but don’t ever, don’t ever try to make’em think!’’ Thus the advice of a wise political demagogue who followed his own advice and found it quite successful. In other words, to get votes, keep the spirit revivalist. There have been many revivalists through the years but this year’s model is none other than the right honorable Spiro T. Agnew, vice-president of the United States, hatchetman of the Nixon Administration. He’s pretty good. Looking back, it is now apparent that he launched his current campaign operations with his initial attack on the “irresponsible" communications indus- try—press, radio and television — who could not earn a sou, by telling it like it is. The Vice-President of course can. The generic attack on the commun ications crowd was a good ploy. It com pares to thq guy sitting in church and the fiery preacher stepping on his toes— except the guy doesn’t take it to be him. He looks over at a fellow parishioner and says to himself, “He sure is being hard old John." It is quite natural for the unntmad sinner of press, radio and t-v to look around the room and wonder who he’s talking about. But Wednesday the Vice-President named names, or, at least, the name of Eric Severeld. Mr. Sevareid replied, somewhat in kind, and suggested in gentle language and tone that the vice-president was flirting with the truth. Said Mr. Sevareid some can say one thing in the north, something else in the South, can cast a vote one way in committees, vice versa on the floor and still get by. Not 80 Mr. Sevareid. He’s nation wide. And enough flicks of the dial, to an other station or off, and he's out of busi ness. The communication lads, for the most part, have been charitable with Spiro T. Should they ever decide to gang up on him, as he deserves, he will rue the day he challenged them. The United Way There are still plenty of fund cam paigns, but the idea behind the United Fund means of giving was not Intended as a means to deter contributions but as a means of conservation of manpower, more apparent in a smaller community than a larger one, where manpower is more plentiful. A dozen or more fund-raising cam paigns in a city the size of Kings Moun tain or even larger will find, did find, many of the same folk out in the hust ings asking the same folk they'd asked before to support yet another worthy cause. Kings Mountain United Fund com bines the fund needs of eight local a- gencies into one and tacks on 15 area, state and national agencies, their serv ices valuable here and elsewhere. Many people afflidted by film pro grams at civic clubs, church gatherings, and about anywhere else (they don’t seem to mind the football game replays), wince when they hear of another. Not the brief strip presented at Wednesday’s United Fund kick-off luncheon detailing the many sendees United Fund gifts support. All of it was put into a graphic package in ten min utes — disaster relief, communications between his family and the GI on the battle line in Vietnam, the five-year-old cripple who could jump and play at eight, tender care for the elderly lone ly, Boy Scouts canoeing at the lake, help for the stranded traveler. The man who had no shoes weeped for himself until he MW the nMtn who had no feat. Givs the United way. — MEDICINE MARTIN'S 1 was having lunch recently with .Mrs. Merle Baity, ot Belk's Department Store and Pete Wll- wn ot Rose’s sat down adjoining tor a cup ol coffee. The conversation turned to shop lifting, a continuing problem of the retail menoliant, and some of the devices of those who practice this means ol earning a living. m-m On one occasion, .Merle recalls, she was working behind the dress rarics, when -she saw sev eral being removed at once — hardly standard procedure at the average customer who limits try one to one at the time. The dress es were being stuffed into a large bag. m-m sal's Merle, “I was scared." This type of theft is piled par ticularly at busy seasons such as Easter and Christmas. Someyeaus ago, shoplifters at f2irlstmastime relieved Plonk Brothers of several high-priced Handmacher suits. The usual practice is to travel in groups and to piierate