r 22. I97r e eligible for Gl bin, you inal counsel- your nearest or will help land your in- and albiillties, tion on occu pant to con- X§97l r&l, ■« or Wednesday, December 22, 197 T -4- THE KINSS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C, P’age 3 iii.e.9aiiliier .c.st3te college It m. e. gaboneb N. C State University Many times the 'Chanaeter of a fi-mlly oan be judged by the ap pearance of the homcfl We all have pride in the outward ap- ■peairaiice of ithe home. We all seems that some oif us Just can’t .find the time to do the things that need to be done! Visitors can Hkenv^ judge a WATER WEI6HT PROBLEM? USB E-LIWI bcM water in the My can be »■ aomfartabla. C-UII wilt help you loee I water weiehL We at. i, OniiSiwt Ol^y E1.AO Xinq$ Min. Drag Co Kings Mountain Drug Company town or city by the appearance df the homes and Industrial plants. A well -landscaped fac tory, warehouse or place of busi ness denotes officers and em ployes as congenial and efficient their pleasant surroundings ith pleasant surroundings you find, too, good neighbors, sub stantial citizens and community pride. Real estate dealers are al ways attrafted to well landscap ed homes because they can get 'from 10 to 25 per cent more for a well planted home than from one that has been neglected. ‘Plants becom** more Attractive as they grow and provide sliade and color, or whatever they were selected to accomplish in the landscape scheme. If the neigh bors match your efforts, the whole neighborhood will 'become la desirble place to live and your hhome or business beoames a good Investment should you wish tor sen. . IColottful flower borders, edging piants along walks and drives, well selected .foundation plants, and trees for shade, color and framitiig your home all add up to enjoyment and pleasure for you and everyone in your community. North Carolina is one of the most garden-minded stales in the nation. With more individual en- thliisdasm and responsibility, it could also be the most beautiful. Improving the environment is the favorite conversation piece in these days of haste and waste. Improvement will only come when eeich citizen assumes his or .her proper place in the ever changing scheme of things. .Plant the flowers, shrubs, trees, fruits and vegetables that you like best suited to your locality. Taking pride In whatever you do will be e rewarding experience and a fine conrtlbution to com munity spirit and beauty. You may be surprised to learn that the avocation or hobby of gardening amounts to a whop ping 4 billion dollars annually in the United States. I think the reason for this stems from the fact tita-t it is something in which th^ entire family can participate. Aside from the family groups, we have the specialists who can create many art forms with liv ing plants. Religious Cards Take The Lead In Popularity “Sorry, we don’t have any more Christmas cards, only some religious ones.” These words, supposedly spok en by a saleswoman to a lasi- mlnute shopper for greeting card.*, a good many years ago, wouldn’t he meaningful now. During recent Yule seasons, greetin;gs with a religious mes sage have led the way in popu larity. The wryly-h'umorous idea that anyone looking for cards wants some that show only the odnvlvial side of Christmas was never very funny, and now it def initely isn’t true. Early cards pictured dancing and skaters, holly and mistletoe, robins and other birds, beautiful women and charming children and flowers by the score. Such themes still appear, but they take second place to relig ious messages—especially, “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” Manger Scene i Awe-Inspiring j Creche, ChristmEis crib, man ger scene, crib of Bethany, prae- I sepe in many