? the lion" p ser- Pres- )f .\d- iopij unday 11 UniU'd 1 will urday ipocial uartet 3 pub- J Rev. 0 5^ .M. 'y Gardner-W ebb Freshmen / Elect Debbie Burns Debbie Burns, daugh ter of Mrs. Edith Burns of 309 Wilson Terrace, has been elected .secre tary of the freshman class by her fellow freshmen at Gardner Webb col lege In Boiling Springs. The student election was held recently. 'Miss Burns, along wit+i other class officers, will help organize and carry out class activities and projects. Miss Burns is also a Gardner Webb cheer leader. James Jeff Huffstlck- ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Huffstickler of 8 Bennett Drive, celebrated his first birthday Novem ber 14th. A birthday party was held at his home and members of his family and friends helped cut a decorated farm - animal birthday cake. The cake was cut and served with party refreshments. Other member of the Huffstickler family is old er sister, Kelli, who'll be three in February, Grandparents ot young Huffstickler are Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Payne and Mr- and Mrs. Elmer Huffstickler, all of_ Kings Mountain. Great-grandmothers are Mrs. I I I D .<u I wi i u jrt iw. kj , '' ' % David Martin (Marty) Lockrldge celebrated his first birthday Wednes day, November 24th. A family birthday par ty washeld at the Lock rldge home. Marty Is son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lock- .ddgp of 209 Dilling street. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leigh and Mrs. Bertie Lee Lockrldge and the late Sam Lockrldge. COMINGS AND GOINGS Miss May Plonk will spend Thanksgiving In Atlan ta, Ga. with relatives. * * * ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Bob Southwell and family will spend Thanksgiving weekend in Rome, Ga. with friends. Kimberly Anne Falls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Falls of 806 Monroe Ave. will be three years old Nov. 25. Two family parties are planned, one In Gastonia with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Nichols: her great-grand mother, Mrs. O. E. Glenn along with cousins RIsh and Lannyof Lindenhurst, Long Island will attend The cake and decorations will be in the theme of "Raggedy Ann." Kimberly's second par ty will be with her other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Falls of Kings Mountain. A "Merry-Go-Round cake will be served to guests Roxanne, Lynn, Carla and Marie Seism and Hollle Falls. SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturdai/: (y:00~The wedding of Miss Sandra Kay Wright and James (Ronald Wright in Temple Bap tist church, reception following in the church fellowship hall. Wf'dnrtfdat/: ' 10 a. m.—Cirde 3 of First Presbyterian church at the home of Mrs. Henry Noisier, 403 Neisler Drive. 4:00*8:30 p.m. • Women’s Soc* lety of Christian Services is spon.ec ing a ba/aar at Central United Methodist church fellow ship hall. Legion Auxiliary Meets Dec. 2 “Veterans Affairs and Rchahili tation” will be the program theme for the regular meeting Ilecember 2 of the A'menican Le gion Auxiliary at 7:30 p.m. at the Amciican Legicn building. Mrs. J. E. Mauney is program chairman for the m<'eting which hegias at 7:30. At S p.m. the lojaJ Unit will host a Christmas get- togeliTer uith mo:nher.s of Warren F. Heylo Pest 82 ol Shelby as guesis. Chairmen of the ho teas cem- mit'tec aie Mrs. J. E. Mauney and Mrs. Leont' File with othci mem bers assisting. Rodney Ross Has Birthday Rodney Evans Ros>, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ross, celebrated his sixth birthday November 18lh. A party was held at the Ross homo on Saturday and Rodney’s decorated birthday cake was cut and served with party refresh ments. Young Ro's is grand.son of Mr. and Mrs. LawTonre R.rss and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conner, all of King.