>71 Kings ( stmas It tlie lastor lists si Icr- 1 i>ac- now. mail) - -VlaiJ in. acting ircis )ec. 10 )eo. 15 )ec. 22 >ec. 5 >?c. 15 • Texas Rites Unite Pair; January Date Set; Holiday Parties Underway; Club Events Set Hand tills .SPC- •k.iow- liom I h is funds icdical >c Me- tionts ispital- r of isurcr. NCE" : Ord. VS i2 S1.25 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Herman Gun ter of Leesburg, South Caroifna have announced the enga'gement and approaohing marriage of their dacighter, Thelma Ralbon, to Airman First Class Samuel Rjaivon Proctor ol Kings Moun tain. The ibridegroomelect is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Proc tor of Kings Mountain. Miss Gunter is a graduate of Dixon 4-H'ers Achlevennent Night Saturday' At 6 Ciixon Community tiH'ers will be presented Achievement A- wards and insetall now ifficers at a fiovered dish supper Satur day evening at 6 p. m. in the fellowship hall of Dixon Pres byterian church. Junior and Senior 4 H’ers will 'be presented awards. Mrs. Bud Greene is leader of the 4-H clifb. Lees'burg high school and is pres ently attending Medical Univer sity of South Carolina at Char leston. Airman Proctor is a graduate <iif Kin s Mountain higli school and is serving with the United States Air Force in Charleston, South Carolina. The wedding will be an event of January 9th at 2 p. m. in Mor rison United Methodist church It's A Girl , For Colvin Family Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Lee Col vin of 494 North Boyd street, Gastonia, announce the arrival cf their first child, a daughter. Page Rene Colvin, Decem'ber 7th, Gaston Memorial hospital. The baby weighed six pounds, 13 ounces. She is the grandd'aughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nolen of 208 Katherine street in Kira s Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis Colvin of 124 Hillside Drive in Bessemer City. j Easy Holiday Elegance MRS. JOHN THOMAS GARRETT (Judith Annette Tallon) 9). Emmanuel Episcopal church of San Angelo, Texas was the set ting Novemiber 26th for the wed ding of Miss Judith Annette Tai- Ion and John Thomas Garrett. The bride, da 'gbler of Mr and Mrs. W. G. Tallon. is grand- daul ihter of Mr. and Mrs. T. VV Shytle of Kings Mountain. The bride’s mother is the former Juanita Shytle of Kings Moun tain Rev. Morris Elliott, Rector, of ficiated at the ceremony for whiith nuptial music was provid ed by James O. Stinnett, organ ist, and James Thomias, soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal wedding gown of white ’■eau de soie and lace featuring 'an em pire boflice with high ruffled collar, ■ long, full sleeves with wide, buttoned cuffs and A-llne skirt with Chapel train. She yore a mai’ching mantilla and parried a bouquet centered by a while orchid showered with rib bon streamers. The dress was designed by the bride’s sister, Auxiliary Party Held Thursday Members of American Legion Post 135 Auxiliary and Warren F. Hoyle Post Auxiliary of Shel by held a Christmas party Thurs day evening at the American Le gion building. The 'Legion Hali was decorat ed for Christmas with a decorat ed green tree on either side of the bandstand and gold and green swags, hurricane lam,"s and wreaths vsed decoratively throughout the area. The refreshment table was overlaid with a white linen cloth and held a central arran';ement of red catKlles and holly \vith hurricane lamps on either side. Parly refreshments were served with red punch by Mrs. J. E. Mauney and Mrs. Leona Eite, ■co-chajirmen of the hostess com- niilteo, assisted by President Elii'aibelh Stewart, Mrs. Oran- grel Jolly, Mrs. Bessie Beam and Mrs. Jackie D. Barrett. Cliristmas favors were present ed in the form of door prizes. ■Prior to the party, a short business meeting and program was hold. John W. Gladden, a Vast commander of the local post, ^[•■oke on "Veterans Affairs and Heliabililation” on program ar ranged by Mrs. J. E. Mauney. iMrs. Paul Mauney introduced ■Mr. Gliidden. Mrs. Gladden gave the devotional. Miss Vikki Tallon, ntaid of honor for her sister. Nolan Getrrett, brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Ronnie Harrison and James Pat terson served as ushers. The bride’s parents entertained after the ceremony at a recep tion in the Parrish Ball. Assist ing in receiving and entertaining were Mrs. Ronnie Harrison, Mrs. James Patterson Mrs. James Themas, Miss Carol Woeppel. and Miss Linda Woeppel of San Antonio. The bride is a nursing major at Angelo State University. Her husband, also an ASU senior, is a member of Alf-ha Kappa Lambda and is chief jus .ce of ASU’s student body court. He is son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W-Gar rett of San Angelo. The newlyweds have returned from a wedding trip to B'lj Spring, Texas and are at home at 1S15 Fillmore Apartment 11, in San Angelo. The bridegroom’s parents were hosts for the rehearsal dinner held in the Candlelight Room of Rio Oonoho Manor ‘in San An gelo. Glaze small onions with butter, brown sugar and roasted