page 8 kINSS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Wednesday, December 22, 1971 4 f. *;■ . 5= ■ V i; \ ■: i MORE ABOUT Church Services Continued F*'om Pafjc One ihreo children will open the 11 m. candlelight sorvico at Re- ;funection Lullieran church on Christinas Eve. The Mauneys, of 6b(?rlin, Ohio, will jiresent string 'accompanim(-*nl to the carol p-n>. gram. LMr. Mauney is son of (Airs. VV. K. Mauney, Sr., of Kings Mountain and the late Mr. Mau- Bey. sS^ij^Man jChnich Party Tonight At 7 Co7itinucd From Page One parked across the street with the; S.O.S.: Lody Seeks Christmas Coat IChrist the King Episcopal church will join with St. An- di ews Episcopal church of Hesse* nier City for a 11 p. m. Christ mas Eve service at the Bessemer City church. A musical program will feature the service. ' mt.tor running. The thr(‘e m<‘n' get into the ear and drove .south ■ <jn n 7hvvay 2IG. t .i.ei Mtil( v»4t .said a.s tlie ro >• b(-r lan out the back of the .~,irjrc t In* dropped his gun, then retriev- ' t*<l it. Store (unployees found five i .3i^cai;-bre bullets and two pieces I 0. i>la':;,' gun handU*s. ! Bavi.son .said lh<* would-be rob ber was approximately six feet tall and W(\ghed around 155 , p„una.s. He was wearing a orown ski m isk, trimmerl with oringt*. Tin* two men .seen in front of the s.or<* were als.» wearing ski ma. .;s, Havi.son reported. The annual Sunday School Christmas party ^ First Presby terian church will be held Wed nesday (tonight I at 7 p. m. in the church fellowship hall. iHighlight of the party will be a visit by Santa Claus and treats and gifts will be presented. Two Injured In Accident ; 'Rev. Marry Edwards oi Lake '■j^lales, ria., son cl' Mr. and .Mrs. (Jharles Eclw'ards of Kings Moun- tin, will deliver the Christmas five message at 7:30 p. m. woi .sliip service at Boyce Memorial Arp church. .Mu.siic by tin* choir 'Aill bo under the direction of J. E. IGam'ble, organist, and (Mrs. Garrison Goforth, jdanist. MORE ABOUT Christmas Story Continued From. Page une A traffic accident last Tuesday at the intersection of West Moun tain and Cansler streets resulted in over .$2,000 in daftiage.s and two injurir^. : A candlelight Christmas Eve trvico will be held at East Gold Street Wesleyan church Friday dvoning at M p. .rn. Rev. Edwin (Jh riscoe, pastor, will lead the Worship service. J A Christmas candle-lighting ^rvice will be held at Dixon Presbyterian church at 7 p. m. Christmas Eve wi'h choirs of tile church to sin ''pHsimas carols and Rev. Ro^bert Wilson to j5i>rvM i\.< naifalor lor uie Joy Gilt ^rvice. .Santa Cl'aus will present Christ-1 mas treats and gifts following! Uie pmgram in the church fel-1 ibwship hall. ! A children’s program will be Held at Grace UnitKl Methodist i church at 7 p. m. Christmas FJve. i The Youtti Choir. i nd(*r '*>0 ((;.{ reiction of Mrs. Margie Dellinger, and 'Mrs. Libby Anthony, will present spei*ial musir. | Santa Claus will jj-iy a vi.sit in the church .social Iiall after the program and gifts and treats will be distributed. [ irhcn 1/e htave found him, bring me ii'ord again that I Qua// fomr and irorship him also. When the// heard the king, th( // d< /tarted; and, lo, the ,star, n'hi( h the// saic in the east, u'ent bi' them, til it (Htmr and stood itrer where the i/oun// ehild ay/.v. When the// saw the star, they rrUhee/t ^riih •xecfding (/r(‘at jo//. And v'hen tie // w< re come into child with Mnr// /ii.s midhi r, and *he house, the// saw the //ouna fi ll d(fwn, and vorshi/iped hi' : and the// had oix ned their treas ures, thf // hreseut<d unto Him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and 'm//rrh. And being warned of God in a dratni that the// should not re turn to Herod, the// de/tarted in to th( ir own