-; Mountain. Children present for party fun were Kevin and Chad Gass, Ricky Brown, Terry and Debbie Wood, Debbie Connor and Shane Farris. Winter Sewing Cl asses Slated i At KMHS Winter sewing iclasses sponsor ed iby Kings Mountain high s’wiiaol Home Foonomics depart ment and Cleveland Technlc-nl Institute will begin January 3rd and adults are asked to pre register now. Dressmaking and beginner sowing classes will open on Jan uary 3 and dressmaking clas.ses will also be held beginning Jant,ary -Ith with classes from 6 until 9 p. m. Adults may preregister by telephoning 7^-3794. Textile School Sets Registration North Carolina Vccational Tex tile school in Belmont is accept ing registration beginrjing Wed nesday for the wdnter quarter classes which ibegin January 4th. New students may pre-register for courses in knitting, designing and tailoring and in yarn manu facturing, weaving and designing and machine shop departments. There is no tuition charge, stu dents purchase b<.)oks only. Stu- do.nts may take la minimum of two hours of instruction up to the maximum 25 hours per week and all programs are aporvoed for veterans training. A schedule is available for al Ithroe shifts of employees. Dance Friday At Center "The Heavies” will provide music for a F'riday night dance from 7:.30 until 11:30 p. m. at the Kings Mountain Community Cen ter. Admission is $1.50. Golden Wedding Day For IS. S, Hqrdins Mh.S. RONALD JESSIE HOWELL (Sandra Elaine Wriuht) Florida Church Nuptials Vnite Ronald J. Howells Rev. and Mrs. N. S. Hardin were honoi'cd on ihcir Golden Wedding Da> last Saturday, Nov- eniber loth, at a rei‘(»i.'iion giv en by thoir ciiiUircn at their home on MeSwuin i<)ad. Friends and retaUves called from 3 unili 6 o’cloik. 'Receiving with the Hardins were thoir two djiigluer.s and son; Mrs. Clyde Horton of Gro ver, Mr.s. Faye WckkLs of Kings Mountain and Max Ilaixiin, of Knoxville, Tennessee. .Miss Susan Hardin anrl Miss Jackie Woods assistcnl in serving and Max Hardin gieeied arriv ing callers and introduced the receiving line. Anniversary colors of gold and w.uie (tc.oi.di*d me Jiorne, The refreshment table, overlaid with while over yellow, held a four- tier cake as central bign..giU. Centering the table w^as an ar rangement of yellow roses. Ve.- low pun 'h was served from a silver service a* one enq of the t:ible. Both Rev. and 'Mr= Mardtn arc natives of Rutherford coon- l,’ but c.ame to Kings Mountain 14 yc‘ars .a o. Mrs. Hardin is the iormer Lela Chapman. Mr. Har din, a retired Baptist minister, was for many years pastor of Davhi Baptist church. Tlic Hardins have 14 grandchil dren. F^r the reception Mrs. II?*'d:n vvoie a purple dress with yellow rosebud cor.^age. DeLand, Florida’s Northsioe iBaptisl chuixii provided the set ting November 5lh for a candle light wedding unitinSg* Miss San- Jessie Howell. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Odell Wright, formerly of Bc.sscmcr City, is granddaughter of Mrs. Robert C- Graham and the late Mr. Gra ham and of the late Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wright, all of Kings ^lounlain. Rev. James Underwood offi ciated at tlie S p. m. double iiing ceremony and a program of nup tial music was presented by Mrs. Leonard Welch, organist, and Mrs. Robert Green of Holly Hill, soloi.st. The biido. given in marriage f^y her father, wore a lorrral gown of Chantilly lace over satin designed along empire lines w'ith sc*(K>p neckline enhanced by pearl trim, long sleo\e.s and a Chapel train of matching lace. Her ellxAv length veil of illusion was held by a pearl tiara and slie carried a cascade of while roses on a white Bible. Her only ornament was a single strand of pearls. Miss Barbara Caidor of Jack sonville, Fla., attended the bride as maid nf honor and bridesmaids were Miss Kathy Howell, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Terri Wright, sister of the bride. All the attendants wore for mal gowns of pink crepe design ed along empire lines with Chan- Hilly lace bodices. Their brief of Ph-jotUlv caught by matching hairbows and they carried crescents of pin.: and Happiness roses. Each attendant wore a single strand of pearls, gifts of the bride. Benny Shelliesworth of Atlan tic Hea^'h was best mi-an for the bridegiwm am! u.shers were Dav id Howell, brother of the bride groom, and Walter Browm, the bridegroom’s uncle. The bride’s parents entertain ed after the ceremony at a recep tion in the church fellowship hail. Sisters of the briie. 'Irs. Michael Shreves of Orange City and Mrs. Billy Morgan, Dc- Land; Mrs. Tommy Walker and Mrs. Welter Brown, aunts of tile bridegroom, ••■ere hostesses. Miss Karen Howell, sister of tbn bridegroom, kept the regis ter. For traveling, tlie bride wore a pink iK)lyesler panl.suit with maiehing ac*cessories and a w’hiio orehid eorsago. The newlyweds will he at Iiom.e on V’iolelwood Ro:id in EK'- land. The bride is employed in the office of the Clerk of Cirojit Court. The hrMo'^mom, son of IMr. and Mrs. Je.'