1! 'MORE ABOUT DAY CARE CENTER legln work W the Kings Moun tain Day Care Center could oper a's to capacity. THE SCHOOLS DO Children who have been cared ior in good day care centers are aible to start school with their interest in learning intact. They have had individual attention to build their sell-confidence. They have learned iiscipllne througli understanding correction and are better able to control their ac tions in school. Also, with good day care available, the parents will ;be less apt to keep their old er children home from school to take care of the younger chil dren. KINGS MTN. DOES Through cooperative effort, at all economic and social levels, Kings Mountain can demonstrate Its a'bity to solve its wn prob lem, and stimulate further ef forts to ibreak the "terrible cycle of poverty." Kings Mount.lin now has a Community Center with rich potential. AMhouLth opened only recently, it already provides a large v'arietyq of en riching activities for the resi- iclents of this small community. Day Care for children can he one more service avail.aible because of the foresight of the community in constructing this (building to make Kings Mountain a better place to live. I THE CBmCAL NEED j KiT»5;;y Mrttiitthirf hatf space for lone hundred children in a mod ern, II ht, airy section of the Community Center. The building ! is centially located to be con- j venient to all re.-;idenl.-i ot th(> community. They have receivctcl some eciuipment from the school system and arrangements are be ing made for the con.struction of more cq ipment in tlie school manual arts program and in .some local industries. TliCy arc ap- I plying for food subsi ly to cover j the cost of nutritious meals for the children, .‘staff training will be arrangtxl with Gaston Com munity College or llic Cleveland Teclinicald In.slltute. Every ef fort has been made to find the necessary etiuipment and maler- ! i.'ils fo make this ce.Tter one of the best child development day 'tare centers in the area. Ifow- cver, there are not sufficioni funds to employ the staff so they may be trained and community I supr ort is neede : so the vvorkln;,' parents will he able to use the certrr at costs rhev can afford. WHAT IS THE NEED If the Kings Mounlam Da.v are Center Is t'> i)rovide (|uali:y care for children at costs -tlie parents can affonl, the com munity mu.--t be asked to liolp. Tiie need is; 1,' ipment. ( Ti daiiig 0..crrtli; T c-str. As is true in r.ii. ir.g fu i.l.s f-ir other community agencies, such ‘ja.s hospitals, Icpcal Industry mu.st be asked for support in 'the proportion rhat rlieir em ployes are served. Day Care can 'tie a great boneftt to industry. .Many indus tries are operating day care cen- , tors at the gates of the plant because-they have lound it soun l business i>i actice l > provide day care services to t teeism and tut However, becau their ahson- rate low. e d.vcrsily ti'gs Moim- ■I'ain area It wo,. be profit- 1 able for each industry to oper ate its own day cane center. It would therefore be eeonomieal- ly practical for them to support an e.vlsting facility. Tlie propor- ti:,nato sliare from indu.stry must 1)0 ninety per cent of the goal. Tlie remaining balance must be obtained from die (leople in Kings .Mountain who have con- .0)1. for children. COMMUNITY INVOLVE A Day Care Commission has hoen created by the mayor of Kings -Mountain to explore tlie need for day t are in tliis om- munily and plan for making day care available to meet these needs. The Commission is now tortentrating on a Center to lie iioused in the Kings Mountain C ;:r..munity Center, wliore s,..ice his been made available. tiince this is a project (hat can her.ollt die entire omniunily, ef- I forts will be rmade to involve as , many residents as -posstble In the I success of this project. Group: will be tasked to help construct i equipment and collect material: I for thece nier, vol.nleers will hr recruited to help arrange the I equipment and plan outings for die eliildren. The School Eood Service pro gram is being re(|uested to grant ! a focVl subsidy which is adequate to provide nouritshing meals at no extra cost to the center. I Tliere will he employment op- i portiinitics at the center for a teaclier, aides, and a cook who ! will be j-ocruited frcjm Kings Mountain. The Kings Mountain center twill be a project to benefit the com munity and can succeed only with community commitment of both funds and volunteer time. PERSONALS .Mrs. Madge Arrowood .spent the weekend in Bliicksburg, S. C. tt itli her sifter. Mrs. IXivere Moore and family. .\Ir.s. Moore is rhe former Doris Hardin of Shelby. or cartion steel. Sfpinless steel i« ever, it Is more expensive that I calsy -to care fob. : utensils made of oilier metals. By ROBERT E. LEE (For the N. C. Bor Association) REVOCATION OF WILLS Is a will revoked by the subse quent marriage of the maker? 