m Population Treater Kings Mountain ^1.914 City Limits 8.465 . A111911 Mounioto uvurt la derWad iron Uoltrd auroau ol tiso Con»u» report o Jtmvarr titm(*'r Govorncr Terry Sanf. 'vi said WednLV-day he will seek the Un.ted States Presidency starMng in Ncr'h Car .iina’s Primary cn a campaign cufering alternate cours es; that wauld earn the suip'pcrt of the deeply troubled Aimeriean pud Ur. Sanferi, who the f. urlh Dimtc. rat to annoan:!e his in'tonth'n to run in N T‘h iCaro* 1 iia, tolJ a news cot^ference: “iiiierc emes a time in a man’s life, cierpUe tlio odds, when he is cc TTix lled to do wh-al ho thinks .should be done, be it persoml, public: or p liUcal. That time has conic fer me. “I am net satisfic'd with the way American government is liandling cur problems. I am not satisikd that we have any an* nouncej candidates who will do wiiat needs to be done. " I am cati&fied that the job c'an be dene and must be done. I am confident that \ihat w’c are starting here today is a fresh ap proach that can give expression to our needs, give us alternate ccurses to follow and earn the siippoit of the deeply troubled /Mmeruan public.'” Sanford, o4-year-old President of IXtke University at Durham, was among seven Domoerfits ^nominated by the state board of P^lections for the North Carolina Primary on May Gth. Thiee i.ie nt-minc'es — Shiilc?>' Ol.i .n, Edmund Muskie an*l Cle. .,e id- lace — have paid their ^*1* ing fees. Still to bo he ard at. .n are George McGo.ecn, aubi-ft Humphrey and Henry Jackson. GRADUATE — Mrs. Elizabeth WUsen is a recent graduate cf Gaston Memorial School of Practical Nursing. McDevitt, King In CCLEA Posts Two members of the Kings Me,unlain polic*e force were deed ed to offices in the nowly-fccmed Oleveland County Law Enforce ment Agency Tuesday night. Cliiof Tom McDevitt was nam- chI s(‘rgeant-at-arm.s and officer Ellis King was elocte»d to a two- year term on the board of direct or/. The now association sa^ts its gcal is to improve law enforce ment in the c'ounty. The CCLEA currently has 95' members. There are 185 law eniforc'ement officerj in Cleveland County. Registration Books To Open Cleveland County Demoeratfc ICIvairman Cameron S. Ware to- " day reminded local citizens thait veter registration books will be dosed April 7 in advance of the May 6 primary election. No one can vote in the pri mary unless he has registered by til at deadline. New voters or ne^W residents in the county must got their names on the books to vote. H nvover. anyone who al ready is registered to vote in a general election no<'d not regis ter again. Ware pointed out that 18-to-2t' year-olds will be eligible to vote in the fir.M primaiy’* only if tliey reg:5'ler. S.r/’' 17-yeair-irlds also can vole in the pri.mary—if their 18'h blrllid'iy comes before the Nov. 7 general election doite. A pairtic- ular registration rufe applies to t’lu m, however; they can registci cr’.y during the period betwenm March 7 and April 7 to vo-te in the priimary. All otht'Ts can reg ister any time beford April 7, w'hen Locks cL.se according to law. Anyipio can register wS is a United SlatO’? citizen, who is at lea.^'t 18 by the daite. of the Nov. 7 general election, who has tK'tJn at least one year and of hig pre* Ciiit'i ior ai accAkI oo Year-roiTnd voter registration is open at the ClorelanB County ^ard of Elections office in the , Centinued On Pag^ Eight Mts. Wilson Is Graduate ■Mrs. Jim (Elizaijeth) Wilson, v.,10 returned to the classroom alter her third child started to school, was graduated fi*om Gas- to! .'rial School cf Practical : I Fv'..raary 25th. .W’s. Wilson said dlie realized her iUe-long ambition. *'1 had to quit nursing school in February 1950 but I had al ways the desire to gio back,” said iMrs. Wilson. Safter our young er child, now eiiij.it, started to school, I did just that. You can do anything if you hy, with God’s help,” sOie adds. Mrs. Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Hertie Hartsoe of Kings Moun tain and R. W. Spencer of Chesa peake, Virginia; was president of her graduating chiss and averaged in the 90’s in school v/ork. She was graduated with honors in the ceremony held in Gastenia’s Loray Baptist chK rch. Slie attended Kings Mountain /high school. The Wils ns are parents of three children; Chris, age 14; Cathy, age 11; and Mike, age eight. Prison Escapee Is Captured An escapee frem the Shelby prison unit was captured late Monday afternoon jn the Dixon scliool community. Lawrence Brcx'ks, 43, of Gas tonia, ran into tVie weeds where ho was (Working on a fence around 2 p. m. The prison group was working on rural road 22S6. Jn fact, the prisoners were moving a pasture 'fence owned by IGejn e Stewart, 'father of Kini s Mountain Herald reporters Elizabeth Stewart and Gary Stewart. [Bloodhounds tracked Brooks and he was recaptured near Kings Creek, just several hun dred yards from where he es caped. A spokesman for the prison unit said Br. oks is serving a 10- year sentence for iKissession of burglary tools. Little Theatre Play Finales This Weekend Final performances of “Sur prise” by tfie Kinigs Mountain l ittle T'oeatre will be staged on Friday and Hatordnv n'■ *' Park G»*a.'*e Auditorium. Curtain lime is 8 o'clock. 'I'he rollicking two-act comtKiy by a 12 member cast played to large audiences last weekend. J pass.i;le out of the play. J:e Ann Walker M 'Danfel, veto^’an Little Theatre actress and director, plays the lend role of 'Ella Wi.T.sley, the retired film actress and owner of the Ver mont Inn vlhiih provides the sol- ting for the play. “S.'an Jean Grant, star ^ ! the group’s prodiulion c'f “Every- ’bedy Loves O; il” last year, is ba':k as Pearl Du Join, The house keeper. A third stand i t is Stan Gain ey, in the role of Pearl’s husband, grounds keeper a-t the inn. In good supporting roles are Mrs. Sylvia Holmes, the author ess; Glenda Crawford, ns the doc tor’s wife; Steve Baity as the chiropra l )r who suffers am nesia: .Mike Muscat who play3 the granddaughter’s hip] io boy- fi-iend and the mental patient; Cindy Rrbins n as Ella’s grand daughter; Jim Amos, Jr. as the rest home attendant; and Ronnie Mor.dson as the authoress’ fiance. With the exception o! Muscat, of Gastonia, all the cast mem'lx^rs are ii-om Kings Mountain and three are high schc-cl students. Tbe medy i.s full of small and de'lighitful surprLes. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Cfcarlts G. Dillini Rites Held Sunday fomm City Mi Saimiy Offkkl Bkc ••• -.AlWfc Sbast. ’Sf-fR'v - 1^ V'/y.if letm iwwfi* /m- - msy ^ ^ « sf!^ ^ ' ‘i’.yf. ‘ing# v. -i Iff-/, r- -isr SWKK sm-f iy/r: ' ' -..i-glx ;4 >: 0- _ ix 4- t Xa'- ■■ ■’4m ■■■ 1.^0^ dke Pasted IS Sw id! 1 laycees Set Orchid Sale Kings Mountain Jaycoes will conduot the s-ale of Easter orchids again this year as a fund-raising project. Cliairman Jim Belt said orders are now being taken by Jaycoes and that orchids will bo available in while, lavender, green and bahy ('..hid. Test is $4. Myers Printing Company will be pick-up station and Jaycx'es will also offer delivery service. Walker Bites Are CsRdncted Funeral rites for Bchby Dean Walker, 2d, tf 217 North Sims street, wore c nducted Monday aflernccn rt 4 p.m. from Mid view Baptist (huroh. K(?v. Jolin FraZ'ior and Uev. George I e!^.,!i cfficiatcd at the final r‘ es, .md intoimont was in Mountain Best comotery. Mr. Walker, in ill health all his life, died Sunday morning in the King.s Mountain hospital. He was I'he son of M veiled by pr er.T' f/. ne*?; at t!ie puM'.c hc.-i:irg on C :! ')or 12. Tr.o n' w c: r.":d’ r by-pas-rs the Boi.iwaro community to the .sr'’‘h. The Alternate II route which was le. c.ninendod tof owing the publ c licaring routed the corridor throng.1 Bethiware north cf David PaptKsf ehur, h. The oDirido.* begins n oth ol t'le ex. ir.g U.S. 74 rt its inter- .■-•c; .ion with I-P") wc.*^': Ck. I land Avenue be‘ween Deal .S-treot Park and La-;l Elementary S'. hor 1; crosses the Southern Rail way betwi'en Phenix Mill and Mullins Textile Mill; croj^^es Pied- m'.mt Avenue in the vi.'inity ol Erbe street; c.