J7; W7i n« Of (the •tiM In t (bfaiwiftil. , » ad tO’^«rn hoU^ of o « i^ohr tpntMUy jn (the : the , -I* i(f In wMeb ^rti^Cpatk. yroMli*'»« ‘Wtto can m <*<111 Mv- . • ■ V I trcei. that• you at 'are' beat Mty. , 7ake i 1^, Rem- utiful lawn grallons of II the tanks North Ca- rtKa . duty .., ,' •' it t \ f r^'fl^icJaVr' OetJimfcir 1-771970 ^ MRDENTIME THE kiHgS Mountain herald, kings mountain, n. c. *'• j ' » . » sV 1 , V (f Ph^e 6^ EVery now and than my Mltor comes up with a good Idea. Most of the time he jast iie<‘dles me. Now he wants to know why I nev er mention wood ashes in my column as a fertilizor and soil conditianer. The power of suggJSi- tlon may be hLs own naive meth od of getiting Ills quwUons an- swt'rod. Come to tliink of it, though, his Idea may be a good on'e because I had to do a .mite of reseatch, all of whiuh was confusing, as tlie analys<.‘s vary so mucli. So this will be mastlv about about. Wood ashes contain about 45‘.i calcium carbonate (a form of lime), about .'5-10'. potiLsh and a bout 2'/fi phuspliorous. You can mHi that they do have some fer- tiliz(‘r value because two of the major plant fotxl eloment.s (P&K) are present; only nitrogen (Ni Ls absent. This element can be easi ly supplitHl as a side dressing. The kind of wood used in tiie fire place, whether hard or -soft, will also affecl the analysts. ' In addition to the ijotasli, phos-: phorous and lime, there are also- present some of the minor or c.'-ace ehwnents such as iron, man- i gane.se and olhere. Wood a.shes should be coUerded and storrnl in a dry place until! ready for use. If they are piled’ outside and exposed to the weath er they will lose much of their nutrient •v-’alue duo to Jeaehing by' rainwater. If you do not have I Resunection Services Set Rev. Charles Easley, pastor of SI. Matthew’s Lutheran church, will deliver the m«!ssagw much to use*? About one gocxl shovelful per square yard of soil area. Mix well wUh the .soil or work in as you would fcT+iliz- er. If you want to do a little expcTi- menting try this in your vegeta ble garden or flower bed. Use only wofxi ashes and top or side dress with nitrate of soda accord ing to the nc^ds of the plants you select Sedg^' Bites Conducted I BOSTIC — Bt'auford C. Scoggins. ; 35, of Rt. 2, died Sunday. Funeral I service.s were coifitucted at 2 p.m. Wednesday from tin- Casar Bap-1 list UhuK-h, with the Rev. How ard Keller and the- Rev. Thomas Gossett officiating. Burial was In the church cemetery. I . Son of Samuel J. Scoggins and the late Mary Lizzie* Striekland Scoggins, lie was the widower of Mrs. .Mamie Queen Scoggins and a member of t’asar Boiilisl chureh. Survivors include Ids falher; I two sons, David and Thomas .K. .S(.*(^gins. both of the home; foui I brothers, Paul Seoggins of Kings I Mountain, Clarenee .Seoggins, of ' Morganton, MarvOi Scsiggins, of Baltimore. .\Id. and Hollie .Scog- ' gins of Henrietta; three half broth ers, Bobby .Seoggins of Kings Mountain. Harold R. .S'siggTns ot ' Morganton and .Airman Grover -S. Scoggins of Texas; lliree sis ters, .Mrs. Bareas -Mills of Chesiiei*, S. C. .Mr.s. ('areas Hutchins of Hi. ‘2, Forest City and .Mrs. Carl Xing of Baltimore. Md.; three half sisters, Mrs. Wayne Melton ot ' Durham, .Mrs. ftoger Rohert.son ol Ellenboro and .Miss Vivian Sc-ig ' gins of Kings Mountain. , He was a native of Rutherford . County. Christmas Eve Service S!.ied St. Matthew’s Lutheran diurch will hold it.s traditional rtirlslmas Kve Candleliglit service Decem ber 21th at 11 p.m. SiM'Cial music will he hy tin* Comhineit Clioirs, under direclion of -Mrs. L. E. Hinilrinl. organist. Rev. ClKirles Easley, pastor, will u.se the .sermon topic, "Always Winter But Never Christmas." Busy Months Leigh Rites Foi Crew, Squad Are Conducted Brooks Named Guard Oiiicer i RALEIGII The appointment of Holiei't A. Brooks as a 2d li<“U- tenanl in the .North Uar.s. He is a student at .North Carolina ^ St, te University. | Lieiuenani Brooks is a grad uate of Crest high sClioo), Boil ing Springs, X. C. He graduated from the U. S. Army Infantry I Offi(S*r Candidate School, P'l. I Benning, Ga., in Jieptemlier o*' | this year. , Lieutenant Brooks began his I military career in .lime 19fi.'5, I wlien he enlisted in the North I Carolina Army National Guard with Company E HP), 10.51h En gineer Battalion in Shelby. He i.s presently assigned to Company E ( ), 103th Engineer Battalion in Kings Mountain. Cleveland County Resciu* S(|uad. Tne. reported a busy two monllis., of activilie.» during (Icloiier aiiif' November, Seismd Lt. Charles Peterson reported. ' Dujing tile month of (')clo;)er .squad inemliers inadi* a lolal of 17 trills, traveh'd l.liHi miles an.l' wen* on dul.v h-31 liours. If a I dilion. th(*y answered vall.s to ID wr(*ck scen(*s. dir('i l(*d Iraffi.- ai one fire, made one blood relav and madi* id onl-of town lri|).s. In No\emb(*r vohinl<*ers look a lolal of 17 nips, lra(c'l(*d TPS miles and wen* on duly a tot d of Si)2 liours, Tliey uii.swercd 11 wreck (sdls, mad(* nine oul-of town Irip.s. dir(*ct(*d traffic for the Kings Mountain liospilal ojicii liouse and had an ambulance in alt(*n(|an(e at the Charlollc Christmas |jarad<*. Gospel Sing Set Sunday A Co.spe! .Sing f(*aluring the Psaim.smen Quartet and lh(*C(mi mander.s Qiiart(*t will b(* held ■Sunday afternoon beginning at 2 p.m. at the Kin.gs Mountain Com munity Center. Ticket.s will be on sale at the d(K)r at .‘51..30 for adults and .$1 for ehilciren. Funeril rites for Joseph Thco- dori’ l/'igli, (>2. of Gastonia, bro- th(*r bf Rei. George* Leigh and .Mrs. Beulah Nance*, both of Kings .Mountain, were held Monday at 3 ii.ni. from GasImia's Myrili* .\li*ih(sllst clrurch. I’(*v. Syl\(*sl(*r Higgins (dficial- cd at tin* final riles, and inu*r- mem was in lloll.N wood (■(*in(*iery. Mr, Leigh di(*d Wi*dnesd.i,v at 7 li.m. afler h(*ing struck by a Iriiek as lie w'alk<*d along West .\irlinc .A\(*nu(*. He is surviv(*d by Ids wife*: four son: two additional hrulhcrs and an-ilher .sisl(*r. Mrs. Mary Lall of Slielirv. Westover Play Set Wednesday "The Cliaracters of Christmas ,Me(*f Christ" will be pri'senled on Wednesda.v. D(*c(*moer 23, al W(*slover Baptist church. .Members of tin* Beginn(*rs’. Pri mary and Junior .Sunday iSchool clas.s(*s wdll pr(*,sent the play. (lifts Will be distri.‘)ut(*d around a Christmas tn*e in llie cluirch fell )W.shi;i hall and .Santa Clau.* will pay a visit. 23" Color TV by CURTIS MATHES $369.95 wt TERMS BRIDGES RADIO-TV 739-4416 423 N. Piedmont Ave. ^. • »r ‘ . , 4- .. .•'■rsfcia*'- for B/eryt)ne! A N. Fof Her Gifts Of Fiagiance—In Gift Sets And Individual Pieces • ■ -■* - • Faberge !, \ A ♦ • Revloii" * 4 • Arpege ' ^ • Helena RulDenstein' My Sin Ambush Chanel No. 5 Bal (de Bain d • Tabu • Prince Matchabelli LEATHER By BUXTON CANDIES By HOLLINGSWORTH, PANGBURNS ^ • Love 4 • D’Orsay 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^ 4 REVLON ♦ IMPLEMENT SETS & : MANIClIRE SETS ♦ — I HMEX WATCHES X FLASH BULBS, HLM ^ By EASTMAN, POLOROID 4 ^ ASSORTMENT X TOYS And GAMES 4 - A CHRISTMAS ♦ WBAP& TIES, TAGS 4 r ^ SEE US FOR ALL YOUR 4 GIFT NEEDS X gift wrappings, of course •'LS3’ 'H’-s-*5-, V ▼ 1 L f// For Him Gift Selections In Wrapped Sets and Indindual Pieces For All The Family... AFTER SHAVE FAVORITES • English Leather • Old Spice • Black Watch • Hai Karate • Pub by Revlon • Prince Mdtchabelli • Jade East’ • Black Belt • Shick Hot’Lather I Dispenser • Brut by Faberge Leather Goods By Buxton Electric Shavers By Sunbeam Remington • Norelco Timex Watches CAMERAS By KODAK. POLOROID PIPES By KAVWOODIE, MEDICO - YELLO-BOLE ALL POPl^LAR BRANDS CIGARS & CIGAREHES PIPE TOBACCO KINGS nOUNTAIN sroffe DRUG COMPANY THE CITY'S MODERN STORE 444444444444444444444444444444444444444^44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444443 V