967 Thursday, lOctober 14, 1971 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Page 7 Washington Report By CONCJIIESWMAN JAMKS T. UKOYlliiX TEXTILE TALKS I'O.N'riM K 'livdi* laiky \vl;li t.u* aiinoil at ne^oiiaiinj^; l)itat(M*al resirivtions on uwua* iiviporls, aro contiiu.in^ and ino adminusti'aiion is jjj for an a^iroeimnit in lhi< an*a. Usint^. the possible* continuation of the ten por C'(‘nt i.nporl sur- chai'i^c against all Japa n*^c pi’orl- ucts as leverage*, U. S. negotia tors hope to reacii viiia.iicoy agreements willi the Japan<*se government on l(*xtile piutiucis on att ilem-by-ilem basi.s. I am encouraged by the linn position taken by tlie adminis tration ott tlii^ issu<* which is so vitally important to tlu* 10th dis trict and to liu* State oI Xorth Canjlina. TAX CUT APPHOVKO In an allirmation of the new’ ec<)nomic program, the House of lierresenlalives approv(‘d tiu? lUvtnue A( L oJ l‘J71, whi;'h im- hodios the several changes in the lax law' recommentled hy the president. These piovisioris ipive ib<*en ciisous.sed in detail in a prev ious Washington Report. 'I'he bill received the overwlielniing sup port of the House and was pass-1 d by a voice vote. | A major cliange from the ori-1 ginal proposal was the reinstate- j ment of the investment tax credit ; at .seven jwr cent, rather than th recommendation of ten per j cent th first year and five per ‘ cent Iherttafter. Another change was th addition of a provision e-; pealing the ten per cent excise | tax on light-duty trucks, defined , as those weighing 10,000 pounrls ' or Isss, effective September 22. : 1971. These light trucks, to a I substantial degree, are used for ' jxn’sonal transportation. EMPLOYEE’S PAY ' Both the Senate and the IIou.se; of Representatives acid last w'e<‘k i to uphold an important part of the president’s n<*w economic program a six montlis i)ostpone- ment of pay increases for federal employees. Both ktOslatixe chani- 'lK?rs, by substantial vot(*s, do- 'feate rdesolulions which Wf)uld have overturned the president's action to d<‘lay scheduled pay raises from January to June 1972. I voted against the House resolution and sui)ported the pay rai.se delay. A vital part of the many-far eied economic program announc ed by the president in August i.^ a $5 billion reduction in federal expenditures. This reduction is needed to offset the loss rd’ rev nu from lax cuts and to pre\ent an inflationary impact. Dolerral of pay increases and reduction in federal personnel will provide 10 p(*r (‘OiU. or .S2.025 billion, of this needed reduction in spending. The savings from the j)ay aise postponr.meni is expected to Iv* Sl.k billion, while the five p(‘i enf redccMon in th<* work forex?, accomplished primarily by aitri- tlon. should ; Vixluce a saving.'- of $72.1 million. Tile Congress in 1970 gave the pn'sidcni autliority to a(tjust fedei-U employees’ pay by ad- minislrative action in order to a">.s.ie comparability with pay! levels in private indu.^try. This | law provides specifically for the: presi^’ent to deny the pay rai.so ^ entirely, to reduce it. or to po.st-! pore it if, “bec.uise of national ' ?rre"g(*ncy or economic condi-' tion.s affecting the general wel- jart?, tiie inesident should con- .-..der it inappropriate l<) make the i).iy adjusUneiU.” The same law provide.-; uiai me i-ongiess may exercise a veto over .sir h action wplundOdays. Evans Products I Declares Dividend j ROHTLAXD, Ore. lAans PriMiucls company’s hoard cd di rectors today dec lared a legular quarterly ca.sh dividend of lo cents per share r)n its common st(j, k i>a>able No\einl)er is, 1971, i to slf r<*vord on .\‘»- ! vember 22. 