Population Treater Kings Mountain ^1,914 City Limits 8j465 ... OrMtor Kugs Motmtdia fifura If Of* IS* •p*eirl Unltfd StatM BurMm pI tb# C«aftUf WW* • Jouorv IMt. flM iBCludM «»• lM*0 • Sumbw 4 TowB^« «Bd ts» t,l»4 pm bambM 5 Towaihlp. la ClTfioad Couatr tfl*'* Mmiotcda TowBfMa ia Ooitoa Ooatfi Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper 16 Pages Today Plus 8-Page Tabloid Supplement VOL 82 NO. 50 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N./C., Thursday, December 16, 1971 Eighty-Second Year PRICE TEN CENTS New Assessment Policies To Cost Developers,Citizens ndusiry Holidays Start Wednesday §) ___ _ Bonuses, Gilts Water Contracts Are Authorized Broyhill Seeking Sixth House Term f 19 City Wm Buy Herndon Line Per 1S66 Pact The city commission Monday n ,,.il tjC'-i .several actions to sup- l'i> r<:.-v‘C;ncr City with up to C..;) ^all. ns of w^ter per day, \vl;.vli at muimuin use will re- ti.iii ti) the t'ily approximately §.'11,000 i-'cr yoar. I.i Cl U i, the cwmmisgion: 1) \ >u*d to acquire, per 1966 a:;;wv:Tient. tihe 14-imh water line r. m ci y limits to Kings Moun* t. iii IiKlu. trial Park from J. E. lle.ii'lon CL.n^.any. Purchase price is §:21,lt>:5 \s. erst price ol $27,416 U!ia repie-senting depreemtion ol 2.5 percent per year. The city will pay one-1 bird the cost in fiscal 1972-73, and the remaining tiwo- tlti.ds in llscal 1973-74. 2) Aulhorizcd signing of con tract with Gaston (Jounty wihddh as fundiiut the 12-inch line to be from take*0(ff point to the PesKCThcr City boundaries, l ie contract stipulates a scale of lap fet'.s returnable to Gaston ; Hinly until ihree-fourths of Gas- ion’.-. line cost is repa'id. 3) AiUhorizos oxcjcution of con tra a wiiiMi Bessemer City in the c.jntract’s final legal form for delivery of Ih water, speteifying ll’.at the contract shall cover a lvVw->ear period and requiring a y< ar’s noiiee in advance of serv ile' lerminution by Kings Moun- -lain. ODier contract speoifications: a $11)00 minimum monthly charge to Bess('m'er City and agrec»inenit by Be.ssemer City to s<'ll no water for less than the 37.4 per 1000 gallons it will poy Kings Moun tain. The contra .'t will detail tap- ] ing rights of Kings Mountain fi m take-off point east to Lewis Contintud On Page Eight Representative Ends Speculation On Senate Bid Congressman James T. Broy- •hill CHdOlh Disir'ict) last week PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Mc Gill hos been elected Chief of the Medical Staff of ICings Mountoin hospital for the com ing year. Medkal Staff Taitt McGHl Kings Mountain industrial em ployees could look forward this week to OlTristmos Iiolidays and some could anticipate some ex tra Christmas cash in the form of gift checks. Holidays will vary^from -two to 10 days, soino beginning Wednes day. Some firms will write Christ mas /Iiecks to employees of five years or more service to receive four percent of earnings and em- plioyccs with loss service to two percent of earnings. Some companies will present ifiied with the North Caiyjlina gifts to employees in the form of (Board of Elections for re-elec- gift certtficates, turkeys or hams, tion to the United States House Several firms arc planning Representatives. The Lenoir plant parties and dinners. legislator is seeking his sixth Longest holiday will be observ- the U. S. Congress. ^ by employees of Mauney Ho^ Broyhill was first elected to lery Mills where the plant will Congress in 1962 in the old 9th close on Wedn^day. reej^ning re-districting in on January 3. Bonuses ai.U gifts Will be presented to employees *’ ^ muu and the annual plant party will was placed in the lOlh dis- be held on next Thursday night at the American Legion build- At the time of filing Broyhill ing, states, ‘•ConVinued service in the Carolina Throwing Company 'House adds to a member’s