Page 2 Patrol Arrests 3^54 For Dm RALErG'H. - The Stale Hiffh- wav Patrol arrested 3.354 Tar Lu^lanezld finishes Basic GRBAT^ LAKES, Ill. — Navy Fourteen KMHS Students Cited NORMAN, Okla. — Fouirteen students at Kings (Mountain high THE KING^MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. NorthCaroIina Contributes Tree Jleei motorist.s on the chai'ge of jiospitalman Appi'entice George ^c^hool were honored this week by driving under the finfluence dur- r^ublanezki, Jr. son of Mr and ^l«>cUon to Mu Alpha Theta, in- tlio month of October -an increase of 92 drivers or two per Lake George Lubianejdd , ,, , ^ Montonla Road, /Kings college mathematk-s club. cent over the same month last ^i^untain, N. C., has graduated from Naval Hospital Corps school It was the G2nd consecutive at the Naval Traiining The announcement was made by Dr. iHarold V. Huneke, nation- North Carolina’s contribution of this year’s National Christ mas Tr(*e is the m ibje; t of a 15- le film boinrr sponsored bv j » the North Carolina .Savings and wondering whether they Loan League. Hcirvest Season i Get Ready Is Underway 1 For Holidays North Carolina farmers who 1 raLeIGH. — The lull , is prepaietl. j As for tile refrigerator, card leftovers and use up loonems of the half-Pnipty stuck away in the back. were wondering a few weeks ago present now is a good time to get how to handle ail the soybean! .t-hp kitchon rpnrtv fnr hnMin thats , will _ive you more space for holi- Thursday, November 25^1971 be pulled from storage. If it I hasn’t l>t?cn used since the last holiday season, it certainly netvls a claning. Also, check all seldom used ecpiipment for holiday i-eadi- esi>ecially if it’s electric. Tlin keen it handy until the holi- . .. ^ day foods. A thorougli vvcshingover. , , . . soybean! .the kitchen ready for the heclic with a soda solution will ht'lp to ;/ ternatton'al hiih sSi'^irranJ’jun- ^ wondering whetherTrey "‘’’shrid rnfrigern1.,r for , For example, there are three pwd storage, she adds. As for extra storage, Miss The film, to be distributed by, month that arrests on theeharge Great Lakes exceeded those made during the sam^ •‘'^ onth of the previous year. Co’' ■ ;1 Edwin C. O'y, com- rrano. ^ the patrol, feels that the in O'^se in diiving under the ini'uence arrests in contri- Ibuting significantly to traffic safety, but, at the same time, | points to the increasing avail-1 'ability of breaith testing equip ment as an important factor. 1IFLSA«b«j^v1L “In October, 1970,*' Guy said.: ll7OV0t' WUllWOrill “the test was available in only i 75 per cent of the cases. This Oc-1 M v f|| tnVr it wan aviilaWe in 9.5 per! ill 1 CXUS cent of the cases. Tbi'^- I think. [ harvest some of the weather- maior iobs*\<7n /.an j Hinson suggets you check ihp damaged beans at ai. I the^ way ear^y checkin - equip-i Equipment that’s u'^ed only, freezer to see if there is enough Harvest weather has been par-; j^ient to see that it's ready for'when preparing for a large space for foods that you bake in the area of: the added cooking surge, clean-1 grajp, such as a roaster, needs to before the holidays. most of the those special serving! bans are gixnvm—the northeast.. Wishes, and making room for thei illowever. no section of North' storage of extra food ‘ ‘ I rr,,, ^ Carolina e.scaped some damai .e, when the hnHHav unk nrx K. readyh> roasting of f<^ld stLs both the member- accomplished a first as far as harvest crops such as (‘orn, pea-j range and refrigerator will be I called upon for performance oxten-1 above and (beyond the call of tree was Center,, secretary-treasurer, wbo is a North Carolina Travel and ticularl^ adverse professor of mathematics at the; Division, will tell state where As a hospital corpsman he! University of Oklahoma where; particular •ill aKe first aid. assist in the national otficc of Mu Alpha i operating room, administer med- ^ locate 11. Route 3, Kings Mountain, Cuba. The club is co-sponsored (by,^ee wen fii'.s.t prize i A basic question some pro- rerently was assigned to the 7th the Mathematical Association of fbe National Christmas Tree ducers have: should the beans Air Defense Artillery. He is serv- America and the National Teach-! Growers