1971. Tlu* di.stribution Will h<* made from tneseiUly :iu- , lbori(*d but unissued c(mi.nuilding materials foi- use in lesi- ! dential and mobile home con- We must ke<*p in mind I bat I si ruction and a manufactuier this action l)y the contgress does i of precut hom<‘s. not deny federal employees an | increase in pay, but only delays j it for six months. During my service in the House of Represen tatives I have strongly support ed Hie principle of comparabil ity of federal pay with that in private industiy. However, 1 fly have been a sig nal to private industo' to increase wages, and inevitably pru'es, im mediately after the freeze x- pirs. Cic\eland county hoys and girls w ill ha\»* an ojjpoi tunity to l(*ai'n more aboUJ via .^p(*l•ial lele\ p:-.)gr:iins hi*i;inning l-'< ai'uary Ift72. A scj‘i(*s of 10 programs will ho pii'.si'nicfl w'<*ekly ov(*r teU*- vision station WB'P-'rV and \VLO.S-'rV. channels .'J and 13, ac cording to .Mike Pitman, assLi- ant agri<-ultural (‘xiension agent. Tlu* jirograms will Ik* telecast e:i,-h Saturday at 7:30 a. m. 'Phe sera's, to be called the Ml 'PY .Sf‘ie?ir(* (^luh, will tciicii b-»\> .and girls how to pre.serve animals and how to maki* a fire (‘xtinguislier, s u n d i al. jjlasiic gieenhouse and an air eai'. plus many other exciting experiment.s. Each show features a special guest wiio is an expert in the project under (iiscussion. -Milu* Pitman says Ixiys and girls eiiioiling for Hu* series of .30-minute programs will Ik* able to buy siK'cial manuals, Tiie In open hearth furnaces, one- rnanual offers suggested aclivi- third to one-half Hie material easy-to-do projects de- u.sed for making new' .ste<*l js signed to help hoys and girls un iron and steel scrap. In some derstand some of Hie basic electric furnace operation.s, the Pi'iocii)les in science, entire charge is scrap. Hoys and girl.s interested in HOI.USBORO, .N. C. Air Force Master has an ived fur duty at Hilaries D. Price, son o Julia A. Pi’ice. Vhddese. Jcjhnson AFI». \. C. U. S, Sergi'aiit S<*yinoiir of Mrs. N. F.. .Sergeant Pi’ico, a |K*rsonal technician, is a.ssigned to a unit of the Tactical Air Command. 1!(* {)re\iously serv<*d a I Lack- land AI'B. 'Pex., and has .s(*rv(*(l a tour of duly in Vietnam. The S4*i-geant attended Great Falls iS. C.' High School. Ilis wife. Lyiuta. is the daughter of Ml', and .Mr.s. F. A. Xinsitz, .32(1') ('ro.sslield C1 SlM'ihy . The sl(x*l industry in l}r7tr' stood ru*xt to Hie ixMiom in pi’of its among 11 American nianufac-■ I luring groups. j The City <»I .Mlania r(*oov(*is more thn ‘19 jx*! ceiii of siee*ls cans Iasi year ov<*i' PM» million after inceinerai ing household trash Rnbb Finishes M .'ct»pr»ic Course DE.W’ER. Aii'in.an William D. Raid), son of Mr. and .Mis. William .M. Ka()h of Rl. 2, llo- '•cmei* diy. \. thas i.irlu.iU d at Lowi> .M li. (.'old., fj mi i!' F S. Air l-*Mtce wc.ijxon nic clia?iic cout.-o. 'Pile* airman, who u.i- ii.dnod to Io.kI .,11(1 lilspeci Hu* \\'c;ip< V.- . sod in Air l-’n.ce lighU'i* ;ni- . rafl, is being ;e-’.;iud lo moui' .lohrisoM AFII. N. C. loj duly with a unit ^,f Hio ’f*.!, li, .i Air (’oinmand. r a'4* of Hesse'iier C’ily lii;': His wife, .taokie. is the , • ler (d Mr. and Mrs. .Josoj>h .Steele of Pvt. I, lIuHsletk-i i-ii 1 le.v.-enuT IiespiK* the fact that they rv\.- I'oseni oiii\ 11 jiei'C4*nt of the ci\ ilian lalior fonx*, X<*'.roes o;- members of oMier minority rac<*s wore is pel ceril i7.“)n.1KHri of the nation’', j.l million j(^hless work- er.'i in 1't7o. th.i* Bur4*au of Labor' Sla!istij-s reports. They vvero 20 Aainao Ra* l!