THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. 1971 JWS rroop 4 eslbyter- tain ait} s Moun- Decern- ‘ a bake i at 10 rt on Dc* langum, uat ])o- r. ciii it en the ?osmetic 10 your do any- p rotor- imock. a t re* I to pro- lilk. The p North onsumes j, 14W pounds tlon, she om this. pounds f hunter- lie ‘ ma- brics in that fac- jis aiiil ible, too, 00 Ls ari' lildreii’s lies for • sports- rier. Mr reen ilker ty as it 1- )- I)EBa)S iy JANIOE R. 0;:iRISTEN9EN j formed for many cluib and in- Alexander county is privileg-1 dustniial groups as well as foi ?.d to have its own “Houd,ini" as. former President Dwight D. Eis- a community 4'H leader. | enhovver. j Now he's using his talents to ■help Alexander 4iH’ers raise ! money for the 4iH Development 'Fund, by appearing at fairs and ! other public events and helping William McLiiury, a r'elr.tive eWk-oiner to the aiea, is a pro fessional ck-wn and magician. Th«» author of a "licw-lo” book on escapes and other magical plienomena, iMcJLaury has per- KINGS MOUNTAIN INVITATIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT DEC. 3-4 7 & 9 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER Gaidner-Webb - St. Augustine Eton - Barber Scotia TICKETS $2.00 ADULTS $1.50 STUDENTS ON SALE AT KM Drug • Herman Blalock Grocery One HOUR 'nimmns’ THl MOST IN DRY CLEANING 537 EAST KING ST. TELEPHONE 739-5844 MON.. TUES. & WED. SPECIALS MEN'S OR LADIES' 2-PIECE 2 SUITS S2-0S LADIES' 1-PIECE 2 DRESSES EVERY DAY SPECIAL Shirts Laundered 9 Crisp. g Bright tOf Folded or “""Ta'ch S1.39 MON., TUES. & WEJ -SPECIAL" TROUSERS PLAIN SKIRTS OR SWEATERS MIX OR MATCH OPEN EVERY DAY 7:30 TILL 6 p.m. EXCEPT SUNDAY to sell novelty items. McLaury has a vested interest in 4^H, adds Mrs. Linda Best, as sistant home economics extension agent. Three oi his live children are 4-lH memibers. RHX:YlCi./E GLAIiS Ab-'iut SIX per cent of our solid waste is made up oi g**aiss bottles and jars. So members of the West econnoe Kxiension Homemak- I ers^ decided to find a use lor this junk. Instead of discarding the empty glass containers, uiey re cycled them ln>to candlestick ho..d- ! ers. ! ro do this, the homemakers covered the bottles with papiei- mache made from new.spaper scraps. Then they deco, paged or , antkiued them, exi lairis Sandra ■ Rogers, assistant home econo mics extension agent, Kdgecon;ibfc I county. I Ine old bottles and jars arc now u.sef ul household acces. oi • ies instead of ugly spots along 1 Tar Heel roads, the agent ados. , USES FCR PUIMFKIN j pumpkin pies taste great, bul I there are other uses lor pump ! kin too. , Mrs. D. E. Read, Chadoourn, , bakes pumpkin bread and pump ; kin cakes for her fam^ily and p-re I serves pumpkin marmalade t i sell at the SK'NC-Crafts store al Lake Waocamaw. i Mrs. Reid says she enjoys i preparing the foods she sells at ■ SENOeVrafts, but it is a lot of ■work, adds ^rs. Yvonne Ray home economics extension agent, ' Columbus county. Employment Climbs Here RALEIGtH. — Employment ciimibed 6,100 during October to a total ot 1,200,100 in Tar Heel non farm establishments, State Labor Commissioner Frank Crane re ported. Commissioner Crane said em ployment increases totaling 10,- 100 in 17 major industry gix>ups were partly offset by job de clines in seven other groups tot alling 4,000 for a net over-the- j month increase of 6.100. I Crane said