V Population Treater Kings Mountain ^1«914 City Limits M65 Ok mmy King. MciDevltt said Bellinger had been gl.cn "every opportunity to ■ remain with the department. We began immediately giving hiim extra police training to begin nieeting ‘the educational require ments arid the review board even waived minimum age require ment when Bollinger joined the force. Every consideration has been g^ven him. He refused fo ’.meet the conditions that every lilher man does meet. I canM On Page Six FirstCitizensGrand Opening Tentatively Set January 24 V- / \ ' John L. McGill, retired former partner of Kings Mountain Drug Company, was appointed Thurs day as liasori representative be tween the Kings Mountain Con valescent & Nursing Center, Inc. and Homes of Caro, Inc., or "any one else who builds” the nursing home, President Joe R. Smith said. Smith said the hag taken a "long time bcc we are getting clctio. . .we'll go with something thii, year.” The Kings Mountain Convales cent and Nursing Center. Inc., and Kings Moutain Homes of Care, Inc., are awaiting the ap proval of a loan to build an 85 ■oed nU' Sing center here. President Smith, president ot the groups, said they arc working on a Small Business Adminisira tion loan which would allow •them to begin construction some time this year. A corporation was h>rmed sev eral years ago. Some stock was sold and land directly behind Kings Mountain Hospital was pj-^’Hac''d. However, there was a ' nir^'d amount of stockholders a:i’^ money and efforts to sell mt' -e stock bogged down. Two years ago, the local organ Ization along with Homes of Care, Inc., of GreenvUle, S. C., be came part owners of Kings Moun tain Homes of Care, Inc. The Gieenville group, however, was approached by individuals in other states, who, according to Smith, had the money and want ed nursing homes built. Thus, the Greenville group has been tied up with other projects. Smith say.s that "something if*} J Im Fivrl will definitely be done this year” {Hill IS M llSl even if it means getting another group to build the home. "Sev eral otiier organizations have been in to talk with us and are wanting to build the home,” he said. Mayor John Mass last week listed the construction of a nurs- , ing home as the city’s number'Bahy Deroios lor 1971. one goal in 1972. Moss four years j The first child of Mr. and Mrs. at- • FIRST bAbT — Victoria Annette Adams, the city and county's first baby of the new year, rests In the orms of her mother, Mrs. Fred Adorns. The new orrival weighed in at Kings Miountoin hospitoi ot 1:23 p.m. New Year's Day. (Herold Photo by Jim Belt) Victoria Adams l Is Derby Winner Kings Mountain ^ iSoin In County j Victoria Annette Adams, eight (pound nine ounce baby girl, is /winner of both tiic Kings Moun tain and Cleveland County First ago appointed a committee to in vestigate the homo here possibilities of a' Tax Collections Total $233,598 City taxpayers paid $66,065 in 19T1 tax bills in the fmal eight days before penalty dafP, City Clerk Joe H. McDaniel, Jr., re ported. , The payments brought total in take on 1971 'tax accounts to $233,598.50 reprefenting 71.1' per cent of the total levy of $328,305, Fred Adams of 103 North Carpen ter stieet weighed in at Kings Mountain hospital at 1:2^1 p.m. New Year’s Day. .Mrs. Adams, the former Dore- tha Crown, 22, said she entered the hospital at G:30 p.m. on De cember 3l5t. Attending physician was Dr. Joe Lee. ivjrs. Adams said she had marli' an earlier trip to the hospital on Christmas Day and thought the new arrival migiit be a "/hrist ma: present.” She said she was pleased the now baby is winn<*r of lirst baby contests spo:isored by the Kings Mountain Herald, the Shelby Daily Star and the C'levclind Times. Her husband, 26, is a second and 73 percent of the $318,50t') the city anticipated it .would receive .shift tlirvploycc of Kings Mill, in revenue from this, source dur Mrs. Adam.s is one of 12 chil- ing the current fiscal year dren of Mr. and .Mrs. iRc-bert Brown Balance unpaid againsit the of the Long Creek common.ty. budget estimate as pehjky date She has a young brother, nine. arrived January 1 was ^1,901.50. Blanee unpaid against the total 1971 levy was $94,706.5^!