SPORTING GOODS — All kinds of sports equipment, baseball, softball, basket ball, football, tennis, and for the hunter, fisherman, and .uolf n' too. Western Auto Associate Store, 5:lStfn FRrS AWTirREEZE pi; »o ‘rrvifc* job, and irrea.^(' t ) briiiij with corn- oil <-han^c, jo). Kcou.'di \iHir car to /or ? fieva’co protc'ctioM. Wo flush system aru! chock and rc’-pair anv leaks. S.'OdCJIXS 1-85 STATION 724 Voirk Koad. Tele- i ntM'nf* 7'0-‘'!r)’. 9;2tfn TIftE SALE — Iv7S\14; F78xl4; a-7S.xl 1; 0-78x15: 11-78x15 SJI.c”) oxclianrc pta«; f(‘(loral o\ tax. TOOOOLNS 1-85, OtT.K STATION. 721 Vm- I: Rc:u1, i Tcli'phono 7.StMr')l. h atful PUPPIES FOn SALE — Six hu itiUM puppic':. t' nr male two female, yjewurme cl. after 5 ]).m. 75h-p FOR SEPTIC TANK installation, repair, pumped, all servicing, Sfc Lcunaru .\icSvvain SopO' T’atik Co. at 909 Eiarl Road in Siudhy or Telephone 482-138tJ or 482 5518. 8:27Un Timiris r«rnilure If you suffer from simple every day nervous tension ttien you should he !al;in(j R.T. tablets for relief. Call on the druqnist at the dreg store listed below and ask him about B.T. tablets. They're safe non-hr;bit forming and with our guarantee, you voll lose your every day j'Uers or roccivo your money back. Don't accept a suhslHute for relief, buy B.T. lab'.vTs today. INTRODUCTORY Of-TIIR: Wortti $1.50 Buy one smfill size B.T, —get one Free Kings Mtn. Drug Co. PERFECT GIFT FCR THE HOME Every' lif>use nocuTs a pencil sharpener. (let yours for only $3.00 at Herald Publishing Ph(»no 7^0.'^4-11 ll:30tfn USED APPUANCES — .StrAcs, refrigc'raton.;, wnshoiN. \;d j uo.s. \Vestc»*a Aulo As-sfH'i ito Store. 5:18tfn{ } reduce cxc^'&s body ♦luids with j FLbll;EX diuretic tablets, onl:\ ' ' ^l.u9 at Medical rhariiia<y. 3;4tfr I _ ’ HGHV FATIGUE with Zippies, the I /reat hxin pill. Only $1.98. ! Cn: fin Dr-’g. 11:11-12; I8pd I GUTTEKING, blow pip^’ work. aT typc.s of sheet metal work. ChiiUcr.s Ro(.'f\ng & Heating Co., Inc. Phone 739-5166, Need Cerpet? lust Pick Up The Phone and Shop at Home "MONARCH** 100%NY»,CN CARPET Including Foam Cushion from $3«99 Sq. Yd. Over 4(1 Qualitic.s'and 400 Co lors to Chixrsc From — Includ ing Shag — Plush — Hi-Lo, [ndiX)r-Outdt)or — T'weed BIGELOW - DAN RIVER - MONORCH — MAGEE ARE Yr5D HAVING SEFTIC TANK nojble.' We have Koebic K 37 fuii> guaranteed or money oack. It really works Western Auro /Nssoriate 8t>>?e 7:24-tfT; Lot Us Clean Your C’aiTict the Mt'dorn Way— '.vTtliout Wcttyig; or, We Will Rent You Our F^quipment. Call for Free Estim ites. CARPET COMPANY TeL 487-7426 Shelby, N. C. will coit iltVr more than it did 3 years'ago to replace your buiJding. Have your property insurance clu'okvd at C. F. War lick Ins. .Ag.mcy, to he certain it covers tu Full replacement value. C. E. WARLICK INSURANCE AGENCY iit) West Mountain Street Kings Mountain. N. C. PHONE 739-3611 {*aTTEBS0N Oil Company POSTED SIGNS — No ing, no lumting, no fishing.! Waterproof or plain. Ih'roM' Fublbiliing C’o -ipany. TFI.K-. PHONE 739 5U1. n:2tfn! I BE gc'nllc. be kin ], to liiol ' .sni‘ carpiT. ch'in wilii Blue Lustre. Hent ehv-lrh- .sh.'unpixxi or $1. McGINNIS FURNITURE. ' 12:2 C L;niploYm(CiTt C CARPENTERS WANTED — -Apply (I tlic Si'CUiity Oil- i.'