KIM«^S MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. f ■ I ■ ’MCI''- WHY WALK? fifty Fords and Chevrolets to select from. $50. \ down. .MIDWAY .MOTORS, High ways 29 and 74 north of Kings; Mountain Phone 864-2827. I 5:29tfn.l FURNITURE - QUALITY PRICI THEN YOU WILL BUY MAGNAVOX • COLOR TV • STEREOS • RADIOS • TAPE RECORDERS MAGNAVOX SALES & SERVICE WILSON TV & MUSIC 904 W. GOLD 739-2616 Across From Seven-Eleven REDUCE SAFE & wit'i OoBoso E .'aolet.s & K Vai'. 'v.-itcr pill.s’' ii'lifin Drug. REDUCE .safe & fast with Ooflcse Tahlots & K Vap "water pills” Griffin Drug. l:V-2:i pd PERliCT GlF'i Ft^B iRE HOME I FOR SALE — .Silveitone Guitar; ami matcning ampKfier. in E.\ | cellent condition. Cuil 753-3733, idler 2 p.m. o:I7tfn Services E I sanie^i'^uilO Jio) 73d-3'/^'<. for sale — 21inph Admiral TV.j $109. G.jod condition. Aileen Ross, 306 Blanton St. 9;10tfn^ -HflLlZElt Fo. iawn-s I ien.-> or iincli. .^.^K ter lionai; j a. 10 10-lO Grows everything ar-.ter than anvlhing. KING-' duUMAlN FARM GEiNTKh 26 f, tlold St 3:l7tli S E D .IVPPLIANCES — loves. refrigerators, vanhers. Real values. Western Auto Associate fSrIJMfr Timms Furniture PATTERSON Oil Company JiTEO SIGNSr — No Trespass- ng, no hunting, no fishing /Vaterprool or pialn. Herald j Publishing Company. TELE PHCNE 739-5441. ll:2tfn lust Pick Up The Phone and Shop at Home "MONARCH" 100% NYLON CARPET Including Foam Cushion from $3.99 Sq. Yd. Over 40 Qualities and 400 Co lors to Choose From — Includ ing Shag — — Hi-Lo, Indoor-Outdoor — Tweed BIGELOW - DAN RIVER • MONORCH — MAGEE bafiPET • -vuiiiit) You Cati Trust j K'-etiuty You Can See | •0 ‘•"lees You Can Afford • PERRY ' 'JRN. « CARPET COMPANY •.neiny, !$. -v,. utai tiU 7.741!' Open Ail bay Wednesdays TAYLOR'S UPHOLSTERING SHOP TAYLOR'S Upholstering Shop COMPLETE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING —All Work Guaranteed— Hundreds of Samples To Choose From. FREE Pick-Up cmd De livery and FREE Estimates Within so Miles. Will StiU Cov- er li You Furnish Your Own Material, WUl Piiivr.ace Within Kings Mountain Ateo With Good Reference PHONE 739-6661 504 EAST KING STREET KINGS MOUNTAIN, N, C. g / ELECTRIC SHAMPOOER Cleans Carpets EASIER! FASTER! ^BLUE Lustre CARPET ^HAMPOO^ $t a day For Smaller Machine . McGinnis FURNITURE Phone 739-4706 tfn "Wht t Says The Fine Print" F Notices AT-TRA-r.Vi: POBITICN — Full or Part li.-tic. Man or vvainan 25-60. Good cdu.-atioiial La;l;ground. p<'r;i()r..ility iind api'caraiKo, ready to accept po.silioii im- nti d.ately if seleoted. Guaran teed inco.Tie wiili epiiertunity for advancement. For l.nal in terview write Box' 221, Shelbv, N. C. 281.50. I2:.‘iM;i-l CAoIilEB AL.D WAITRESS—Apply at Kings .Mountain Truck Pla^a, . 1-85 and Di.xoii School Road. 12:23iin BABYSITTER iicede I f >r one child. 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. .Monday through Friday. References it'-: quired. Phono 739-37U9 after 6 P-hi. ^ 12:23lfii. FOUND — Foodie. Ovenor may pay for cost of adverfi.sement anti call 739-2043 itetween 6 ■ and 6:30 p.m. daily. 8:27tfn. '.HASTA.’H SEPTIC TANK SEHV | ICE — Tank.« pOiTiDed, Clt-dlieC ana iiilet ro.iOea. R.',t.-.t.tiat:l 'ates teiepnoiie r39-al;--0 atte- (11 CriA-kTAl.V SKP i I' ‘A-'a --H HvrCK K,)iite ]. tjn> I;t (fr ASA LANDSCAPING — Sew, re.