countru another wa//. Si. Tvlatthew 2:1-12. Mrs. Brenda Lovelace W’ould like to present a Christmas present to an unidentified lady who a cci d<? n ta lil y excl 1 a n ged coats with her at the Ameri- xa.i.ceg.on dinner-dance Satur day evening. The coats are alike (brown suede with mink collar) except Mrs. Lwelace’s coat is size 12. The coat she hajs by mistake is size 14. Mrs. Lovelaice can be located by teieplioning 739-7572 or 739- 4781. Two Students Win Degrees Mickey David Poteat, 19. of 210 .Manor Read, Kings Mountain, I I an<l Willard Moore, 28, of Stan- j ley, both were injured and treat rat- I ed at Hendricks Clinic following the accident betw'een a car driven by Moore and an Internationa‘1 j iriiek driven by Harry Corry, 23, of Gastonia. j Two Kings Mountain students received master’s degrees in win ter exercises at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, La., Friday morning. Thomas Dean, son of Mrs. Amos F. Dean and the late Mr. MORE ABOUT Cosh and Goods TOY CENTER OPEN The Toy Center foir needy families is open today, Thurs day and Christmas Eve from 9 a.m. to noon and from 2 until 5 p.m. at the Community Cen ter on Clevelan’d Avenue. Cards of approval to receive the toys may be obiained from Central MelhcdLt churei office. Citi zens who wish 10 donate toys to needy families are also ask ed by the Ministerial Associ'a- tion to bring their collections to the Center. The 62 members of Otis D. Green Post 155 American Legion Auxiliary took the holiday ojca- i m to present a television set to patients of Oteen Veterans hospital in Swannanca and four members of the unit made the presentation at the hospital. More than 500 children were treated to hotd^gs ?nd hambur gers and all the tnmmings Sun day at the annual American Le- gicn-sponsored need^ children’s Christmas party. Santa Claus was "IT CAME UPON THE MIDNIGHT CLEAR'* may have been a fav orite carol of Henry Ford ond his wife Clara <Bryant), for they sent this .greeting card, bearing the song written by Edmund H. Sears. From the Hallmark Historical 5*ollection. present to distribute treats and Dean, received his master’s de-, favors to the youngsters, assisted I l... T Pulico r<*{K)ri.s itid.''rRcd that the tnuk, owpc ’ j Kerns Truck ing Co., r ; ..avcling east on Mour*-' *1 .uieet when Moore pull < ..s 1966 Chevrolet onto Moun tain Street in the path of the truck. The truck hit Moore’s then clijypcd a nearby utility pole. Investigating officer B. P. Cook i‘.stimated damages as $1,000 to each vehicle and $300 to the uLJty polo. Ko charge I were fil ed. MORE ABOUT Judy Rayfield Continue,/ Fiorn Page One Two accidents were reported Sunday. Both wevre investigated by o^iicer Johnny Belk. field of Kings Mountain, lias' oec-n selected to poitray the lead 1 r* jie in the Broadway musical,' “Fantaslicks,” to be pn.'senled in F'cbruary by the Speech and 'rhealre .Arts Depailment at Western Caiolina University at Cullcnvhee. 'the cast will consist of eight .'Students and Miss Uayfieid will | have the only female part to be pei'formed. I Audil.ijns wen* judged by tho| musical director and director of tin* play. Miss Uayificdd is a voL*o stu dent ol Dr. Temple Smith. Gladys Day Gann, 23, of 311 North Ga.ston Street, wag treated f‘>r injuries at Kings Mountain Hospital after the car which she was driving was struck in the roar by a car driven by Randolph Ross Jr., 37, of 320 Watterson direct. gree from the Graduate School and Phyllis Lunsford Bass re ceived his master’s degree from the Graduate Division of Educa tion, CJovernor John J. MeKeithen formally dedicated the new As sembly Center at the 9:30 a. m. event at which 1,100 students ■were awarded do reps. December In N. C. Offers Many Yule Lives In Legend And Lere