- Penalty of two percent applied January 1. It will 'increa.se by three-quarters of one )x*rcent in sulbsequent mon-^hs until paid. SPEAKER — John C. Houser, Gastonia banker ond notive of Grover, will oddress Kings Mountain Rotarians at their Thursday meeting. Houser To Speak To Rotary Club John C. Hou.ser, president of the new Carolina State Bank in G'tst:;nia, will speak to Kings Mountain Rotarians at their the family anymore” anirher Thursday meeting at 12:15 at the older sister is 30. There are seven Country club. who says "won’t bo the baby ol bo^’s and five girls in the family. Paternal gramfmother is Mrs. Eula Mao Adams of 113 Childers streei:. Mayor Asks Committees To Study And Evalnate City Traiiic How The Mtayor has asked the city traffic feafety committee and the highway advisory committee to study and evaluate city traffic conditions and to make recom mendations to the city corn'mis- »ion for alleviating problems. Botarian Thoma.s L. Trott has arranged the program. The Gnrtonia banker is a na tive of. Grover, son of Mr. and Mrs. -Roy Houser. Ho is a graduate of Grover high school and the University of South Carolina. A banker tlie past 11 years, he joined Wachovia Bank & Tru.st in June 1959, subsequently became assistant branch manager and then manager of the Friendly Center office and becalme a-wocia- tod with North State Bank in Burlington in February 1906 and Other mem'bcrs of the high way advisory committee are J. Lee Roberts, L, E. Hinnant, Carl F. Mauney, Leroy Blanton and Bill Grissom. The Mayor wrote the chairmen: *Tn the past ye:ir the traffic Supervised branch operations for Lelterswere addressed by May- flow on a number of City streets ils six ofifices. Ho became prtsi- or John Henry Moss to Commls- has increased consideirably. This dent of the new Carolina State sioner W. S. Biddix, Ohaimian ol increased traffic H^ow, especially D.ink when it oi)oncd in Gastonia rhe traffio safety wmmittee, and in our downtown area, causes several months ago. to WWl Herndon, chairman of the traCHc tIe-ups almost dafly dux- He is married and the father oJ highway advisory oommittee. ing -peak hours Oher mombers of the traffic "I would like to recommend. •afety committee are Commis- therefore, that the City Traffic fiioners T. J. Ellison and James Safety Comimltteo and the High- Dickey. Police Ohift Torn McDev- way Advtwy Committee make a itt, Fire Chief Floyd Thornburg, study and an evaluation of the and Dellbert Dixon, captain od exi-ating traffic conditions and the Kings Mountain Life-Saving prepare a report of their findings and Rescue squad. Continiuicl On Page Six two children. TO GATOR BOWL Mr. and Mrs. J. E. (Zip) Rhea, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fulton, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs Grady How ard wore among hlcal people going to Jaicksonvlllo, Fla. for the Gator Bowl Last weekend. First-Citizens Taps 10-Member Advisory Board Ten Kings Mountain business and professional leaders have been elected to the newly esiaib- lished First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company Board of Advis ors in Kings Mountain, R. P. Holding, Jr., chairman of the bank, annourtced. (Named to the board are Char les F. Mauney, William Kemp Mauney, Jr., Eugene J. Timms, John D. Wai'Uck, Jai'k H. White and Lee A. Mc?Intyre, Jr. As memfbers of the FirstiCili- zen Bank Board in Kings Moun tain, these men will assist bank nuinageiment in policy matters, business development, and serve as an additional liaison between the community and the bank. C. F. Mauney is general man ager of Mauney Hosiery Mills. A 'Kings Mountain native, he has served as president of the Ro- taiy, has been president of the Catawba Valley H'csiery club and as served on the board of GardnerWebb college, the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. (He is a gradute of North Caro lina State University and is a member of St. Matthews Luther an church. 'W. K. Mauney, Jr., is p*vesi- rient of Mauney Hosiery Ivlills. For the past three sessions, he has serv^ in the egislature fmm Cleveland county. He is a 'former president of the Jaycees, serves on the board of trustees of Ltmoir Rhyne college and the Cleveland Mental Health Asso ciation. The te.xtile executive is a graduate of Lenoir Rhyne col lege and is a memtber of St. 