(' in (last'Jiia. Lquol optK>r- tu.iity Kmpk.yiT. ll:iltfn DESK BLOTTERS — 20c—Green or brown. Brighten your desk at home and office. KIXG.S MOUNTAIN ITEIULD. Tbl.E- PHONE 739 5441. ll:2tfn I V/.’INT A JOS — Uarr-entry, pvihiling ya:\! vv,>rk. Janitor w;. k. K.'.pi'ricn.’c. 1. J. W, C'AK-j- lu.'i^L. 320 Wa.o Road. TAYLOR'S UPHOLSTERING SHOP TAYLOR'S Upholstering Shop COMPLETE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING —All Work Guaranteed— Hundreds of Samples To Choose From. FREE Pick-Up and De livery and FREE Estimates Within 50 Miles. WiU Still Cov er if You Furnish Youz Own Material. Will Fioince Within Kings Mountoin Area With Good Reference PHONE 739-G661 504 EAST KING STREET KINGS MOUNTAIN, N, C. FOR RENT Iwo bedroom mobile home plus one-room addition l-lft. x 18 ft. on private lot. Phone 739-3105 FOR RENT — I have house frail ( ers for rent when they come • empty. Uj bkx'ks from Harris TceU.'i Super Markets. H. R. , PARION, Telephone 739 2413. | a:7tfn| I : f I FOR RLi^T — I have a^arlrnenf.- close. Furnkshed or uniurm-siieu For rent wlien they eoine emp- | ty. Contact H. R. Parton, Tele-' phone 739-2413 3:7lfn I : SlY>iiY FIl.VME HOME on large lot ha.s neighl>orli<K>d business /x^ning. Excellent in- vesinu nt prcpcMfy. FtlUR BEDiti 3J.M two bath brick home. Laigi* kilchcMi-den- diniing ana. hi o\rx!lUMi't iiiM-.vh- IwihaKl. Attractive financing available. B. F. MAKER REALTY 307 York Road Phone 739 6411 WOTirF PVipk’lr uiUth m*» you soil copper, braas. radiators aluminum, all metal. Market looks bad but syil paying top prices. J (k Clary'710 Ridge St. Phone 739 5628. 7:30ttr GUTTERING, sheet metal worr and gas plpitig- DILLING HEAT* ING CO.MPANY. Phone 739 344«' t2:22-Tfr TRANSMISSION TROUBLE? * I have Chc\V Povvcrglide trans. rebuilt in stoc'k. One day service on all models, one ex change price. All transmissions guaranteed 90 days or 3,(XX) miles. All other makes and mot'.els done by appointment. VVo’rc listtxl in yellow pages. Wayne Selfs Auto Repair Route 3 Box 360 Phone 739 3742 FOR RENT — Cozy total elcH'tric mobile home. 12 wide two bed- j ro^‘m. Casilewuihl Mobile Homo j Park. Phone 739 2217 alter 5.00 ! p.m. ^ 2: It tin- ,*“ - {THREE BEDROOM brick homo f>r sale . at 005 Princeton Drive. Kitchei: den cmibiriation living roo.m. ba.lh, t!ire(‘ tK*dr:x>ms. On S5.\150 lot. Call 739-2769. 7:22tfn STINNETT ACREh Mobile Home,' - ™ .ol:2 -nAILER FOR SALE — long by 12 Icet wide. 40EILE HOMES for rent, two j boclro .-m Cnn'iact (ilL.ASS (IRO | (TIRV on (irover Road. 9.9tin i I9(;p mo'lvd. Total HFNT M-.v.ik hcr-.c;; fnrj rent and spaie.s fur rent as theyi he omo available. Phone 739-1 3S39. 11:11 Ifni H Realty For Sole H THREE ROOM apartment 1-cat- od on Cr:iy Street, belou' Craftspun Yarns. $15 per week and gas hixit. Phone lS7-S0f)7. 11:25 tin 65 feiH Copellu elect .'