Reminder Issued On Tax Changes cue Squad building. Christmas I , ^ , .. caused bv toys that seem 'perfect-! dler. treats and goodies were present | jy harmless, and Santa Claus was a special' Keeping safety in mind, Mrs. guest. El(!ven foed baskets were de livered to blind citizens of the ccmimunity by memoers oi the Kings Mountain Lions club Tues day evening, Ray Holmes was project chairman and 22 Lions Fayfe Haywood, extension family : assisted in bagging and disui- A few days before ChrUtma.s may not be the happiest time to mention ta.xos. but city and coun- i ty tax officials are reminding citizon.s of changes in the law re garding payment of ad valorem taxos and pomltin^ on 197r taxe^! deposit them net paid by Dtteomber 31. ! me Jaycee Cbrisu'.ias T.eo Lot buting the baskets. Kings Mountain Jaycees and Kings Mountain Mjnisterial As- j soc-iaiion are again collecting ioys-For-Tots this season. Any-! lit V/CIT relations specialists, Nonh Car o’ina State University, offers these buying remiinders: i Dolls: Be careful of dolls marie with easily twisteri-of f s , and heads. Sharp spikes used to hold such dolls together, become. exposed. j Also be careful of dolls whh ’ Rattles: Buy rattles that are nonbroakable and Uir e enough lh:it they cin’t Ik? swallowed. can his A candle in the window light the Christ Child on way, says Irish legend. NJativity scones in homes and Look for sharp edges anvd cor- cliurchos clcp'i'ct tlio an.mals of ners tiiat might cause cuts. Avoid S' ft plastics that an inVnt or t 'ridV'r can chow on. lie bite off a pieve, svvallov/ it and choke. Pull toys: It is -■nv ]'?.'■■ Accoiding to r(H>orts, the Gann car. traveling on ^ast King Street, i stepped after a car in front of hei j .stepped. 'Ihe ear driven by Ra^'i ll\en ran into Mrs. Gann’s vclvi- (U*. BOX OFHCE OPEN.S AT 6:15 SHOW STARTS AT 7:00 ALWAYS $2.00 A CARLOAD! Thurs. Fri. * Double Feature! NO. 1 TWO LANE BLACKTOP In Color NO. 2 THE REIVERS In Color Sat Only * Triple Feature! NO. 1 A TIME TO SING In Color NO. 2 TWO LANE BLACKTOP In Color NO. 3 THE REIVERS In Color Sun. • Wed. * Double Feature MORE ABOUT E. I. Dyke's NO. 1 ESCAPE FROM PLANET OF APES In Color NO. 2 CELEBRATION AT BIG SUR In Color Wed. Movies Run Reverse Ord. ALL SEATS ALL SHOWS 75c SHOWS DAILY 3 5 7-9 SATURDAY 13579 SUN. 1:30 3:30 9:00 WED.. THUR. FRI. OUflSFRfaANDsidOaSTOeePCOEWEV Present • 0 AWWCM-kiJMW '•■SM rt-jOu. • BORIS KARLOFF'ir'Gitg COLOR ^ACAMNONRELfASE OfNNr. f Rtf OANO and CHRBTOPWfl C OPW V Pteseoi CRUCIBLE O? horror EASTMVCaOR ^ A CANNON RELEASE GP <» SAT. JHRU TUBS. was a.slAM'p. The death was not disCDVeitnl until early Saturday when someone opened the d<><jr to check on Dyke. Roipor said the man had ap parently 'been dead for about 12 hours and surf(*rcd a bullet w’ound in the temple. An auto matic pistol was lound near the body. A veteran of World War II. he was the son of the la,. Mr. ind .Mrs. Elbert Joseph D>i ''. M'. lit* Is survived hy his wife, Jatiuoline Hidriix Dyke, two sons, Joseph Daniel Dyke and Michael Alexander Dyke, both d Kings Mountain: two sisters, and one brother, William M. Dyk<* of Kings Mountain Mc‘m':i(*r.s of the Amur .an Leg- on Ro.«t 155 seived as active ill c.iiers. The vvreck resulted in $550 in damages. No charges were filed. [ Sunday night, Belk was called ! lo the scene of an accident at the inierst t non of South batfle | ground an,I Dickon.^' Sr(*<'t. | A car driven by GoUK* Darliene i '•‘rrugg.^, IS, cf Route 3, reported ly had pulled out of Dickens Street into Batlleground and was struck by a car driven by Dray- Ion Holland, 18, of Route 1. Belk estimated damages to eacli car at $250. No charges were filerl. UnricT changes in the law: ! Penilly of two percent applie.