Page 6 THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Snowmobiling Safety Tips fife Given OHTCA'JO. A n(sv -h i' for Chri-slmas an.l a sn. i.vriiarila K(!e could be a deadly ronvbinalion. In Wls'caiifin year, .'n 11- year«ld boy suffered partial stran/gulation wiien the long wool scarf he was wearing w'hile snow mobiling wrapped aiTun-l the ma- chine’s spinning 'flywheel pulley. A 12-yearold girl wasn’t as fortunate she was sttangled to death when her s -arf caught in the flywheel of the snowmobile she was riding. Here’s advice given by the .V.i- tional Safely Council: Ta enjoy snowna'i'jiling .safely, dress icom- fortaibly' for wind and conditions — but avoid wea:ing long scarves or other loose-'h- tlng apparel which may heoame entan It'd in inuving pans of the m'achine. The council recommends the folhiwing prnir. live wear: , —Q>,iter apparel should he warm, windprocf, and ualer re sistant- -yet light and siiffiiient- ly fle.xible so as not lo imp:'de movement. E.\lra layers of cl dh- ing may be worn for additional warmth. —-Tucjues anri other warm head- wenr will protect ears, noel; and entire face if necessary, hut ap proved helmets are recommend ed- I Hoy D. Baldoclc Completes Training j (FliiNC) GItEaVl' LAKK3, ILL., .\ot. 3J — -Navy icaman Appren- ute ILy D. daldock, c. lli.n St., li, .-si.iiier city, o. C., gra-aua,ti d iiM.n oasie tiaining at '.he iNuval li'.iin.iig ilenlei' at Clreat Lakes, 111. Ll'THTflK GitOCLaiES In the late 1910’s it took more than 1,900 pounds of groceries just lo supply one person with food for a year. We’re carrying a loud about 100 pjunds lighter today, thanks in part to in creased food processiing. A can of frozen orange juice, for instance, weighs mu; h less than a dozen fresh orange-s. In- :;tant products weigh less than the regular ones potatoes for 0.’ ir :cTc. We are carrying home less weight but eatinc mare food these tliese days. -Insulated -boot.s and r'itts are designed for warnth- Milts .sliotild permit free ol-cration of snowmoliile controls. —flrrgles or lie'met atla' hed vi.s-or with changeable lenses fo-r varying sun conditions proviide lace and eye protection. Da not wear apparel whl'b cci'd get caught in mav’r'; narls <-f tiie snowmobile and cause in jury or death. I Home Trash Compacter Is Approved iRAlLElIiCSH. — The home trash compacter is two years old now and appears to be here to stay. 'The compacter didn’t take off so quickly as other new appliances—partly because of a relatively high pricetag and part ly because many homemakers jiost didn't see a need for it. But the focus on trash as an env.joumemal polluter has changed many opinions as to its need. The trash masher reduces the bulk of trash to one-fourth Its oiiginal size, explain extension home management specialists. North Carolina State University. i Ills means it takes up less space both in tire home and at the dis posal site. Many communities are now re- (luiiing that trash be left at the (U'.b for pickup, and homemak ers find the compacted trash Is less trouble to carry out. 3i.\ appliance- nranufacturers now offer trash compacters as part of their line, and a seventh will dntroduce a model next year. In adiliti-on some Ian e mail-or der chains offer thair cwn mod els. Scime other manufacturers of hou.scwares and hardware also have Iheir own models. So there are many styles to choose from. Wachovia North CrroUna Buainoss Indea 95 85 75 n’t. Ort, 71 - llSJlp S»pt., 71 - llS.4r Aug, 71 - 114.6 Oet, 70 - IIXJ 1117-1M Ad)Mt*d fw prien and aatMaal tariatioa Waebavta Bank B Tnist Campany, NX s Dial Direct To Mexico "IDo you know you can call | Mexico City iby dialing directly”; That’s whiat operators in many| narts of the country are telling i customers who -ask to be con- ^ necteo lo that city. ' ‘Introduced earliier this month, the new service is avaJlalble in \ locat'ions—mostly in the midwest | and west—where there Is . large calling volume to Mexico City. Other cities and towns through out the United States will ibe nble to dial the ci’ty directly by the end oif next year. In addition, there are plans to e.xpand t'.ie service to other Mexican dties. AT&T and Telefonos De Mex ico began discussin);. the possiibil- ity of direct dial serv.'ce be tween the U. S. and Mexiiico in 1960. Early talks centered on how to resolve differences In the numbering plans of the two countries. After looking at all possibilities, the companies sign- Slow Move Equipment Needs Sign Certoin farm and Industrial machinery must carry a ‘‘slow moving vehicle” (SCVIV) emlblem to be operated on the public roads and highways. This fluorescent eniblem with an' orange triangle and a dark red border is required by the Na tional 0.’'cupal'’''ral Sa'.ety ac-d (Health Act of 1970 as a safety measure. The emblem must be display ed on any vehicle designed to travel less than 23 miles per ho. r on piiblic roads and operate^ by hired employes. The law applies to Industrial as well as el ricul- turai equipment, according to E. Thursday, December 9,J97I ^ ” o” Beasley, agricultural exten- ^ sion engineer at JMorth Carolina StBte University. The emlblem, which is usual ly available at farm equipment stores, must be located on the rear of the equipment, centered where possible, at a height of three to five feet from the 'ground. It must be displayed both dry and night on puulic roads. iBeasley said the SMV emblem is only a supplement to night lighting and side