in'fiu- omployces will observe the holi- ence, knoiw'ledge and responsibil- days from Wednesday at 7 a.m. ity. My additionai seniority in until Monday moming at 7. Bon- oommiltee and in the House can uses and gifts will be presenhd -be an advantaige for the people to employees. The annual plarrt of the district, Also, as I seek party for cmiployecS and their another cjongressional term, I families will be held on Wednes- want to continue my practice of day evening at Hie American Le- Pilose contact with the peole I gion building. Bonuses and gift win bt presented employees of Mauney Mills. This firm will icli>r>e on Tue.sday, reopening on Decem ber 28th. Oxford Industries will cease operaitions at 12 noon on Thuns- day, Dec. 23, reopening after the Other now dfficers are Dr. holidays on January 3. Employees in Thomas G. ‘Durham, ylce-^presi- vvili be invited to choose their them \ . dent, succeeding Dr. Sam Robin- own Ohiristmas prensent frdm a Dr. John C. MioGill, senior partner in MdGill Clinic, has been elected Cliiof of the Medical Staff of Kiirg-s Mountain hospi tal. The Kings Mountain medical doctor succeeds Dr. Charles 'Adams as president for 1972-73. son; and Dr. Frank Sincox, sfv* etary-treasurer, succeectthg Dr. Joe Lee. The new officers were elected at the annual meeting Monday. Band Concert Thuisday7:45 KETIilES — S/Sgt. Ray Carroll hOR retired froxn theJUSAF alter a 20 year tourl^ duty. A Chriistn®* iconcert by the bands of Kings 'Mountain high school and Central Jainior high school eighth and ninth grades will be presented Thursday, De- cem'ber 16th, at 7:45 p. m. in Central school auditorium. There is no admission charge. Director Donald Deal said the 78-paeoe KIMIHS band would play a nunDber of standard band numbers 5n additional to season al music. He said the eighth and ninth grade bands would also I)enform. Director Deal said 15 high school bandsmen have been se lected on basis of individual audi tion to peitform w*ith the All State band at Ashtorook auditor- dum in Gastonia in Jamary. Hhey arelrelou Easley, Joe Deal, Deb bie Lee, Meredith MieGill, David Stone, Duan Deal, Diane Bolin, GJenn Harmon, Thomas Hinton, Lou Bryat Vickie Hulckey, Jane Talbert, Glenn Stawles, Gene Mc Clain and 'Doug Bell. catalog an-d bonuses will bo ipaid in the form of paid holidviys for eligible cmployew. Those with five years or more service will receive a week’s pay. All em ployees will bo treated to a din ner on December 23rd at the pla:it and office employees ^nd supervisors will liold a party at tile Community Center tonight. Bmpioyees of Phonix l^ant ol 'Burlington In'dustrit*s will obseiv'c the holidays fr- -m Wcdm'.s<Iay thirougth Decemb(*r 2()t'!i, reoiiening on .Monday. Bon-use.s will Ix' paid employees bast'd on length of service. Christma.s treat bags will also be presenttKl, o.s customary, to children of employt'es. K (Mills will cJose at 7 a.m. Christmas Eve, reopening at 11 p.m. Sunday, December 2oth. Gift certificates wild be presented to employees. Canoll B^etires FramUSAFDuty WSCS Service Monday At 7:30 /Sg' . Kay Carroll, Kings Moun tain native and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ii A'iii C’arr':ll of Kings Creek, S. C., iias I'ctired from 'the USAF a i. .. 2.1 yi ai's serv’’ic,e duty. ' .irrell erved as art air police man in D . cr, Delaware, Kaciena, Oldnawa. Vietnam, Shaw AFB, Srln or, S. C. and Fairchild APB, WaJ / >3lon. He took his basic iiainin^ at Lackland AFB in San Antonk, Icxa.s. The Cai rolls moved recently from Scaittle, Washington, to Sum- 6. C. wlicrt? they had lived . meving to Washington sev eral years ago. Mrs. Carroll is the 1 ncr Gcrlrude Farris of the l.'Won cG.Tim-unily and they are j Mcnts r? two sc-n.s: Edwin, age 17: an.l Timmy, age 12. Mrs. Car- I 11 ij-' tJie daughter rf Mrs. Wal- ^tc.