®: .Tanunry 1, 1972 (the old penalty date was February 2 and the, rate one per cent). City tax orficials say thev nr»-; ticinate a late December of payment.-^ on the 1971 levy ol $328,305. . Payments through Tuesdav. Mrs. Steve Harmon, assistant tax collector reported, totaled $127,- 549, or 38.8 percent of the ‘levy. U':r,-as the Woman’s club o. deliver them to the Icy Room ai rlio Community Center. The Min- : -torial Assoiiation i.s again this year six)nsoring a toy distribution .enter for needy families. The center is open again Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. until 12 noon and Iran 2 uiUii 5 p.m. MinLters 'are o:t':i' care's of approval for for j f * . needy families from the ofiice of j ifCCiCIS Central Methodist church, serving Is. fran-ovl^r; Sam Wo.r, Mcg:-':'oLran I; fe Insuran-'p CvOmpany agci'it in Fie Kin*!? Maunta'n arf'i, c ’i.’Jin c.-j impr'VC in h-fi-tro M ■ n-' -'nl ; hospital whe-e he undcr-.vent : back .surgery Docemher ir“h. Mr. Weir is a patient in Room' CG2S. Legion to buy , toys with long cords for inlant.-; I and small t uliilors. rhrn* is dan ger that an infant nay -mt tan gled up in tlic f Tri .'Uid stmng’e. Da Hoops: D'n't give cM’dren under fi'e uninf’atcd hnHonrs, I I^Irs. ll.'ywoari cautions. Children ■■•n--,. •- ' ] to if'ath rn them. This c“n hrr*oon if a small child, instc.nrl o'" i y*wing '“Ut. su.v.s in. d'-nvnng lb? ha’I i m d'wn bi.s throat and blocking off his air passage. ’ Spangler Heads G-W Trustees Bel! Rites Wednesday At 3 Funnal ritc.s fm F!;va..| BoM, 13. will I,*c held \V( (uiesday aft-i rn .on u 3 p.rn. from Oak Grove* ciiurch of which ho wa.'^ j i memh{*r. I fh'v. Uu-scll Hinton. a^-crisUsi by 1 :sv. M;t> hcll fanii) and Kev. j aire.s Siam<*y. will officiate at i he ;inal ri(c> and inlcrm(‘nt will t w in t!u* Ciiurvii <'(*:-n o-ry. j Mr. Bell di, ; * .2:10 M )nday n v'lcv eland Mmurial hospital IK r s(‘v<‘iai week’s illnt'ss. Ho .va-; a native c.i (.’Icveland C’aun-■ y, .son ol the late Burel Bell and H.iltie Cues Btll cf Kings .fyvirira.n wh) survives. Ho was mpl-yi d hy Dney Mills of Sliel-1 O- in a.l iiLon l») In-; mother, In* s 'Uiv.ved by his wile, Mr.s. Ethel: i( rlimie Hulh-ndi-r Beil; lour' i.r.s, Jonas A. B(*H (jf Kings Moun- ' •Ln, LovViy BeH uf .'•'':K'i.>y, Man- I u*I l:ell Fredrick.d}urg, Va., I ir..l William Bell of Phienltoro; I no (laugiiK-r, .Mrs. M.ix Cr.ivvl'ord ■ ‘ nlteiay: four broiher.-;, .Villuir’ A.l. Otio Dc'il, hoili of King-; vlt.untaiii, Ja.nes Bell oi G.ov<-i, u 1 H(ni> Bell o. (‘harloUe; lire,* si.s1(*rs, .Mrs. D(*nni-; Go- ;lh. .Mrs. Paul Bridg; and Mrs. I' all of Kings Moun- ain: 2d grand.'hiidren and thrc'c ’,iv*at-giaMdihiIdren. R. Patrick Spangler, president of Spangler’s of Kings Mountain a.-. I Shelby, has been eleotori chai."''''>n .hr* ‘^'"nrd of tp'”'- tees of Gardner Webb college. He has served two previous teitms as chairman the board and he succeed.s Lloyd C. Boat, Shelby bakery executivx*, a^ chairman. Two Kings Mountain men — Pc tmasier Charies L. Alexander and Mauney Hosiery Mills Gen eral .Manager Charles Mauney —'Were elected to liie Beard of Advi.sors of the college for the new year. .-Mexander was elect ed The IS-mi-mber beard’s a^GUt- ant secretary. Spangler is presently serving as national ohaTrman of tlic col lege’s capital gifts campaign wiiich has parsed the $2„500,000 mark. The originaT goal was $1 ,.500,600 and the campaign is still in progress. Other o:Ucer.> of the trustee b >ard include Mrs. .Rash Stroup 01 Shelby, vice chairman; Miss C’harlene Stanley of Fallston, sec retary: A. T. Wi'thrcw of Char lotte, treasurer; Paul Bridges of rii.'IVide anil C. H. Harrill of Lin- colnton, a.=?sistant treasurers. Archie Bridges' Rites Conducted Next Week's Herald On Regular Schedule Ne.