»7Q Thursday, Daeamber 17, (970 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Page S WANT ADS 1:1732 t sale Un an !»• fWr’ipf j w? ihentt ■'.Mi) m'' on aijui member. roUnS [2:l6k E cutor of >rmand h Oatb- persons ) estate land' to rsigned e of tl^ Ice w bar ■W ms in- e’malte cember. C. ! 12:3-26 t of . 'I JNA E I outor of ivfB bf aroUnal ns hav: state of ot them thin - $ pubdica me wlU Ir reoov- to said mediate •vember, 26-12:17, * t * We Drill Wells! And Install Qoulds quality water systems With Oaptndabllity Arnold's Well Drilling & Pump Service Phone Arnold Philbeck 739-4315 Oak Grove Road Kings Mountain, N. C. Lngads 1 I NOTICE TO SREOITOBS {liavlirjj qualified as Sxeculrix Of the ^ste of riorenoe Cans- ler, Deceased, late of Cleveiand County, Nortii Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav'ng (!laim.s against the estate nf said decedent to present them to the undciisigned on or tiefore tlie 18th day of May, 1971, or thi.s notice will be pieadei in bar of their re- coverj'. All persons indebted to said ostaU> will plea'se make ini- mediate payment to the under signed. litis 17th day of November, 1570. LOUISE C. KIBLER, Executrix 107 Ro.sewood Avenue Kings Mountain, N- C. C,E30«GE B. THOMASSON Attomey-AI-Law 102 W. Mountain Street Kings Mountain, N. C. 11:19-12:10 CARD OF THANKS LAME DUCKS AND LOST WEEKENDS and' One must urge that Congre-ss, I vying lor siipptrt, Iher,- is liound llu h,, political sparring and lion esi debate. Hut Ihe legislators can assure, if they will, that even a is no 'lost I thank all the [aimily friends during my bereavement; uwure of the multiple urgencies | i;,nie duck session is for their kind o^tgiv-tsions of cym- facing it, will legislate now with weekend.” pathy shown /ne while in Kingsia minimrCHi of bickering and fil- I Ihuster, a maxiniiim of quick a<-i Congress left much work behind (omplishment. . jwhen it r<‘(v,>i.se,| tletolx-r 11; fi ii.il action on six appHtpriation This may not happen in tlie/hill.s; the all importani welfaic current ”lanio duck" session, the reform; trade policy; deletisc fitwl siiKv Ihe Korean war isave a brief -Senale-eonvening to cen sor Son. Joe Mdf'arlhy). .Some 'holdover logislators, defeated in Ihe N'ovemlior elections, may just Mountain. Mrs. Carl H. farpenler 92,'5.3 Jhisl Key We.sl .Strec't Temple City, Califor/iiii WHERE CAN YOU GET THOSE BEAUTIFUL AVON GIFTS? Call 482-2711. Better yet, be come an AVON Representative and -sell them to many others who want to buy them. Call 482-2711. IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT Good Pay and All Benefits For Full Time Employees Experienced Weavers and Fixers Only Apply Office Mon. Thru Thurs. 10 a.m. to 4 p.ni. LAMBETH CORPORATION (Across from New High School) (Equal Opportunity Ebnployer) 11:5 aiRISTVIAa IS A TIME OF JOY AND BILLS A'ceentuate the joys, elimintite the bills by becoming itn AVON lUqjresenlatlve in your noighb(Hhi>od. Call now: — Ruth Swofford. Rt. 8, Box .341, Shelby, N. C. 281.70 or Call 482-2711. sitending; Ihe S.ST; I lie I>re.si. dent's \<‘to of the bill limiting campaign expenditures. Both parties will be gilding leg- PICKING BETTER POSTMASTERS , It i.s douhlless true llial I’rcsi deni N'iXcin is ;in inslincli\c poli- ' tlcian wlio loves politics, lint in one Ihing he has shown liimsclfl lo.ss |Kjliiii.-,illy moliviilcd than auj’ of liis pre/lccc.s.snr.s in offit-c Tills is ill his iniponani an,| ad miraolc step of endiiig tin- jiiac lice of a|)|ioiiiling po.slina.stcrs for l.oiitira) rca.son.>. For decades, the itraclicc of rc warding potiiii-al service liy nam ing so-und so to ,1 (lastmastership wa.s one oi the iiiain a\cmies of fxililical palron.ige. Whih- it max not hav('greatly hat mod Ihcpi.st- .il sciAicc, it ccitaiiily (lid little to improve it Furthermore, this practice aa.s a deiiHl of Ihe fun damenlal ilemocralic |i|iiicijile ■ lllat men should he chnscii on merit and nut on influence, I’ostma.sicr Gcncial VViiilnn M. Ulounl will s io;i appoint u liai arc said to lie ||ic first mciil (hiecn. noniHdilical posmia.slci... ill America’.s Itislory. .Vnd event- uallj, if llil.s adinii.'inie pra.'lict' i.s kept. Ihe nation's .32.0<)0 jiost- maslcrshilts will all be filled, in litis wa.v. VV'e .sliould like bt .see