r Page 6 K1MGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. f Thursday, February 18, 1971 PHONE 739-5441 A! "fiCH*: A JnTlNCi GOODS — All iiiids of sports, equip- iment, baseball, sof'ball, baskelball, football, ten ons, ami for the hunter, fisherman, and golfer, oo. .Vestern Auto Associate lore 5;18lfn wtv WAUt? fifty Fords and Jhevrolfts to s< loot from. Sown. MIDWAY MOTOKS. H:;'!! Ii'nys 29 and 74 north of King' Hountaiii. Phone 8i>,'282i. i:29t(- : ANNUAL. ZPJ:E FACTORY SPONSORED « COLOR TV «t MONOCHROME TV « RADIOS •C STEREOS ■ •r TAPE RECORDERS : You’re Home With • : MAGNAVOX 984 W. Gold St. 739-2616 : Across from 7-11 : 2:43:11 .IIDUJE SAFE & la.;t witli GoBosc Tahlols & K-Vap "water pills" Gridin Drug. Services Notices PERFECT GIFT FOR THE HOME .V. :'v iutu.'e neects a pencil ..iinenei (id >oun lot only , deraid Pnnishre? sy >.. I 1.1..ill lil I BOY SCOUT TROOP 91 is selling I fijx'wood. 7:iJ'221ti. Will deliver. Ph me ' 2:18 .’■HHEE Y’EAR guar:inte(Hl l>:dter- ii'.s. Kir ino.st all make cars. .Slil.P.l. B lb Scoggins Gulf Sta tion, 721 York Road, 739-4001. l:2Ufn .iiTldl^En - For lawns, gar i.m- or tic 111.'. .«.-k tor Bonat- a. U’. le 11; Grows everytnlnc ii-ier than anvthliig! KING'- iOU.NTAIN FARM CENTER -c !• rjold 8t .3:17tf! Let Us Clean Your Carpet the Modern Way— Without Wetting; or, We Will Rent You Our Equipment. Call for Free Estimates. PERRY FURNITURE & CARPET COMPANY Tel. 487-7426 Shelby. N. C. : £.D .APPLIANCES - stoves, refrigerators wa.ihi'rs. Real values. Western Auto Associate SrIRtfr FOft SALE—I'KIS four door Dtai'ge I^Iura — gray wM.'i black \inyl t^p — fidly equiiijicd. Price Ls riglit S1700. Plume 739-3122. 1:18 Call PATTERSON Oil Company Timms Furniture M A' Need Carpet? Just Pick Up The Phone and Shop at Home ••MONARCH" 100% NYLON CARPET Including Foam Cushion from $3.99 Sq. Yd. Over 40 Qualities and 400 Co lors to Choose From — Includ ing Shag — Plu.sh — Hi-Lo, Indoor-Outdoor — Tweed BIGELOW - DAN RIVER - MONORCH — MAGEE TAYLOR'S UPHOLSTERING SHOP TAYLOR'S Upholstering Shop COMPLETE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING —All Work Guaranteed— Hundreds of Samples To Choose From. FREE Pick-Up nnit De livery and FREE Estimates Within so MUes. WiU Still Cov er If You Furnish Your Own Material. Will Plivr.nce Within Kings Moontoin Area With Good Reference PHONE 739-6661 504 EAST KING STREET KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. FOR SEPTIC TANK installation, repa r, pumps, all servicing, see Leonard MeSwain Septic Tank Co. at 909 Earl Road in Shelby or Telephone 482-1380 or 482-5548. 8:27tfn /£TED SIGN!. — No Trespa.ss- ' ng, no hunting, no fishing I ■Vateroroof or pialn. Herald . “ubushing Company TELE ^ JHCNE 739-5441. U:2tLi 1 FOR SAX.E — Registered Ba.ssct Hound puppies. Call 482-1997. Jolin Lavender, Route 1, Grover. 2:4tfn DESK PLOTTERS — 2Uc -Green jr brown. B.righten your desi at home and otfice. KING? MOUNTAIN HERALD. TELE- PHONE 739-5441. ll:2lfr C Employment C CARPET Beautify and quieten your home with exquisite Mohawk Carpet Prices As Low As $3.95 Per Square Yd. FREE ESTIMATES McGinnis Furniture Company PHONE 739-4706 Kings Mountain. N. C. NEED IMMEDIATELY Relief Night Auditor Apply In Person Royal Villa Motor Inn 1-85 at York Road WANTED — Experienced cutter for doubleknit sportswear. Ap- Iily MR. SWEET DIVISION. Wa co Road, Kings Mountain, Ph. 739-4754. 