factory employment I totaling ‘((iv,D00 ih Uciouer was ■ down d(X) from September and lagged 4,000 behind the year-age level. JoDs in non-manuiac*iuding employment groups, totaling 1, o..j,600, were up 6,-100 from Sep tember and increased 13,000 above the year-ago level. Noniarm em ployment as a whole was 9,000 higher in October than a year i ago. iHojrly earnings averaged $2.62 in manufacturing, showing no change from September, Crane i stated. The workweek increased fractionally to an average of 40.5 hours. Weekly earnings were up 26 cents to $106.11. Schools, retail trade and serv ices reported the largest October ; job gains, Crane reported. Schools ' were up 2,600, retail trade 2,500, I and services 1,200. Other gains in cluded 700 each in construction and furniture manufacturing, 400 ! each in electrical machinery and ! printing, 300 in miscellaneous non durable goods, 200 each in lumber, food, apparel, and whole sale trade, and 100 each in pri mary metals, fabricated motals. chemicals, finance, and state and local government. ■Principal employment declines in October incL.;ded 1,S00 in to bacco stemmerios, 900 in trans- T>ortation (other than railroad), 800 in cigarette manufacturing. 2(X) in textile mill products, and aOO each in stone, clay and (glas? products, machinery manufactur ing, and communications and pi bli’c utildties. LANDSCAPING TIPS Different shaped houses requir'" different shaped plants. A tal) house for example, may nee<’ ; SI reading plants between the doorw^ay and the corner to lowei its apparent height. North Car olina Stale University e.\lensior landscape specialists seggestr keeping the plnartlng below the ■wdndoav. If the house is a low ranch-type, it probably needs fev\ foundation plants. Use ground covers and small trees freely You can get printiKl information on landscaping ye- r home from 1 the local county extension office. Free Callers Are Prosecuted | I The Bell System’s icontdnuing crackdown on network toll fraud through the use of an illegal electronic device known as the 'Oiue box” look renewed empha sis earlier this month as Bell of Pennsylvania pusheci fo r p 11 prosecution under state laws of four persons arrested and charg- ! ed with using the deviC'O to make I free calls acros the nation and I amund the world said R. B. | i Moore, local telephone manager. I A company spokesman sadd a ' group of persons on a daily basis nave been using blue boxes to seize hundreds of long distance circuits. The Penn.sylvania actions bring to 37 the number of arrests made thes far this year in connection blue 'box fraud. Of these, 18 have been c'onvicled, 18 cases ai'C pending and one dismiS'Cd. 9omP 75 other cases are under inves tigation in 14 slates and in at: least one foreign country. About a month ago, federal luthorities in Montana arrested to persons from the Billings and Great Falls areas for blue box —...q t'AX’on have already been ■convicted, two cases are pending and one was dismissed. So-called "phone phreaks” have been the subject of magazine and newspaper stories i n recent month. WilWam S. Cashel, presi dent of I3ell of Pennsylvania, commented on the seriousness of the crime: “These people may’ consider their activities harmless fu’* .nd Ingin a very seriou.s pr ’ •.nger* ous way- with the fuc»iiues essen tial to serving Q.r lomers. paying ous-1 “Futhermoie, they