-eed yard.s, grading, land cleaning. Bu-sh hogging. GAY .STINNETT, 7.39-6295 or 739 21,50. btlltfn LAY'AWAY TOYS for'ma.s. at your We.atorn Auto .Store 229 fi. Fatiieg:‘ound .-Vve. Kings Mou.niaia, N. C. 11:26 WATER WEiSilT PROBLETA? Excess water in tlie body can be un comfortable. E-LIM will help you lose excess water weight. We at,.. H Really For Sale H Joe Ann's Realty Don Crawiord loe Ann Crawlord FOR SALE C12 South Oriental, 3 bed rooms, Priced to Selll 709 Groves Street, 3 bed rooms, Available Now. FHA Financing. Small Down Payment. ■ iEiYTAL management SET > tno buying Phone 739-3368 2Uo N. Piedmont FOR STPTIC TANK installation, repa r, pumps, all servicing see Leonard .MeSwain Septic j Tank Co. at 909 Earl Road in I Shelby or Telephone 482 1380 or 482-5548. 8:27tfn With rising building costs, it will cost 10% more than it did 3 years ago to replace your building. Have your property insurance checked at C. E. War- lick Ins. Agency, to be certain it covers to Full replacement value, C. L WARLICK INSURANCE AGENCY 110 West Mountain Street Kings Mountain, N. C. PHONE 739-3611 Kings Mountain recommend it. Only $1.50 Drug Store FOR EXPERT SERVICE ON Air Conditioners Refrigerators Washers Dryers Ranges Call the anpliane Doctor I HONE 739-2142 Whisnants Appl. Service Kings Mountain, N. C. 6:4 tfn DESK BLOTTERS — 20c -Green ji brown. Brighten your desl at home and otfiee. KINO? i MOUNTAIN HERALD. TELE- PHONE 739-5441. ll:2tft FOR SALE — Used A{)pliances. One Maytag ringer washer, one gas range stove and also .small refrigerator. .All items are in good condition. Phone 739-6728 in afternoons. l:7pd FOR SALE — 1970 Princeton 2 Bedroom Ho^e Trailer 50’ x 12' — $3,000. Cfm^ord Keese, Sui)t. of Kings Mountain State Park. 803-222-7920 or 803-222-9363. 1:7-21 CARPET Beautify and quieten your home with exquisite Mohawk Carpet Prices As Low As $3.95 Per Square Yd. FREE ESTIMATES McGinnis Furniture Company PHONE 739-4706 Kings Mountain, N. C. C Employment C PART TIME TRAINEE to assist technician. Apply in person at Wilson TV & Music, 904 W. Gold Across from Seven Eleven. 12:10tfn WANTED — Experienced fulltime typist for modern tax and book keeping service office. Also part-time experienced typists for copy work, some checking. Phone 739-5388 for appoint ment. 1:6-13 SNELUNG AND SHELLING Agen cy h^ many good openings in all fields. For fast, efficient, confidential placement, call or come in, 864-9781, 420 Commer cial Bldg., Gastonia, N. C. 3:13-ttn t NOTICE — Check with me before you sell copper, brass, radiators aluminum, all metal. Market looks bad but still paying top prices. J C. Clary 710 Ridge St, Phone 739 5628. 7:30tfn LET US CLEAN your carpel th(: modern way — without wetting. Your carpet will be thoroughly cleaned and ready for Immedi ate use. For free estimate dial ■187-7426 — Shelby, N. C. Perry Farniture & Carpet Company. 12:12tlr. DO YOU HAVE 10 spare time hours a week? E.\ceptional earnings for men or women distributing famou-s Rawleigh Products openings in Kings Mountain. Credit extended. Write Rawleigh Dept. 801 P. O. Box 688, Troutman, N. C. In clude home directions. 1:7-14 WANTED — Male or Female, for production work. First shift, ex cellent fringe benefits. Apply in person Kinder .Mfg. Co. hue. In- du.strial Drive, Kings Mountain. N. C. 12:10tfn GUTTERING, sheet metal work and gas piping. DILLING HEAT ING CO.MPANY. Phone 739-3446. 