Population Treater Kings Mountain 9L914 City Limits 8,465 ... GiHiter Hiogt Mountdla Offur* !• (toriv«d tnm tka iip«wiri United States Bufeau of Um Census report o ronvarr 19SS. ond tsctudee the 14,990 p^Mtlotiea o Kumher 4 Township, cmd the romolBlag 9,194 IrM Bun^r 5 Township, In Cloeelond Countf and Crowder* Mountain Township In Qoeten CewntTi \y^\ P £! g e s Today Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Plus 8*Page Tabloid Supplement VOL 82 No. |I7 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, !N. C., Thursday, November 25, 1971 Eighty-Second Year PRICE TEN CENTS IcfcB lankel Caused City Power Tro Trailer Parks Out In Perimeter Too K ay FfJJifig fteo Clipped Five OSity Poles 'ii, MARTI?-! HARMCN appointed — John W, Glad den has been appointed to r.i:ir.b?r3hfp ♦h'^ general rnembeishlp and national civil dcicnse committees by the na tional commander of tlie Ameri can Legion. legion Taps John Gladden John W. Gladden, Life mem ber of Otis D. Green Post 155 American Legion and a forrner cDmmander, has been appoint- id by llio national commander iohii Geiger to mem'bership on the general membership and na- .^innal civil defense committees. '■ 'Mr. Gladden, long active In ■Legion activities, has served on all local committees and was for two years district commander. iHe also served for a year as a member of the important na tional rehabilitation advis o r y board and attended a meeting of it his board in Atlanta, Ga. For a number of years iMr. Gladden served as the local post’s firing siiuad commander. 'He has represented the local post at national conventions in Chicago, New York, Wa'liington. H. C.', Atlanta, Ga. and Port land, Oregon. Amendment To Oidinance Enacted Monday i Ihc board o* commissioners ' Mcnday night unanimcusly pass ed an amemiment of the city Cede o. Ordinances vohich will, in effect, do away with trailer parKs within the city limits of Kings Mountain and the one-mile periinelei. City Aitcrncy Jack White read the amendment whieli he had pr(;Xircd at tiie request of the board. Irai'lcr parks, .said White, "are a current source of problems” and that "the dc'sire had been ex pressed to eliminate trailer parks not only within the corporate limits but the mile perimeter as \yp.\] •» Trainer pa^‘k-5 are presently pro hibited withir the corporaite lim its. Some months ago the board passed a resolution permitting such parks within the mile piniin- cter. The amendment passed does not apply to trailer parks approv ed prior to NoT. 22, 1971 and whose sites are in ^mipliancc with specifi'eations of the Zoning Board and iOly Board of commis- sicnors. The motion was made by Com missioner Jonas Bridges and sec- on dc'd by Commissioner W. S. Biddix. There was no discussion prior- to the motion. Linda Ross Miss ’49ei -IL 1 11* : • (1 : le : i Jar ’V nnr- li n t Hie (. V • i d W. Ine.s- fi i\ i> ■ n n ■; >1 11 • cs a:i i e- hi ten Cf' tlu' Ii i ne ‘f Dr. a:; l M. :. ji)i' !.*•;' nil :: Hi Pied- Ill .VA a . eiUU- fell an vlipj-'tal off J.v., r. 1 > F'Ur I-'. - (! i. :H ei: U'ts were 1 ■. : ; .;ii e,. , 1 •1 .1 lo the 1 ' 1.' .. :] Ml .i' h .1 ^ 1 I'l I'u ...n. :i2- d. .• u .•:>: hi r. 1- 1 ;..u. A- r ' ' :l i tt. 1 hat \.- ■,i;‘ ’* Hi . (li'.-'k i mau' c i.Mir -:a:;.' iKinica- ticii' v. i: i >\'vA . i mini- mum a h.il.-li. 1 :l lino i..ea Is. Full ■ hid h' i'l !i slired Mily a f( w icn the pclice dc; arum 'ii . - -,er call. A nnd.