have, on occasion, invaded the privacy of telephone users and in the course of their operations have do- frauded the telephone company of thousands of dollars in revenue \ which, inevitably, must be made i up by our customers.” JOB.S THAT ANNOY When liomemakei s around the country were asked what the 1 worst job about the house was, j ironing ranked first. j After that came cleaning ihej range, scrubbing floors, clean ing closets, waslidng windows, scrubbing bathrooms, washin; walls and cleaning the refrigera tor. laycees Begin State Torn .ASIIERC'RO — On Monday Nov ember 22, 1971, the North C'aro phy to Manteo Ebepress” which lina Jaycees will begin a “Mur- will include stops in all the 228 communitic‘s with Jayct'e chap ters -in North Carolina. Pri'Sident A'very Nye and Public Relations Director Jim Ilasling.s will make the tour in "Jaycce I”,, a fully equipped 24 ft. Winnebago Indian Motor-home furnished by Wray Frazier Company Center in New ton, the nation’s largest dealer. The tour will begin with a breakfast with the MmT'by Jay cot« on Monday,'NoVi'mlH'r 22 at 8:(X) a.m. and will conclude with a dinner with the Dare Courvty (Manteo) Jaycees on Wednesday, Dort'mbor 22 at 8:00 p.m. In be tween, lh(‘ lour will touch 288 and 10,(X)0 North Carolina Jaycees, . The Jaycees, a progressive, dy namic organization . for young men between the ages of 21-36 have two major .objectives: (1) self-growth through p<»rsoiKil lead ersiiip training and (2) civic im provement through community in volvement. ’ The tour will be used to nH*riiit membership and to promote Jay-1 eee programs In North Carolina.! President Nye will be showing the accessibility of the stale Jay- 'vo organization to the people of North Carolina. Ho will be dis- eu.«.sing programming such a.s Jayece involvement in Cystic Fi brosis, a fatal lung disease that 'dfecls children. The North Caro lina Jaycc’cs have declared Doc- .'mber Jny':'<‘e Cy.stir • Fibrosis month and urges each chapter to lielp coiKjuer this dread kits will be distributed to the news media at each step and President Nye will bo a-railiable to conduct interviews as he trav el.^!. ANT'ROPOMKTir . A new specially of human en gineering, that of appdying ' knrvw’ledge of the changing s :ape of tlie humvin physique to furni ture, is cal'od the stu !y . of antropometrics. Having A Chiisfmas Party? Let us help you with your plans. We will be delighted to discuss our special Christmas party rates. Large or Small groups up to 200. ROYAL VILLA MOTOR INN 1-85 in Kings Mountain 739-2544 n:18t!n Think About This Before You Buy Your Next Tank 01 Heating Oil 9 High duality MOBIL Heating Oil • Our "Keep nr Delivery • The MOBIL Burner Cleaner • Our Metered Deliveries WE DELIVER TO YOUR HOME 50 GALLONS AND UP CALL JIM ALEXANDER OR JULIUS BURTON CITY ICE, COAL & OIL COMPANY PHONE 739-4251 .rf CITY STREET w® care ‘ i /p- . Kings Mtn. APPRECIA-nON ltAra...APPRECIATiON DAYS imsmEis Esiijar Appreciation Values On "Super-Right" Heavy Grain-Fed Beef mmw STEAKS PorterliGuse 3r T-Sniie Lb. 2S Sirloin * !J«. Yi.5i5’s notliing bigger tlifin biggest So, when we set out to make this our juperlativesaleof the year, we went all out. twow •« Our buyers bagged the best possible deals in the !