^.s^os Waeo road; crosse.c 2C34: cresses SR 2*;37 nouii of SH 2036; cr U.S. 7-1 si-uih of Bethware .s(h'> 1 tieirg into U. S. 71 ca-'t of tiic Buffalo Creek cridge. There Ls no change in the cor ridor f.xm Alternate II frem the take-off point at 1-85 to Cansler street. ■Division Staff Engineer T G. Brooks said a de-ign hearing will be held in several months aftei plans are completely designed. An aerial map C'f the new route is posted at City Hall. r* ft 117-11 Owens Rifes branon Witsers Thursday fit n Wins Scholarship Schools Receive Federal Grant Kings Mountain city sehocls has been awarded a $6000 fed eral gran-t to implement a rea'd- ing program developed by Rich ard E. Green, North school prin- cii)al. Total cost of the program will be $GC80, with $680 local schools purtkLpation, Superintendent Don ald D. Joiio.s said in making an- nounc i.Ticart cf the grant. F reshman Band Is '"Superior" Kings Mountain high school’i; Freriimen Band earned a rating cif "Supericr” in annual band centryts in Kannai;:Ms during the weekend. The band is under the direction of Donald Dt'al. The Senior Band will participate in .-^tate br.nd competition on Manh 25Mi in Marion. Dirertor Deal said both band groups will oe pre.sentc*d in spring ecn.ert on Mai'^h 23rd al 7;45 p m. in CciXral school audjlarlum. \ / CITY BOARD MEETING Regular meeting of tlie city commission will be held Mon day at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. Major item on the agenda as cf Wedne.'^ay was a public hearing cn a petition by Mrs. Sara Wilson Brittain for annex ation of her 100 x 200 foot lot at 306 Piiifer Road to the city limits. Police Petition Denies Perusal Oi Rules; Review Board No More Rose s Taps R. E Wilson iR. H. Wilson of Kings Moun tain has 'been appointed manager of Rose’s store at Algon(|uin Manor Shopping Center in Eouisville, Kentucky. Mr. Wilson began training with Rose’s May 1, 1967 in Durham, and later trained at Elizilbeth- t iwn, Ky. iHe was named to his present position on Felb. 11. A Klnt IS Mountain native, ho is married to tthe former Betty Jo iGathinIgs of Wadesiboro. They are parents of three children: Rdbin, 19; Terri, seven; and (David, age three. 'Mr. Wilson at tended Wadesiboro high sdhool and Kings Mountain schools. A petiliiui signed hy all pcllee- men except two wus handod CMy C nnmis: ioner W. S. Piddix in tlie parking lot of Fir. He attend ed the .Governor’s School and fitonliniii (i on Png Light/ Funeral rites fer Charlie Clif ford Gwens, 26, of Shelby, bro ther of Ralph 0»V€*ns of Kings Mountain will be held Thursday moiT.-:ng at 11 o‘clc:k from Fae Chapel of Lutz Austell Funeral Tlcme in Shelby, interment fol lowing in Betheny Baptist chmvh cemetery in Feuntain Inn. S. C. 'Ml*. Ovens died at T:?0 a. m. T esday al his home after a two- day illness. A native cf Soui!h Carolina, ho was the son of the late Eroadiis and Mae Dunn Owens, a member of Campfiold Baptist church and a city df She’by cmy’oyee. Other sur\ivers imiude one sister. Miss Shirley Ovvens of 'Columbia, S. C. and a broUher, Meh'in Ovvens, of Shelby. !C4 Names PeHtion Names of 101 citizens are on three “Concerned Citizens” peti- tiens calling for the dLmissal of the high 'School principal follow ing racial riots at the high SI }k>o1. A spokesman for the committ^'o said the group is not pushing the petitions on tlie street or \ia hcu.-^e-io-house, that only facts are being sought for preSiuRalion to the board of education along wJ'h tiio parents’ group a'com- mendations. The spokos-man declined Xr say what rec'ommendations the “Con cerned Citizens” group would make to the school board or wlien they would be made. “Things look good at school thi.s week, and weTe just play ing it by oar and adopting a wait and see atutu;Ie.’’, lie t\ . inued. 4S Trial ThiTsdeiy For KMHS YsiiS Charged With Slashing Auto Tires T-Viir hlark stur’ents Mountain hi;]! school at Kings were ar- resttd Friday and charged with King street. 'Ciaig Brown, 17, of York Road; and Loon Norris, IS, of 113 West slaiLing a lomohilo tii*es owmed by a K'N?i:I.S bi logy teacher, Hugh Putnam. Putnam earlier last w’oek signixi a w’arrant against a stud- The tire slashing, according to police, occurnxi ah ut 1 p. m. in the s. hool parking let. The four you'hs, the jHi’i.e said, were friends of the black student wtho ent aft(»r a disturbance in one of v.’as mn^cd hy Putnam last Mon- his classes. day morning and later char ed li'arry Ja.'kson, 16. of Route 1, with assia It. w'as arrested by lo.nl iK>Iice and The students will be tri