-jh-l 1 ': : in uHlity : '!(' on We I; ^i. He w as lalien tcc Kir ‘\li U.jHthl hc-sipilal and ifde.i, e I. W. Revels' Rites Conducted Linda Ross, Kings «{,j)Uomoie mu.sic major at the ilnivcrj;ity of North Caro(lina at charlotte, is the University’s 1971 “Mi-ss 49'cr.” Slie said sihe was reluctant to enter the Kappa Al^ia Psi fra ternity-sponsored beauty pageant, but slu; was drafited by the Black Student Union. Along with the title, Miss Ross, daughter of Mrs. Elijah Ross and the late Mr. Ross, received a bou quet of red roses and a trophy. Siie won the tahmt cximpeti- tion with two pi and he ! has bei'ii . Men- (Ic-.v nic.!it witii Liiiiee to.repl.vre an inadequate sewage pump ing -la-icn ('ll rljy.i street wliirii. lie ! .said, had been inadequate for ; .GVi r seven years. ' City officials — Mayor John ■ H( ii.'-y Mc^s, Jcmi.ni'S.uner J;m Difkey an.i C’cnrulling Ln.'ineei W. K. Dickson — denied tlu» ac- 'cu aiiv.m. They sairt capa. .;y ol ' iw. pumaing siatians handling the K .Mills crUueiil v\as doubled la ; ipring. .\Ia\or reminded following Continued On Puye I Mrs. Frank B. Glass is dent of the auxiliary. pi*csi WITH CHOR.^LE — Suzanne Amesi Kings Mountain sopho more at Salem college in Wins ton Sclem, ha^- been accepted c ? c member of the Winston Salem Symphony Chorale fol lowing recent au'^itions. Slizanne Amos In Chorale Mi-'s Su/.anne wa.-s a<*- copi(‘d a member of the Win.-^- 1-'n-Salcm Symphony (dnYile in auditions b<'ld November 22. The chorale, fcrrnerly the Sing ers’ Guild, is directed uv David ContiniuLd On Paje iSix I OFFICER OF MONTH — Rich- ord Belt meterman on the police force is the Woman's club's "Officer of the Month." Richard Belt ^ Officer 01 Month Ridiard Holt. 23. a newcomer to the police ranks, is ilit* King.s M-mnlain’s Wonvan's vkih choice for "Dolice Ofiicer ot the ■ Monlh.” Ik'lt IS me'nhrr .-f a ‘ n dii c*- man’s taniilj” in iIi.'U hi> older I’atrolrnri Lm Belt is ■ ■ •n Hu* force and )i;s sister-in- law. .Mrs. Jim Ik' i, ,s a s.hool erossitie g* arii. IkiUoltr.an ' ’ell. el So p'oLce oil-;! ogi atelier, joined tlie torce 30 montlis a' o. Ii rn ia Ilerr'* ’ ta in l‘> P , Iti. h- 'ird Dell m.>ved to Kines Moun- a'n O'-; :i c*ii' {. Ilo oa.luat; t from Kin;'' Mountain high school and atteniopert\ |fn* till' downtown renew.j1 pn^ t ject, Ciiai.man Carl F. Mauney I ann am.a d ye.'lcMday. j Dii'vdcu's ot Emmet'oinn .Mills have voted t > aciept Hie c. niaiis si.ill ]»:oHei for j:ci;)ert\ l)i,uiidi\l by :L *godmo:'t a', enue, Wc-.t G du street and Ciioickf'c stKt l. Tlic piVvpi'rty is 3S.2-'T s jiiare f<*el (.8b' cl ail \ re) and i- adjacent ij tli<‘ Winn-Di\i( Fkiro. li 1T.;:;1.' 2T(. leet on G Id. lot, feci on ^’hero- k<-o an.l i2o feet on I’iicim nit. Bail.iipgs (;n i)n' ina^antv will bv lazeJ. including tlu' to;nun Bonna M.'.I aiui st ne build- in;. lAc oc opied re.s.dcnces and oju- un ic.'Ui>ievl. Joe J.ane\. 4iirecl.;r of the com mission nolo i that no ..■*'ci resi U 111. .s .\.o t< ;h‘ acijuiKd in the d' Ant(--.\n i\-it vi'opniei;. area. 'i'o dale the e-mmis-ion li i> sp lU or lontractiM t) siH*;ii: Slto.iiH,; fur tlie nine jiareel.-:. I'ud 1.1.g.' lire to l>e ra/od and the pr-pellie.s f r i«‘dc.el', aient ac- wjn’iing to the master redevtdop- ; meiu plan. Tile red. \<’(.j 'neiit ;.d'ui envis- , aged a tlina’-ye.ir pr ogram. Mr. • Laney tt^rnmeatv d. "We are vir tually on_ .sclu'duli* for the first ptnr.'’bT p; '7^T>i^aequj • i t ions.” lie alsi iioirtT'Kjal the Bonnie a» (ju;.