Vi(A ,»J J,- i i'iiAi 'll. M--IV 'itti Page 2 JlfOKS ABOUT WRIGHT Cinitimicd From Page One turpd on the rosister table. , lloconl.s Depai-tmonl land b.V THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTMN, N. C lr.ui< December 2, 1971 MORE ABOUT I KRIDE A.\D EIRIOTriUOO.M Mr. and .Mr.s. Troy I.Pc Wright of Kino.s .Mountain are parents of the bride. A gradual<' cf. Kings 'Mountain high school, she ha.s .been employisl in the Medical of Cleve-1 Memorial haspital at Shel- She ^-ill be employed in; the Medical Records Department' (.f Rutlierfonl County hospital in Kulheifordton. She is grand- dauglilor of Mrs. Lucille Wright' <jf Silver Spring, .Mo. j SOCIETY COLUMN (Continued from Page 0?ieJ Kings Mountain residents. * ♦ OPEN FEIDUY mCHTS About This 'N That 'Miss Mabel Jean McArver and Billie Alien Gam ble have issued marriage announcements to friends and relatives in this area. The wedding took place on November 27th at First ARP church in Gastonia and the newlyweds will be at home at 706 Carolina Ave nue in Gastonia. Mrs. Reynolds' Rites Conducted Prccauticft! phyj Cer'tt ^VOi^ WtSiIrioMems TILL seo OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY UNTIL CHRtSTMAS MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:30 5:30 SAVE <K ^ Ashley Denise Good- son, celebrated her sec ond birthday November 21. A birthday party was held Saturday at her home on Oak Grove road. The Raggedy Ann doll theme was carried out in decorations with a Rag gedy Ann cake served with ice crea;., and fav ors. Attending v-ore Kim' and Kelly Goodson and Scoff Harrison, cousins of Ashley; Jeri Harrison and Brenda Blddix, aunts of Ashley; her giaiiaparenrs; Beth Webster and Patrick and Dora Heavner. Arizona Rites) ' Unite LeGrand:. Miss Katherine .i-y Murphy of Des Moines, Iowa .ind Richard 'Funeral rites for Mrs. Patsy Ware LeGrand of Si-^Iby who Ponder Reynolds, 40, of Gaffney, married Saturday in i • S. C, native of Grover, were wedding held in S' -ii..v held Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. church in Phoenix, At.^ from Southside Biaptist church,! The bridegroom, son of Mr. interment following in Grover and Mrs. R.. T. (Diekl LeGrand, cemetery. I jr. of Shelby, is grandson of Mrc RevnniHc ''Mrs. Mofifat A. Ware, Sr. of I felting or fading if you simply ^ ; I^'tbgs Mountain and the late Mr. | follow the directions on the label. . . Some wool item.s, .such as Rev. William E. McKay heard. sweaters and blankets, hiive al- the Muple exchange >/ows of tlielv^.aA's been hand washable-with doUble-ruTig ceremony. ' Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length dress of white raw silk banded at the watst with a wide belt. White organza with a lat- Girl Scout News KALBIGH — There are .some “machine washable” wools on file market that you can laun der without fear of .shrinkage, f Tiie Girl Scouts of Troop i i Lliat met at the First Presbyter ian cliureli in Kings Mountain are ' participating in the Kings Moun- ! tain Christmas parade on Decem- iber 3rd. Reynolds, wife of Reynolds, died Slanday morning' wl'-p in Cherokee County hospital fol lowing a serious illness of five weeks. She was the daughter of Mrs. 'Mattie Shufoid Ponder of Grov er and the late R. H. Ponder. Survivors otlier than lier hus band and mother are her son, Tim tice-type design covered the bod- Reynolds of the home; iwo daugh- ice and peasant sleeves with ters, Debbie Reynolds and Don- French cuffs. She carried a bou- na Reynolds of the home; and nuet of phalaenopsis orchids four sistei-s, Mrs. B. II. Ledford and stephanotts. of Fayetteville, Mrs. Ralph Go-; The bride’s sisters were her forth, Mrs. Charles Mullinax and only attendants. Mrs. Bernard Mrs. Wayne Appling, all of Gro-' St^hwartz of Overland Park, Kan., Rev. Harry Crosby, assisted by Rev. James Sanders ofXrl'over of ficiated at the final rites. Kings Note' 25th Anniversary AtD inner Party' Ashley Is granddaughter of Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Goodson of Rock Hill, S. C., Mrs. Ann Ware of Gas tonia and Martin Ware of Hickory. was matron of honor and Mar- ga ret Murphy of Des Moines was a junior bridesmaid. R. T. LeGrand Jr., of Shelby, was his son's best man. Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents were hosts for a limelieon at Phoenix Couuti-j' clirb. The new Mrs. LeGrand, I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray- ; mond Murphy Jr., of Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. King,; attended Ooiinect.leut OoUege in Sr. of ISOS Elk Avenue, vr.ara- | New London, Conn., and was sota, Florida, celebrated their. graduated from the University silver wedding anniversary oniof Iowa in Iowa aty.,Prior to November 17th in Sarasota with ! her marriage, she was employed a dunner party at Martines Res- as a writer and legislative as- taurant. , sistant for the National Asso- Mrs. King is the former Miss i Nation of Chain Drug Stores in Irene Gallant of Kings Moun- Washington, D. C., where she was Plonk Twins Deluxe Astro-Sonic 4-pc. Stereo FM/AM Radio-Phono Custom Component System Mr. and Mrs. David Plonk announce the arrival of twin boys, Chad Huntley and Chris Sloan Plonk, Sat urday, Novennber 27th, Cleveland Memorial hospital, Shelby. Chad weighed six pounds, five ounces on his ar rival at 6:42 a.m, Chris, born at 6:46 a.m., weighed in at five pounds, 12 and one-half ounces. Model 9293, just one of several flawlessly pre-matched Magnavox systems now at special savings, has 50- Watfj EIA music power, two high-compliance 8" and two 3/i" speakers in an Air-Suspension System, plus a deluxe Micromatic player with Cue Control and Stylus Pressure Adjustment. Also provisions for optionals (tape, headphones), A pfotec- ONjLY tive dust cover ts included. Come in,... save ... on acces sories, too! See them all now. $29995 Other members of the Plonk family are seven- year-old Terri and five-year-old Steven Plonk. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hendley of Charlotte and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Plonk of Kings Mountain. Pater nal great-grandmother is Mrs. Clarence Sloan Plonk of Kings Mountain. The children s father is president of Plonk Oil Company, Inc. Their mother, is the former Betty Hunt- ley of Charlotte. ' * ♦ * * tain. I Joining the Kings for the par- , ty were their two daughters, ! Carol Patrice, and Mary Anne; I .Mr. and Mrs. Jean Richards of jSt. Petersburg, Fla.; Mr. , and , 'Mrs. Chester A. West of Orlando, i Fla.; Mrs. Elva Power and Ray Marshall, both of Sarasota; their j son, Clarence, Jr. and iiia w ife and two children who reside in I Pinellas Park, Fla. were unable I to attend. I After dinner, the party re- [ turned to the King residence where they received congratula tions from their friends and neighbors. Cake and champagne was a provisional member of the Junior League of Washington, D. C. The bridegroom was graduat- «Kl from St. Andrews Presbyter ian CollegA in Laurinburg. He has completed the academic por tion of a master’s degree in health care administration at George Washington University in Washington, D. C., and is now resident administrator at St. Luke’s Hospital Medical Center in Phoenix where he and his bride will make their home. PERSONALS served to guests. 1 Miss Sue Hunnicutt of Char- P>oth Mr. and Mrs. King are I lotte spent the Thanksgivir.l r hoi- well known to Kings Mountain - id-ays with her • parents, Mr and citizens. Mr. King is a native of Mrs. H. R. Hunfiicutt. Muss Hun- Bristol, Rhode Island. ; nioutt is a member of the faculty ; of Independence Junior hlg^h SAVE UP TO .$101 TV & 904 W. GOLD Acros! 739-2G16 From Seven Eleven WE HAVE OUR OWN SERVICE DEPT. Ashlle Dawn • Allison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Y. Allison of 411 Wilson street, celebrates her -t-hird birthday Thurs day, December 2. A family party will be held this afternoon at the Wilson home and Ashlie 'Dawn will cut a decorat ed birthday cake. Young Miss Allison Is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Yates of Piedmont Avenue and Mrs. Alice Allison, of 113 Morris street, and the late Roy Allison. Since December 1969, about 20,' school in Charlotte. 000 U. S. workers have been certified as elogible for assistrin ! Mrs. George P. Davis returned ?e under the Trade Expansion ’ to Charlotte Monday after spend- .\rt c' 19S2. These are people ing the Thanksgiving holidays vv h.o have Ic-tt t.'