m TKursday, OctoBer 29, 1970 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Page 170 PILOT LIFE INS. CO. Is Happy To Announce To Jack A. Brown's Staff THOMAS BROTHERS and L T. (Sonny) lACKSON As Representatives in the Kings Mountain Area i-iTJwr- * Subscribe ‘i o The HERALD i CARPET MANAGER TRAINEE To work with one of thi southeast's largest and oldest discount carpet dealers Sales Experience Necessary. Salary open, excellent company benefits, paid vacation and holidays. Apply in Person To: The Carpet Outlet 3913 E. Independence Blvd. Charlotte, N. C. 10:23 WANTED Experienced Knitters for Second and Third Shifts APPLY IN PERSON (formerly Alacklin Knit Mills) East Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, N. C. King? Point Knitting, Inc. (Eciual (lii)portunity Eniployor) 10:15-22 V Weekly *7^ By WILSON GRIFFIN Choose your baby sitter care fully. Explain to her carefully and thoroughly all she needs to know about the children, home facilities and procedures to follow. Prepare a card list ing the address cuid telephone where you can be reached — when you will return — full instructions whether to feed, bathe, or put the child to bed. Also list the phone number of persons to call in case of acci dent or sudden illness: your family doctor, fire and police department, rescue squr^d, gas I and electric company, etc. After you see your doctor, bring your prescription te CARD OF THANKS The Family Of DEWEY RATHBONE Wishes to express Sincere Appreciation For the Many Kindnesses Shown During Hiss Illness and Recent Death. Mrs. Ralhbone and Family WILL BABYSIT in my home! anv shifts. Call 739-3565. 9:2-ltfn 10:29-11:12- SlOO REWARD To Anyone Apprehending Any Person or Persons Subsequently Convicted Stealing Any thing Off Anw New or Used Cars At DIXON Chevrolet Company We Drill Wells! And install Goulds quality wafer systems With Dependability Arnold's Well Drilling & Pump Service Phone Arnold Pbilbeck 739-4315 Oak Grove Road Kings Mountain. N. C. GETTING MARRIED? Have Your Wedding Pictures Made In Beautiful Natural COLOR By LEM LYNCH Pbotographer Also Selection of Wedding Albums PH. 482-1720 487-7503 WANTED Experienced Foster Winder Tenders and Service Help interested in working REGULARLY and six days per week. Excellent pay and benefits. Call at Personnel Office. McNeil Spinning Co. (Old Gamble Mill Location) Bessemer City, N. C. RESTRICTED — 10 Acres, Six Acres. Woods and streams. Good neighborhood. Three miles from town. C-all 739-4830, Kddie Arro- w