llowing cvc-ry refliH.’t, earlier V can in his cs ami lals (jf . i' Imas ami all e N'ali siioecii. istmas. Iio.itlay spread .0. re- wonder bloom iS h.e, n •’.‘•yjJ Clnml- lailli lie itful of > “t’.ir- rds re- 0 noth- t chi'd. ; a s;:e- ioicii'o. ■ I'-i ' /- o pres- , every 'i bl'S ! Utile ■'r own det'i: Id nlivily, to Sail- o the learing r" wil, . Char- orning ock at thurch. 'A; MRS. ROY piLLY SCRUGGS, JR. (Nom Ann Taylor) MRS. LEWIS VLAN SCRUGGS (Eva Paulette filcDanicl) Miss TERESA DIANE DANIELS (Bridc-Elcct'fit Ronnie Eugene \pIitcheU) ChrLsmas ^ieason Weddings Unite Area Couplet; Januaiy Nuptials Set Miss Nora Ann Taylor became the bride of R y Riiy Scruggs, Jr. t; Clill.sldc jun lay in a 3 p. m. wedding in Cherokee Avenue lir.ptist church o-f Gaffney ,S. C- The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene li. laylor, Sr. of Oaff- ney, formerly of Rings Mountain, is granddaughter of Mrs. Floyd (Jates of Kings Mountain and the late Mr. Gates. Rev. C. -E. Hampton, assisted by Rev. John Lucas, offi.'iatcd at tlie dr-otle-ring ceremony. I The sanctuary was decorated ^ with greenery and cathedral tap- j i ers with a central arrangement of white glad'oil and mums In a white basket. Bows of red velvet marked the reserved pews for the mothers. iMiss Katherine Moss was or ganist for lihe program of nup- • tial music and vocal numbers were by Miss Martha Palmer. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal gown designed by her mother of can- deliijht peau de soie styled wMi empire waistline with Icn.g fl'tej sleeves overlaid with Chami"v ifflce. The skirt was a-'-linuel wit’ lace medallions and pearls. Her Chapel length veil of silk illusion was attached to a tiara of flowers and seed pearls and she carried the white Bible carried by her mother, topped by a white orchid. She wore an anti- (lue locket belonging to her grandmother. * I Miss Kathy Ramsey attended I the bride as maid of honor and 'bridesmaids were M'iss 'Beverly Honeycutt, Miss D«bbie Truluck, Miss Rae (Moore, Miss Cathy [ Thomas, all of Gaffney, S. C.; 1 Miss Rachel Poole of Faffney ' and Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. Kenton ( I Coyle of Columbia, S. C., Mrs. O. I ' ' A. Heffer of Durham, cousin of the bridegroom; and Miss Mary Scruggs of Oliffsdde, sister of the (bridegroom. ; All the attendants wore lortg j gowns of Christmas red bridal 'I satin designed along empiire lines I with empire waist enhanced by \ red velvet ribbon. The dresses 1 had square necklines and long, full sleeves. They wore single strands cd pearls, gifts of the ■bride, and carried a long-stemmed • num with red velvet ribbon at- ached. The bridegroom’s father was (best man. Ushers were Charles Greene, Wayne Smith, Joe Tosolina, all of Cli'ffsiide; Eddie Taylor of Gaffney, brother of the bride; O. A. Heffner of Durham; Marc Gantt of Shelby and Joel Moore of Henrietta, cousins of the bride groom-elect; and Geonge Jolley of Boiling Springs. The bride's mother wore blue polyester knit with matching ac cessories and a white carnation corsage. The bridegroom^s mother chose pink polyester knit with match ing accessories and a white car- 1 nation corsage. (Mrs. Floyd Gates, grandmother of the bride, chose beige dress with matching accessories and a white carnation corsage. The bride’s paternal grand mother, Mrs. Carlton Taylor of ■Blacksibupg, S. C., chose a beige dress With matching accessories and a white carnation corsage. The bridal party received wedding i^ucsts after the cere mony in’the vestibule of the church. When they return from a wed ding trip ihe newlyweds will be at home on Beason Road in Cl'itf- side. _ BRTDK and BRIDEGROOM The hride is a graduate of ^^Gaffney hish school atid will re ceive her BA degree in January from Limestone college at Gaff ney. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Scruggs, Sr., of Cliffisde, is a graduate of Chase high school and attended Gard- ner-iwebb college. He is employed by Darnels Construction company 'in Cliffside. The bride’s parents entertain ed alter the Sat.rday night wed ding rehearsal at a cake cutting In the social hall of (Cherokee Avenue Baptist church. The Christmas red and white theme of the wedding featured- decora tive details and refreshments. Holiday Bazaar Proceeds $ 1300 P—..