oountrles, the rep- ! resenlat’on of t h e Nativity , thro'Hzb figures from miniature ; to lifesize goes by many names. Under any name the re-crea tion of the manger springs from one guiding, and abiding, pur- . piise—'bringing people closer to Christmas. The highest wonder of the Christmas story is its sheer simplicity and reality. I A Child, the Son of God, born in a manner on a starry, silent night is a concept al] can com- 1 prebend because of its closeness I to human experience. Anyone who watches a child before a manger scene this Christmas will readily see, in the child’s awe and enthusiasm, tliat re-creeting llie Miracle of Christ’s birth is an exalting experience. BEGINS IN ITALY Christmas belongs to the peo ple. So thought St. Francis of Assisi. .His way of helping his Italian parishioners grow closer t o Christma swas to create the very , first praesepe, or Chrisimas crib. I His carol, • The Song of the .Creatures," made the Nativity still moi'c real to them since it told of the lowly animals which were pari of their lives and live lihood. , All this happened early in the 13th century. From that ti.-ne, the ! idea of tiie creche of crib has 'spread to virtually every coun- ; try on the globe. I 'foday, especially in Latin . America and Europe, the man ger scene sets the theme for a etan srdlums cmfwyp slirdl ww , holy and happy .Shristmastide. I TOLD IN RHYME : The story of the Nativity and its meaning for m'ankind is a rav- ored poetic theme, as is the holi-, i day cheer of hearth and home. 1 I 'Poets as diverse as William ' Shakespeare, Samuel Taylor Col- jeridge, John Grcenleaf Whittier j and T. S. Elliott have made their 'contributions. I .N"meroii.s i-arnis firsl were' poem—witness Wadsworth I»ng- I fellow’s “I Heard the Bells on ' Christmas day.” j “I heard the bells on 1 Christmas Day I Their old, familiar carols play. And wild and sweet the wa;ds repeat, 'God is not dead, nor doth He sleep'." Probably the oveiwhelming winner, among widely - known secular Christmas prems is Cle ment Clark Moore's "A Visit From St. Nicholas.” The poem, written for Ins own lildren in 1S22. is popularly How To Keep Yule Plants Yes, tliose cherislied holiday plants can keep on growing into next year. tias like plenty of water and worth 70 to HO degrees. Be sure to keep these plants in a warm place al nighl. I Thoujh they blaze with fiery- Tcd-colored balls, Jerusalem cher ries are rather oool nalured. For , them, tile temperature should be I hel'l at 00 to 6,5 degrees. Avoid A.s a tropical plant, poinset-j over-watering. children in 1S22, "INvas the .Night Itefore called, Chri.stmas.” INSPIRES MUSIC In serious music as well as pojtular carols, the .Nativity seence lives on. iHandel's "Messiah,’ Bach’s “Christmas Oratorio,” Bohlioz’ ■L’Enfance du Christ” are note worthy examples of music per formed year after year at Christ mas. More recently, Britten's “Cere- • mony of Carols,” Honegger's “Christmas Canta” and Men- otti’s “Amahl and the Nighl Vis itors” have joined the lioliday meliody of musical treatments. Having A Christmas Party? Let us help you with your plans. We will be delighted to discuss our special Christmas party rates. Large or Small groups up to 200. ROYAL VILLA MOTOR INN 1-85 in Kings Mountain 739-2544 ■ n :18tfn N1CES IH THIS AD RFFICTIVE AT AtF IH BINGS MOUNTAIN THROUSH r; A STORE HOURS THROUGH THURSDAY DECMSfR 23 OREN TIL 9 P.M. • FRIDAY DEC. 34 CLOSE AT 4 P.M. • CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY DEC. 2S • HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY! J V' S'! 