-eir jebs due to with -Mr. and Mrs. H,‘r. Hunni- care. But now there have bo<>n a number of improvements for easy machine washing of wool with out fear of shrinkage. Simple precautions must still be foUowed, however, says Dor- otliy L. Barrier, extension cloth ing spocialist. North Giirtflina State University. Why do some homemakers liave trouble washing wool garments? Usually they have combined ex treme heat, moisture, friction and strong soap when laundering, Wool can’t withstand tliese ex tremcji and retaliates by slirliik ing. For example, you can’t wash a wool sweater in hot water, with strong soap, for a full wa^i cycle and then press it witli a hot iron and a wet pres clolh. The .sweat er will shrink. And even though the label on some of the newer wo<j1s says “maoliine washable," manu facturers still recommend wash ing these wools in cool to warm water and a mild soap. Use a short cycle. If pressing is needed always use a -slightly dampened cloth, the speciiUist advises. incereased imports. cutt. Helen's Beauty Salon Is Pleased To Announce That MRS. BHUE GENE HOYLE GREEN has moved back to Kings Mountain and Has Rejoined Our Staff of Fine Stylists. Billie invites her friends to call or stop by to see her in her new location. Call now for holiday appointments. Helen's Beauty Salon 739-2321 Helen Jenkins, Manager Helen Dixon Billie Gene Hoyle Green Vernice Walker 6 Ways To Save! Savings Certificates, $10,000 minimum, two year maturity. 4^- J.was the night before Christinas, When all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, Not even Santa Claus . Irresistibly comfortable .. .(reclina-rocke^^ by L A ^ Z - BOY* -/la- Z-BOvV__ WARRANTY •At any time la-Z-Boy’s factory will reoaif or. at its option, replace its reclining mechanism or any part thereof without charge, except any costs of packing and shipping niu Ito l(CllNI^O I-vcn a busy Sanla can’t resist the relaxing comfort of % La-Z-Boy RecUna-Rockcr; Its smooth rocking lets him dozo off and. when he wants to stretch out to nap. he can raise the selective footrest lever and recline to any comfort po sition, even to full bed. I he Reclina-Rockct^is “ Ihc Magi cal All-In-One Chair’’ ... the perfect Christmas gift for Mother or Dad. Sec us today for your Clirisimas gift selection. AUTHORIZED lA-Z-BOY* DEALER Saving Certificates of $5,000 minimum with 12 months maturity and increase in multiples of $1,000. */4% Bonus Savings Certificates of $1,000 minimum with six months maturity and increases in multiple of $100. Passbook Savings, 90 Day Withdrawals — Save any ennount any time. ¥4% Savings Certificates, $100 denominations. %% Passbook Savings — Save any amount any time. All Earnings are paid 4 times each year as of the last day of March, Tune Seotem- ber, and December. If your present certificates merit a change to earn the higher rates, we will be hap py to change them. ^ ifure Savings deposited on or before the 10th of each month earn dividend for the whole month, j Home Savings & Savings insured by the Federal Savings and Loon Insaromce j| Corporation to $20,000,00. J They also plan to have a hake sale in firont of Belk’s at ID o’clock in Kings Mountain on De cember 4th. -Angela Mangum, Ti'oop Scribe. CO-SMiETIC CAPE When a plasHc raincoat l)e- oomes too .shabby to wear, cni it to waiit length, shorten the sleeves and use it as a “coismolie cape" when you shampoo your hair, apply make-iup or do any tiling that requires the protei-- tion of an easy-to-clean smock. BIG EATEaiS Dairy cows require a tre mendous amount of food to pro duce large amounts of milk. Tlic “average” cow in tlie top North Carolina .dairy herds consume.s 18,800 pounds of silage, 1,.1'K) pounds oi hay and 5,400 pounds of grain a year. In addition, she grazes kboi t 128 days. From this, she manufactures 12,843 pounds of milk and 481 pounds of butter- fat. If you plan to use the “ma chine washable’’ wool fabrics in home .sewing, remember that fac ing.s, trimmings, bindings and linings most all h(> washable, too Machine wasliablc wools arc e.sp.-cially good for children’s clothes, on-the-job clothes for women, robes and winter .sirorts- wear, concludes .Miss Barrier. \ .'d s Established 1923 East Mountain Street Ph. 739^2531

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