during lunch hour when there is less per- aspnel in the store. Some “enter tain” or “shop" the available clerks, while the rest make mer ry with the stock. Cut Off Jerrorist Bombing // / >1 auK icjlffi*' Viewpoints of Other Editors still laughing about Pete’s report on the lady shop-lifter who had a yen for baubles. As she was .startfng to drop a pair of earrings into her handbag, the manager approached from be hind and said, "Give me those earrings!” The excited shop-lifter instead, popped’em in her mouth, and, when asked to expectorate them, swallowed them. The manager was kind. “Lady," he says, "If you get hungry a- gain, let me know. I’ll take you to the lunch counter and buy you some food. But stay away from my jewelry counter.” AU mercantile thievety isn’t ehop-lUting, Pete continued. He wag working in the shoe depart ment of a large store and a lady handed him a pair of slioes, com plaining that, in spite of their be Ing both high in price and quail 'AS BIRDS FLYING' COMMON COMPLAINT (K>L!FERS AT LEAST C.\N DRESS A GOOD G.-VME , .. I Boston Common and Cam- o'* I -bridge Common are marred by when 'Hocks ^ migratory buds disrepair; in places sweep down from the north, in tuitively following unseen guide lines to warmer skies in the south. they look like Franklin Park be fore cleanup time. Who’s to blame? The public anti the pub- I lie’s servants. We never cease to wonder at this miracle of millions upon millions of -winged creatures knowing when to take off, what routes to fly, where -to land, sometimes returning to exactly the same spot where they win tered last year. Thousands of shore birds on their way from Canada to Latin America stop off on Cape Cdi in Massachusetts durin)j; the late summer and early fall to build up enough energy for the second stage of their iflight south. Some take two weeks to fuel up, some longer. -Birds from ^pe Cod have been traced as far south -as Tierra 'del iFuego, at the extreme tip of South America. From Britain we here that sov- ty, •he had got very poor servico i oral American -bird specimens flam them, having bought tliem j tium up on the shores of south- qulte recently. cm Ireland and Ebtgland during 1 ‘.he migration season. 'This hiap- m.ai I pens when prevailing winds over the North Atlantic cause some of In Cambridge, hordes of younij people congregating for rock concerts -and other purposes i avc denuded the Comm'on and defac ed its memorials; it will be some time before the Common is res tored as a pleasant place for ov- erjone, not the exelusive stomp ing ground of students and street people The Boston Common isn’t in much better shape; litter at times seems to be eveiywhere; sidewalks are cracked and crum bling; debris is uncollected; fen ces arc broken or abandoned; derelicts panhandle or pass out on what grass is left. Is this -the historic Boston W. E. H. in Sanford Herald On a local golf course n'cently, Judge J. C. Pittman w;rs re.spleml enl in a $.32 pair of double knit red slacks. Really bcautilul. Just the day before I'd run up with Bill Ellington all dro.ssed in a green motif. Pale green slacks, shirt to match, even shoes were tinged with green. Ridding Messrs. Pittman and Ellington about their elegant at tire, I got this whispered response from Bill Ellington: “The way to play golf is dress in the (iO’s, talk in the 70'.s and ■shoot In the lOO’s. Little golf bit, told me by Sher rill Norman, son-in-low of Oscar KeUer (he beats his Pa-in-Iaw re ligiously), was what lie said a pro’s advice w.is after a les.son at $5, “Lay off golf for a rouplc weeks. Then give it up entirely.” These autumn days, there's a haze in afternoon.s. Beautiful weather and lower temfier.ature i 5he didn’t know. Pete said, wo|[^^ a card fUe on every pair of' sold. “ I excused myself 41)4 went to the fUe. ’Hiat woman qn bought those shoes five yean DOto*.’’ he continued. Naturally, thb customer didn’t get a new pair tor free. On yet another occasion a ra ther prominent lady took home a dress on approval. Next morning she returned it saying the dress didn’t fit well and Jter husband didn’t like the dress anyway. The afternoon newspaper featured a picture of the previous evening’s ladies night banquet of a civic club. The lady was in the picture, well be-decked in the dress that didn’t fit and her husband didn’t Uke anyway. Rtahard Garrert, who left Kings Mountain at an early age In 1929 to enlist in the na'vy, served through World War U and retir ed as a lieutenant-commander. At 57, he has earned (but doesn’t plan to take immediately yet an other retirement, after 21 years with a San Francisco power com pany. A nephew of Mrs. Alda Deal, he was recently here on a visit and oajtne by the Herald office. We were ewapiping navy ybrns and h# recalled an occasion in 1936 when hl« ship was ddeked at Staten bland. He wanted to see a frland in Brooklvr ln_ a hp’ 1- " tl .. "’"'c; 0 lilt several custo- ...cjs, 'Where’s BrotrfdynT" The man turned around with a db- gusted look and replied, “Seven teen and a half games behind the lousy Giants!” and quickly exit ed. “I guess I should have aeket^” DM ramlniseaa. "how do you get (0 trooWjM?” Last month an unusually high number of American birds drop- pell do'wn on British salt marsh es and waterways, a correspond ent of the London .'Times reports. “Sltotting the Americans” is pro- vitig a big draw for British bird watchers. -Christian Science Monitor WIDE AND OPEN AMERICA Common we should offer visit-1 the offing. However the haze is ors and tourists? Is this the conducive to losing golf balls, greensward the city 'leserves? Is ' Real easy to lose their flight'af-t' this parkland to become a waste- | emoons. Land? Maybe someone should ask buffers, fall brings a couple the parks commissioner. ; of rewards. Fairways begin to —Boston Hcrald-Travcler I rc.'^ujting in longer rolls of tilt balls. In uddition, the , roughs brown and sore and grass j that 30 days ago was lu.sti and si.\ REFLECTIONS | inches higli doesn’t jio.si* .so mucJi I problem. On my last birthday I was 93 years old. That is not young, of course. But age is a relative matter. If j-ou continue to work and to absorb the beauty in the world about you, you fiir.i that age does not ncce.ssarily mean getting old. At least, not in the ordinary sense. I feel many things more intensely than ever before, and for me li/fe grows more fascinating. The Smithfield Herald We oocasioiially take the train from Boston to New York City. We sometimes get in the auto- moibile and drive into northern New Ebigland or upstate New ■york. Arid from time to time wc fly south or west across the United States. Work helps prevent one fro-m getting old. I, for one, cannot dream of retirinigi Not now or ever. Retire? Tile word is alien and the idea inconceivable to me. My work is my life. I cannot think of one .without the other Bach time we ido any of this our reaction is the same. We are stiluick with 'how unpopulated, un diwelt-in the United States seems to be. Yes, we know all about that megalopolis stretching ifrom Boston to Washington. We are familiar with the fact that A'm- erica’s 206,(X)0,000 persons give it the founth largest population in the globe. We are aware - i who isn’t? — o" how crowded potllons of the country can sc/em Yet, in passing through, America overwhelmingly strikes one as a vast, endless roll of «eiaier unin habited or sparsely dwelt-in landscape. aProm five miles up, even great cities like Pltts'burgh, Dallas, Omaha, or Atlanta look Hke a amaii cluster of ibulUdings n an almost vacant immensity. . The man who works and is never bored is -never old. Work and interest in worthwhile things are the -best remedy 'for age. Bach day I am reborn. Each day I must begin again. Wilder Continues 7-Sunday Series Rev. James M. Wilder will - tinue a seven Sunday morning series of subjects on tlie “.Mcs" sage of the Lord to the Seven Churches ot Asia Minor” Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Wilder will u.se the topic, "The Church At .Satan’.s Capital — Pergamum" with .scrip, ture from Revelation 2:12-17. HOSPITAL LOG Wm. Bunks Barber Clarence Bratton .Mrs. Biirlin T. BriHmi .Mrs. J. R. Davis .Mrs. Fi'Cd Uulln Mrs. J. II. Fields, Jr. Mrs. J. R. Foster John A. Hanisick .Mrs, Lottie .M. Hodge Augustus '1'. Holder, .