Page Four THE ICINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Thursclay, Marck 9, 1972 Morcseii Stubbs 7 :n Pirmotions Not Too Late To Make Will n'.u ;'.ai M r.'cT has boon ap- , . a. ' Sail'.- Mananifr and Tony • • , lc:':i prornctod to aji’ •, - ■ prcvciilatKo aicording to ; i'l.fid annoum('mi'H't by For i.nd'PiMh, Gonf ,al Manager, ll'.;' Kinder Manufacturing ■i'e n -uiy, In., facility in Ocala, r; rida. It’3 time to follow thraagh on that New Year’s resolution to draw up a will in 1972. If you didn’t make that resolution, it isn’t too late. i The will gives you, the indivi dual who developed the estate, the opportunity to determine how it will be transferred at your deatn. It provides a degree of i rotection and conveniences for your family. I Winn-Dixie Soies I Show Increose nesses are called "holographic wills.” To be valid in North Car olina, holographic wills must be entirely in the decedent’s hand writing and signed by him. In additicn, it must be found among his personal effects or e se in the hands of a person or bank, etc., entrusted with its safekeeping. Sales at Winn-Dixie supermar kets advanced 13.25 per cent during the four weeks ended Feo. 5 compared with tSie cor responding period last year. DeRose Report Reflects Decline FLIM FLAM I Moi. icr began with Kinder in . - M'.a:;, 1!) ';; in King.-^ .M ;unl.tin. 1 t'.i:'‘ii;'„i •i.'-' a .Sales Repve- i!,' wa-; transferred to it .tai'.u !r> and .seneil •1 1 ‘ ' i y until his re- let'.’ pi imounn. » .’gla- ri l("i Vvilii his wife, v’.'indi, a' ill') .\.K.' 2nd Street I - aia, i'll . !;i. ,1 Ti ey v.iiii Kinder in ,iT ' 11. e--. i'--c ,.;ia. work-j ” -1 t; ( ni 'i.l S V. Jiile ’ll-1 ii'urii.i.' eelie-e. lie i.erec.l t.vo ,(',u i.i the ■■) liiary p.iiif;- (oipi ■'I V..'. .'■'.•'.ticei .1 i’l Cermany. '• • ' "i; :1 'r in th" .'■erviec in ■ ■•I'l'i: ,• ii;?!' ai d re.jiine.l Kinde.- ■-■e l ■ : t'.-ahi ot S ■■,,|-'p-i'ier 1970 ■' e : : lil'iioii trainee. He tnns- e • ;• ■ in Invente.-y'r.l and General Cilice. Dr. R. C. Wells, extension farm management economist at North Carolina Slate University, offer ed the fclh.wing observations on wills that could help clear up lOiiie masuntlersfandings that oifl- on ''--t'-t. First, a will is a legally en forceable declaration of how a intends his real and personal property to be distrl- ■it°d at his death. It can be changed durii^ a person’s life time and di^esn’t take effect until after death. . oi'iii Carolina law, any person of sound mind and 18 years of age or over may make a w'll. Wills which require no wit- Oral wills are spoken during the testator s last illness before at least two witnesses who are simultaneously present. The oral will is valid to convey personal out not real property. North Carolina statue required that an oral will be converted to writing within 10 days from the speaking of the wi'l or be probat ed w-thin six months from the date cif making the will. The witnessed written will is drawn up- by an attorney. The "'Stator signs the will in the pres ence of at least two competent . tnessas. Th.s procei'i le results In a forma'ly e.xeruted will. ?.Ieeting with an attoiney and da-. Ing ii m dra t the will safe- "'.lards a e'nst t':e possibility of an Inva'il will. E? namist Wells or'o'T’ST-e-l. ‘ T'le 'a-' t'”* an at- Thcy totaled Sil48,G35,-107 ver sus $128,970,375, in iniCTnase of $19,C65,032. F.)r the 32 weeks end ed Feb. 5, the volume was $1,- 035.6-17,215 compared with $931,- 39<S,1.55, la gain of $134,2-49,030 i.r 13.