t ‘CtW 1595 LRS 5791 fAT ght to- ' tablet EX will excess ss. Ccn- ;s and us. No U' your >NADEX si»rbiy. ucstions icy wIM d witih xl Phar- Tail Or- 11-25 pd 00 per c train- ce-'sary. driving, m call ir write 3X 54gl, 25703. 11:2? WANT ADS . - T i % LEGALS 1' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Tile City Board of i.’ominission- ors. Kings Mountain, North Car olina, hereby gives notice of a public hearing to b(‘ lieUl on ^December 6, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. in ithe City Hall, Kings Mountain, •North Carolina, for the purjKi.se lot allowing any inl(*resied per- Ison.s to prose^nt their views in respeet to the proposed redevel opment of the following dosorlbed „iirea known as th<^ Cansler Sti-eet .Urban R<*newal Area, Projc'ct No. !(N. C. R-96, and described a.s fol- ‘ l(jws: j Beginning at the northea.st cor- * nor of the intersection of Cans- tier Stie(‘t and Waco Road and Sprow'eding in a southerly direc-^ ! tion along the east righofway! ••line of Cansler Str(H?t 1,130 feet i ;;moro vr less to the north lot line! ;of Parcel 1 of Block 10; thence! .easterly along said lot line and; ^(To.ssing North City Stnvd Z39 feet} ^more or less to tiw* east a-ight-of-: iway line of North City Street; I jtlience soutlierly along .stiid right-1 rcf-way line .587 feet mon* or h'ss i •to its intersection with the north h’ight-of-vvay line of W<\st Ridge | ^troet; thence easterly along said right-of-way line 380 feet more or .'less to the east right-of-way line :of Railroad Avenue- thence south erly along said right-of-way line 245 feet mory or loss to it.s inter section with the west right-of- way line of 11)0 Southern Railroad properly; then:.e .soutli(*rly along .said right-of-way line (544 feel more or l(‘.-<.-\ cnis.'-^ing West King Street, to th(‘ southern lot line of Block 19, Parcel 4 fronting on RailroaiK'ity line of .said parcel 00 feel more or l<‘ss to a ba k 'orner; thence luK-ilun-ly 2.5 h-ct nK I'i' or Jc.ss aping a rear lot line* cf .-aid proiK’rly to another back coriKM'; tl)enc<* westerly 90 feet more or le.ss to a rear c irn(*r o[ isaid properly: thence iMi-llierl> along llte r(‘ar lot lin<‘ of .said intersection of said jjrojicrly line' pn/peity to and continuing along and the propo.sed scutli ,right-of- way line for the propo.sed wid ening of West Gold 5!r(*et; then^X' westerly along said propo.sed riglit-of-way line 229 fee-t more or les.s to its inter.section with the oa.st right-of-way linT* of South Oan.sler Street; thence we.'lcrly 40 feet more or le.s.s to a point on the west right-of-way line -if South Can.sler Slrixd; lluntce southerly along the west._ right- of-w’ay line of South Canslei Str(‘et 153 feel more or le.ss to the Southeast corner of Parcel (1 of Block 21; lliencc westerly a- long the south j»rop<*rly lin(* of Parcels 6, .5, 4 and .3 of BhM'k 21, 3.35 feet more or le-ss to the soutli- west corn(T of Parcel 3 ^»f Btx'k 24- wild cr>rner being at the east end of an unopen(*d alky; tlieiKs* northerly eight fe| nuiii' oi- ioss to a point, said jjoini being flirerily a t is.s West King Street from the .'.outJj. W7sl corner of Paive] 22 of Bki-k k>: theii'e northerly cro.s.sing W.-'si King .Street to the .soutinve.d cermn- cf said parcel anri eonlin- uing along Die west Im Jim. of ■said propelty a total distance of ■3.3 4 icol more or ie.-s l j the noitl/ west- corner of .-^aid iirojicily; i thence in 'a northi'asterly direc tion along tin* rear jiroperty line* of Parc(*I 21 of Block 1.5 .'•nd CH)n- tinnigg fhn ..nio co-ji,,,. auo.s.s Parnd 2t)' of Block 1.5 fir a total di-tan,-e of 224 feet moie or les.s to a point on a southwest line of Parcel soul!, lot tine of parcel 2 of Hlcnk I; thence westerly along said lot line? i2S f(x'l more or less to ilie we.st corner of ."aid properly; tlienee noilhea.slerly along Die noi’lj) lot line of Du* sann* jirop- <‘rty 127 f(H‘t more or lt‘ss to its in1(*r.seclion with tin? pr«iposed right-of-way line for the proixisofl wi Die c.Kisiing I’l'Dit-of-way line; thence northerly along sanl pro po.sed right-of-way line 70 feet more or less to a point meeting Die 4‘xisling 50 fool right-of-way line of Xortli Walte-’son .Street; ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TOWN OK KI.NinS MOITNTAIN, north CAROLINA Callon P<‘r Minute Pumping Kngine Pursuant to G.S. 14.3-129 sealed proiKi.