\t Week’s edilLon of lh<* I vdd uSlI a;i;;ear on regular of Thurs- -PlAY MISTY FOR M£“ , imitation to terntr.., 4 vNvrwH cot0m^t\M • rioMCOior 0|] |>ul)lish<*d DeLa*mix>r COMING NEXT WEEK “LOVE STORY" Ik lull*, under da?e I-ij. Di‘e(*inlM'r 3(Uh. l:ie H< raid will he .1 Wedne.sday night, JDtIi. l i. dirrs should he at the Her- al.l n t later Manday noon. .\dvc jliving deadline will iw Tues day at 2 p.m. and news deadline .s W( dne d.iy at 2 p.m. Funeral rites for Arch'ie (Ri*d) Bridges, 61, were conducted Mon day afternoon at 4 o’clock from the Cha;xl of Harris Funeral Homo, inlerment following in .Mountain Rest cemetery. Rev, Frank Shirley, pastor of T(*mple BapH.-;t church, officiated at the final riles. Mr. B.idges. form(*r owner and f)eratar of Piedmont Lunch, dif*d of lung cancer !^aturday morning at 6:30 in Veteran'.^ ho.spital at Oteen following several year’s illne.«js. He wa.s a native of Gaslon .'■uinty, son of the late Mr. and Mr^. Burrell Bridges. Ho was a member of Tt*m!ide BaptLst church and a veteran of World War II. Surviving are his wdfe*, Mrs. | Ruby Bobbitt Bridges: hLs daugh- | ter, Kay Bridges; one brother, KHH»rt Bridge*; of Kings Moun- | tain; and two .sisters, Mrs. J. F. i Cunningham and .Mr.-;. P(*arl j Bridges, baih cf Kings Mountain, j Ac:i.e pallbea.-ors were Charles | E. Di.von, Carl F. Wilson, Rhi^a : Parber. W. D. Morrison, Brsb Dav ies. JoJin W. Gladden, Jake Bridg-] (*.s and Wilbur Smith. 1 Mrs. Green Has Surgery Mrs. Frances Green remains a patient in Room 7707 of Charlotte Memorial hospital following nmr ation for removal of a kidney blockage. Her husband, Oscar (Bud) Green said his wife, who is a kidnev tran^lant patient. Is hepoM she’ll be able to return homo for Christmas holidays. : as a dealing house for the pro ject. Persons whose names have oeen cunittecl should bo reported io the chur^.i office or to any | of the area. j Kings Mountain ministers are manning the Empty Stocking joOihs in the downtown area and ' rl.nging Christmas bells for the ' needy. A .spokesman said that cash and gifts swelling the needy • fund. Ministers will continue to . ring the bells through Christmas Eve and monies will be used to j provide Christmas cheer all year in the form of food and sta- iMrs. Green re-entered the hos pital a month ago when her new pie items, fuel and clothing for kidney quit functioning proper- ihe area needy. Many families ly. ; are benefUted all 12 months of Greetings" Say It's Christmas All the merriment, all the magic, all the glory of Christmas comes now to the people of this community, like a wonderful package of gifts they can share and enjoy. The wrappings on the packlage glow with brightest prorrtise—joyful music n the air, gleaming lights and gala decora tions, fun and festivi-ty, trees an^ i^reens and all the trimmings folr a Christmas just brimming over with the good things and glad times that the* season inspires. Now thiat the long-awaited mo ment has arrived, what does this community Christmas package hold? The tag gives a clue. It reads, "Greetings, good will and good wishes -(Merry Christmas!’’] In the community, in the home, j in business and social relations, the true spirit of Christmas be gins and grows from greetings. The greetings may be—^as evi denced by this special Christmas Greetings Edition an expres sion of good will and gratitude from business people of the com munity, who are sincere in their desire to impart special appre elation of their patrons’ confid ence and trust. But whether It’s a cheery ‘iMerry Christmas’’ to a new ac quaintance, a warm exchan.i^e of season’s best wishes with an old friend or still deeper ex change of felicitations with a lov ed one, the holiday greeting em bodies the guiding spirit