12:22-tfn ARE Y^U HAVING SEP’nC TANK trouble? We have Roebic K 37 fully guaranteed or money back. It really works. Western Auto Associate Store. 7:24-tfn BULLDOZER WORK ILand Clear ing) Herndon Landscaping & Excavating. Call 739-4557. ll:19t;n LENNOX HEATING and air con- (UUoning. DILLING HEATING ompanY Phone 739 3446. For All your Realty Needs Call or See Stinnett Realty Company Phone 739-2150 739-6234 WANTED to buy or a.s.sume your payments: 1967 or newer For.l VS truck, or 1966 or 1967 V8 automatic Mustang. Call 739 71.52 after 7:00. 12:30-1:7 G Realty For Kent G REALTY FOR RENT .. GGG .... HOUSE FOR RENT at 214 Brice St. Call 4S7-8-193. 1:7 FOR RENT — 1 nave apartment- close. Furnished or uiifurnisncd For rent when they come emp ty. Contact H. R. Parton, Teie phone 739-241.3 3;7tfr FOR RENT — 1 Have nouse trail ers for ren* when thoy ceme empty. 114 block-s from Harris Teeter Super Markets H. R parton, Telephone 739 2413. .3.7tfn Services GUTTERING, blow pipe work, all types of sheet metal work. Childers Roofing & Heating Co., Inc. Phone 739-5166. 12:13tfn Notice STINNE 11'ACRES .Mobile Home Park — Spaces for rcr,t. 739-2150 739-6234. 7:9tfn H Realty For Sale B FOR SALE — 1966 Fiat. 850 .Model. ; See Howard Swofford, Route 2, Phifer Road, after 5:30 p.m. or 739-,3841. 10:22tfn ARE YOU HAVING ROOT trouble?* We handle Rfx,-bic K-37 & K-57 for city sewage or rural-city | Septic tank drain fields, ully 1 guaranteed or money back. It' really work-s. Western Auto As- .sociate Store, Battleground Ave. 7:24 tfn SPANGLER Concrete PHONE 733-4723 FOR YOUR CONCRETE NEEDS. CALL U.<l| Deliver Any Amount COMPLETE JOBS Floori, basements- walla, eniba. eta Mo Job Too Largo Or Too Small REE ESTIMATE! Kings Mountain CLEANING & FLOOR CARE SERVICE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS • COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL Call Us For Free Estimates PERRY SORROW PH. 739 2288 12:23-31 pd. UGH! WHAT AN AWFUL TIME OF YEAR. It's time to do some thing different — brighten up your life and earn money too. Become an AVON Representa tive. Call 482-2711 or write Ruth Swofford Rt. 8, Box 341, Shelby, N. C. 28150. 1:7-141 EXPERT SERVICE ON —- ranges,! refrigerators, washers, dryers. i Phone 739-2142 Home Appliance! Service, 607 Meadowbrook Rd.,' Kings Mountain. 4:30tfn' For Sale — 3 acre vaconi lot, 2 miles North of Kings Moun tain. Reasonable priced. 625 Meadowbrook Drive—new ly lenovoted frame dwelling with full basement. In quality neighborhood. Attractive fin ancing available. B. F. Maner Realty York Road • Kings Mtn. LOST OR STRAYED — Black cock er spaniel an.swering to name of Susie. Reward. Mrs. Emily Ware, 807 Boyce St., Plionc 739- 3064. ll:5tfn IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — One trailer space for rent. Located! 1-85 near 161, York Rd. 739-6229.1 7:2ifn' REDUCE e.xcess body fluids with FLITIDEX diuretic tablets, only 91.69 at Medical Pharmacy. I ADDmONS AND REMODEUNG-^ j No down payment, 10 year, terms. Save on new component homes. Small down payment, 1:5-33 year terms. Call 739-3854! after 6 p.m. I:7tfn FOR SALE — Tliree's for sale, two four hciises and one threero:>m hoiee. Dr. J. P. Mauney, Phone 7.3!) .3192. l:7tfn TWO new for .sale Call 739-6794. 1:7^^ FO. 5LE — Lake Montonia Road J five riwm homes 1 four-room homes. 