^sie Howell, is a student at Daytona Beach Coni- muni-ty college. Sandra Wright, James Wright Give Plans Mis.s Sandra Kay Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Lee Wri:ht, has completed plans for i'.cr marriage to James Ronald Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wright of Shelby nnH .•^nrx-nmpes tndflv The wedding will take place Saturday evening at 6 p.m. in Temple Baptist church with the Rev. Frank Shirley to officiate at the dorhlc-ring ceremony. DennLs Huffstickler will lx? organist and Mr.s. Martiia .Tack- son will be vocalist for the pro- gr.im of nuptial music. Tile hride-clo(t wdll be given in marriage by her fatb.or. Bo-t man for tlie bridogroom-clect will .e hi; lather. Mr.s. John R. M'^Dermi i. Jr. of Kings Mountain will attend her -isicr as inarton of honor on'i bridesmaids will be MLss Brenda .Vle.xander of Liiicolnton and \!“<. .M^ry Ann Sarvico of Kings ^.■c u ntain. John R. McDermid Jr..brother- in-law of the bride-elect, will usher with Bobby Wliiie. Miss Beth \Vhite of Kings Mountain and Miss Kathy Smith of Shelby will preside at the reg ister. The bridc-elert’.s sidcr and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mr>'. John R. .McDermid, Jr., will en tertain alter the ceremony at a r('ception in the cliurcli fellow ship hall. ed chcK'olate cake roll completed the appointments. Cofice was scfv’cci by assisted by Mrs. Brenda Neal and Mrs. Hilda Wilson. Assisting in serving and enter taining the guests were .Miss Donna Dotson, Mrs. Sara Grif fin, Mrs. Angel Lackey, Miss Ti<»’eri Log in, Mrs. Caroiyn Me- Whirter. Mrs. Virginia Raymer, and Mrs. Lillian Whiiworth. REV. AND MRS. N. S. HARDIN t 1 .. .note Golden Wcddin<j Day ^ New And Student Teachers Honored By ACT At Coffee At KMHS Library Transformed into an old fash- canapes, olives, and old fashion- ioned country kitchen, the Ki^gs, Mountain high school library .. . *1... _ r.rytfr>ry Uryot « ai liiv ±>ii u od by the Kings Mountain unit the Ass(xdation of Classroom Teachers in honor of the new^ and the student teacliers in the Kings Mountain schools. Red checkered table cloths were on The tables: oil lamps, one burmer oil stoves, brown stone jugs, black iron pots filled with fruit, ivy, and Pyracanlha berries, red checkered valan. os. c a j n I r y scales filled with dried okra, gourds. Chinese lantern and Span ish moss, and stereopticon all added to the illusion. Mrs. Dorcas Wlute, chairman of the ACT p^uolk' rclati>»ns c^wn- mittee, lieadtnl tlie re eiving line composed of MI.ss Br(*nda Hoyie, ACT president; Mrs. Hilda Goforili, secrelrry: .Mr. Isaac Alexander. liea.'>uier: the thirty-one new teachers and the student teachers. Mrs. Go:-'e:i Vance, dean of girls, directed the gue‘;fs to the r'fre‘ihr:'*''ni table placed in fix)nl of the uu inje windows ovc?i’iookin‘’ the student court. A unique arrange ment of red cand’es, nuts, gourds. Pyracantha i)eiries. t, ikey fc'^in- ers, an<I small lien.'< and turke\ ‘> foniied the (“enlerpiotv. 'I'niys <u assorted sandwiches and chips, North P-TA Sets BarbeciJG North .sc'lie )1 Pareni-Tc.aH’e'* As- .sociaiion will servt* herbecue <aft- er tlu‘ LTirLsimas -pajade on Fri day. Dec. 3. Barheruo will go or. sale at 5 p.m. .at North -cho)] and serving will c:rili*nji' until 8:30 p.m. Riate« are SI ,.50 for adults and SI for children. The haih(vue i- on annual fund-raising proien of the group. Pianist To Give Concert Monday Thomas Schumacher pianist, will be presented in concert by the Gastonia Community Concert Association Monday evening at 8:15 pirn, in Hunter Russ high schcxil auditorium. Area concert goers are reminded of the second concert of the seu son. 'em DAR Invites Local Students To Enter Contest Deadline for entries in tTie Col ;nel FiwU'rick Hambrigiit Cliaptt‘r. D.\K liistory month es- ly v oaie.-it i.«. Dec. .loth. .Mrs. L. E. hinrant rf‘::rnt, reminds fifth, sixtli. seumth and eighth graders in The sCio. 1 systinn. Miv. Hit'.nanr said the e.^tiys art' (‘ntlileti, "IJow My State --Vc- quir xl I:.s Name” and entries sliouki ia* it'p.ir'.e! to teaeliers of tlie \arL>u.