'Matthews Lutheran church, where he has served on the church council. iMIcGinnis is president of Mc- (Ginnis Department store and has 'farming interests. The Kings Mountain native is an alumnus of the University of North Car olina and is a menTber of the board of directors of the Kintgis (Mountain Urban Renewal pro gram. (Morrison Is president of Asso ciated Laundry Sales, a commer cial laundry eciuipment distribut ing firm. He Is a graduate of Wake Forest Univei'sity and al-so attended Western Reserve Uni versity. The Statesville native is a member of the American Le gion and the Highland Saddle icirto. Dr. Plonk is a general surgeon Continiu’d On Page Six K L. VITilsoii's Rites Conducted T'uneral idles for Martirt Luth er Wilson. Sr., 63, of 514 Phenix street, were conducted (Monday aftern(K)n at 4 o’<^lock from Faith Baptist church. (Rev. Robert Ilicklin officiated at the final rites and nterment was in Mountain Rest cemetery. D(‘acons of Faith Baptist church were active pi llhearers. Mr. Wilson succumibed Sunday morning in the Kin s Mountain hospital where he had l>een a pa tient since Decomber 10th. He had been in ill health for several years. Death was attributed to heart failure. (He was associated with Mc- O.irdy Cleaners. 'Born in Cherokee County, S. C.. s'^n of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilson, he had lived near ly all his life in Kin-gs Mountain. (He and his wife, the former Es sie Alimond, were married 46 years. (In addition to his wife he is survived by three sons, Charles Wilson, Martin L. Wilson. Jr. and Robert Wilson, all '^f Kings Mountain; two brothers, Broad- us Wilson of GaMney, S. C. and Jesse Wilson of Arlington, Va.; six, grandchildren and one great- grand'child. ' The family designated memorials to Faith Baptist church. PROMOTED ^ Boyce H. Gault, Jr. hos been promoted to assist ant vice president of North Car olina Naticnol Bank at Char lotte. Boyce Gault Wins Promotion (Boyce H. Gault, Jr., a Cleve land county native, has been pro mo'ed to assistant vice president of North Carolina National (Bank. i Ife is manager of Standard Service .Sales in tho automated (c’ustomcr services department in Charlotte. (Gault is a graduate of Kings (Mountain high school and at tended Kings Business college. (He was wdlh First Union Na tional Bank in Kings Mountain and Charlotte albout seven years before joining NONlB in 1%9. (Ho is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce II. Gault of 112 N. Deal St., Kings Mountain. His wife, the former Phyllis Welch, is the daughter of Clyde Welch of Kings Mountain. They have two children, Boyce H. Ill, 10, and Gina, 6. Bank To Occupy New Building On Battleground First Citizens Bank & Trust Cenpany, building a new bank ing Ikmiso here on South Battle- gn und avenue, has tentatively set grand opening for Monday, January 2Uh. Vice - President and Manager Leo A. McIntyre, Jr. said this week that woikmen are putting final 'tcuehes to the building. The two-story brick building frcnls 100 feot on Battleground and Jnerokce streots on a lot be tween the A&P and Clark Tire. It is of contemporary styling, con tains approximateliy 5(300 square feet of iloor space. The exterior is of brick and bronze glass and aluminum. Se\^eral additional teilor windows, a drive-in window and ample parking are lomong the new features. Since opening hero in January 1936, the bank has occupied the building of the late Dr. D. M. Morrison on West Mountain street. Bible Class Here May Be Cancelled Unless citizens respond to the Bible class now being conducted on second Monday evenings at 8 p.m. in the Conference Room of Kings Mountain ’Saving^ & Loon Association the classes will be cancelled. Mrs. Carl Devenish of Asheville, noted Bible teacher ana lecturer, has been traveling via bus from Asheville to lead a *Bible class, C'pen 'to the public, here. The class will be conducted a- gain on Monday and is non-de- nominational. A spokesman for the group said Christians of all ages and denom inations can benefit from the in- spiia'tional study of the Bible led by Mrs. Devenish. laughtei Gives Hguies; 12di Month Kggest By MARTIN HARMON New construction within the city sot an apparent record in 19(1 as building ijcnnlt purdiases totaled $3,305,518. In repou’ting the figures, (Wood- row Laughter, codes offi'cer, said he had not completed his tabula tions on types oi construction, but he said the vast majority