- C. rU C- King? Mountain Jiv I t’-'f' la'e Mr. Farris. In F.’*n!cr, 3. C, the CarroWs r e n"*^ivr in ILdtory Road Bap tist church. -New officers of the (Women’s Society of Christian Service will 'be installed Monday night at 7:30 in a candlelight service at Cen tral United Methodist churdh. A fellowship hour will be held after the service. second shift on Wednesday, rc- opc'ning on December 27th at 7 a;m. Gifts will be presented to employees. Sadie Colton Mills will close at 6 a.m. on Christmas Eve and some operations will not cea.se during the holidays, said a plant spokesman. Full operations will resume on Sunday, January 2. Bonuses, based on length of serv ice and earnings, and gifts will be presented all employees. Kinder Manufacturing Company will observe a two-day holiday, Oliristmas Eve and Christmas Day, and will also close on Nc^v Year’s Eve and Nt'w Year’s Day. Bonus payments will be made. Kings Mill will close for the holidays at the end of the sw- ond Shift on Thursday, reopening on Sunday at the beginning of Che third shift at 9 o’clock. Several firms had not yet com pleted holiday schedules and these will be announced next week. American legion Christmas Party For Needy Children Sunday 12:30 American Legion Post 155 will sponsor Its annual Christmas party for needy children Sunday ait 12:30 at the American Legion building. Manager W. D. Morrison said that the party will be for chil dren only. Parents will not be permitted inaide the building. Transportation will be furnished if needed. Morrison said children must have a titket In order tb be ad mitted. The tBckets are being dis tributed to Che needy children through the schools. Santa Olaus, of course will be on hand to di.stribute treats and gifts to the kids. Gas Service Calls Are Set at $5 Serviw calls b>' the city nat ural gas department now cost $5 according'to city commission action Monday night, when the servi'ce fault is not the city’s. The commi.ssion acix^pled this and other .service rec^mimenda- ■tions of Jerry White, gas sys- torn sup<’rintendent. Others: DA service man will be on call 24 hours daily, st'ven days per week. 2) The doparfment will in spect installations of private fir.ms. 3) I^rts will not be furnished by the department, 4) Spring cut-off and fall light-up policies remain the same. serve by use of personal visits, cortificates questionnaires and newsletters.” Broyhill continued, “The first duty of a congressman is to vote on legislation. But I also believe that the congressional office sliould be one of service. Thai is why 1 have always tried to make myself availaiblc to individuals to Tills prac- any way that I oan. lice will continue.” In commenting on speculatum that he mi!"ht seek statewide office, iBioyhili stated, ‘T have slated over and over that 1 will not be a candidate for statcAvide office. The reason that I am of ficially filing tliiis early is to put a slop to all rumors and specula tion about what I intend to do.” Tlie 10th district is made up of seven counties under the now con gressional district plan (Alex ander, Burke, C.aldwell, Cataw ba, Cleveland, Gaston and Wa tauga). In his five terms in con- gi'pss due to re-districting, Broy- 'hill has served IS Nortli Cajc- lina counties. He is presently sening on the powerful House Interstate and Foreign Commerce committee and is the senior minority mem- SEEKS RE-ELECnON — U. S. Congressman James T. Broyhill has filed for re-ele^ion to the U. S. House of Representatives. He seeks his sixth term. us 74 Staking Early In 72 Tht‘ west portion of the US 74 by-pass wili be put out to stak ing alter the first of the year, R. \V, .McGove-rn, chi<*f location en gineer of the State H.i‘'-hwav c >m- niission told the Herald Wednes day. Mr. McGowan volunteered, “We shall do our best to 'minimize property damage on the west seg ment.” He referred to prop(*rty o\Mic'r ciwnplaints on the western sc'g- ment ma'iped as Alternate II and which the li'igh-v\'ay department staff has recommendexi. The prtjposed route follows Hie same course as the original (now tagged Alternate I) first mappc'd in 19G5 to Cansler street, where Alternate II veers to the north. 