assodalion contest. be harvested? Clapp and Nich ing a' Ft. Blis.s, Tex., as a me- ers of Mathematics, and has at-; North Carolina originally was ! ols believe they should if the ■ vini" in Battery C of the artil-, traded the attention of top tio* expected to provide the tree | returns from the beans will ex- lory S'Ui battalion. miithematks scholars in this ytitll 1972, but another state felt ( ceed the cost of combining. It ! country and abroad. , it could not fl. lfill its cbligafon. i wouldn’t take many beans per II..' wife, Bi'enda, lives on j club activities consist of work/fbus the advancement of the T-U'iacre to pay for combining. ,in areas of malhematus not,date. In addition to parti-^ The beans should be harvest- _ - . -- --j usually covered in the classioom. | fulars on the tree the story wilU ed as soon as equipment can get r 1 fir • Jjournal ‘containing challeng-; how the U. S. Forest Serv-into the field, and the damaged: to the State .Medical Examiner programs and problems in 1^ and the Chridmas, beans should be dried to 12 to 'vx. y>.-v L.aiiia/^xri* During the month, ibkjod sam- for ^^thematics Is mailed to each Tree committee have watched , 13 per cent moisture before o- beans. They should be dried to '' ' club three times during the over the tree since its selection' ing to market. j 11 to 12 per cent moisture for ; school year. Regional meetings in May of 19?1. j Nichols and Clapp emphasiz-1 long term storage and checked! are held each year and students The tree was cut on Friday.'ed that damaged beans Should I each day until cold weather sets! are encx>uraged to participate in November 19 and after being! not be blended with good beans. | in to stay. Afterward, they ' many extra curricular mathemati- displayed at Asheville, Charlotte! In harvesLina sprouted beans,! should be checked weekly to UAim cal activities. j and Greensboro, it was given an j the combine should be set so that | determine keping quality. Dam MWllK “The UniversiF ' Oklahoma official send-off in Raleigh on. the sprouts will be knocked off. | agd beans have unstable keep- __ and many other »or universi-i Sunday. November 2S. | Here are two other recom ^ ing qualitis and are more diffi n flW special . .sHeration to' lightinr of the tree will take! mendations: | cult to stoio than so.nd, mature •• jnp sH m jmW m M m mjf Mu Alpha Theta '^einber.s when place on Deremher 16. nmumr? mSS mm mm m m mm m m m mm m^ schoiarsiiip applications are pro- mmm m m mm m m m mm mw cessed,” or. Huneke said. “Stud- jggg gjm m HmmmMMm ^^0 have discovered that the THE MOST IN DRY CLEANINO 537 EAST KING ST. TELEPHONE 739-5844 MON.. TUSS. & WF.D. SPECIALS MEN'S OR LADIES' 2-PIECE , „ - - 2 § UIT .1.S2.09 LADIES' I-PIECE 2 .stos EVERY DAY SPECIAL Laundered Crisp- Bright Fold^ or On Hangers EACH 5 ioi $1.39 MON., TROUSERS PLAIN SKIRTS OR SWEATERS TUE.S. & WBJ •SPECIAL" 3 ^? 149 MATCH ■ m EVERY DAY 7:30 TILL 6 p.m. EXCEPT SUNDAY BUST VIGNETTE 11X14 LIVING COLOR PORTRAIT ONLY PLUS 50e HANDLING AND DELIVERY LIMIT ONE PER CHILD TNO PER FAMILY BABIES CHILDREN ADULTS GROUPS Sl.OO PER DATES: FRIDAY NOV. 26 10 5:30 SATURDAY NOV, 27 10 • 4:30 aifrbt AAttciHov V>r>o^ study programs encouraged by the c’l.’b help them when they begin to take college courses in mathematrics.” j Miss Brenda K. (Hoyle serves as the faculty sp BLENDER BARGAIN I The three-speed blender will do Uhe same jobs that the deluxe ! multl^peed blenders will do. The I secret of the bJendr’s effective- I nss is the skill in uslni?- it rath- i er than its multiplicity of speeds, notes Thelma Hinson, extension home management specialist, N. C. State University. The fastest man has traveled in space is 25,(H.K) ni.p.h. 1 he fastest num has traveled in the air is 4.(HK) m.p.h. The fastes*^ raveled on land is 622 Hi .'.li. The fastest man has traveled on wa'vr is 328 m.p.h. ♦ STREET OR ACROSS THE NATION AT 100,000MILES PER SECOND. Southern Beli The fact that it costs so little to travel so fast, so far is even more fantastic. Snuggle-info-quilts. Comfy cotton fleece. Warm, won derful wool. Robes for the special homebody on your list! Button-up, wrap and zippy styles. SS.9S - $29.50 McGinnis lartment Store ■>1 fl