1 e homes have licen fairly ,v ed over. Brick veneer, new r 5 new carpets, comentc-i w s and parking areas. AD-o i-i inted. All will be ready to o py in two wxiek.s. Can pur- c e for lO'/o down and bal- a 10 years period. See Reyn- 0 Realty Companv, 120 York R Phone 739.2320 and at nite 7, i478. PiEflLTY FOa SALE Contact: Larry Hamrick. Real Estate Broker ot Warlick Insurance Agency or Phone 739-3611. FOR SALE: PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE — large home at 303 W. Gold Street. Wall to Wall cor- pet. For appointment. Call Mr. Hamrick, 739-3611. FOR SALE: Well kept home close to town: 102 S, Gaston Street. Modern kitchen, bath, 2 bedrooms. Available now. Conventional finonc’ng. FOR SALE: Residential lot in Crescent Hill section. Corner. FOR SALE: Three Bedfoom, oarpeted. central gas heat dwelling in excellent condi tion. 518 Baker St. Phone tor details and appointment to see. Attractive 3 bedroom home for sale on Belvedere Circle. Priced to selL Phone tor details. WE BUY A-NTD SELL ALL TYPES REAL ESTATE ( GETTING MARRIED? Have Your Wedding Pictures Made In Beautiful Natural COLOR By LEM LYNCH Photographer Also Selection of Wedding Albums PH. 482-1720 487-7503 Weekly, By WILSON GRIFFIN In San Francisco and in West Hartford, Conn, teenagers are giving aid and comfort to the aging with "Adopt a Grand parent" programs. During the past year, 183 students in seven [ Catholic high schools spent hours visiting and “doing lit tle things" lor older people liv ing in nursing homes or una ble to leave their own homes. This included reading, writing . letters, fetching library books, playing games, talking — or Just listening — to older folks. Such a program can only con tribute greatly to the mental health of both the oldsters and the teenagers. After you see your doctor, bring your prescription tb I^ursday, January 7, 1971 PHONE 739-5441 FOR SALE — Three room house on Grace St. See by app:>int- ment at S14 First St. Anytime. 1:7 roK SALE — New .Mobile Homt 45x12 w/Eleetrie Range & Carpet In L.R. & Hall. $3345. Phone 739-6905. 4:9tf \ Try cooking vegcitables In veg etable oil. It can help vc r he->rt help you, advises the North Car olina illeart Association. WANTED ixperienced Foster Winder Tenders :nd Service Help interested in working EGULARLY and six days per week, xcellent pay and benefits. Cnll at ersonnel Office. McNeil Spinning Co. (Old Gamble Mill Lccation) Bessemer City. N. C. BODEN ENTEPiPmSES, INC. (Formerly Mustang Oil Co.) PHONE 482-5517 For Heme Delivery Ci FUEL OIL & KEEOSENE Our Trucks Are Radio-Dispatched For Quick Delivery. Lockheed Printed Delivery Tickets Ic GALLON DISCOUNT FOR CASH l.Ve also are affiliated with Stone Heating Co. and nstall gas, electric, oil furnaces and do repair work hn all model furnaces. WILSON TV HAS MINI AUTOMOBILE EIGHT TRACK TAPE PLAYERS AT ONLY $39.55 Yes $39.S5 ONLY Complete With Speakers (Installation Available) Limited Supply WILSON TV and MUSIC 904 W. GOLD Across From Seven Eleven “Your Hometown Homo Entertainment Center” OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT TILL 8:30 HOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR INSURANCE? ?robably a sizeable amount. It is pos,slble that we can sav* you money on a comprehensive insurance plan. — SEE US TODAY! — INSURANCE IS SECURITT THE ARTHUR HAY AGENCY “ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE’* PHONE 739-3659

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