16 Petitions Aze Remanded To Petitioners By MARTIN HARMON V Sixtwn petitions for street im- pn>\'<‘menfs, apnnn'ed by the oity commission on a “whon-and-if- funds-are-available” ^ basis, and n./t yet honon*ri, wwe rc*manded to petitioners Monday night for re-.‘5igning un l(*r new assc'ssrnent pdicies vvhic’ii will raise tlu? as- .'•cssment bilks considerably. Under terms cf the re.solirtion. the .si.vtc'en pi lilions will retain their priority positions if re-sub- mitleci undt'r the new policies pri or to July 1, 1972. Gl'ie.si unlto:t(j'rcd petition is for both ixivnig and curb-and- guttcT on Mi'admvbrook Read, frem Hillside Drive to dead end, ai>iac?\'i'd “when-and il” on June 15, 1967. Other 'P'ctitions outstanding and their appmval dates are: 12-30-68 — Mauney Avenue, Curb & Gutter 3-11-G9 — Williams Strtnd-Eclgo- mont Dead End, Paving 5-14-G9 — Henry Street, Paving- Curb & Gutter 610-6t) — Jolly Street - Maner - Fulton, Paving 7-2869 — Wateroak - Margrace to Ark, Curb & Gutter 10- U-69 — S. Gofor h - King ■ Mountain, Curb & Gvtter 9-9-70 — Bennett Drive - Ohe.sl- nut to Braneli, Curb Gutter 0-9-70 — Tineview - Crcsi'cnt Hill Road to En'd, Paving • Cum & GutU'r 5- 26-71 — Princeton, Paving - Curb & Gutter 6- 18-71 — Wilson • Falls • Mon ta Vista, Curb & Gutter C-IO-VO — I«\ilton Road - Mar- grace - 200 Blrjv-K, C urb & Gutter 4 28-70 — HilLside - Meadow- brotdi to Marion, Curb & Gult<v 6-18-70 — Falls - Wilson to Mon- ta Curb & Gutter 9-9-70 — Joyce • .Meadowlbrook to Hillside, (hirh K’ Gutler 11- 10-70 — Hemy' and Ellen- wood, Curb - Gutter and Paving. TO SEEK OFFICE — Roy Sow ers. Jr. formally announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant gov ernor Thursday. 'Neisco, Inc. will close with the iber of the Commerce and Finance subcommittee. Ho is also number two in seniority on the House Se lect Committee on Small Busi ness. nescr\es as Republican re gional whip for the southeastern states and has been unanimously elected by his colleagues ■ to rep resent tlie southeastern state's on the House Republican policy co-m- nvitlee. School Holiays ' Begin On Friday Christmas holidays Fr-'r .-tudimts and leaoh<'rs will begin with close of cla.ss('s on Friday. C’lasscs will resume on Januairy 3rd. Stores Open Later For Yule Shoppers Kings Moui>tain store's are re maining mx?n later to accommo date' Christmas shopi)ers. Stores are open eae-h evening until 8;30 p.m. until Christmas with Saturday' hours to be oi)- served on Christmas Eve by most merchants. Cline Motion Costs Him $360 Cemmi.s.‘?i*>ner Ray W. Cline, chairman of the street cewnmit- lee, e*ommente(i .Monday night as he moved am*ptaaee* of his ocmmiitee’s r<'i>ort greatly in creasing street improvcm<'nt as- scs.sments to properly owners, including those on 16 stn'ct.s already approved by the comi- mission: “It catehes me. too. I’m on one of those 16 petitions. Catch him it did, in the a- mount of $3(’>() differential on ha.sis c-f the most recent bid of $2.55 fier lineal foot for eurb- and-gutter. Conimissiom'r ('line owns 300 fet't of frontage on Fails street, wluVh would liave resulted in an asse.