^„,’s fum the holiday ba- 7-'nr .T Central Methodist church I .trilr I c-proximately $1300., Mrs. r-'-'-i Pl^on, WSCS treasurer,-re ports. The check has bqen turn ed in to the church treasurer tc be 'Jsed in the church program for 1972-73. Women of the church served dinner and made and sold holi day gift items recently for church benefit It's A Boy For William Wrights ' Sgt. su'd Mrs. William Wright otf Hamburg, Germany announ'ce the (birth of a son, Ernest Resseil Wright. December 8th. (Grandparents are Mrs. Eliza beth Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Wright. Both are from Kings Mountain. Mrs. Wright is the former Terrie Davis. (Macedonia E'jptist church pro- Lori Scruggs, sister of the vided the .setting .Sunday alter-iiriutgi joni, and .Scarlelte Love- noon at 3 p. m. lor the wedd.ng lace, niece of the bride, were of Miss Eva P.iUiCtto .M'.D.tiie , i.c-wcr g.i.s. Iney wore long < f Grover and Lewis Dean ;reon dresses styiCd like taose of Scruggs of Kings Mountain. the adLJt attendants and car- , r.ed flower baskets -of petals. The cour’e pleJ od vows o. j^rf Lanier el Garrney, S. C., the doubte-rmg .ceremony be. ore ring'Dcarer. the Rev. L- D. S.ruggs, father scruggs ol CliXiside, of .the bridegroom. great uncle ol the bridtgi ooni, (Miss Dolores White was or- ganist fer Ihe program of nup- we.o GcralJ Herndon tial music and Miss Nancy Key-^f she.by, Mor.'an il..i.-.ed. nolds w s vocal so.aist. j.y jicjai-.el, Keith Moss, l).i..il The altar of the ch.rch was... siomrau, all (banked with palms and lighted ,j. jijunt'ain cathedral candles in nine^branch -phe'bride's mother was gown- wrought iron candelabra. gold crepe with matching Given in marriage by her fath-j^_e^g3,.ij.3 anj ^ wnlte orchid er, the bride wore a traditional ^.-j^ulder corsage, floor length wedding dress of .j, ^ g bridegroom’s mother peau de Mie and Chantilly face.gj^ggg deep pink p-alyestcr crepe The empire waist was of lace.^jjj^ matching accessories and an high at the neck and embroider-shoulder corsage, ed in iridescent sequins. (Bishop ^ redding trip the bride sleeves ended in points at ^ navy and red pantsuit wrlstllne. Her silk illusion veil^^.jjj^ navy accessories and the was attached to a three tiered lifted from her bridal bow and formed a Chapel length j^^ gj train. She carried a white Bible .j.j,g ne,^,,j.,veds will be at topped with a white orchid. home in Valley Haven Trailer (Mrs. Paul Gaffney of KingSp^.,.^ g„ gj^gj^y j-gad. <Mountain and.Mrs. Paul Lovelace Of Guantanmo Bay, Cuba, at- BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM tended their sister as matrons of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Anthony honor. Bridesmaids were 'Miss McDaniel of Grover ape parents Pam Kirkendall of Chapel Hill,of the bride. A 1971 graduate of 'Miss Betty Doffie of Atlanta,Kings Mountain high school, she Ga. and Misis Shelia Sicruggs andhas completed a 16-^veek course Mrs. Larry M'cDaniel, both ofwith Atlantic Schoo 1 of Air- Kings Mountain. lines in Atlanta, Ga. All the attendants wore floor The bridegroom, son of Rev. length gowns of emerald green and Mrs. L. D. Scruggs of Kings crepe and with matchirV; slippers Mountain, is a 1938 graduate of and head dresses and carried Anderson high school in Cincin- (bouquets of burfordi holly, rednati, Ohio and is employed by carnations, white holly leavesKinder Manufacturing company and Christmas balls. here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Daniels of 30JJ G 'l> .Sircx'l, Giusioma, aim I r. c the eng.igen.cnl 01 their daughter, Tciva D...r.e to itoanie Eugene llilchcll. The bride elect, a senior at (Hunter Huss high school, is a mem'ber of the Gastonia Spok- ette Chapter of FSA, Hunter Huss Drama club, and Anchor clu'b. .She has fcimorly served as vice-president of FHA, and as a fepresentative of the student h'gisiature. .She was also a mem ber cf tile Hunter ilu.-'s Booslei c.ui; and Deca cl.ib. 'i'he prospective bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ei'goi’.e .Mit chell of Kings .Mountain, tillond- ed Kings .Mountain hi h sclMol and i.s emplo.vod by l-liiers Indus tries, Inc., of Shelby. A J.Tnivary 27tla wedding is planned. Hambright-Dover Nu In Presbyterian Rifes Mi's Mary tllzace ih Harn'orlghl bc.ame the ''oride ef Tc.'ni; t'hy De witt Dn.cr Friday in 3 5:30 p.m. we;l ling in First Presbyterian church. Er. Fa-.il K. Ausley officiated, using the dou'ble-ring ceremony. Christmas trees on cither sulo "et .the altar sparkled With liny gc|d lights and gol'ij iSalLs and candles and green polnsettias en hanced the setting. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a burgundy velvet dress with white satin collar and satin buttons down tlie ■jodice. She wore a white fur hat and white coat and a corsage of white split carnations and red rc.