*7o >di: pex* C'dit m I'.tiiO, of Hid total (.570,000) lOResrsfl I STAMPbl GREEN STAMPS WITH THIS CCXJPON AND PUROiASf OT $10.00 M- Mora Ordori^ FREE at your kings mtn. WINN-DIXIE STORES Limit One Coupon por Adult Person Void After QcL 16 NEW STORE HOURS OPEN WEDNESDA) AFTERNOON UNTIL 6 P.M. Mrs. Neal's Sister Passes Funeral rites G. Kirkpatrick, sister of Mrs. Kings Mountain, for Mrs. Jennie SS, of Shelby, E. W. Neal of were held Sat urday morning at 11 o’clock from Shelby F^resbyterian church, gravesifU* .services following at 3 * p. m. from El‘K*no'/.er ARP church cemetery on Idneville I'oad in Charlotte. Mr'S. Kirkpatrick, widow of Hugh DeAi’nold Kh'kpatrick, died early Friday in Providence Nui’s-j ing I-Ioi'ne following illness of six months. A native of Due West, S. C., she was daughter of the late Robert S. and Mary Stone Gall- away. She w'as a member of Shel by Presbyterian church. 'Phe family has designated memorials to lion (darken Gen- er-al Assembly Gi'ounds in Flat Rock. Other survivors are one daugh ter, Mrs. David White of Shelby, witli whom she made her home; two sons, J. M'att Kirkpatrick and Robert G. Kirkpatrick of (drarlolte; one brother. R. .S. Gallaway of Due We.';l. S. C.; and Hirce sisters, Miss Kathryn Gallaway of Due West, Mrs. J. H .Moseley of Gastonia and Mrs. 'P. Ansel Putnam of Greenville, S.- C. Also surviving are six grandchildrxm. Steel industry experiments liavo showm the so-called “tin” can (nearly all ste(?l) is a natur- for recycling because it t’an al be seperaied dls'car'ds by gnets. easily fi'om other use of electroma- Americans used over 60 billion steel cans last year. "By Cracky ... I RAN A HERALD WANT AD AND SOLD MY OLD ROCKIN' CHAIR FOR CASH!" To Place Your Classified Ad And Sell Your Unneeded Items CALL THE HERALD 739-5441 TaveT* The More fr f ■‘y / " *) /V I C? *?? • ^Od ST03> start saving now for boautiful gifts. ^ I: GOVERNMfNT GKAbtO LliU S. CHOiCEj W-D BRAND U S. CHOICE CHUCK OR SHOULDER • • • BONELESS ROASTS W D BRAND U.S. CHOICE ROAST OR WHOLE SEMI BONcLESS E-Z CARVE BEEF RIBS. W D BRAND U.S CHOiCE BOTTOM ROUND OR ROUND TIP ROASTS.. WD BRAND U.S CHOICE STEAKS OR ROAST BONELESS TOP ROUND LB. 09 % W 0 BRAND U S. CHOICE BE£F SHORT PJCS D BRAND . U S. CHOICE .EAN BONELESS STEW . WD BRAND U.S. CHOICE CENTER CUT, • 16 . BONE IN W 3 BRAND U S CHOICE CUT A WRArPFD FREE FULL BEEF LOINS . W D l.PAND U S CHOICE N Y STR.P OR RSB EYE STEAKS .. PiNKY no SLICED BACON.. r rio fRA-.K 'K ■ 1. TO SLICED BOLOGNA o CHUCK ROAST W D BRAND HANDI-PACK GROUND BEEF... • ® Ot • • • # 3 LB. PKG. $159 f LIMIT ONE OF YOUR CHOtCL WITH SS.OO OR A'.ORE ORCCS & ^ ^ 6) THIS WEKK'S FEATURE. 1'^ Qt. , Satice Pi-a, ir-potled ' DESIGNER COOKWARE ^^33 INSTANT COf-FEr: LIMIT 1 PER FAMILY OFFER EXPIRES OCT. 16, 1971 ASTOR MAXWELL HOUSE .. ASc 7Qc » • CAN / BAG g g -4^ *■! * r ® i»' ill i tfinifTY MAID V.\NiUA CMOCOlATf ‘IJDt.f ROYA1E 1C£ FiiLa r 39‘ FROZEN SHOESTRING POTATOES 3 IRE5H IROZCN SLICED STRAWBERRIES .. 3 89= C>OlOEN SHORE PAD COOKED SHRIMP ,‘«o d'” lASTf O' SfA FISH STICKS 2 89= lASIt O' SEA FISH STEAKS 2 99= TASTE O SfA CivlON RINGS 2 Aos 69= ASTOR >13 o.- <:aN MINUTF maid 57c) JRAiiGE JUICE 6 - SUPtRBRAND BARS ICECREAM MORION MlMCr MIA) OR PUY.PKIN PIES ......... 39= mf STFAKETTES E?= MORTON SPAGHETTI AND MEAT OR MACARONI & CHEESE .. 4 “os 8?= M.KFNZIE SOUP MIX VEGETAIlES OR BABY IIMAS 2 J- n"® McKENLlE BUTTER PEAS ..... 7.. 2 «« BEEF SAUSAGE PAIMITIO 'AK'- 0’l/>^T{RS MAf?GARINE.. ■Arl A- ->fD •UR.'' • • .4 *,f 55 00'- CHEK DRINKS. 'FOIIABIE -'K$5 . Hr. SHORTENING. EGGS. 2 IB O 9 • , I M . I. GREEN STAMPS BOTTll Woolilc VfVOAITFROlT 1ft <>1 THP" JY GREEN STAMPS PAN COil ON I (fc Deodoront ! >• 'tf Vl ‘l- Al-'. K Ov I 1*. vf*- .. <...^55. PEACHES . . 4 ^ro^AlTE'O.... 25' •.;pN-,v- ’• RNIP - ' ‘ . > . ■ GREENS ... 8 -noKm . 4 • TMBiflY MAir TOmaIO VK-klAfi.- , , an • ' SOUPS.... 9 99'toothpaste -49' r '»♦ ’■j'j :rnT §