MOinc Aiiorr Best Small College (CuiUiniicd from Pioio Three) on sale at llic following plat-os: In (laslonja, at llio Sports Con- tor. In .Sholhy. at Siitllo’.s Drug. In Hoiling .Spring.s, at Uoiling Spring.s Di'i."g. In King.s Mountain, at K.M Drug and Ilorman Itlalock groc ery. MOKK ABOUT Mountaineers Lose 1 flontiiiwd from Poiir.Thr( r L'p 1 .1 4 .3 .3 K, Lc'dford 0 ]-2 1 1 . .Totals 14 8-20 19 ,38 B. City FG FT PF TP Liiigerfelt 0 6-111 2 n Hovlc 1-1 1 1 McConnell n 1-1 1 1 Brooks 2 2-4 2 6 ■lackson 5 1-5 2 11 Davis 1 0-2 3 2 Totals BOYS 8 11-2.3 GAME 11 27 K. Mtn. FG FT PF TP Crocker 3 1-5 5 7 Hedden 0 1-3 .3 1 Brown 4 2-4 4 10 .Tolly 0 4-5 .3 4 Tliombs 7 7-9 0 21 White 1 <1.(1 0 2 Wingo 3 2-5 4 8 Blalock 1 (M 1 2 Toiul.s 19 1 7.32 20 55 B. City FG FT PF TP (). -’MtLvanfhn* 3 1-2 7 Wideman 10 10-14 3 ,30 Smith 2 •o' 7 3 8 v'amp 7 2-ri 2 16 Bver.s 1 1-1 3 3 Hovis 2 1-3 1 5 Woody 1 0-0 0 2 Matiev 0 0-0 1 0 .Mcok.s 2 0-1) 3 4 Totals 28 19.32 1 21 75 G-W Coach To Speak Here Gardnor-Wk'bh col logo basket- tiall rs>a(-h Kd I?oIlir(H»U- i^nll ho ghost .sia'akor at Thursday’s lOcting of the Kitigs Mountain Ri tary clul). .’ lilt: Couidiy oluli. The oi\ ic club moots at 12:15 Bob Goforth is progrtim chair man. MORE ABOUT GARDNER - WEBB (Continued Frmn Page Three) THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursday, December 2, I97l' .sporLsnian.ship awnrd for liis lour- n(>y i)lay. Coach Eddio Holbrook’s rntui w'ill take an awo.somo .sol of stal.s into the Kings Mountain Tourna- niont. Adams is averaging bettor than .35 points for throe games, while Boyd of Winn.slwiro, .S. <’.. and Richard Tlirrmas, Chicago lloigiits. Ill., .senior, aCt .sporting lf> point tivoragos. Enshtnan re serve Kirby Thurston, from Pom- pino Beacli, Fla., is averaging 1.3 It.iinls and .senior co-captain Tony .Spagnola lias an 11 point aver age. For the Ihrts- games the Bull dogs as a loam are averaging 12S jKiinls per game and hate limit ed their opponents to 71 points. The gitme liigh was the 140-85 \dolory over Vorhees College in tile .-'Lslnwille tourney and then ■omes a 137-41 win over I’iedmont College It it from the firs* lino tiiat the Bulldogs have been In tin* thre<‘ games the ^ Bulldog cagers have Iwon able to casket i hit only 55 per cent sinking 60 rif lit) attempts from tiie line. This is th;m tlie Bulldpg’s shooting ri'cord from ttie floor. Holbrook's .sharpshooters liave hit 163 of 288 shots from rite floor for a .56.5 averag<‘. Of tile ma.ior .s-|)oi1s. Adams is not only high point, but he has also iiit 69 p^r cent of hi.s shots fmm the floor. He has hi.t 46 of fi7 siiols from tlie floor. He has also hit 16 of hS from the free throw line. One of Coacii Holbrook's great est ble.ssiugs so far til is season lias been hi.s bench. He has Pkiy- cd a minimum of It) men, that being in the U.\'C-.\ game. In the other two games lie used 14 men in eiLch contest. Mis fresh-men iiave d'lne an outstanding jpb, considering ine.xiM-rience and game iiricssme. The fine lioor play of transfer, Ken Napier, a sopliomore from Elizabethton. Tenn., ha.s been ii'iliceable. The scrappy effort of Biliy Ellis. .Statesville; and the of freshman, Alvin .fones, of Pomjiano Ikxich, Fla., ha.s also coniribiited to the spot less ri'cord. Will Moore, Demopolis, Ala, freshman, has looked good with his oall handling as well as hav ing added 16 points in thri'e 2,5 Million Viisit Parks Over 2.5 million people have visited North Carolina parks tliis year according to Thomas C- Ellis, administrator of the divi- Irnn'Dlllas^'N"’*!’ par".menff£‘'N^Uiral aL'I^ono; fiom Dallas, N. t., has scored rale Resources. eight points and grabbl'd several .pearly 200,(100 more people rebounds m the two games ho have used park facilities than dur- has <ippt'ared in. Seven foot fresh- ing the same jieiiod last year man Kc'ii Long of Hampton, Of the 2.5 million, 605,112 went reiin,, has collc'ctc'd 14 pomt.s and on picnic. 7-1,0.56 campt'd, and 13 ri'boiinds in two game,-. — '— Following the Kings Mountain tourney the Bulldogs will play host to tlie .Mistralian Olympic 8-10. The ol>mpic team is on a in the system. Nearly 750,000 peo- tour (If tins country- playing L5 pie have visiti'd the historic fort game.s, IB of them with teams in area and gone swimming in the the Big Ten. nearby Atlantic ocean. m W \ 9 V, sT'AN SOWINGS Subscribe To The Herald 235,-498 went swimming. There were 2.57„596 hikers, 61,- 977 fishermen and 27,851 boat ers at State park facilities. 'Fort Macon State Park in 'VA wdil issue fm American Aliout 20 per cent of the Mag to the next of kin, close If and Korean coiiXIfet veterans tfnend or relative to drape the have income protection riders on casket of an eligible deceased-their Gf insurance policies, ac- ‘■t- cording to VA. >' Jlin.S4Kia!jT»r\ V.' During this Christmas Season the Merchants of Kings Mountain wish to you an(i your families the very best Christmas that you have had. It is for this reason that we wish to invite you to "Your Christmas Parade" in downtown Kings Mountain on Dec. 3, 1971 at 4:00 p.m. Bring the kids, Santa will be here! Look for the following floats sponsored by your favorite Kings Mountain Mer chants! , I MERRY CHRISTMAS! FURNITURE FLOAT TIMMS McGinnis COOPER’S STERCHI’S LYNCH CIVIC CLUB FLOAT LIONS KIWANIS JAYCEES OPTIMIST ROTARY DRUG STORE FLOAT KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG GRIFFIN DRUG MOUNTAINEER PHARMACY MEDICAL PHARMACY MINISTERIAL FLOAT KINGS MOUNTAIN MINISTERIAL ASSN. HARRIS FUNERAL HOME nNANCIAL FLOAT FIRST UNION NA'nONAL BANK FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. HOME SAVINGS & LOAN KINGS MOUNTAIN SAVINGS & LOAN BELK DEPT. CITY Of KINGS MOUNTAIN SANTA CLAUS MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION DELLINGER'S JEWELRY Kings Mountain Merchants |Assn. Say “Merry Christmas” more colorfully this year! You’ll find an Amba.ssador card for every one on voiir Christmas list.. .card.s especi ally for Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Teacher, Pastor... all of them say "Merry Cbi istma.s" jii-i the way you want it said. KINGS MOUNTAIN STORE DRUG COMPANY THE CITY'S MODERN STORE "By Giacky ... I RAN A HERALD WANT AD AND SOLD MY OLD ROCKIN' CHAIR FOR CASH!" To Ploce Your Classified Ad And Sell Your Unneeded Items CALL THE HERALD 739-5441 } (gm- , lwas«< ^41 WS ; aiaiSsKiK . iit - aX»wi« iiy- SsBC-lf i ^ ?i-<. apf. caspKi i *!«««». SCliis rm '44 dom-.ia !>!« u. ttimm'-lcmei . iisl b(!(BI#t JV'r,., -•ir eiMisjioh 'X HOME r^rv^ lAlT kkibi SI/fFCRi Fi Wj :t ifccfSa'Ii’jl it bvX » Volte* <1-5 <3> rreirSi, ,14 • i»l i'metisiM tv , ^ m v«k KV potttkal! ^ -.£*«), *«t ■jisis* sot *(i«i«ee!,, m VhM , Imbt , .iKuafflufoantowf!,,.^ »«l»k .CX, tSUKIrtbr * o( rji. IP txm* '::i - |3,'W: Dfbtns^i itiiK Tb»f ftjr from t of 1 to iVestdeet ft, ■wfijcb U'st laif I Ervift Jfn k DemfxToiJ SAid AHO Itcrt" iT : vu mi th* \at ^ MjXlf trii hold «lr-> -. 7/^ ntain

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