^'chud-s agaitisT a background of •ebdar leafs. For her daughtor’.s wedding Mrs. Ham'brigfil chose a blue- green coat-dress ensemble with matching accessories. The bridegrcom’.s mother chose a brown and white dress with brown accessories. The 'bride’s parents entertained after the ceremony at a reception at their hicinc on route throe. Ttie refrcsliinent tables, covcrcHl with ptials Are Pledged Friday Evening iviii.e 1. ovtir re:i satin, wa.s deicrated in the rc.1 and while Cliri -.lmas motif. Red satin bows rauglv up the corners of the fl -or-lcngth tablecloths. The wed ding cake was cut and served with punch. .\ftcr a wedding trip to Ashe- vMie the newd.vweds are at liomc in Kings Mountain. ERIDE AND BRIDEGROOM Mr. and Mrs. Myers Hambriglit of Kings Mountain are parents oi the bride. .\ 1971 graduate of Kings Mountain higfi school she Is employed in the office.s of Ox ford Knitting Mills. The bridegir(X>m, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dewitt Dover of Kings Mountain, ig a 1970 graduate of Kin.gs Mountain high school and is employed in Ihe Shipping De partment of Spectrum Industries in Kings .Mountain. SECTION B THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Wednesday. December 22. 1971 — BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS CHRlSimS May the wonder ol Christ's birth fill your hearts with joy, peace and happy hopes. ROSES' 'Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Edward Ogle, 214 Price St., Clover, S. C. announce the birth of a daughter, 'W'ednesday, December 15, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold Ellis, 594 E. Georgia Ave., Bessemer City, N. C., announce the birth of a daughter, Decem'ber 15, Kin?s Mountain hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Ross, 424 S. Spargo .‘'t., Dallas, 'N. C., annornce the birth of a son Wednesday, December 15, iWngs Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Reynolds, 210 W. Sumter St., Shelby, N. C. announce the birth of a son Wednesday, Decem'ber 15, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rorraid Timms, Route 2. Box .381, Bessemer City, N. C, announce the birth of a daughter Friday, December 17, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and 'Mrs. Mitchell Cobb, 316 Martha Ave., Gastonia, N. C. announce the birth of a daugh ter Saturday, Decomiber 18, Kiings ■Mounetaln hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dean Heff ner. Route 3, Clover, S. C., an- noiunce the birth of a daughter Saturday, Decemiber 18, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Daniel 'Pride, 310 A. East Georgia Ave., 'Bessemer City, N. C., announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, December 19, Kjngs Mountain hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Dale Mill er, 1102 W. Airline Avenue, Gas tonia, N. C., announce the birth of a son Monday, Deremiher 20, Kings Mountain hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Melvin Boone, 709 Ramseur St., an nounce the birth of a daughter Monday, December 20, Kings VFW Auxiliary Wrap Gifts For Veterans 'F-our memlx'rs of Frank B. Glass Post 9H11, Veterans of Foreign Wars, wrapped gifts for patients of Olecn veterans hos pital at Swannanoa last Tues day. Making the trip were Mrs. Rob ert Ruff, Mrs. Eloree Peterson, Mrs. David Delevfe and (Mrs. Cora Hull. Lite Member Honor Awarded ' Mrs. C. L. Jolly A Life Membership pin present ed to Mrs. Orangrel B. Jolly high lighted the candlelight service ■honoring new officers of Che Women’s S.X’iety of Christian Service Monday night at Centra'l Uniterl .Melliodist eliurch. Rev. Paschal Waugh, pastor of tile church, led the service. He ■presented the society’s highi-st a- ward to Mrs. Jolly, who has serv ed as president of the WSCS the past two years, and installed offi cers. Mrs. Jolly was installod as president to serve a .second two- year term. Other officers, all re elected, are Mis. Bill Rus.seli, vfee president; Miss .Mary Ali:’P McDaniel, secretary; Mrs. Jacob Dixon, trea.suier; .Mrs. Gene Timms, chairman'oT Ihe ciimmit- tee on social concern; Mrs. Bun Goforth, chairman of the commit- tro on local church activities; Mrs. Hunter Allen and .Mrs. Fred Wright, Sr., co-chairmen of mem bership; Members o-f Circle 7, of wliith Mrs. Gene Timms is chairman, served punch and cookie's after the ceremony. Tlie refreshment table, overlaid witli red Clirist- mas cloth, was decorated in Christmas red and green. Debbie Burns Elected To G-JF Holiday Court