-«ment of $150. At $2.55 and two-thirds the cost, his bill will be $510. Roy Soweis Is Candidate Roy Sowers, Jr., a fonner Sanford manufacturing execu tive wlio lias held top slate jobs for the past three years, formal ly announced his candi<iacy for the Demcx'iallc no'iiiiMation for lieutenant governor Tiuirsday. The announcement trom Sow- el's, who resignc'd last week as secretary the newly created .State Ibepartment of Natural and Economic Resources, had been ex})octed for some time. Sowers, wlio had previously headed the State Department of Consorvat ion and Development, said he believes the people de serve a lieutenant governor “who is i:-nafraid to offer his of fice and leadership to legu^lation that is needed” and “a legislative leader willing to use the legisla tive process to build an economy in North Carolina tival offers opportunity for every working man and woman in our state.” A native ol Sanford, Sowei’S attended Cainpix?!! colk'ge and university in 1948 witli a degree graduated from Wake Forest in business administration. Yule Play Sunday At 7 A three - act Christmas play, “Christmas Stranger.” will Ik? presented Sunday night at 7 p. m. at D>ve Valley Baptist church. Tlie program is undc'r the di rection of Mrs. Ollie V’an Dyke. Following the pr-ogram, 'Santa Claus will piwent gifts and treats around u limited Cliristmas 1 roc. Rev. Earl Redding, pa.stor of the ’chuixMi, invites the interestt'd K-ommunity to join in the pixD- gram. Street Cost Improvements Revised Upward By MARTIN HARMON The (xxst to property owners ert city street improveunent.s — 'beth for develoiJers of reskk'ntial sub divisions and for projx*rly own ers of already developed areas — escalated con.siderabiy Monday night. The city com.mission awepted recommendations of its stceet eommittee to alter policies as follows: 1) For re.'^idi'iitial 'aib-divisions, deveh>;K'rs h^ Udlorlli will be re- quir<Hl to defray full costs of in stallation of curb-and-gutter and p.uing, with tiie extepLoi^s that th<> city will reinibur.se The d<^ v('li>|A.Ts for ])aving of street in- ter.'ectijcn,s and for the diffeience in paving c*usls over 40-focrt widtii. 2) For oUier property owners, the city has resurTu*d p.dicies of some yt'ai's ago. For jjaving, own ers on each side of a street willl pay one-third I'ach, the city pay ing (h<* remaining two-thirds. The City will pay for inter.-^ •-tions at .si.rtH'ts. For cur'o-and-gufl(‘‘r, Che owners will ])ay two-tliirds the co-xl, witli the city paying one- Ih’inl. The crsmmis.sion r<'s>lution fur- Ihej i-diclcd that 16 imj)rovem(*nt ix'lki.nis alri'adv aj)prin td t>e're- ni.'nulf.l t.) the petitioners for re- fx'iliojiing under the new pay ment s<*ht‘dule. Fouilcen of the 16 {M'tilions are for curb-and-guiler for whkrli the current ii.s.sessmei>t for .several years has been 50 cents {)er lineal foot. 'File mt)st recent contract re- (eiviNl by the city for <*urband- gutler. .sf^ngler & Soiis low bid der, wa.s for $2.55 per lineal foot. On basis of the most reetmt bid price, the owner of a IfXI-foot fruitage lot would now pay an aS'C's.-muuit of $165.35, compared 'to under M/ old iirivx'. 'File paving as.ses.sinenl has* been .56-cenits pt'r ifneal f(x>t for IS-faot wide streets, 60 cents pt*! 1\ >i for an 18-foot strip with burm. Paving a.-isessmonts will esoa- lat(' considerably, but c*omparison of the on<*-lhird figure to the flat clv.irgi* is difficult, since costs vary .soinewliat, depending on terrain. '1 lie d« vel<»per lias enjoyed the same a-s<-.ssment si-hedule iis the property owner in developed areas for Ix^th [kivTiTg aiid curb- andgmter. The dcw’elojx'r’s in- ci<‘a.ses will be far grt'ater in botli categories — but even more- Contiuudl Oa Page Eight Retailers report of morcliandise. ;ood selections Tlie Kings Mountain post office, n'porting a brisk business, re- minde<i patrons that the post oifice will be open all day Sat- urtlay. Children's Party Wednesday At 7 The annual Sunday School Christmas party will be held at i’irst Presibyterian church Wed nesday evening at 7 p. m. .Members of the Junior choir will present special music and treats will be distributed to all tlie childix?n. Santa Claus will also