■Ir. Mrs. Oat Is O, Jack.soii .Mrs. Homer A. Kilgor<> .Mrs. Alice H. Leach fRdrldgc G. .Mltcliell Mrs. Jotin Wm. Murray James Ja.si)er Oates, Jr. .Mrs. Ray B. Price Jusixtr R. Putnam James Koseboro .Mrs. Alvenia V. Sohuler Jolin W. Thombs Herbert K. Tindall Mis. .Marvin Wright Mrs. F. led Crump Mrs. Robert J. Downey .Mis. ,Marvele*‘ P. Plillli|js Mrs. Je.-we M. Hippy Joe .S. Wyte ADMITTED THURSDAY Mrs, .'Vlarvin Wm. Burris, Box 3.3(;, City •Mrs. Henry .M. DaWd.sVn, Midpines, City , Joseph A. Goforth, 201) I’iedmi .■\v'e.. City 1 Mrs. W'm. Knox, 110 N, City -ii. City .Mrs. Floyd R. Payne, I’.O. Bus ISt, City Everette C Pnawt, 4llt! K, I’ji ker St. Elzie Lee Putnam, Rt. 1 Bos 12, City Charles D. Wure, (iOl W. .Mitt. SI . City Ri. :i ADMITTED FRIDAY Alfred C. Tucker, 512 .Moniw Ave., City John O, VatiDyke, 706 W. King St., City John .M. Yates, 419 N. Piedmont .-\ve.. City -Mrs. .Mildred P. -Miller, I’lfi riioniburg Dr, City Riiiuseur ■1 ADMITTED SATURDAY .Martha Blanton, 811 St., City -Mrs, .Mary C. Clemmer P. O. Ho\ 383, City- Mis. Wm. L. Jackson, 7115 Bel haven Blvd., Charlotte John D. Simmons, 321 Waei Rd., City Mrs. Eldee Alexander Rt. 3, ('it\ Box Rt., ADMITTED SUNDAY Mrs. Robt. G. Eaves, Be.ssemer City Campbell P. Lawrence, Clover, S. C. Pierce S. Reinhart, 408 E, Ri lH St, City / Mrs. Floyd Allmoiul, 920 Grover Rd., City ADMITTED MONDAY Mrs. Andrew J. McClain, Rt, .3 Box 175, City Mrs. Thurman Henderson, .5180 Mic4>ines, City' Mrs. Everette Wat.son, 1215 \V. Ware St., Gastonia Norman Lee McCurry, 404 Battleground, City Vincent A. Brown, Rt. 2 Box 412, Dallas Mrs. Robt. E. Branton, RI, 7 Box 30A Shelby -Mrs. Lorena H. Shields, 200 F. Ind. Ave., Bessemer City Mrs. Charles .Merck, 607 Mtn. .St., City W. .SI., 626 ADMITTED TUESDAY Felix J. Johnson, 207 Brice City l^uise Jamc.s Patterson, Clyde St., Cherryville Leroy Brown, Rt. 1, City Mrs. Nancy I. Blanton, Rt. 1 Btix 217, Black-sburg, S. C. Eugene S. Stinnett, Rt. 2, Besse mer City Mrs. Jake Robinson, 825 ChurcTi 3t.jj3ity JOTS. Sidney S. Gregory, 7000 .Margrace Rd., City Mrs. Leona R. Ormond, 1330 Wesfover Dr., City ^ James Samuel Earney, Rt, H City Mrs. John H. Black, Rt. 1 Box 731, Grover —From "Joys and Sorrows, Reflections by Pablo Casals,” as told to Albert E. Kahn, piiblish- ed by Macdonalds (Lo>idonJ Someday, somehow men wUl learn hiow better to use this hi»?ie space for more gracious, satisfying, healthful living. They will learn that the tight, knotted little bunches of buildings called urban looncentrations can share more of their hf.tnan wealth with the countryside. iBut even then that oountryside will still remain marvatouaily open and tree. -Christian Senenee Monitor Tom Beiry Is Injured Tom Berry, Foote Mineral Cont pany employee and resident of the Dixon community, was treat ed for injuries Wednesday morn ing at Kings Mountain ho.spital after he was reportedly struck by a moving vehicle in the Foote paridng area. neck Mr. Berry sustained ear, and che.«t injuries. 'Mr. Berry was walking from his car to the plant to report for work at 7 a;m. in foggy, drizzling rain when the accident occurred. A family sp<8<esman said Mr. Berry was resting comlortabl'y at his home last night. Keep Your Radio Dial Set At 1220 WKMT Kings Monntain. N. C. iTews & Weather every hour ou the hour. Weather every hour on the half hour. Fine entertainment in bet'ween Thursday, .vf.w /»»!•:'">>««( !■ S'/#’ JAYVEE I stop Ashli Central's cru-i.sixl to victory last Grier of G 621). Tlie Pair lal atfcn.se for the Kn Fullback Patriot ror rustling in Coach Per bcni'li afli at Ikilftim The Pall iod toucliri wagon roll rc':iip and Southwell version. End Joli pa.sses froi al two firs 43 and 29 • un-t 2(M1 id quart' In the MeCtoy SCI to make later .scor- and pa.s.s( points, ni; sion. I n the scored ag yard run, ed to Byei it 42-0. Southw nine-yard to .Mike ' 0 headin) In the scoriKl Ol Riisebc-ro scam|K'r Patii In 24 Ovei Centra tea'm, cc enlh gra last Tliu over Che iVVondi for all ! ning loi yards at Vwn-poin P Coach' Harris « Jones ai defens-iv Centri Thiir.sda Stadium

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