•ic. Small d( vvn piym<*nt. assume monihly payments. Ctil! 739- 31 U ‘bef )re 3 p.m. and iffter 31 j;.in. cuii Y5;>-uil)a. ll;ll. HCU'^F. FOR RENT OR. SALK. \1 «> p.a.slure for rent. Phone 739-42.52 J. H. Plonk. 10:21tfn Beautiful lake lots for sale on new Kings Mountain Lake. Re stricted for homes only. Qua llty neighborhood. Ee early be fore the rush and take your choice. On paved road. See map at my office. Ixixry Ham rick Real Estate Broker: Phono 7333611: Warlike lniiiu:ancc Agency. FOR SALE: ERICK HOME at 914 Henry Sti\?et with 3 bed j rooms, IV2 baths, control air 1 ,.*onditionud. beautiful fenced | lot. carport and storage. At- j tractive financing can be ax- ranged. Coll toauy: EXECUTIVE HOMES: If you are in the market lor an at- tracUvo executive home we hove several listed to bc ouown by special oppointmonts . Cell mo today for details . . .732 3611. nOCM rca the money. . For -Jaie: 503 West King St. Fremo 7 Rcom house Central gc:3 heat. Has pantded den. Call for details. 739 3611. Larry Ham ri-L. WK BUY AND SELL ALL TYi>LS LEAL LS'DATE SPECIAL LISTINGS FCr. SALE -- Brick Veneer, throe bedteem. IV2 baths less thcr i tv/c years - ready for im mediate occupancy. ’’OP. SAIF. — New Home in fast growing Cak Grove Com- munit/. Desirable financing io»: qualified persons. ''THCKEN FARM for sale—in ciading all eginpment - V4 mile- Highway 74. Good iinancixrj available. FOR BUYING hiHD SELLING Pho-'^.c 73& ?.?.17 RUSV M. ALEXANDER Feel Estate Broker — 1 Notice FOR SATE — One group used .Stereo’s, Play like new. Has Multi-Piox. 43” wide. $69.95. Bridges Radio & TV. North Pied mont Avenue. 739-4116. 7:29t-in CARPET Beautify and quieten your home with exquisite Mohawk Carpet Prices As Low As $3.95 Per Square Yd. FREE ESTIMATES McGlNtllS Furniture Company PHONE 739 4706 Kings Mountoin. N. C. wild. KEEP CHILDREN agi*s in my homo tor working, iiuhliers rm iliu first shl.l. I: live in t!u» arivi of the new ^ high sehool. Phono 739-6521. j a'l:2r) tfnj i ELECTRICIANS and KI(vtri<.dan' heljM'i’s wantoil. Call U. (1. l>a-' vi-; .i{ S:v<\'l'U'iu 'IVxtured Fi'ners.: . 1;k'. Phune ToD-TIS-v 12:3iwt. * TRUCK DRIVERS (Kxivnoneo not j Xcros.^iryt To t>\iin for loral. and lu or-llK'-nrid hauling, ^'an | <‘ar!\ up to S5.16 j.K*r lu ur after; training. F.)r applifaMon,' call 7(>l-3;>4-1520 front 9 a.m. to 7 pan. or \\ril<' NATION j j WIDK SKMI DIVISION. 3313 Eel-! ! havi-n BK’d., (.'hurloltt', N. ('. j ! 2S216. 12:2-9im1. , For All your Realty Needs Call or See Stinnett Realty Company Phono 629-3201 UENNOX KEAT-tNO and a'r con ditsoning. DILIJNO HEATINC. CCMPANY. Ptmne 739 3416 t3:22ttD FOR EXPERT SERVICE ON Air Conditioners Refrigerators Washers Dryers Ranges Call the Appliance Doctor PHONE 739-2142 Whisnants Appl. Service Kings Mountain/ N. C. 6:4 tfn A & A LANDSCA: irtG — Sew grass, reseed yards, grading, land cleaning. Bush hogging. G.\Y STINNLTT. 739-6395 or 739 2150. 6:ntfr i B. J.'S PET SHOP — All AKC Pup pies. PfKxlle grooming. B^>ard- iiig facilities. Phone 739-5585. 