of "Peace on earth, good will toward men." Enchanting as they are, gifts, parties and other such gaieties are but the outer wrappings of the holiday package that means Christmas, with its message of fellowship, friendship and love. The American Lp'tion rc/t 155’s gift of $200 to the Mi'Danic! Help ing Hand fund led contributi-iTS this week. Other g'''c-= cf F'82.00 were also ■epvile-d frem Mrs, L::by An- hory, CnSi .Metlndi-^t church ecretary, in^l'.;cl n.g $20 from the Oadi''s ri'-'le Ola-.s of Second Wes leyan church, $55,00 fnx.m T(*m- )le Bapt'sl church. $32.{X) fr'im ■’enley'? Chapel Methodist church, ind $25.00 from Roses’ employees. Rcv'. N. C. Bush, pastor of Grace Methodist church, is fund treas urer. Bct'h Mr. and Mrs. rv?c M.-^Dan Stswari Ffltsr b^T 2;f S'xi:-! Mcirines aboard ships of our Si-xth fleet. biCv^s landing'^cs, and hav( been operating with the anmed forces of several nations. He ^ took part in Orcratlon ' Doep Furmw." a NATO assault oxor- Daniel remains a patient in the Cings Mountain hospital. cise at Saros Bay, Turkey, in volving American riarines. Blit he year via this holiday season ish Royal Marines and the Turk- >roje?t, said a spokesman. ish army. * LUTHERAN TOPIC ‘ When Chrisimas Is Over" wiL be the sermon tooic of Rev. Char les Easley at Sunday morning worship senice at 11 o'clock at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church. tv s :“te‘ \ . iV- - . GRIFFINS DRUG YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE FREE P/CtCUP^DEUVERY PHONE 739-4721 v 129 MOgNTAIN;^r- Grover area needy children ] Features To Travelers In State I Twinkling on trees, glowing were feced last evenina: at a bic i ^ | frj-m windows, glittering every Ghrisllmas party hosted by Grover I .RALEICHI. Toys annually button eyes or other attachments Christmas lights rcfif'ct, Lions, Gxover Optimists and Grov-iinjiire an estimated 7O0.CK)0 chil-Uhat can be chewed off and ^’^^^y’ 'candles of an earlier er Woman's club at Grovxr Res-, dren. Many of these injuries are; swallowed by an infant or lod-l^^‘”®‘ Clip Sniltan hmlrlinjr Phneft-Mne .. ..... ^ i CAM P LEJLUNK. Marine Lance C'irporai John VV. S'cvr ai't, husband of the former .'’ ss Paulette Holland of Route 1, Bes somer Cdty, is a member o' tlic Third "atta’ion. Sixth r.Iarinos ^om vvas a syn.hjl of t ie LiU.c of the Second Marine division, home based at Camp Lejeune, the Manger -and on Ch.r lnias E'vc, the cattle, the sheep and all the arrimals present at the Nali vity arc ‘,Aen the gift of speccli. So says the lore of Christmas. Blossoniiiv.r on the ho.iday scene, greens and fljw'ers spread Uioir hcuiity and fragnuivC, re minding all of the living wonder of Ciiristmas. In legend, all flowers bloom at midnight on Chi stmas K.e, just as ihey did more tlian 2,<)3J ye:irs ago. The Ic ond and L’-e ' f Chi'st- mas expresses tlu* siinp'e faitli that li<*.s at tlio hc-rt Oi Hits l.a.>- py, holy tia*e. Some of iho m >st delightful of legends .mo t -id in car ‘Is. From ‘France comes th(* "Car ol of the Cirds." Its w-ords re count how the birds flow to HiMh- leh(*m to behir'd ihe Clirist chi'd. Each bird, as it flew, sang a spe cial song of praise and rejoicirg. I’liwo’s a "Carol of tlie Ft > /■ ei’s," too. Summoned ta the pres ence of Ihe now; orn King, every flower bb>'Semed. ami ea.!i l;l>*s One’s virtues. Seafaring p(*' e!os, ir the’rown nnrt now in the Mptiitorrjnfan '"ly, roiatol n;u -v-n 'tl-.s lo \'if miracle of t!’.o Nalivily, tlirough enro’s. Stewart and his unit are in, “i Saw Three Ships Come .^ail- the Mediterranean foi' amphi ing” tells of ships cro.ssing the sea on Christmas morn, tK*aring Jssus, Mary -and Joseph. II J n L n \ is • G b tl i e 0 V n n

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