-als endors(*d “l.lMM") Gallon Per Minute Pumping Engine" to be furnished to the Town of King.s Mountain, North Carolina will bo r(*ceived by the Mayor and B iaid of Commi.".sion<'r.s of the Town oi Kings Mountain. Noiih Candina at Die Municipal Build ing until 7:30 o’clock p.m. on Dec. b, 1971 at wliich lime they 'No Statistic For Holiday I Huffstickler i finishes Course sure you’re a Thanks- Makr ^ giving leftover instead of a .slat- istif come Monda.\ by .staying out of the 1,500 traffic aecident.< which the X. C. Slate Motor club warn.s may kill 30 persons and inj.re 900 others on .\oj*th Cajvfina's .streets and highw:jys during ilu* long holiday w(*<'k-, end. ALiiA.XV, Ga. Xa^y Potty Officer Second Cla.ss Charles M. iluffstickli'i', husband of the Miss Rhonda Poter.son of 'Park Lane, Grovei*, X. C., has completed a specialized aircraft maintenance cour.se at .the U. 8. Xaval Air Station, Albany. He is a graduate of King.< .''lounifiin hi.gh sclnxil. Kings .Mountain. X. C. t)i(*nce r less lo the mr).st .souDnv(*st Cn'scenl Ihll Drive -409 M more corner of said proiK*rty Di(*nce or l(‘s.s to the .southwest coriK'r of ncrtlioasterJy alang flu* we"t property fine of Die .same prop- j erty 180 fe(*t more or le.ss to th<* ; northwe."! corner of Pared 13 (d Parcel 1 of B1 '< 2'>; 1 lienee in u northerly direction along the wesil lot line of said prop(*rt.y and cros.sing Wo.-t GokI Street to a point on the north right-of-way line of We.st (fold Street for a total (ILstance of 212 find more or k's.s; thence easterly along said riglit-of-vv-ay line 22 feel more or le.ss to the south we.st (’orner of Parcel 2 of Block 22; thence northeidy along the we.st lot line of said property 194 feet more or les.s to the south proper ty line of Parcel 1 of Block 22; thence we.sterly along .sai{l prop- (‘rty line four feet more* or le.ss to the .southwest corner of the same property; thence noiiiierly along the we.st lot line of Parcel I of Slock 22 and a(ro.s.s W(*st Moun tain Str(*ot to a point on the north right-of-way lino of West .Mountain Street for a di.stanc'e of 2‘4() fc(*t more or le.ss; thence ea.st('rly along said right-of-way; line 109 feet more or le.-.s to Die norDiw(‘sl corner of the inler.soc- tion of South Tracy Street and We.st Mountain Street; thence northerlv along the we.-l righl-of-: Block 15; thence easterly along a north properly lino of said I*aj-- cel 13 Hloi'k 1.5 05 feet mon* or k's.s to a point line of Parc'Oi th>nco northeidy along the properly line of Parcels 12. 10, 9. lollowing Die north projM*rty lini* 22.3 feel more or k'ss to the norilieast properly corner of saitl property: thence .soulhea.'sterly lO'i feel mori'or less to Die iiorDi righl-of-wa> line of Moi-ris street; thence easterly along said right- ot-way line 215 feet more or less to the ea.st| lighl-of-uay Mm* of Xorth 'Praev .s^trei*!; thi'ni-e north easterly along tile rear lot lines of the lots fronting on iRelvedere Circle -1.31 feel more or les.s to Die nbrl.h right-of-way line of an un opened street; thenci* nortlnve.sl- erly aloni' .said right-of-way line 108 feet more or less to the ea.sl . riglil-of-way line of another un opened street; Dienci* noi-tlierly along said right-ject, under State and Local Law. with Fofk’i'al financial as sistance under 'I’iile 1 of Du* -\<-l <0' lOlQ a*" Jimenrl- ed; to acquir<‘ land in the j.roj- ect area, to demolish or remove nortlr. buildings and imfirovoments: and to make 1-and available for devel opment or redevi'lopmem hy priv ate enierjirise or public agencies as 'u lhoiized hy law. SPECIALf 36-DiA/ sumy when you buy the •144-181)161 bottle! REG.VALUE $11.38 YOUSAVE r€ YOU PAY $8.69 “Aflierlca’s lariest sslIlHK mlH-vltamtai Mitl-i SUPER PLENAMINS...IISE0 BYALL 28 TEAMS OF THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGNEI « / Endutivtly tt yowr (SS3) Dnn KINGS nOUNTAIN SroRB DRUG COMPANY THE CITY'S MODFRN'^TORE AUCTION! Hou.sehold goods, furniture, glassware, electronic items from TV’s to tape players, lurntables and radios .many other articles. Christmas tree orders being taken, too! Maple Springs RECREATION PARK BETHWARE (Off U.S. 74 across from Bethware School) EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SALE STARTS AT 7 P.M. FLEA MARKET EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BEGINNING AT 10 A.M. Concession Stand Open PROFITS WILL GO TOWARD SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NEEDY STUDENTS P & A Enterprises ?Iave something to sell? Bring your wares and we’ll auction them, loo, for a 15% commLssion. Dealers wel come! Tlii-s I’odcvi'topmonl is being undertaken by the King> Moun tain Redovelopinont Commission. PrnjKisals wiih resi:ecl bath to relocation and to Die LLiiaii Re newal Plan will be available for. examination at Die offices of the King.s Mount;iin Redcveloimicni Commi.ssion. (Mly Mali, and at ,216 North City Sired, Kings Mountain, Xortli C:u‘olina. dur- in-r regular orHce linu.'s. which are from .8:30 a. m. until 5:00 p. m. Monday through Friday prior to the hearing ami will be open ■ for discu.''.•^ion at tlu- lie«ring. : Any person or organization dosir-: I ing to ho licard will be given an opportunity to iie lieard at Diis I hearing. : ' Thi.« the ISUi dav of November, ’ 1971. ‘ I ' JOHN IIEXRY MOSS. Mayor Ciiv of Kings Mountain. ■ ]t-lS-25 IN THE G?:NERAL COURT OF ju.srrcE .supp:rici{ court DIVISION ;'T.\TF: of north CAROLINA . LKVEL.WD BOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Ha\ing (jualifii'd a.s Adminis- i;aior c.t Du* (‘.st;ile of Ann Del linger Childois ol Cleveland Coun- \y. North C'anlina. this is to noti- ly all persun.s h.iving elaim.s a- gainst tile e.staie cf said .\nn Dt*! linger Childers t> present them to the under.-iigned within tJ 'month.': fr<;m date of Du* publica tion of thi.s notice <>r same will b<' pleaded in nar of their rtvov- t*]’y. .\H iiersons indebti.*d to said e.':tai(.'_ pic ise make immediate |)a\ nieiu'. This the 22nfl dav of November 1971. Jame.s Cliildor.s 503 Cre.-ceni Hill Road. King? Mcunlain, N. C. 28086 AL.MINISTRATOR- OF E5- TATK OF ANN DFXLINGKR CHILDCRS HAMRICK. MAUNEY & FLOW’ERS Ailv.nu'^h o’l; East Marion Street. .Shelby, N. 11:2.5-12:16 Tile .«iat(* will r-ount ils'piianks- giving higluvay toll from 6 ]). m. Wedm*sday. Xov. 21, through mifinight Sunday. Xov. 2S. for a 102-hour period. In a similar span last year, the ca.sualty count came to 27 killed and S02 injured 'in L1.S3 aeeidents. H'he all linu* high for Thanksgiving li'affic deaths in 3.5 in 1967 and I9(i0. Leading diiv{*r violations w(*r(‘ speeding, failure to yield driving left cf (-(‘nter. makio; uns-ife mo\ernent. following loo (•lo.s(*iy and driving under the influence ^ of alcohol. Thoma.s B. Watkins, j:r(*si(lenl of the motor club and Dio Na tional Association, sairl, “.Studies show more and more accidents well'over half are being c:ius- od by cliivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs. “During 3'hanksgi\ iiig, it woulrl be wise to add still another cause driving under the influ ence of turkey and trimming.s. If '. you eat a big meal and feel | sluggish from overeating, take a| snooze or -go for a stroll lK*fore getting behind the wheel. Alert-1 ness is vital for .safe driving!" Regulations harriiH.' government contraetor." from using te.st.s or other si'IiMlMiis metliorls that iii.'icrimina t(* agaiii.st minoriti(*.s or Wf me.’) hue !)e(*n i>sm'd b> Du* t*. .S. D<*paitnu*nt of Labor. SINGER TOUCH and SEW .Vuiomalic rerd pu.sh Dutton beb- bin sensing madiine. Like new. Guaiimteed. Sew,-- on buttons, ni.'jnograms. emhi-iifl(*ric*s lOO’s cf fancy design.s. All built-in. No atJachmi'ni.*-; neerleci sold new over $lOt). iialaiiee iic.v rlu(* only 9() deP-'T-s or payments of 12 d .i- I.irs. Le.ss for ea.sh. Less for lrad(‘. Call anytiim*. Fn^r* home trial. Phone 864-317.5. n:25-12:23pd WANT TO LO SOMETHING EXTRA special THIS ('HRHTMAS? Be an Avon Repre.sentativr. 