7:ltfn HOME REPAIRS large and small. Paneling, indoor and (>utd<K>r minting, i>orches, cahinots. For Tree Estimate Phone 739-3583. 8:l2Lfn , ARE YOU HAVING ROOT trouble? \^'e handle IkM'bic K-37 & K 57 1 or eity sewage or rural-city | - - Soi>lic tank drain fields, ully i guaranteed or money back. It j really works. Western Auto As- ’Odate Store, Battleground Ave.} 7:24 tfn > CLERK TYPIST — general office j w.;ik(‘r -Hid billing. Mu^t be I gonl 1 p.m. until II) p.m.. ;i\ :i wc(*k. fV^xl fringe 1 I'C’n'qis. Aj:pH' in pi'r.son. FIM'/D-! FPdfKSi >X SllVrOP FXPr.Ki^. Krederii'k-’on ’•e<*t. KVjua 1 . ;limitV < nr)l *ye“\ 12:2(ln Service*; FOR SALE — 19.58 Calillac and; a 19.>1 Ford piek ui> iruck. j Phone 739-2157. 11:25 tfn I FOR SALE — Ariti(iU(* Fliina Ulo.s- et or B'ok Case. Sa^'iilii’e. 739-1 56S8. 11:25tfn ' CHRISTMAS FLOWERS for .salt'. L i v<‘ t 'll r ist m a.s f 1 owi'r.s, a rt i i'i- clal flower.-^, arangemont.s, live dish gardens, wreaths. Friu' d<*- livery to ho.s])ital.s'. Set* our gfMxi selection. JOHXX5”S FLOIi- IST. 207 Falls Street. Phone 739-4483. 12:2-221x1. SINUS Sufferers good new* lor f ’ new “H jrd-coro’’ SYNA '-LCAR D-c .n ootonf loblet* oCt m<»on'!v end cl-or all no*ul »m«'* cavili*-^. One ny coir* • ab’et givtft up to 8 hours t t from poir» rnd presiu'C of • n A'Ow^ veu to l.i-.otne eu.ily- -.'opr wo*efv ev s o’’d runny nos*. You con buv SYNA-CUAW ot cl| D"-q Sfr-v-j, witi,. out ni-'d f V a pi."Ctipri -n. Sot.iur.-ti-jri quirant.'od by moke'. Tiy it todoy* Introdurtcry 0*1 -r *o«th $1 5"'. Cut 0"l fait ,id- -Take to -* .e of the s*ore« • '-d o-tow Firrt' on«« pocK of 5>y «o-. -'-or : 3-n1 lo'eivo one moft* Syno Cteor 1 pock fr^e. SPANGLER Concrete PHONE 739-472A FOR TOUR CONCRETE NEEDS/ CALL USI «vt Toliver Any Amonot COMPLETE JOBS Floors, basements- woIIls. CUlbSe Oto No Job Too Largo Or Toe SmoU PflEE ESTIMATES DOING YCl’R CHKISTM-VS dri-:aming? II’.^ not too early to start — build a profitable business of 3'our own as an AVON Representative, and make those dreams come true, ('all now: — 482-2711 or write AVON R-8 Box 341, Shelby, N. C. 28150. WE SELL THE EARTH Need A Home Site? See Ashley Park and Crescent Hill Developments FOR SALE FOUR BEDROOM house — kitchen den combination, liv ing room. Hot air heat, end air conditioning. Aluminum Siding. 701 Marion Street. 27 ACRE TRACT, good com- nercial or residential proper 2;, Mico Mine Rood. 25 ACRES of Coleman C. Trull land in the Love Valley Com munity - Jo^ns S. C- line, on cast side. S3S0 per ocre. All Real Estate Shown By Appointment Only HAL S. PLONK PHONE 739-2491 Real Estate Broker ALEXANDER REALTY RUBY M. ALEXANDER Real Estate Broker FOR SALE: HOUSES NEW AND USED CITY AND RURAL LARGE AND SMALL FOR BUYING OR SELLING PHONE 739-2217 IN TllK (/KNKRAL COUKf OF jusncK 8UFKR10R COURT DIVISION STATK OF NORTH CAROUNA CLKVKLAN'I) FOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified a.j Adminis trator ci the'f'slati* of Ann Did-j linger Cliilders of Cleveland Coun-1 ty, North Carolina, this U to noli-! fy ail i>ersons having claims a-i gainst the estate of said Ann D ! Unger -Childers to present -n to the undersigned witJun 6. months from date o! the publiea- tioii of tliis notice oa- same vviil, be pleaded in bar ot their recov ery. All persons indebted to said e.