% per icent. INDIA.N'APOLIS. De Rose Industriaos, Ina., reported a net earning decline for the year end ed Deo. 31, 19(1, to S.'fkd.SSl, equal ta 61 cents per share, from $1,- 111,403, or 77 cents per .ihare, in 19(0. Sales were ?2u,()‘2,627 com pared with $23,233,071. i It has been speculated that; Americans spend at least a bil lion dollars a year on worthless | health luod, gadgets and cures, \ report extension home economics | specialists. North Carolina State' University. Subscribe To Thej HERALD The cempay operates $37 strres throu It 'ut the .s-outh com pared with S27 a year ago. tile navy rcaruiter for the Kings of the mobile homo manufactur er said slartt. p charges for new I'l'dlticC n facilities in Kings Mountain, N. O., and Memphis, 1 Tex., reduced profits. I PBS-SEWN EDTTONS Patches with pre-sewn buttons have recently cxime on the mar ket. The patch is iron-on and re pairs the spot where the old buttons has pulled off. Patches are almost invisible and the pre sewn buttons are there' to stay. “In addition, we incurred higher ad.mtnistration costs dur-! ing the year as part of our pro-1 gram to add other factories to j our operations, to enaoie us t(. regain our growth momentum.” torney drafts the will doesn’t change the specitie intentions you may have as to haw property is t-i he d;st”''hiited.” Dr.'s said. An eighth Dc Rose plant un der construction at Ownlonna, Minn., is scheduled to begin ship ping mobile homes by mid-year, and marketing studies to select suitable sites for other 1 ations have been initinted, he seid. Why Let Tension Make You III... and Rob You of Precious Sleep? Do everyday tensions build up to the point where you find It Ji»'d to do your work? Where you have dllficulty oetting along with your friends ... frequently "take it out" on your family .. . even feel ready to explode? It’s truol Tension can actually make you ill. Don't let this happen. First, sea what B. T. Tablets can ®/,T: Is so safe you don’t even need a doctor's prescription. Yet each tablet contains tested ingredients that help you to I"'.''"","’®J you to get the restful sleep you need at night. Try this trusted way to more peaceful living. Ask your druggist lor B. T. Tablets - and relaxl INTRODUCTORY OFFER WORTH $1.50 Cut out this ad — take to store listed. Purchase one pack of B. T. Tabs, and Receive one Pack Free* KINGSinOUNTAIN TMi sroae, DRUb COMPANY the CITY'S MODERN^T-OR <i^i3 ^ . ' 7 1 ’ I StuM: I rey.iil '■ wi'h Id - \v''e, I'-'e .If I (!:ill'!';i"- et 1312 N.E. 21.'t Gcurt ill Oralii. PROMOTED — I)'.vijla.ri M:r- cier, top, has been apn-'int’d ' sal’s manager and Pony Stubbs has tein named sales represen- i tativo by Kinder Manufacturing \ Compan-p. Ki.'uler i-i .1 niunufii 'tur'T G iiflv l-*ei'. .1 III I'll lie re, bedding, diiieite.-i and cii.'-'e .goevLs for the -Mibile Home Industry with 17 ;:1,lilts lofatcd natioir.vide and lii.'ine oflici'.s in Elkhart, Indiana. rDr V/HAT IS A COOD NEIGHBOR? m Our definiticn takes in a lot of territory. It is people you can depend on in both raise fan cies end every day living, knowing that yvh-vn you neod help it is close at hand. Furthermore, a gcod neighbor really cares about yo-a and your laeil!'/. It ii the intent and goal of our pharmacy to be coniidorod a good neighbor by everyone in this cenomunity. We promise that yo'j cen depend on us to have the medicines and health- aids that you need, that we will clwcys be where ycu or your doctor can reach us quickly, and we will always care about your bolter health. YOU on YOUR DOCTOR C.^N PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people rely on us for their health needs. We welcome reijuests for delivery service and charge accounts. 