'No. A North Carolina statute enacted in 1967 expressly pro vides that a wiill Ls not revoked >y a subseequent marriage otf the maker. Prior to the 1967 North Carolina .statute a person’s subsequent marriage automatically revoked, with certain limited I'xceptlons, the entire will. The law elsewliere varies in the several slates. A testator may, ot course, leave property to his former spouse un der a new will executed subse- querrt to the divorce. The Moires and their grand- ■May the siiivivin.g spouse dis sent frrm the terms cf a valid ! will executed ollher before or after marriage? Ve.s, Tlie North \ rolir ■ s'cditp stales that “the surviving spouse may di.«sent from a will made prior to tlie marriage in the same manner, upon Mie same condi tions, and to the same extent, as a surviviing spouse may dissent from a will made subsequent to marriage.” Select Cookware Wisely, Well RADEPH. Seleotiiiig cookware for the bride is a dial'lenging task, but a wise selection wilt be appreciated for iiTany years. ■Since there are so many ma- teria'ls available in evookware, 'lere are some facts from Thelm'a Tinson, extension home ma"age- mervt specialist, iNorth Carolina fstate University, that may help you make a 'choice. Aluminum is an excellent con ductor of heat. It spreads the he.a't evenly tliroughoul tlie fooil, and does it quickly. If a surviving husband or wife i enerally, the tlitcker the alunii- is not given a specified pi'rcent !beller quality the chiuii-c n. Ti n Wa.shbui n ot^Shcl-i «1 ‘ajGiso s.ui-ipaoop oqa jo oSb Pt»>i will be. In , Dccdy .and Vickie Ervin ct i naay oi: ent from the f-'.iclln. visited Mrs. .\rrowood Sunday afiernoon. Oast Iron cookware is lieavjo Ceramic cookware, if it is to ht It should not be washed witli used on top of the range, usuad) strong detergents or scoured. Dry ; needs carefu'l heat ad jl.istmci, ' ilioroughly after washing to pre- j to avoki hot spots an i stick vent rust spots from forming. of food. It is Importani -to ha Nickel or magnesium -alloy |heat-resistant handles that aU Ingly strong and duralile. How- lack securely to this cookware.f- B I: 'eims of llio will and talic a spec i aluminum utensils -are i ified share of the estate. , made in molds. Today’s med- I mm an.1 heavier weight utensils di v’”'! 0 k f/DiCOl ^-fiALLOW ric fCE cream ■fASBiOt'ANY: s SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF mwmm air co^iditioners 5,0C0 B.T.U. PORTA-COOI. • fils Windows 24" to 36" Wide! • Flip Out Washable Air Filter!' • Quick Mount Side Panels! • Permanently Lubricated Fan Motor! • Operates on 115 Volt Line! • Rust Guardian Finish! Terrific Buy! ONLY STERCHI'S YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTPOINT AIR CONDITIONERS! S.OOo id 22,000 B.T.U.’S. THE SOUTw-i LARGEST aUAl (TV HOME FURNISHERS The only person who can dis-1 may have highly pcMshed or por- sent from the term.s of a valio Gelain-coated e.xteriors, often in will is the surviving spouse. The bright colors, hildren and other relatives ran- j not do so. What is the effect of a divorce upon a will? The dissolution of marriage by ibsolute divciicc after the mak I ing of aw ill does not revoke the ! will of any testator but it revokes 111 provisions in the will in fa or cf Iho testator’s wife so di vorced. Aluminum cookware is easy to . ire for and economic al to cook w;'h. It should Fast for yea. s. A good .grade of s’ainless steel - is very <1 .-ahle ar.d can be dent- e;i only with a very hard blow. Its a -n .irtivc finish won’t rust or tarnli.h an'I it is re.sisiant to wear. To cLIain good heat conduc tivity, stainle.ss steel is usually combined with aluminum, copper “THE COST OF LIVING IS DOWN" Ordinarily making the above statement would leave us open not only to strong criti dfim but also to doubts about our sanity. How ever, what we mean is—"The cost of staying alive," is down. And this is very true. Hospital stays ore usually very short even for surgery ond childbirth, compared to just a few years ego. Another reason the "Cost of Living" is down is that the new medicines that we ore now stocking in the pharmacy are mote potent and more specific This means that wi& most ill ncssee your doctor can prescribe drugs that will help you to recover faster and lose less time from your regular work routine. We anticipote that the cost of staying alive will continue to decline. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people rely on us lor their health needs. We welcome requests for delivery service and charge accounts. K-ijiigRljHGP.Hagp. jF;g:. g P. j R KINGS nOUNTAIN oiiUG COMPANY CITY'S MOOFRN STORE PHONE 739-2571 I ^nianhattan* MANHATTAN® “D.Q.”® FOR THE UP-DATED MAN Great, long collar. Trimmed, tapered, slimmed-down body. Slim- mer-than-ever sleeves. Permanently pressed 65% polyester and 35% cotton blendings that stay smooth almost forever. And, vi brant stripes like you’ve never seen beffore. To keep it classic Manhattan® “D.Q.” still has the important traditional back pleat and placket front. LON K’S a *