A 21-year-old blonde elementary education ma jor from Forest City, Cathy Logan, has been named queen of the Sixth Annual Gardner - Webb Coliege baslietball Holi day lournament. I ho tourney will be held Monday an.d Tues day nights, December 27 and 28 In Bost Gym on the campus of Gardner- Webb. Four teams, Lenoir Rhyne, Mars Hill, Belmont College o f Nashville, lonn., and Gardner - u. -unnS Webb will take pari in the two day tournamenT. K'liss Logan is ihe daurjiher of Mr. and Mrs. James l-O'pan, 502 Islirsbcil. Ave., i-oresf City, and is a grad- UUie 1. f LOsI Told I lic^h School. Flor fwo atto' 'anrr, a'e DeShie Burns of Kings Mounlain, and LaNIta V/rIght of Shelby. t/IIss D'jrns is a l7-yeai -o!d freshman. She is major ing in music erli.icaiion and is the daughter of Mrs. Edirh Bi'rns, 309 Wilson Terrace, Kinns Mountain. She is a qradu 1*0 of Kings Mountain High School. Miss WrIghI is 19 and the daughter of Mrs. Mary B. Wright, 60 Fullerton Ave., Shelby. She is a sopho more maiorinq in elementary education and Is a grad- uale of Shelby Hioh School. The n"een her attendant's will be p-esent for all aamo-; an T will make the formal p'-esentatlon of the awards follov^Ipq tha championship game on Tuosday ni.oht, December 28. 4c 4t 4c :HOLIDAY EVENTS CONTINUE Floiiday parties continue this week, as many citi zens aie saying Meiry Cnrisimas ai piivaie, c.uo and company-sponsored lestivities. tmployees ot Neisco, Inc. office will gafher Wednesday tor the tradirional Chrisimas dinner dance ai the Country Club. Arneiican Legion Post 155 hold its annual dinner- dance tor th'f members and their wives Saturday evening at the American Legion building. "The Mid- nightors" played for dancing from 9 until 12 p.m. Mcmibers of tlie Country Club dined and danced Saturday evening to the music of Bill Jefferies and Orchestra of Charlotte as the club held its traditicnal holiday event. Mr. end Mrs. L- E- Hlnnant- and Mr. and Mrs. John Cheshire were hosts for the party Cotillion club members held their Christmas for mal dance on Friday evening at the Country Club. Bill Jofferles and,bis Orchestra proveided dance music ♦ * * 4f ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Cobert Nicholson announce the engagement of thoi''daughter, Pamela Gail, to Charles Edward Goforth, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edv/ard Goforth. Both families are of Kings Mountain. The bride-elect is a senior student at Kings Moun tain high school. The prospective bridegroom is a 1970 graduate of Kings Mountain high school and ,is employed by Goforth Farms. The wedding will be an event of February 12th in Temple Baptist church. 4t ♦ * 4t IT'S A BOY T/Sgt. and Mrs. Ronald Di Sebato of Elnendorf AFB, Alaska, announce the arrival of a son, David Ronald Di Sabato, Sunday, December 19th. The baby weighed six pounds, I I ounces. Other members of the DI Sebato family Dawn DI Sabato, age six. Kings Mountain grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Yarbro. Mrs. DI Sabato is the former Grace Yarbro of Kings Mountain. Mountain hn.spital, 'Mr. and Mrs. Gerlad Monroe Cti'ii man, P. O. Box 192, Bes semer City. N. C., announce the 'birth of a daighter, Monday,De cember 20, Kings Mountain hos pital. COMINGS AND GOINGS Mrs. T. P. McGill will leave Christmas Eve for Jacksonville, Fla. for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. O. Wier and family. Mrs. McGill has been visiting here with her niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owens. + * ♦ TO NOTE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. James M. Staley of 810 Landing street will celebraie their 30th v/edding anniversay Sunday, December 26th. Mrs. Staley is the former Louise West. The Staleys are parents of the first set of twins born at Kings Mountain hospital. The twins will cele brate their .20th birthdays Thursday, December 23. Connie is now Mrs. Tony Bailey and the mother of three children. Ronnie is married to the former Theda Reynolds. , * * * BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Miss Theresa Hughes, whose v/eddIng to Michael Bookout will be an event of January 7th, was honored at a drop-in lingerie shower on Saturday. December I I, given by her attendants, Miss Beverly Hughes, Miss Betty Jo Wheeler, Miss Mary Dean Hoyle and Mrs. Michael Hughes. , Miss Hughes \sas given a corsage of double while carnations. Punch, bridal cakes, nuts and mints were served to the guests who called between 7:30 and 9 o'clock.

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