** and we’re passing the savings on to you. Then, we proceeded to slash regular prices on scores of other popular items. Why? To express our appreciation for your faithful i-at: o:;:ge the best way we can: with a blockbuster... A blockbuster sale that brings you nof big savings. and Tiot bigger savings.., but the BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR! It's another way of proving "We Care” ' AK ROAST BONELESS TOP OR BOTTOM BEEF ROUND Lb. —\ SPECIAL! ALIGOOO Sliced 3acon S 59c 11.15 BONELESS TOP OR BOTTOM BEEF ROUND Lb. **Supe*Right" Heavy Crain Fed Beet Cubed Round Steak u, $1.35 New York Strip l. •‘Sl-tW Sirloin Tip Roast a $1.29 Ground Round Beef u. 99c 25 IS 19 "SUPER-RIGHr' WHOLt Fresh Fryers 25' 2 IN A BAG Ll.MIT 2 tAGS rSB CUSTOMER U. FRESHLY BAKED JANE PARKER Cap'n John't froMn f.lWt Orp''>n Cop'a John's Froien Haddock Fillets Sliced Bologno "Supor-RiQ^t’- Old Pork Scusoge 49c Chopped Sirloin Beef Lb 99c s A&P DELI DELIGHTS ^ Ground Chuck tb. 79c Pimiento Spread I'Lb. Coa 73c 79c "Suotr.Riobi" ^eiity Sliced Beef Liver Lb. 49c Pimiento Spread aos. Cup 37c 69c ••Stipef-nigr.f 3.Lb. Ukg SI 39 Cole Slew I.OL Cup 35c 89c All Meat Franks Mb. tag 69c Fruit Cocktail I3.0r Cup 35c 13-Os. Tv (fi or CtevcHeef Or 12-Ot. Flofcy Rkgs. si GO Bake N' Serve • rmklr §«kt4 6laze!l Donats • I«ii« FaHitr CmcMt Pound Cake • J«n« r«rkfr Sa*0vi<h Wheat Bread • i«M c«k« CaroHsal Danish • Fariiar IncicMe LT 36e ’J.1* 39s 3 1.U. oa« u«v«i 09B V^hile Bread 4 $1.00 • /an* AAt«f{c«'t Fruit Cako 6 < Siafflng; Mix X. 34.69 i-u. Kiu pfc«. Qoe Appreciation Value on Soft-Fly Brondl Paper Towels Finh, Liver, Meat or Chicken iaily iog Food Rati ISV'a-Oi. Cen White Potatoes Fresh Anjou Pears Raw Volencia Peanuts Fresh Crisp Solad Mix 29c Juicy, Tangy Tangeloes White Meat Grapefruit Fresh Spinoch or Kale Fresh Ripe Slrawberries 12 M 39c 5 iS, 59c 2 r 43e ’•ilf 17c .tain S«>f'ttiint Sonnjffiold Hour C«*4 nicO Aaa S«ii» Chichen Koodie t f Vbl«« M AM Early Jena Feas c:: 24e All Parpt% At. Cr.0. "A** Whole Tor.ialoes V:: 29c SkM Aon Str v«i«ct Pnirina Dog Chon$1.57 •If Vatu* On Dally Cat Fcod 'I?: t2e C*aO*nM4 Ann f*0* Tomato Souii ' Alta Pat*—AH l*r*a Cake Mixes ASP—Aaa f*«* Com Oil fura Vaf«iabl* dexola Oil AH ruro.i. H&P Cold Crsam Atr braaO, WhM* PotroloHRi Jolly I2e leVk-Of. Can ’«• 33e 8;:: 86o 14-0* RO- rin*# Oioun MOon 100% BRAZILIAN 'S-U’clOG iRStanf Cof *29® 69c 99e A&P ChI Cora X- 2?: X 6Se **Otir ftaaiT o«*arr" rMw« A&P Loaf Spinach '^MSe CMai* riooi Al ri««*f* Boidoa leo Milk Snad.l On Marie* ParkorboHso Ro'Is S#«(lal HHm On Morloi Pio Cmsis Ce/tan 100% BRAZItfAM $1Xil 3 JCr. Pkfo. » ttat f He* Oa erieo Rolls •wmnnHb or litM UoL. Plllsbary Bisenifs CiAnawan Or Oranfa 28e 43o *V.V 8Sc APPRECIATION VALUE! LIMIT ONE WITH $5.00 OR MORE ORDER—AtP BRAND Aon f«te Hiire rnrit Grape Jam or JcHy Ana P*pe RfoeaSiv or Foanirt BoHor 6So '"j?,'- 49e CAOtim ^.-eund si .Si tU C4f UM KiAp Stia Only iSBBOi® Crisco Shortening Prkes IHcetlva Only With This Caupan f.* I wS*., = IJoy^L 87 W>rh $5 00 Or Mara OrJof TEDDY BEAR OFFER Wi’fheat Caapan Yov Par 4Vc Vai4 AHor S^rJay, Doc. 4tli B&t. Sea biapUy for Oelaiti # l!i PcIfT Cai^—r Okl ftftl* tgg tlOg a l.a ItM^rccLa KM.tMry ftiP Egg tf*S a ft(i. V.i.U* 6'ar=d Piusipp! a t*4 cr a M« a Y«M C.'-alof •{ a Vru- i Lji Enghsli Vf5l:iu!s a rftact, Cs*.« ir.ixcd KrIs AtP Mr* lialOa* laiae->Aaa Pa»a Biifcl^ed Saga Aor r*r Ana r < ^ Fympktu Pia 799 Lb. ■ ' -dl

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