of the building was residential. December buikUng.permit sales provided the biggest boost, with the total $1,023,010; Suptember was the next big month and June third. August was the caboose of the yeai. Mayor John Henry Moss said he was highly pleased with the 1971 construction result, also noting that the vast majority of the building was for residential con struction, "There was only a small a- mount oif industrial construction wi'LJiin the oily during 1971, "the Mayor said,” and Mr. Laughfer’s final tabulations may well show ' ccoi'morcial building ohead of in-, dustrial. Ihere was a good inci-. - dence cf industrial building near' tlic city limits but outside the" city. "We are still hardly caught up,”^^ ■the Mayor added, "with residen-' tial needs. Many citizens con-J tinue to reside in sub-standar housing and the market ren tight in this area. I hope 19 will find the residential buUdingJ ■trend continuing.” Building permit brecikdown byj months are: January 6930J February March April May June July August SeptenKber October November December TOTAL C Harper Requests Blantons Hurt Sewer Service In Jamaica Crash iRaegan Haiper, Kings Moun tain pharmacist, reiterated his rctiu^st for city sewer servic'cs at his residence on North Roxford road to the city board of coin- rnissioners Thursday nig*!!!. , It was not Mr. (Harper’s first visit, he reminded council mem fbers, since his property off Shel- Iby road was annexed four years ago. (Mayor John Henry Moss told (Harper he was most sympathetic with his piTOblem and the board authorized the mayor to ask Col. W. K. Diickson to make a third survey of the 'Harper pro perty and roco'mmend feasibility of c*onstruction of a sewage line on North Rox'ford road and ne cessary riighl-of-way require ments. '*U’ve been operating on a sep tic tank (Which I didn’t realize iwhen I bought the house) said lllanper. The rainy season only worsens ocr pio^blem. We cart’t operate bathrtxvm facilities and washing machines at tlie same time. We like being in the city limits and we want the same services our neighbors have." McDaniel Fi Gifts $55 Gifts to the M^dDani^ ing Hand Fund totaled ing the week, aooording , of Mrs. Libby Anthoif Methodist church seore] ■Additional gifts froiJ (Mrs. Paul Ham and/| Study group of Firsli chuiih. Ne'Ailywc'ds Charles \ind Hallie Blanton wore injured Sunday morning when their rented car was hit head-on by another (ve hicle at 10 a.m. in Montego Bay, Jamaica. ■Mrs. Blanton was hospitalized with lacerations of the face, throat and mouth. Mr. Blanton suffered two broken ribs and bruises. Two other tourists, passengers in the second car, were cilsc in jured. A woman passenger sus tained a concussion. The other driver, a man, was treated for in juries at the hospital and dis missed. Mr. (Blanton, who called rela tives here, said he was traveling at a speeil of 15 miles per hour when the crash occurred. The Kings Mountain couple returned to Charlotte via plane late Wednes^lay afternoon and Mr-*. Blanton was transferred by ambulance to Kings Mountain hospital where she remains a pa tient. Mr. iBIlanton was also be ing lrcatess, president Of the com pany, said concrete for 'the build ing’s (floor has 'b<'cn poured and the pn'^fab building should be up by mid-week. Tlio city commission, on request of Stinnett -and Carpenter, honor ed tlio city zoning board’s request for rezoning of the property from rc.sidcntial to light industry last week. Police Re] Two BreaJc- Kings Mountain v-«f*iTating two break-j occurred last Wedne Officers reported th^ entered Wade Ford Road and took some along with a pistol writing machine. A washerette neal was also entered ankr imately $140 was ta)cen from’^r- lous coin operated machines there. Damage to the machines and the building was estimated at $400. / Mrs. Loi|^ Camp For Nnnring Home A Kings Mountfiin citizen is highly pleasetl at Mayor John Henry 'Moss’ labeling a nursing home as first on the city’s 1972 priority hst of community fa cilities needs and so wrote the Mayor Tuesday. Mrs. Lois Camp, of Route 2, wrote: "I jusl thank you so much for stating that one of the first things K nigs Mountain was go ing to do was build a Rest Ho 'for our elderly people. The need i is great. I "enow. I spend most^! of my .spar> time visiting liomes oW women are living al