L!2I' ’-VtT- rlnahead [oliday Calls Lons di-itant'e t('li*;;h3n(> usc'rs Tn Kinss Mountain may wish to plai/ ahead in plarins their long dis(&nee ChpiMm es ealls in r>rder to/itvoTtf* possible delays, said ii. B./Moore, Preal Southern Bell nvnaser, Moore said Soulhern B/11 and its Kin".-! Mountain of- fp‘,. like" the rest of the Bell Sys- m, expect the heaviest Chri.st- as callin" ever This year. Last year a rceord nuinaer a])- roaehin" ten million interstate alls were placed in the- United tales on Christmas day alone, 'hts Oiristmas an even larger volume of mes.sai»e.s is e.\])eeted, aecordin" to the .A:meric.tn Tele- |>hone and Teh-graph Company's Long Lines Department, the lon,a instance and overseas operatinj> unit cf the Bell System. In North Carolina 23B,n(K) com- pit *ted ime.ssages iire anticipated on ChrLsfmas day, an increase of ten per rent over last year. Mixrre said d("spite the exlen- ilVe efforts made to at'conTmodate he Christmas callinf; rush, some ■ustomers may encounter delays I fiiedause of heavy traffic. I ■ Plans call for extra circuits to I be put into service in various (ailing patterns in the nation- ; wide telephone network. In addi- I lion, ovi'f.seus circuit.s art* Ircing ' added to tho.se currently used for I norniiiil mt'r.seas service. j Bell System planning cmiimit- I t(n>s began mt'eting wet^ks ago to make arrangements for the In- I erea.sed calling volume. Fi>r plan- ! tiing [turposes the holiday period is cortsidered to run from approxi- malely 6 p.ni. on Cliristmas Eve to 2 a.m, on December 2fi. with] I another surg<‘ of heavy calling adder C p.m. on that date. Through the years the* planners ' ' hlaxe h'arned that the hours peo- I idi" u.se th(‘ telephone the most 1 tiuring the h ilid ly periods arc 9 I ii.m. to t p.m. and fi p.m. to 11 ; p.m. ^ “On Iiolidays,’’ .MiK>re siiid, , “calling p:ittorns differ from thexse I on an average hustnc.ss day — I calls are placed over longtJr dls- (ances and fa’-tween more remote places in the country. And eon- V'crsations tend to run longer than normally.” “The telephone network, which works lik(' a cempufer, is pro- grivnimed to send a telephone ('all by the most direct route,” he I Area Students On Dean's List Fix'c King.s Mountain area .stu dents earned fall (|uarter -aca demic honors and have b<,>en placed on the Dean’s list at .\p,)ala,-hian slate Un'ivor.sily. To qualify for the honor, a slu- deni must maintain a B avora.ge (in at least 15 quarter hours of work with n.o grade bel.aw C. The students li.sted ar(' Stanley liobert Pr-awn, a ,)unior. of OOfi Henry street; Kathryn Plonk Go- forth, a senior, of 911 Cresiamt Cii’jle; Wilda Jane Patterson, a Ireshman of route 1, (Irovor; Nancy Rarnell Reynolds, a jun ior, of route two; and Rebwca .\nn Summllt, a junior, of 201 Pinehurst streol. added. “But if the solecleid route ■is hu.sy, the equipment automatic-1 ally preabes for other free 'circuits until it either finds a chxar route or determinds that none Is avail-' able.” I “Sometimes wo have to send a ; call arrross the country and baidt [ to get from a northern point of; the country to a point In Nortih: Carolina. But the equipment [ works so fast the caller Isn't even ' aware of the dl-dance involved.” Mrs.Ieiieries | Rites Conducted ^ Funeral servi(-es for 'Mrs. Ellen Earker Jefierics, 9.5, of the .Stony Point communily, were (.xmducted .Mond.iy afler- noon at -1 o'clock from Jerusa lem Christian Fellowsliip Chur'’h oX God of Stielby by the Uev. Oakes, pastor, and the Rev. J, II. While assisting. Interment was in Lh(‘nezcr chi.Tch cemetery'. (Mrs. Jefferies dic'd Friday morning at her home. She is survived by three (lau"li-| tens, Mrs. Ola iMae Howard of ■ Lawndale, Mrs. .’Wary Williams , and Mrs. Ella .'Waet William.s, both ot Philadelphia, Ja.; three sons, Fred Jefferies of 'Lafay ette, La., Jamexs Jefferies of Shelby and Roosevelt Jefferies of Kings Mountain; two brothers, Jesse Parker of Statesville and; ■Roosevelt Parker of California; 25 grandcdiildren and 55 great- grandchilren. V. d Conductor Walter Damrosch was bom in old Prussia. \ Xo all our friends and patrons we wis’i the Merriest Christmas ever. Your loyal support has been deeply gratifying. Have a happy hclida;''. TIARA HAIR DESIGNS Shirley Allen Arlene Smith Ann McDaniel Wanda Gregory Beverly Goforth Charlene Ban’ett San ANTONIO — Aiimon Lar ry A. Johnson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Grady H. Johnson Jr.. 1S4 Garrett St., Greensboro, N. C.. has completed h:s U. S. Air Force bc^ic training at the Air Training Commtnd's Lackland AFB, Tex. He is remaining at Lackland for training as a se- curity policemcih. .Airman John- son is o 1971 graduate of B. L. Smith High School. District Judges To Seminar District Court Judgc.s Joe F. 'M . II of .Shelby, i,e\' is Bulwinkic' and Oscar F. .\la.s:'n, Jr., (.1 Gas tonia Robert W. Kiihy of Cher ryvllle were among tlie more than 90 of the 112 dislrl t judge.-c attending a seminar at tlic' In stitute of Government in Chap el Hill Friday and Saturday of 'last week. Lecturers included Chief Jud.ge Raymonds. Mallard of the N. C. Court of Appeals Emergeni'y Judge I'rancis O. Clarkson of Charlctte and Wil'iam ICIi'.ison, director of the probation com mission. C. E. Hin.sdale and Ma .son P. Thomas, Jr. of the staff ef the Institute of Government p.;r ticipated. j Provisions of the newly en acted Controlled .Substances Act, which will go into effect Janu ary 1, 1972, replac'ing the' pres ent drug control 1 a w, were among the subjects discu.ssod. Other topics in.T..ded problems ■with district couit probationers and now iddslation concernin'" juveniles, •Surgical and 'medical Ireal- mont of unborn bahie.s waili cer- , tain birth defecis can be e.xpc, l- (xi in tlip ful. re, says iWarch of Dime.s medical experts. mefin/ Chfi/tmo/ 1o oil! To each of you, a holiday filled with its own special excitement and ^ enchantment. From us, many thanks for HOME SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION CALLING YOUR ATTENTION TO... 1% Tax Penalty Applies January 1, 1972 ON UNPAID Taxes The Change — both in date of application an d rate — was enacted in the North Carolina General Statutes by the North Carolina Gen eral Assembly. Tax Checks Postmarked Through Dec. 31 Will Be Honored At No Penalty P CITY OF KINGS OUNTAIN ^Tiii nil'

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