-:tuto please maJ<c immediate I paymeiii. j i SINGER TOUCH and SEW j Automalic ret'l pu'Ii button b(h- I'bin -it'W'ng mai'Iiine. Lik(' new. ] Ounrantrr-d. 3\*w ■ on buttons, j moimgranu! embr uder'es. IDO’s of taney cie.sign.s. All built-in. No I attaeliments ne<';i('d sold new lover SUM), bulanre now dm* only I 96 dollars or payments of 12 d d- ! lars. Le s for cash. Les.s ftr j trade. Cull anytime. Free liome trial. Phone 864-3475. 11:25-12:231x1 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE FOR SALE — 1969 12x60 Skyline Mobile Home. Plumbed and vented for washer and dryer. Call 739-4517 after 5:30 p.m. 42:2Lfn FOR SALE — 8'5 Acre.s land fourj and one-half mih*s fr Kings Mon itain. Over 1200 feet c-n St Luke'.s pavf*d -rerrl. $1,000 a'.*!-’, li lep.i .m* 739-5731 or 739-4992. FOR SALE 6 room hoiisi* - 3 bedrr>om. Brick and wixhI eonstruedion • 7Vi-k*vel dirngn. L(K*ated in Slovv(? Acn*s. May be soon by appointment only. Call KENNETH E. CASH REALTY CO. Phone 739 3983 10:14tfn Having qualified as avdmin-Ks- tratrix f'>r Uie (Ktnte of Mi.«s berla V^Vlie, diver- ’ tins i ■ 'to notify ail ix'rsons h " ing claims to lier estate la p". t them to the undersi-gicd i'.hin -lx months frf)m dr.'e T the pe li- eatian of this notice or same ■ This the 22nd day of November. I will be ri‘'ade'! in I)ar r-f t'M'iir ix'cavory. All pcr^oe.s to sakl estate v' make imimUi- ale payment. This tlio I8t:h day of Novx’mt.'or, 1971. Mr.s. Thcdma W. Pear. on Aim’ni.«‘r.itriv K.'dale of Mias Roberta VVvlie 11:18-12:9 CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERV- ICE — Tanks pumped, cleaned and lines roddrd. Reasonable rates. Telephone 739-5150 aftei 6 p.m. CHASTAIN SEPTIC TANK SERVICE. Route !■ Box 38A. 1-5 tfto I Kings IVlJn. Drug Co. WILL B/vBVSlT or stay with el derly peivan. Call 739-7213 be tween JO and 2 p.m. 12:2-9 BABYSITTING — Call after 3 p.m.' Phono 739-4394. 12:2-91 FIXIT PROBLEMS? — Call Perry Brothers Contractors. Phono 739-6770 after 5:0'-) p.m. 11:lltfn TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEEDS MEN — You can now train to lK'cf>me an over the road driver or ('ity driver. K.\eellent earn ings after short training on our trurk-i with our driver instruct or.s to lielp you. For application and inter.dew, call 919-484-397.5, or write S<*hool Safety Division, United Sy.stems of Indiana, Inc.. 325 Hay Street Fa.V'^tt *- ville. North Carolina, 28302. Over 10') transpartation com- panica have hired onr grad uates. 11:25-12:2 SAVE UP TO $101.00 COLOR TV • STEREOS DURING MAGNAVOX HOLIDAY SPECIALS Vah^cs AT WILSON TV Ec MUSIC 904 W. GQLD 7392616 Across From Seven-Eleven We Drill Weils! And Install Goulds quality water systems with Dependability Arnold's Well Drilling & Pump Service Phene Arnold Philbeck 7394315 Oak Grove Road Kings Mountain. N. C. 1971. ! James A. Childers 5U3 Cres<‘ent Hill Road Kings Mountain. N. C. 28083 i ADMINISTRATOli OF KS-1 I'ATF OF ANN DELLIN'GlOit ‘ CH!LD!:RS HAMRICK, MAUNEY & FLOWERS Att..riitys 5’is East Marion Street, Shidby N. C. . 