a similar .sjsl(*m inIr’iKluced in oilier walks of publie life '.vlitre. when civil service is not at stake, polilitvtl eonsidorations U«) ofleti dielaie tlie clioiee of sheer butn.bi- ei.s. I’re.sidenI Nixon has .s<‘t. .an ex- ((•ll('nl examjtle In this. Christian Science Moniter fly off on their la.st junkets at islation lor 1972. I'resident .Nixon taxpayer's exfiense. retfegt t h in their Other's could campaigns acrimony conduct. But I ,.u. Congress needs to remem j her that voters will ponder its o IvetvtH eondiii l tliey are shrew , dor than once upon a lime, they I have longer memories, the.v ait j more concerned. In America's ad iversary .system, with two pur'li<:s GETTING MARRIED? Have Your Wedding Pictures Made In Beautiful Natural COLOR By LEM LYNCH Photographer Also Selection of Wedding Albums PH. 482-1720 487-7503 SPINET . CONSOLE PIANO W.interl responsible party to rake over spinet piano. Ea.sy term.s. Can bi* seen locally. Write Credit Managc'r, P, O. Box 2441, .MiClellanville, .South Carolina 294.78. ]2:17-.31pd BODEN ENTERPRISES. INC. (Formerly Muslslhg Oil Co.) PHONE 482-5S17 For Home Delivery Of FUEL OIL & KEROSENE Our Trucks Are Radio-Dispatched For Quick Delivery. Lockheed Printed Delivery Tickets Ic GALLON DISCOUNT FOR CASH We also are affiliated with Stone Heating Co. and in-stall gas, electric, oil furnaces and do repair work on all model furnaces.' WANTED Experienced Knitters for Second and Third Shifts APPLY IN PERSON (formerly Aladdin Knit Mills) East Alabama Avenue Bessemer City, N. C. Kings Point Knitting. Inc. (Equal Owiortunity Employer) 10:15-22 W«tUy By WILSON GUFFIN Many health giving drugs have potentially dangerous side - effects. They ore marked "by prescription only" ond should be taken only under profes sional supervision, cautions tlie Pharmaceutical Mfg. Assn. One can .understand that a complex chemical drug, while having a desired beneficial ef fect on one port of the tefly may, however, upset an'tin portan't chemical balance in another part of the body. Your doctor and pharmacist ore a professional team to be con sulted before any drugs are taken, to avoid possible dan gerous side effectsl After yo* eei. your doctor, bring your prescription to Tape Recording of Your Wedding In Color Picturi? Story Also Made CARUSLE STUDIO 814 S. Lafayette Shelby. N. C. Phone 487-4621 The USS North Carolina, bat tleship of World War IT fame, was the first of the nevv dread noughts built by the U. S. Navy prior to and during the war. ONLY $139.9S com puts Wnn speetsi .12" bir ind MeCullseb , ^•mpotb-sot ehsin. • Power unit tMlfhi tnly •<v Ibt. • Mastargrlp handla on top for ent-hsnd ••ntrel — safer tool • Cuts an 8" lof In S-Mconds. • Cuts a cord sf flreweed fast • Cuts the eeit ef Hvliif on de4t-yeurMlf projecto. Pic nic taMet, furniture, ete. Alto tee Mini Mae ( Aut> metic with 14” btrand sutc- matic chtin oiling. Only $159.95 Kings Mountain Form Center 126 W. Gold St. Phone 739-5111 has his game plan, wliiclt etivis a.ges tlie V'ielnam war ended and eeonomie reeovery in full swing by then. Tlq. Democrats will seek ' to depiel .Mr. .\ixon and ids par ly as no.ioeling vital domestic problems, I Oii(> ean expect tliol a four- i some of Deinoeiatic presi.ieiilial piwsiliililies Senators .Miiskie, | liumirlirey, Kennedy, and .Me-' Govern will push national' health insuranis', aid to eily cor es, Ihgger pollution drive.s, and wage-priei' control. Immediately in 111,, lame duck .session the, Democrats will try to override the Nixon veto on campaign- sjx'nding limitation. Thi.s lame duck .s(‘.s.sion hapiren- cd. In part, iMieau.svi tlie .Senate anguisin I so long over Cambo dia. It is also indication that the press of issues re(|uires a longer legislaiiVf, year. La.st year Con gress met for 35.7 days, one of the longest sessions since World War IL So there i.s stre.ssed tlie n(>ed for organizational reform Ihe updating of procedures .so that Congress can act with dis- ' patch. A Congress sui vey by this nevv'spa[K'r tind.s .strong support in hotli Horses for reform em- bracing' chairman-choosin','. .scn- ioril.v, campaign financing, fili busters, ethics. Congress must realize that a lot of people are vvor. lering if it is truly in tunc I with these times able to func- 1 