diced almonds for an ideal turkey accompaniment. So easy, so elegant! If your food store doesn’t carry roasted diced almonds, buy whole natural almonds (skins on), chop coarsely and roast m an oiled or buttered pan for about 1 minutes at 350 degrees. Glazed Onions Almondine lbs. small white onions, 2 tablespoons brown sugar peeled ^ .j % cup roasted diced almonds 3 tablespoons butter Cook onions in boiling salted water until fork-tender (about 25 mmutra). Drain well. In saucepan, combine butter, brown sugar and almonds. Cook, stirring occasionally, until butter and sugar are melted. Add onions and heat through, turning to glaze. Makes 5 or 6 servings. Holiday events are underway or being planned by Kings Mountain citizens as private and club parties are planned during the next tew weeks. Senior Citizens club members will be guests of the Woman's club at a Christmas party and covered dish luncheon Friday at noon at the Woman's club. Christmas music by the Kings Mountain high school Chorus will feature the program. Mrs. J. N. McClure and Mrs. Ben T. Goforth .are Chorus directors. * ♦ ♦ ♦ Members of the Church Council and congrega tion of Sf. Matthew's Lutheran church will honor their pastor, Rev. Charles W; Easley, Mrs. Easley and family at a reception Sunday, December 19th, in the church fellowship hall. Friends in the community are invited to call be tween 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. The Easleys are moving in January to Albemarle where Rev. Mr. Easley has accepted a new pastorate. * » « * Members of the Kings Mountain Police Auxiliary will install new officers at their Monday night meeting at 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. David Corn on Wilson street. Mrs. J. D. Barrett is program chairman. * * ♦ * Miss Jessie Ann Wingo, Cleveland County home ovlension aoont. "'ill n'^osorf a n’^o'-’-am Perorations" at Thursday's meeting of the Junior Woman's club at 7:30 p.m. at the Woman's clu'b. The program was rescheduled because of bad v.'oather. Miss V/ingo will demonstrate a variety of easy- to-mal-e Christmas gifts and decorations. The interested oubllc is invited to attend. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Price of Kings Mountain announce the enganement of their daughter, Gail Franklin, to Thomas Neal Metcalf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Met' alt of Bessemer City. A Janu'iry wedding Is planned. The bride-elect is a graduate of Kings Mountain high school and is employed by Carlton Yarn Mill of Kings 'Mountain. The prospective bridegroom attended Bessemer City high '.chool and is employed by Fredcrickson Motor Express Company in Charlotte. COMINGS AND GOINGS Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Thornburg and children, David and Francene, returned home Thursday from a trip to the Holy Land and Greece.’ Mr. Thornburg was tour host tor a group of 40 people. The Thornburgs, formerly of Kings Mountain, now live In Winston Salem where Rev. Thornburg is pastor of Edgewood Baptist church. ABOUT THIS N'THAT Michael Shane Farris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farris, celebrated his second birthday Wednesday at a small family party at his home on Bethle'herri road. Shane’s decorated birthday cake was cut and served with party refreshments. Young Farris is grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Ross and Mrs. Walter Farris and the late Mr. Farris, all of Kings Mountain. He is great-grandson of Mrs. W. R. Lovelace and Mrs. E. Z. Ross, both of Kings Mountain. His mother is the former Linda Ross. Children present for party fun were Rhonda, Rod ney and Regina Ross. Katherine Ervin Is Third Runner-Up For Carolines Carrcjcel 71 Queen Kings Mfmntain’s Carrousel Princess - --Katherine Ervin— was third runner up to q -aen C."rrouE!tl in th'C T.'ianltsgiving Day event in Ciiarlotto. T.l'ss Ervin is a high school senior. She was one c'f 33 high ‘'•'.'h-ool senior girls ccn’.peiiir,^. for the title. A sell 'ol .spokesman said -Miss Ervin is the first Kings Mean- tain entry to pl.-i-co in the finals in the Carclinas Carrousel. KATHERINE ERVIN LSY a WM MOW FOB CHBISTMM Toys - Sporting Goods - Appliances Bicycles Make WESTERN AUTO Youi One Stop 'em ~K. SOCIAL CALENDAR IMr.s. Paul Mauney. Thiirsdnii: ’ 7:30 Ttiwn and Country Gar den club at the home of Mrs. Fred Finger. 7.30 — Junior Woman’s e'ub at the Woman's club. Christmas lirogram by Miss Jessie Wingo, Cleveland C'lunty home eonno- mlsl. Mrs. Bdll Smylie, hostess. 