11:25-12:16 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION STATE OF NO^RTH CAROLINA CLEVELAND COUNTY EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualifitKd as Executrix ot the estate of Jei*nie B. Davis of Cleveland County No:th Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing clalm.s against the estate of said Jemiie B. Davis to pres<*nt them to the undersigned within 6 months from date of the publi cation of this notice or saimo will be pleaded in bar of their ixk'ov- cry. All iK?r.5on.s indebted to said c.state please make immediaU? payment This the 30lh day of November, 1971. Betty K. Davis 226 Walker Street Kings Mountain, N. C. 2S083 EXECUTRIX of ESTATE OF JENNIE B. DAVIS HAMRU’K, MAUN'EY & FLOWERS Attorneys 5I2 E. Marion St., Shelby, N. C. 12:2-2? The U. S. TDcpartment of Ra'>or' The typical urban plantworkf'r which administers the E(|ual recoive<l a much better fringe ■Pay Act, has been activ(*ly in- benefit package in 1971 than in volved in the question of sex- 1960, a Labor Department area wage discrimination. According wage seney has renorted. He t I the Department’s Wage-Hour wa^; provided* more holiday time. Division, over $33.5 million had longer paid vactions, and im- bocn found owing to nearly proved health and insurance ben- S-1.(K)0 employees, almost all of efits, although the proportion of them women, as of the end of workers receiving these benefits uune 1971. did not increase significantly Watch Your FAT-GO Lose ugly excess weight with the sensible NEW FAT-GO diet plan. Nothing sensational just steady weight loss for those that realty want to lose. » A full 12 day supply only $2.50. The price of two cups of coffee. drug store about the FAT-GO reducing plan and start losing weight this week. Money back in full if not complete ly satisfied with weight loss from the very first package. nON'T DELAY gels FAT-GO today. Only $2.50 at Kings Mtn. Drug Co J/eaitA 7^ By WILSON GRTFTIM Regular, continued use of min eral preparations for constipa tion is not without its dangers, a consultant writes in the AMA Journal. Tho oil might be breathed into the lungs, caus ing a kind of pneumonia that can be fatal. Also, the oil may interfere v/ith the absorption cf important fat-soluble nutrRnfs in food. If bothered by consist ent constipation problems, soo your doctor, lie should be able to correct the cause of const! potion meanwhile recommend ing a safer loxative. After you see your doctor bring your prescription to f Socrolary of Labor J. D. Hod gson has appointed Dr. Edward A. Aguirre to the new position of regional director of the U. S. Department of Labor in San Francisco. ’He will be one of^ 10 regional directors across country.

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