. i Or^rio "Sfngers To SfagB - <^oncert Of Season On January 23 ' of Boston. an«ap. " frrsMrp".n"“ro^ntz.T ’ torium. '-''•ns Audi- on national tour. pnertor Donald Piott, chair- Acolaimod as one oi[ the ten 'Music Department at oajf'anding, choral groups in u,e otosen hOflon. "rhc Oratorio Singed tC wZn^ '^otks ‘"K P'-otossionaJ ejcceUence to - ^ achie- r I^Tfonnances, and invite e- - uT^ns ou'^tantiing chor- "'’.l'’7'P fhem celebrate - +h„ ^ fo 'fio community ''*®" ‘"Ontieth season Tickets : f^oar "wo peT-form^ r ‘ P®'’fo> med before in A 7 fh'-ough th^ r this area. Oratorio Off|ce, S27 Fast r!.i : .‘;Celebrations” by Vincent Per. ' ‘ i = Sc ttat S ^oscribecl as mu- are Mr’Mezzanine seals ' In pujsaling, free wheel- i^’i-rst five .rows in iho ^ that c^' «S3.00. Balcony ami ' I* Swt^^poetry of Walt ^ Orchestra ate $2 50 wdtih 1 "irMrs. Conrad Hughes J^th nt^kind. The "musk- i""’" ^-fosisis ' ^Wt?„n diU\'’“^=' of 'VWH ^sidSf th'^^w "WW. He Js a vi^Umso^'^rf m ‘"'T'’' ;t^^o,ar. art,,, T^Xrr,- Sit Mrs. Norwood .Fen« a cantata Hos*ftss hostess SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday, January ?, '.■ . ■ ./ 1 O*' I ' | S '< Thursd/iy; Post at 111 A A«^‘''a'y. join, piogram troifes'^'”*'oA®" f''*®'""' building. Hostesses; Mrs. Paul Maunev sand Mrs. Charlie .Moss. ^ Friday; 12:00 — Senior atizens club hmcheon meeting at the Woman’s Siiturriay: riem^i^ P-m. American Le- .•™'S;l'':«r'?/sr''s,“'’'- „ OP*>n Gate Gartion cluh at the home of (Mrs IM o a with Mrs. w M Gantt I™”*’ -- Mem.boTs“i„^r;:"t"'the , Amos home, then [Mountain high J-Urfm-a p^;;:, gram bychark^ KnP.ht. eluh tt m T Mountain Garden Miss Ginger Lynn and Jit Hell Will bo married Friday nmg at 7:,30 p.m. i„ a doi ring roramony in Bc-thlehem tist church. All friends and relatives of The bride-to-be is the daug ^ Mr. and .Mns. Percy Lynr bvMm^"""^^'"- ®ho is empki mer^clty "" ^ ”''i^''®fh>n in »> The piuspectivo bridegroon Kin ’^^a" ”®al ■ Hull bv «»Pi'' hy Gibbs Dental Labomton Utusronia. f vV Auditions Are Invited , h/»^ IS ™k;;'<■■"'•'• hanioine solo The ‘’h®|'f''a and ‘’“‘ "'ooo was hostess mnluates tl , oi-chesira ac- '“’ ’’Uay morning at her hn^ * "'<• through "’'™'>«rs of Cimie jfo '2'’""^ f° vir.v.■ SisTs* S"»taM S'"»»»»«' “impiou, ^shazi of se'^JiL ■■>*si-‘*tod in eily of Babvinn ii’o *^®f''‘'si’Tents. Kieat i horal dra’J*^"^® itself (0 - , “ iiam W(,lton, wL7haTw‘’ ^lub olaim.vl as one of ^-fifcheon Friday »-dX7 iF h- oiub'wnrhoM If »■> stosm mS "m* former A tersi~s * » Charles Knight Club Spealcer -_^hales Knight will give a oro fho”* “Landscaping” an 1 Kings Mountain h'igh °schm*i 3=sp.i'-r:'€ sx.rr;““^ ^tVnlolf ulfi Gantt, co-hostess ' M- f'*'’ singers the Oratorio Singers rj iiaf'tJ^r”"'^ - M«S iifr AA^ P-mi I St e’if* Met Plot, wi,7^^' ®>on f lott will bear all voices. Tenors and Basses are esi ‘® y If you cannot att! auditions at this time eaM Oratorio office tat STn-Tf^io aiiother appointment ^ wifl be pix?5?enfed on Satunv 'he Singers wS, noted soloists Lois Bove «rw no. Juanita Falls, .Vfezzo soiS Jerry -Helton, Tenor, anIdlS Voketaitis, Bass. "" ■**" PER SO~NA LS r-ho ■ Michael Alclfe t I aftef*'«r>*^‘!!- f'®'® teturned J»c-- after spending a few davs% tteir parents, .yr. and mS T M^ee, and .Mrs. Clifford lOiV KnJ ®''' McKee and Me.* Kee s parents attended the ^ Bowl game in Atlanta, gI ' ,L^?„^0NALS I-™ si,.Sj; Houser and Mr. and Mrs r"’"'® Moser Mrs -i-r™ “ Gary 'of Mrs Fuitf " ‘® f'aughteV i® Mtl FuIt^s®'*^ Moser Mr. and Mrs '^^'’•'”'*3“ Thter aciximpanfed Mrs Futt Saturday. home! Mr. -and Mrs. Zeno Wall] Tenn '1®';"'"®'' . *« Gaflinh lenn. after a visit with Mr \ sister am 1 brother-in-law < tor and Mrs. j. oilie h^Ls. BRA* GIRDLE C( itu .p< g< N Ti 9J T C w In « Ji ol Mrs y. F. Throneburg has -.d turned from Salt Lake City®,-V Mr.s. Throneburg visiteti }, son James, m New York an.-l from New York flew to Utah ll visit With her other son and! Save $1.01 PLATTEX* LIVING* STPETCH BRAS Style 153 Reg. $4.95 Now *3.94 Style 173 Reg. $4.50 Now $3.49 (D cups $1.00 more) Save $2.01 PLAYTEX'OOUBLE DIAMONO'r‘'GIRDLES- FOR DOUBLE CONTROL Save $1.01 sl'^f FAMOUS LONG LINES AND % LENGTHS Save $2.01 PLAYTEX* 5 LBS. THINNER'^^GIRDLES se w , te 'Rl m N Ai i* o{ th P< H) 01 (k w oil at in b< P« Shortie Reg. $12.50 , Now $10.49 Average Leg Rr-g. $12.95 , , Now $10.94 long Leg Reg. $13.95 Now $11.94 Girdle Reg. $10.95 Now $8.94 Sizes XS. S. 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' “uSo?$l“ “ ^ *'* ‘2 -”'1- ■"« “d ™e ■<■ • .//All “pl?sof$l“ 24monthsmohirityandincreases bir, md Dlce“rSI,l’r°“ * Septem- X“change”‘,heS'‘“‘®* ^ ^P' K Savings deposited on or before the loth of each month earn dividend lor the whole month. Savings insured by the Federal Sovings and Loan Insurance Corporation to $20j)00e00e Home Savings & Loan Association East Mountain Street Established 1923 Ph. 739-2531