7:30 Kings Mountain Little Theatre in the Conference Room of Kings Mountain Rsvins's and Lean Association on West Moun tain street. Saliirday 6:00-- Dixon Community 4-41 Club Achievement Nl'ht cover ed dish supper and installation of oHicers at Dixon Presbyterian ch- rch. e:,30_ o'rele 1 of Dixon Jres- bylerlan church at the home of Momiiiij: ^ 7:00 — Kings IMr>unt"''n Auxiliarv at the home of 'Mrs. IDs "id Vorn on Wilson street. » Iosfall.stion Of officers. Wednesday 10:0') ■ -Ladi'es bridge luncheon at the Couintry 'club. SECTION B THE KINGS McClains To Note 1 Golden Weddihg 'Day 1 Kings Mountain friends have been issued invitations to at tend the golden wedding anniver sary receptdon honoririj Mr. add Mrs. Ernest Carl McClain of Shelby. Mr. McClain is a former man ager of Sterchl Furniture of Kings Miountain. The reception will be given by children of Mr. and Mrs. Mc Clain from 2:30 until 4:30 p. m. December 26th in the fellowship hall of Elizabeth Baptiist church. MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Christmas Is Sew Soon, and Bodysuits Plus Ingenuity Equal Stunning Costumes Thursday, December 9, 1971 Dare to be creative with your tie neckband, made from IHoliday wardixube this year! You can make your own ma gical party or at-home costume in little miore tlian an hour with a basis iicxiysuit, a yard or so of fatori'c, and some paste-on holi day trim.... the kind you’ll find in your Yule or sewing sho;-'. The results will be completely original - and stunning! . 'These three basis designs from the National Association of Hos iery Manufacturers will lielp mood distinctively her own. The real ibeauty in these mer ry mood-makers is their simpli city. Few, if any, patterns and the vpry little time requireu. Clirisdiiiiis gifts \jfi*oiii Lane® 'L Pick from early american, contemporary, or Spanish designed Sweetheart Chests. A — ^4052-04 maple*/ self-rising iray-45*17xl9H. B —«r40?1-88 pecan*, molded styrene accents, base drawer; olso: 4091-23 ook‘—44x16x19'4H. C —^4066*44 walnut*— 48'^x16%x20!xH. ed willi a spnl; of liolly. The bare- ^ i,odyf,.dt! waistband matcral :s spotlight- 3,, look evening sandal is suggested jppaj.f. for this elegant enseirable. ^t^pt-ch yarns "The Modieva! Look’’ make possible a g:)o<l fit for both The ".Medieval Look” can bring the petite or mature silhouette, conlui'ies, of Christmas tradition After the holidays, you can to this year’s party! The bodysuit, in either spark ling metallic thi-cad, ora basis s;;Md color allows the simp!e-to make tunic stand out in bold re lief. In maxi or mini length, this you get started but the varia- especially easy to make litvinc Q»v» nc nnHl/vcc nc voiiv .7 Sewing Classes Are Slated ; Winter sewing classes spon sored by the Kings Mountain high school Home Econiomlcs department and Cleveland Tech nical Institute will begin Janu ary 3 ad adults are asked to pre register no(w. 'Dressmaking and beginner sewing classes will open on Jauarv 3 and dressmaking class es will open on January 3 and dressmaking classes will also be held beginning January 4th with classes from 6 until 9 pi m. Adults may pre-register by telephoning 739-3794. lions are .as endless as your own imagination. "Sassy Santa” A bold ribbed ibodystocking in green sets the Santa scene. The mini wrap around and Santa hat are fashioned from red velvet. B-V-thc-yard bunny fur circles the skirt hem, neckline, and wrists. combine the same bodysuit with skirts, pantsuits, and hotP'ar.ts» Rotarlans To Fete Wives At Banquet 'Kings Mountain Rotari.ms e>. 'from felt (available in all col ors), whicli requires no licm or will lioiior (iielr wives at a ladies lining. Neither d<x>s he bold, night holiday banquet Thursday draping belt of rustic suede. Trim evening at 7 o’clock at the Coun- the tunic wilii contrasting or me- try elifb. tallic braid and an appli'iue de- 'Bob Goforth Is program sign. chairman for the evening’s en- The truly creative woman can tertainment. ^ , , J . . even faslii<in a pair of medieval Christmas gifts will be ox- (A circular red cape and^rin- s^pp^rs from the belt-fabric and changed by the guests attend- k e-patent boots could aewntu- ^ ^ ate this simple put-together.) Add some Christmas bcils to the tie-belt and Miss Santa can ring her chimes at any holiday e- vent! 'At Home’ Country Club Party Is Saturciay, Dec. 18 Cotillion Club Partv Is Frltday, Dec. 17 Country Club memlliers ’ will The Country cVb has bci'n The “TtHome Lot^k” is ideal dine and dance at the tradition- decorated for the holidays in for relaxed neighborhood gafh- al Chrisimas dinner-dance on Christmas green and red with a erings or intimate holiday din- Saturay, December ISIh. cany cane decorated green ners. A lacy or textured body- Members of the Cotillion- club tree in the entrance hail. Swags suit is given an accent of luxury have scheduled their annual of greenery enhanced by red with a plii'sh velvet skirt slit up formal dinner-dan'ce at the bows, miistletoe and traditional the side and highlighted with a Countrv Club on Friday, Decern- decoiatlons enhance the dining contrasting waistband. The lit- 'ber 17th. room and foyer. If you're really in love with that special girl give her a gift that tells it like it is. A Lane Sweetheart Chest. Right now our selection, is at Its holiday peak and our prices will con vince you it's truly more blessed to give! ^ * fine veneers and select hardwood solids Cooper Furniture no S. RAILROAD AVE. PHONE 739-2581

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