reflector re quirements for slow moving ve hicles. The emblems cannot be used on tr.icks, cars or any vehicle with a ma.'dmum potential speed ' above 25 miles per hour. And It cannot be used on staUonary ob jects or bicycles. ed a memorandum of agreemert in loss said R. B. Moore, local local telephone manager. NEW PRODUCTS About 1,500 new food prod ucts will appear on grocers’ shelves ao.icss the country this year. ’65 ’67 Tlifek Mmt Tiis leCeso Im Buy Yovi IkrA Tuili 01 01! ® Gsislity MCB'Ii Eoslmg Oil ® ©Kff "E'Sep Fill" Dcisvery © Ths MOBIL iKmcrSICiSnsf ® Oils: Metesed DcHvcirlss WE DSLEVSa TO YOUR HOS5E 50 GALLONS AND UP CALL JIM ALEXANDER OR JULIUS BURTON CITY ICE, COAL & 811 CSMPflNY PHONE 739-4231 CITY STREET $200 FHA 235 PROGRAM BUY A NEW HOME FOR AS LOW AS S18.650 i TOTAL PRICB 30 year mdrtgaga - 360 payments Annual percentage rate 7^ OPEN EVERY DAY 1-8 ASHBRC8K I’MK Ashbrook Park is the prettiest part of town. Space. Comfort. Larfre, prety lot. They’re all yours in Ash brook Park... a very special place to live. Waco Road. Just Beyond Temple Park—Turn Right on Sterling Drive You don't need much money. There's, nothing like a National home for living space . . . beauty .. . quality. All priced to meet practically any budget It's better than paying rent I Timber>Loke Builders. Inc. sterling Drive Kings Mountain, N. C. Telephone 739-490G ButMeri of 31 Yean el UodenMp MORE FAMILIES LIVE ir.iAvNATIONAL-HOMI THAN ANY OTHER HOME IN THE WORLD Deport Shews Cotton Market fidivity Oti Cotton market activity was off sharply last week, mill prices were- mostly steady and producer prices finm. North Carolina har vest moved past the two-t’ irds comiplcfed 'mark but was halted 'by rain after Tuesday, according to E. M. Stallings. Extension Econ- mist, Ncrth Carolina State Univer sity. ‘•Pru.Tipf and forward delivery sales by merchants to mills were down during fhe week,” says Stal lings. Mill inquiries remained higii, but some merchants were reluctant to sell. This was partly due to the scarcity of available producer cotton and its slightly higher price. Producer cotton was in good demand at mostly 2S.50 to 30.00 cents per pound gin run and 850 to 1150 paints over CCC lean rates. M'any producers ate selling, while others are holding until harvest is completed.” E. C. Hanson, cf the Raleigh Cot ton Classing Office, reports that 81,000 bale samples had 'been classed tbreugh Friday, Novem ber 26, and 13,661 during last week. Of the samples classed to date 76 percent were White, 17 'per cent Spotted and 4 percent Light Gr.aj'. The meet prevalent grade was Low Middling White for 47 pcrceni., bolloA-ed by Strict Low Middling White for 21, Middling Light Spotted for 10 and Strict Low Middling Light Shotted for 7 percent. Fiber streng-h has aver aged 79,000 pounds per square inch and fineness and maturity oi fibers show 93 percent in the desirable micronaire range of 3.5- 4.9. An excellent 97 percent has measured 1 1/16 inches and long er sttrble and 44 percent 1.3/32 inches ad longer. Samples classed last week showed slightly more White cotton, slightly shorter sta ple and slightly lower grade than the week beiore. Stallings £i ates that stocks of cotton at nvills on Cctober 30 to taled 1,032,000 bales or 182,000 less than a month earlier. 158,000 above last year and aibout a 7- wet.k supply. Cc'.lcn in public storage on October 30 was 3,971,000 bales. This is tihe smal lest for any similar date since 1923 and compares vyith 5,431,000 bales a year earlier. "Producers will receive notice of their 1972 cotton allotments a- CHI KEVrOYA Ever heara of 'cherimoya? It’s a dark green and scaly-Iooking fruit on the outside but has firm ! white flesh and black seeds in- | side. I It’s a subtropical fn ft grown I in California, explains 'Mrs. iRidby Uzzle, extenaon consumer marketing economist, N. C. State University. ’69 ’70 * ’71 round December 15. The amount will be about the same as for 1971. Sign-up dates are from Jan uary 17 threugh February 25 and preliminary payments -will be made so-'-n af'rr .Tuly 1 at 15 rents per pound,” Stallings adds. "Since 1971 production will be used in determining farm yields, it is very iTn-portant that growers sub mit an accurate record ito the county A3CS office ag scon ‘as har vest is comipleted. Planting of at least 90 ipercent of the allotment is required for full payments.” SHOE SilZES Shoe sizes are determined in numibers 'for length and letters for width. The difference between each numbered size is minute only one-sixth to onc-eigth inch, but it can seem mount'aiincus when it comes to correct fit. Subscribe To The HERALD THIS LITTLE MACHINE SAI/ESALCTOEWEAR AND TEAR ON THIS BIG ONE. Your tele|)lione nitikos you litsicr, strongeruiitl more ctimforttihle. It siives’you time, trouble, anguish anti ex[-)ense every thiy. It cities all this for you at ;in amazingly small eosi. Clever, as big m;icliines. Southern Bell Before you finance, before you sign anything, go to First-Citizens Bank. N A Gift of Note Ambassador decoratad nota papers... parfiet for thank- | you’s, i-ivltatioRS end ether pleasant t lousnts! | Kings Mountain .Drug Company Always see First-Citizens first for low bank rate loan's. Finance new cars, used cars, boats, motors, color television sets and other major purchases at any First-Citizens office. % ib. FIRST-CITIZENS BANK >fHir account. believe in >€iul F D I C £ F r«-Cr|iMn« BonK * Truol Ctxnpwty IBOS *