5’our <*arn in.g.s go a long way to maki* riiri.Nlmas merrier for your entire lamily. Call now t ir an int<*r\ ic A in your oa ii honn*: 482-2711. Ruth Swof- ioi.i K-8 Box 341, Shelb\. N. C. 28L5f;. 11:25 WE NEED YOU Fast growing Mining & Chemical producer has an ex cellent opportunity for you We need the fol]o\\ing personnel: Production Operator Trainees Welders 4, 4 iUlli ruU«<«i«;«iUA>«.C; J 1^4 Mechanics Mechanics Heavy Equipment Maintenance Foreman Come in and .see what our starting rates are for these jobs. Wo offer good starting pay and liberal fringe benefits program. Contact: LITHIUM CORPORATION OF AMERICA Highway 161 Bessemer City. N. C. Equal Oppoi tunitv Eniplover 11:2.>12:2 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as adminis tratrix for lire o.-iatc of Miss Ro- bc'rta Wylie. dtVeast'd, Dus i< to notify uH jx'rsons having claims to hor (‘State lo present thi'm to the undersigned within six months from date <»f Du* publi cation ot this notiev or same will be pleaded in bar of ihei: recovery. .-Ml persons indebted to saifi oslal(* i;l(‘a.so make immiMli- ate paymi'iit. Thi.s tlu* 1971. ISfh U-iv of November. TWISTER TENDERS Need Twister Tenders, averdge earnings of approx imately $3 per hour. Second and third shifts. Full six and seven day operating schedule. Excellent employee benefits. Apply 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. An equal opportunity employer. PERSONNEL OFFICE McNEILL SPINNING COMPANY Bessemer City, N. C. MAINTENANCE MEN Experienced Maintenance Mechan ics and Electricians interested in making a change in employment should contact Spectrum Textured Fibers, Inc. located just off Waco Road in Kings Mountain. (equal opportunity employer) ^ THE LAKE NORMAN MUSIC HALL Hwy. 150. Terrell. N. C. The 8th Annual "Fiddler's Convention" and "Buck Dance CouVJit*' Thanksgiving Night Thursday, Nov. 25. 7 P.M, — Featuring — Modern & Bluegrass Bands Buck Dance Contest • All Ages Antique FLEA MARKET Sun. Nov. 28. 9:30 A.M. To 6 P.M. Free Admission Ninety Dealers Epected COMING Sat. Dec. 4. 8 P.M. THE OSBOfirlE BRO'inERS -Mrs. T)u*lma VV. Pearson Adminbirairix •Plstalo of .Mis.s Roberta Wvlio 11:18-12:9 Heavy Equipment Opeiatots IMMEDIATE OPENING i UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY Kings Mountain Plant An Equal Opportunity Employer Located approximately 4 mi. South of Kings Mountain on 216 (Grover Road) Turn left on Rd. 224,5. Look for U.S.G. sign with arrow.- 11:18-25 RCA quality in console stereo at a pric^ you can live with GROW WITH us Due to our continuing rapid expansion in our mining division we need the following personnel: • FLOTATION OPERATOlf TRAINEES • EUCLID TRUCK DRIVERS • PARTS AND RECORD CLERK We offer good starting pay and liberal fringe benefit programs. If you have mining or quarry experience of any type or operate heavy equipment we would like to talk to you. LITHIUM CORPORATION oi AMERICA n^^tway 161 Bessemer City, N. C. Ph. 629-2282 equal opportunity employer FIXERS Spectram Textured Fibers, Inc. NEEDS FIXERS Experienced in Repair of Schweiter Winders and ARCT 480 Texturizing Equipment Qualified applicants should come by temporary office located at plant site just off Waco Road in Kings Mountain. (equal opportunity employer) A Gift of Note Ambassador decorated note papers... perfect for thank- you’s, invitations rnd ether pleasant thoughts! Kings Mountain Your choice of furniture styling ' 339 The WAK£LY«VQTJO Contemporary Here's delightful proof from RCA that quality stereo doosn't have to cost you a fortune. Discover sound that's pure excitement and in your choice of four master- crafted furniture styles. AM have deluxe features like 'Cushionaire" sealed speaker system, 50-watt peak power solid state amplifier, Studiomatic 4-spocd turntcb'.- record-protecting Feather Action tone arm and diamond stylus. T;.# PAWTUCKET •VQTSl Early American Th4 URBtNO«VQT32 Spanish style Ths COVENTRY •VQT.Ii Traditional ifure