be pres ent as special guest. Funeral Conducted On Wednesday For Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, Sr. Funeral rites for Mrs. Aileen She w^as a foi'mcr memlx'r Ormand Cai'penlcr, 74, wife of of Kings Mountain chapter 123, Charles Troy Carpt*nter, Sr., were Order of Eastern Star, and of the conducted Wodnestiay afternoon Tlkinrsday Afternoon B<x)k club, at 4 p. m. from Central United She and and her husiband cele- (Methodist church of which she bratod their 50lh wedding anni- was a niem'ber. versary last October. Rev. Paul Waugh officiated at She w^as active in Central the final rite's, and interment was Methodist ichuivh, a life mem- in 'Moi/ntain Rest 'cx'metery. tx'r of the 'Women’s Society of Mrs. Carpenter succumbed to Christian Servisce and a cluirler cancer Tuesday morning at 2 a. member and active in the Daugh- iTi. in the K'ings Mountain hos- ters of Wesley Class, pital. She had been in ill health In addition to her husband, for several months. she is sur\1ved by two sons, Charles Troy Carpenter, Jr., of A native of GreenMille, S; C., Kings (Mountain and Meek Car- daughter of the late'Mr. and Mrs. penter of Greenville, S. C.; two Balie Meek Ormand Mrs. Car- daughters, Mr.s. John Dilling and IM'nter had lived alimost all her 'Mrs. John Butler Plonk, l>oili of life in Kings 'Mountain. Kings .Mountain; one sister, Mrs. She was a graduate oif Kings o. P. LewLs of Kings Mountain; Mountain high school and at- one brother, Hugh Ormand of tended Davenport college in Le- Kings Mountaiii;; ±2 grand<*hil- noir and Woman’s college in dren and one great grandchild. Greensboro. Before her mar- Active paWbearers were Fre<i riage October 12, (1920, she work- Withers, John O. Plonk, Oti.s ed in the oiffices of the lormer Palls, Jr., Dan Finger. John C. Diliung MUL SmaLhena and Wilson Griffin. JayceesSeek Man Of Year Tlie Kings Mounlain Jayows will again this year honor a Bass of the Year, a Young Man of the Year, and a Young Educa tor of the Y^ear. The community nominates the Young Man of the Year and the Y<<unor Kdiiaitor Ol ihe Year. The Boss of the Y'ear is .selected by the Jay- cees. Any p(*rson wi.siiing to make a nomination for Young Man of the Year or Young Kdueatoi of the Year may mail nomina tions to Kings Mfmntain, Jay e<'es, Box 303. Kings Mnuntuin Nominees must 1h‘ between the ages „f IS and 33. Winners wUl bo honored at a hantiuet in Jami ary at which Lt. Gov. Pat Tay lor will iM' the .speaker. Jay<ce projt'<*t cliairman is Vice ih'OSKk'ni John Mitchell. Christmas Week Herald Day Early N‘*.\t wi'ek’.s edition (rf Hie Her.ild will api>ear under date or Wfvino.sday, Ikveniber 22, w ith the edition to be publish ed on 'Fue.-^day niglit. Pictun*s .should be at the ih'rald not later than Salurtlay at mH)n. Adw'rti.sing dea(iline W’li be Tu(‘.sday at noon. The edition will eontain sea son’s greeting.s from business firms and spticial Christimas fealuix's, as well ag regular news content. TAPPED — Grover Postmaster Fain Hambright has been nam ed deputy director of the 10- statc Southern Region of the National League of Postmas ters. Hambright Aiea PM Official Grover Postmaster Fain Ham- bright has been named deputy direcUtr of the National League of Postmasters 10-^tate Southern region. Hambright was notified re cently by Eugene Dalton, nation al president, that the league's b(Kvr(i of directors had appi\)ved the appointment. Responsilhiities of the post in clude reiiresenting individual ixx'it- mastei's at the regkinal lo\el. Regional head(juartei>; for tlie professional organization are in Memphis, IVnnessee. (Hambright. who has seiwed as p<'st master in Gn>ver since H)61, will undergo a training pi'ogram at the ItNigue’s national bcad- qrarters in Washington, D. C. earl;^ next year*

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