lion at all elfectively. It nnisl prove, by eonstruclive conduct, ! that it is indeed a viable in.stitu- I tion. —Clii isfiii.il Hrii lire M'liiitor MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Despite the North Vietnamese' refusal to grant an inlerviow, the group of North Carolinians - mostly Charlotteans — vvlio joui- neyert to Paris with four tons of letters may return home knowing tlicir mi.sgion has been accom plished. The North Vietnamese could not have failed to be im- presserl; Not so mucli that some laigo firms, principall.v Jefferson .Standard Broadcasting C-o., gave of their resources to .s-pur the "Write Hanoi"’ campaign, but that some ,3S0,(1fl0 persons', most- l.v in the Piedmont, were enough involv’od in Ihe war and its pris oners to take a few mimite.s to vv-riie. asking that POW's be treted humanely. The ultimate effect of the cam paign i.s, of enrrse, unknowable. There i.s, however, evidence that Ihe North Vielname.se are acute ly sensitive to American public opinion. Names of some r'" Ihe inisoners have been released by Hanoi apparently as a result of other lottei' writing campaigns. Hopcfullv', we shall see s-ome fa vorable results of this campaign. ’ it is difficult to see hovv a person, or country, could remain unmov ed at the fact that almo.st 400,000 private citizens cared enough to j write, and got involved. - The Charlotte News WANTED Experienced Foster Winder Tenders and Service Help interested in working REGULARLY and six days per week. Excellent pay and benefits. Call at Personnel Office. RKNeir Spinning ,Co. (Old Gamble Mill Location) Bossomer City, N. C. DANCE FRIDAY And SATURDAY NICHT December 11 & 12 ^ KIN(» MOUNTAIN SUPPER CLUR (Formerly The Executive Club) Open Daily at 5 P.M. Except on Sunday 'iv' u. o Dining Room Open at 5:39 ~' ~ Thursday - Friday - Saturday Under New Ownership and Management Dance Friday and Saturday Night 9 'til 3 Featuring "THE REVOLUTIONS" "The Best Dance band Around" Continuing a Dance Contest With Prizes to the Best Dance Couples Trophies To Be Awarded To The Winners Past and Present Executives Members Invited • ROCK • SOUL • COUNTRY By Request ALL SEATS ALL SHOWS 50c SHOWS DAILY 3-5 7 9—SAT. 1-3 5 7-9 SUN. 1:30-3:30-9:00 THUR. FRI. SAT. WUMOtNT PtCT>j»^CS OLENCAMPBEU KIM DARBY -HAlWAIUSUoac-. “JOE NAMATH TfCHNiCOLOR' A PAriAMOUNT PICTURE JOHN GLEN KIM WAYNE • CAMPBELL • DAUBY HAl WAins m SUN. MON. TUES. f ni imnRiinRK IKIBIIBIIIBB RATED (R) ADULT ONLY LATE SHOW FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 10:30 PAf. "K.O. SUZETTE" RATED (X) ALL SEATS 31.00 WNTOWN KINGS MOUNTAIN GATHER ROUND AT CHRISTMAS ‘ M a f.: r 5^ fi CUSHION SETTEE. . MATCHING CHAIR . . PLATTORM ROCKER. TABLES - EACH Plan your tamily room, den, an^’aTromantic as Beautiful, dislmcttvo, and '’7 tit^nes tSmely carved, properly Spanish gutters. Massive f f “^k ’ oak finish, (iovers are braced, and It^aulnuHy water based stains wipe right off. "Scotchgarded 3,0 luxuriously comfortable. They art COOPER'S FURNITURE CO. 210 S. RAILROAD AVE. ! t - - '/i % A y«rd or so of material—and almost 200 icars oi Jrcanis and determination—^make an American Flag. W* honor that flag when we value the heritage it represents. We defend it when we strengthen our freedoms by using them. AU this is part of what our young people must learn if they arc to become responsible citizens- MMy educators count on the Treasurj s School Say iiigs i’rogram to help illustrate these ideas. They know that buying U. S. Saving* Stampyijgularly gives each joungster an active part in hi.s coun- t try s affairs, a part he can understand and from which he can ' come to appreciate how his country and his freedom depend on what he does as a citizen. Lef the School Savings Program help \ our students fi 'o -N -. • V-a and themselves. - -. . . WheB ^y buy their first Savings Stamps this year they'll receive a wallrt e»d ^owng Old Glory. WTien they trade in their stamps tor a &nes E Bond, a special Old Glory certificate will be awarded to them. SHARE IN AMERICA Buy U. S. Savings Stamps I and Bonds ■Mm&A Hi* W.s. CnvilMiMl im not pay lor Ihio odvortiMiiiont. Il U puiKtoil •• *15^ • bm»MliM<rMi1lMDoftrlmoatoilti«Tni«uyo>aThoAdTortoMi(CoiiML

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