^itii;ii du<'^ noN. effect the ik.nier Bmiiie Mill, under lease to .Mur-Glo. Inc. City Deposits Soimtii Award Jii lgnicr. !i IS been .signed by Jud :e I.a.y Thorn.iinir in tiu' ivn- dtmnaiit.n a li n g! Hie dity of K!n '' .M ca.’itain v.-;. t'o!. ;nan Go- IbrHi i'.n prtpo’lv fer iho Buffalo C ret'l' u>e:-v )ir. In turn, ilie city has deposited wit.i the fhnk ' 1 8up.(‘riur Court Hit' $•).").i jury award to Mr. (ioi.uth . aj'pro.ximaU'ly 150 a 'V of jiji’pert). plus six ix'rtvnt i'U; fu Lorn August Brd — d.itc tilt lily i k Hie f .'oixudy. .M:. the .Hi indicate I lu' would ap ’eal Hie t a.-^e on pnnts of law. .•\:n*umt ei' tlu' award is net ap- jn'ala'de. City Atfi;rn<*y Jack Wliite nott'd. \l. Cl.dtfith has .50 d lys frem .‘•igning of the judg- me:it in wliith to file formal ap- iH*al. SeJ‘.i^•e wa.s last re.-t a; .1 in H e blCvT; of the main bu incs.; - ♦ 5'h\' Maunluin slr. i't. Battle ;ruund aveniu', Wk'st G..-1.1 street'anti Piedmont avenue. Mayor John Henry .Moss spent t'hc day going from tn;ubU' spot to trouble spot with ^ walkiiv talkic radio, acting as liason man between City Hall wmmunica- tien.s center and the r(‘i)air crows. Several citizens nqwrled they dug out elcH'tric heaters .and plu.g* ged in to dead siockets before realizing Hie heaters wouldn’t beat without jxiwcr. Frustrated service station oper ate.is couid offer oil and aiiti- froo/.e but no gasoline. Winn-Dixie was re-p Mt<*d Ivin;!- ing flashlights to cu: wliile iiarrLs-Teeter used a lialtery ol led candk-s to illumine its pro- luci counter. ?<)’.!(•(linen, sugstitutiiig for un- 'it traffic signal.^, vpent a long itlernoon at e-Hf-lln-nics on US 71. ( L gged witii 'riidiik.sgiving lioii.iay and regular traffic. C'-iy Hall wa.s among the last to get p.>A(‘r restored. .\I ly r Moss iirai^i d th<‘ city crcvvs highly, saying. “KverybOviy w:..;cd hard willi dedication to g( Hing p.'Wcr restored. The elee- (li'al c.M'W.s handled ‘hat wire* mu-cli of the l;m<*. Sanitation ixt- -st.nnel joined Hie ti-am and the I . li. c oLi( ers did a most -credita ble jol) in huidlin:; traffic.” 'H(‘ .-aid eli-clri /T crews will w trk Thajiksgicing Day re.sloriiig the Pi< (lniont avtnuu' damagt* and -h.-Lild lia\e Hie job completed >y mid-day Friday. lurorr Exce^ed F rosn Duty Monday J. rors s'jslioduled to repori for Jury duty (»n Monday in Clevc- ■ ’ Siq erior C lUi t liavo 'been e. ii>cd hy Judge Lacy Thorn burg. .Miss Nan Arrowood, clerk, said Hiat jurors aia* (*xcused be cause a civil suit bi'ought by the Cleveland Couity P»oard of Ld- ucation against Holland ami Ri viere Arcliiteeis and five otlier parties in eonc'ciion with the 19- GS collapse oftli e Burns high school gymnasium roof is still underway. A jury selected from a spe cial venire of lO-O persons from Cat-.awaba County is hearing the school case. PARKING METERS ’ City jjarking meters returned $261.35 for the week ending Tuesday, iiuiuding S2r)3..5.5 fivun on-street ineiers and $10.80 rom oi*-iUL'ei nioLtrs. CARROUSEL PRINCESS — Miss Kotherine Ervin, Kings Moun tain’s Carrousel Princess, is in Charlotte today where she is representing the city in the an- n u a I Carolinas Carrousel Thanksgiving Day parade. Miss Ervin is a high school senior.