‘; ;-:-.eles. Students in llu' liflli and sixth grade.- should write JOi' to ()(fd wor.ls; those in tile .^ev<-nt:i and eiglitli grades should write t’*no to 1.000 words. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Thursday, November 25, 1971 LAY A WAY NOW FOA CHBKTMAS Toys - Sporting Goods - Appliances Bicycles Make WESTERN AUTO Yeui One Stop Club To Honor Senior Citizens Woman's cluh members gave Christmas gifts to patiients at Broughton hospital in Morganton as a feature of their regular meet ing Monday night. Plans were also made by the group to sponsor a Christmas party for Senior Citizens club on Friday, December 10th. A covered dish luncheon will be served at the Woman's cluh. Program for the meeting was arranged oy Mrs. Charles Mauney and speakers were from the Char lotte League of Women Voters. They outlined the organization and purposes of the League. Mrs. Durham, Mrs. Neisler Are Winners In Bridge Mrs. Thomas Durham and Mrs. Charles Neisler won prizes at the ladies monthly bridge games and luncheon last Wednesday at the Country club. Turkey with ^11 the trimmings featured the luncheon menu. SF.CTIONB THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, i Area High School Senior Girls Ready f-ii !• TfT I i. A • New to the Bet.iv Crocker ror nomemaking I ests I uesday Morning search this year is a special $i.- 0(H) nutiAie-n scholarship. It will High school senior girls here main in tiio running for state be awarded to a young w^iman will be among more than 600,(XX) and national honors. wiio is planning a college major Barnetts Note I'^th Anniversary Nil*, and Mrs. Dillard Barnett ccieoraied their 19th wedding anniversary with a m<'untain trip Ihvou’h Western North Carolina visiting reUUives and friends. Mrs. Lela King accompanied therj to Munihy. where she visit ed Mrs. S-am Barnett. Mr.s. Bar nett ronorted snow from Bry son City to Lake Lure on thoir return trip iiome. in nearly 15,000 schools across the country who will participate in a 5-minutc written knowl edge and attitude examination in nutrition or a related field, Stale Homemakers of Tomor- among the highest in her ro./ one fix>m each stale and state on the overall .Search ex- the District of Columbia—^vill b(‘ aminiion and achieves the high- tho^o m(H?tlng Tuesday, IDec. 7. Scores in the test gj 5,x, seholarship.s, witli f-s' among will proviide the first 'basis lor schools re'’oiving a set of lw<) criteria on the ex- judging which will event,, ally Ensyelopaedla Britannica fiom amination’s nutrition items. ...........4 .. Pill rtAA •' award a total of $111,000 in col lege scholarships in the IStli an nual Betty Crocker St'arch 'for the American Homemaker of Tomorrow. Sponsored by General Mills, the search is the only na- Encyclopaedia /Britannica, Inc. A runner-up in each state will All juding and selection of win- 'be awarded a $500 educational nors in tlie Betty Cr(K*kcr Search is conducted by Science Research also tional scholarship clusively for high school senior pensc-paid educational tour of girls. Next spring, the 51 state win- Associates, Oiicago, which program ex- ners, each accompanied by a fac- ... ully adviser, will join for an cx- constructs and giades the wnt , ten examination. Total enro’d- Colonel 'William.shurg, Va., and Washington, D. C. On the basis ment since the program's incop- Followiin^g grading of the ox- of personal obsenation and in- lion in the 1954-55 sch<x)l year aminalion, a Betty Crocker terview, the 1972 -Betty Crocker has reached more than eight Homemaker of Tomorrow will be All-American Homemaker of To- and onc-(juarter young women, named for the high school here, morrow and three runners-up will and this year’s grants will bring She will receive a specially de- bo announced at the conclusion of the scholarship total to almost signed award charm, and will re- the tour. They will receive in- $2 million. Do Ycur Gilt Buying niERLE noRfnnn ccshietic studio t or Unusual Gifts Cemo By to Bee Us Music Boos - Swiss - Made - Other Imports - Handmade Gifts - In The Cosmetic Line - We Have EVERYTHING fllERlE rORfllfin COSMETIC STUDIO WEE LANTERN 125 W. Mountain St. Phone 739-3416 Open 9-5:30 until Christmas

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