29 GIFTS UNUSUAL "Our Fin^ir QiioLry" Cancentrotiri, Fr«ien AAP Grange Juice53c 6 "Our Finast tiuoUry" AtP Froien Sliced Strawberries 41c Bordens ice Milk 39c Handi-Whip IDEAL FOR GIFT WRAP OR USE FOR HOLIDAY BAKING . . . Reynold’s Wrap Datttrf 9-Ob. OOa Topping Sine ALUMINUM FOIL \r'x2S‘ Roll Finol Week to Complete Your Set of All Purpose Elcgontty Designed STAINLESS FLATWARE Fcoturc THit Wetk! 3. Table U li T PUtlE VILLAGE GASTONIA. N. C. Are You Having Trouble Selecting A Gift? Shop Gifts Unusual For Some thing Different. open 'til 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday Sunday 1*6 Beer License No. K6764 Wine Permit No. K3826 One eon ’nmmm TH MQST IH D^r^BANIIIO A&P Self Bosting Grade A > • - TURKEYS ens Torps ^ ' To V ■ B TJ 'To m ■ Lb. Vi ■ V 22-Lb. WA >9 W “ Avg. f .^ .b. lb. Top Quolrty Grade A Frezert Bakine Hens u. 49< **Super*Bi9lit'’ Fresh LB. Roasting Chickens 39c "Supcr-RigKr" Qtielit. Smoked Picnics 49c "Super-Right'* Quelity Smoked Ham Shank Portion Cap'n John's Frogen Cooked Ham Halves u. $1.39 Shrimp Cocktail 3 89c Hams hTl 69c»'>"^ 73c Cap'n John's Fresh "Super-Rishr" Quality Hof or Mild Standard Oysters - py^e Pork Sausage 39c Lb. A&F BrMd DalkararWM Oaliftir* Fruit A M CH* M M Cranbarry CMktaH O C A U«« ^ C A Dtlifhr n-Oi. Cup 14.0z.Cup 14-Oz.Cwp CrunSerry StlitS 14-Oa-Cup 4li | • lAKeRY 9UY3 • Ailgeed frond 35c I Sliced Bacon 59cj^‘ JANE PARKER —AMERICA S FAVORITE "Super-Right" Brand Fully Ceokad Canned Hams *2®* cii *3“ ’cii S439 EACH 937 EAST KING ST. TELEPHONE 739-5844 LAST MINUTE GIFTS $3.59 $1.69 $14.95 '4 Conaon 72x90 p Blonkets 81M» flUMO Fooin Pillows Utelwn Aid Eloctrie Coffee Mill Arllagton A Punch Bowl Set $2.99 . r* Qulrut Froxen Food KnUe oNit 99c n-ox. 9Aa| .Ckanantaa Jenc PeAar Freshly Boked ChristfiMs I Poand Cake iBu 86c J«fic PeAcr Freshly tehad Gold Pomd Cake 69c Jw»o Parker Lemen P*«c er Fran^ Apple Res ^n°‘- 49e Jena Parker Freshly Baked Cake DoRVts Jane PeAr Breekfett Treat dRaamoa Rolls 39c Jane PaAcr Pecans A Plenty 3 89c Daaisii CaroHsal Jane Parker—-Greet Wrtk Dips 4'A17. $1>00 Poiato Chips • GROCERY VALUES • DeytSme Diepera FRUIT CAKE s'! 79 3 Lt Ctn. $3.29 5 LI Ctn. $4.59 5 49c Jane Parker Freshly leked Seeded Rye Bread Jane Parker Beke 'n Serve Cloverlef Rolls Aliia SeHzer 63e Pampers 15 fH.. 88c Gelain 10c VS: ITe U.S.P. 5-&«ii. *11 P.n.OT« P.p«t T.W.I. N.U.» Mill. A&P Aspiria 25c Hortheri 3 $1.00 Vamila Wafers 41e Your^Choicc of Whole or Jellied A&P Cranberry Sauce - 23c Dark ead lighi ChMetota CtMre4 VenlBa Creme Drops u ot. 3Sc , Dark CkMotata Ceated 59e • FRESH PRODUCE • Juicy Flerid# Oranges Juicy 174 Site Tangerines 3 M.OO In Crlte leg—Perfect ter Christmas Cranberries 33c Tender Fresh Broccoli —^ 43c All Purpose Russet Potatoes 10 69c dnicy Celifemie GO Slxe Havel Oranges 8 59c Fresh, Tnoty Anjou Pears 29c Sweet. Criep. Jeky Or Golden Dclkieus Red Apples 29c SHOP ASP FOR Far Your Ceeking Needs For Your Ceekii^t Needs ^ hUrefci^w CraaiD Com Oil pV;. 46c Com Oil .V;. 85c Hip-O-Ule ’ct 37e Ann Pofc Smooth or Crunchy Nettle's Semi-Sweet ^P Grand PeaRBt Batter 49c Choc. Morsels ’V^^l'CSc Flake Cocoaaat’:^ 23e Ann Pete Smooth er Crunchy NeMle's SemnSweet Ann Pof* Pwte Paaaaf Batter "j.°' 59c Choc. Morsels 65c Leaioa Exiract 47c A»P P».l-r.. A*p . r..- rp" . . _ 10-X Sagar V^- 20c Browa Sagar k*;;; 20c Vaailla Exiraci 49c Ann Pete All Varietvei layer Ann Pane All Verietitc ?!t'A*l***^ ^mne Gaka Mixes 33c FroHiag Mixes 'Ll' 35c Pillsbary Hoar 59c Mdih dt 5«lf Riai'ng Sunnyfield Flour 5 45^ York APPLES 8 79< Menavet Brwnd Three Bean Salad 59c _ A SUPEHB BLEND Of 100''i. BRAZILIAN COffEES 1 EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE L AGP 104% Colombion Coffee Ererydey One U. I lew Price C«n C 3 Lb Bag 88c Wonderfoil 29 c 1009$ Irasition Eight O'clock Instant COFFEE d-Oi. >«OW BUY IHSTAHT EIGHT O’CLOCK ANO SAVK

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