2:4tfn Services SPANGLER Concrete PHONE 739-472} FOR YOUR CONCRETE NEEDS, CALL USI •v* DoUvei Any Amonnt vOMPLETE JOBS Plaora, basements, walks. enttM, etas No Job Tee Large Oi Toe Small FREE ESTIMATES FOR SALE — 19G5 Blue Slalioii' Wagon. Good c-ondition ■ Air -, One car too many in family - 739-4053 after 6. 2:183:-1 FOR SALE — New Piano, Fiarly Amcdrican, solid pine. .8ell.s for $835. This wtH>k only $485, in-' eludes benk,-h and sales lax. I.'- year guarantee. Al.so nice mir- j ror piano, in gfxid condilion,] $140. Phone 739-0912. 2:18 j ABF YOU HAVING ROOT trouble?! We handle Roebic K-37 & K-57, for eity .se-wage or rural-city! Sms - ducted heat - fenced yard - large lot - Shown by appointment. Phone 739-3368. 2:4tfn 315 E. King Street Ph. 739-8555 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 A.M.-5 P.M. SATURDAY SUNDAY 1 P.M.-6 P.M. WANTED Experienced Foster Winder Tendeis and Service Help interested in working REGULARLY and six days per week. Excellent pay and benefits. Call at Personnel Office. McNeil Spinning Co. (Old Gamble Mill Lccation) Ressemer City, N. C. FOR SALE—3 bedrooms-gas heat aluminum siding - air condi tioned - West King Mtn. Shown by apointment. Phone 739-3368. 2:4tfn FOR SALE — 2 lots located at Bbenezer Village. Lots size 150 x 150. Each prited $1,000. Can be seen anytime. Call Hubert Ijames, phone 865-6709. Call anytime. 2:11-3:11 FREE LUBE job with oil and fil ter change. All brand oils a- vallable. BOB SCOGGINS’ GULF STATION. 724 York Road, Phone 739-4601. 1:21tfn I CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERV ICE — Tanks pumped, cleaned and lines roddec. Reasons bl> rates. Telephone 739-5150 afte- 6 p.m. CHASTAIN SEPTir TANK service: Route ]• Box .38A. 1:5 tfr ASA LANOSCAPma — Sew grass, reseed yards, grading, land cleaning. Bush hogging.) GAY STINNETT. 739-6295 or 739-3150. 6:lian WE SELL THE EARTH Need A Home Site? See Ashley Park and Crescent Hill Developments FOR SALE Brick home, 3 bedrooms, full basement, electric heat, panel ed den. ^9 Meadowbrook Rd. Kings Mountain. Four Bedroom house - K itchen- Den Combination-Living room 'hot air heat (Aluminum Sid ing) - 701 Mairion street. 44 acres, near Dixon School crossing suitable for commer cial purposes or for Industrial park. HAL S. PLONK PHONE 739-2491 Real Estate Broker WeeUy tVeaiii By WILSON GRIFFIN Children living with cm adult who smokes were sick more frequently than youngsters who live in homes of pon- smokets, reports the .research team of Dr. I'aul D. Cameron lot Detroit. The study .was con ducted among 727 IDetrolt ,iam- ilies. The survey was revealed that children exposed to .to bacco smoke -hare respiratory diseases -twice as frequently .'os do children in non-smoking families. A similar study jeon- ducted in Denver come to the same conclusion *— that pmok- Ing i^not lonly injurious to the Cmoker, but to other mem bers of ithe iomily os welL After you see your doctor, bring youi prescription to BODEN ENTERPRISES, INC. (Formerly Mustang Oil Co.) PHONE 482-5S17 For Home Delivery Of FUEL OIL & KEROSENE )ur Trucks Are Radio-Dispatched For Quick Uelivery. Lockheed Printed Delivery 'rickets Ic GALLON DISCOUNT FOR CASH We also are affiliated with Stone Heating Co. and install gas, electric, oil furnaces and do repair work on all model furnaces. HOW MUCH ARE YOU PAYING FOR INSURANCE? Probably a sizeable amcrunt. It Is possible that we can save you money on a comprehensive Insurance plan. — SEE IIS TODAY! — INSURANCE IS SECURITY THE ARTHUR HAY AGENCY ••ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE- PHONE 739-3659