5 B'5'R S R y B 0 R' KINGS nOUNWNi pRUG COM PAN Y —Hg .'CrTY'S MODERN STOPE WONE 739-2571 One HOUR "imimix CUTIMBS THS MOST IN DRY CLEANING 537 EAST KiKG ST. TELEPHONE 73S-5844 EVERY DAY SPECIAL Uiiia ii^ Laundered Crisp- Bright Folded or On Hangers EACH B MON., TUES. & WED. "SPECIAL TROUJEnn PLAIN srimio OT SWE.^LTCnn 05>r:N Fvzn7 day 7:30 TILL 6 p.m. EXCEPT SUNDAY rweeare PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH II, AT ARP IN KINGS MOUNTAIN HOW DOES AOPFEaUOUT PROIECnON? Concerned... very concerned! If we weren’t, we wonld not have an unconditional money-back satisfaction guarantee on every product we sell... no matter who makes it. If we weren’t, we would not have established, decades ago, our “Quality Control Laboratoiy”. How does the laboratory protect you? Well, at A&P, we’re pretty fussy about the products we sell. So, before we will stock a product, we check it out pretty carefully. Our lab has checked thousands of products. If they don’t think the product measures up, you’ll never find it on an AftP shelf... no matter who the maker is, or who is behind the product It’s not always easy to care but A£P doesn’t care to be easy. A&P does care about you. igb,t’ Quality Meats! )i “SupGr.Righr" Qualify Groin-Ped Beef "Super-Right" Quolity Grein-Fed Beef "Super-Righl" Quality Grain.Fed Beef "Soper-Right” Quality Corned Baaf Delmonieo Steaks lb. $1.68 Short Ribs u. 58c Spare Ribs u. 38c Briskets u. 98c "Super-Right" Quality Groin-Fed Beef Beef Soup Ciiuck ib 64c Country Treat Hot or Mild Saasuge HOG Cop'n John's Frozen Fish & Chips A&P Brand Delicotessen Delight Ground Chuck Mote Pkg. Lb. Hormcl Little Sizzler Sausage Cop'n John's Frozen Pre-Cooked 78c ’r’kf 59c HAM SALAD •cV, 55e POTATO SALAD CHERRY PARPAIT 69c Rsh Slicks’?b°-43c Vk^‘ 75c "Super-Right" Quality——’ a Loin Sliced Whole or ! 2 Lein Sliced Free of Charge Pork Loins - 69c SULTANA BRAND FROZEN CHICKEN, TURKEY. MEAT LOAF OR SALISBURY STE-'X Dinners 3 -• si oo - Appetizihgly-Gopa Groceries! 100% BRAZILIAN Shop A&P For LiplonTea [ 100? I l^-Lb. Pkf Vi-Lb. Phe ' 49c 93e I Meke Greet Tea With Lipion Tea Bags cro 29c 7Sc I O'CtO eft ' 55c $1.391 99c Femily ’ 34-Ct. Pkf. ■ ■■ ■— " I A&P Intfont Non Fat I Check! Compare Quality |Dry Milk SoildS Start Tour Day With l-Lb.'Caa Luzianne Coffe6‘^'*‘’^'89c^ Pick-ot the-Crop Proiduce' Oatataadiag Law Peka Oa Fresh Lettuce Heod Fresh Broccoli 39c RIama Juky Strawberries Tomatoes Rad Ripe SIkinf Feath Crkp Cucumbers Juaiha 4 Size Joky Cantaloupes Shap A&P Far 3 L. S1.00 AppI®* iB, irvute or Pink Meal 29c \ Juicy Grapefruit 2 Waafem Rad Delicioui eta. For la Calta Baf Lb. 25c Salad Mix Tha Shell—Raw pi^.' 29c Peanuts |2S %ss^Tea Bags 100-CT. PKG. B9 Ann Poge Grope Jem er Grape Jelly Ann Pege Rcguler Speghetti er Ibow Macaroni 3 lb. • Ann Page Kidney Boons • Suifono Brond Pork & Beons • Ann Page Red With Chili Grovy Me —^ nr ! 37.0a. Cens $1o6 1 Fiar-ut Week Sale — Bolted ^ A&P Spanish Peanuts 49c A Matted Salisd A&P Frozen Pound Coke 12-Oz. or All Butler Maha Dalkkus Pepcarn With A&P Yellow Popcorn 29c IH-Qt. Jar 39c Chocolate Brownies »•' 59c A&P Frozen 67c Hand! Whip - 39c //JS STOKELY. VAN CAMP VALUES STOKILY FORDHOOK Lima Boons 33c StNwly Tomato Sauct 10c W.hcl, Fruit Cocktail ’IlSr 29c Stokely Tiny Groan Lima Booni ’c^*' 35c Stokoly Cut Groan Boons 3Sc Stokely Shollie Boons 35c Stokoly Honey Pod Sweet Poos Stokely Golden Cream Style Corn 'c^ Stokely Golden Whole Kernel Corn ’te*' Cons Only $1.00 Excel Mixed Nuts Shap A&P ft Switaaa Salad Dressing Really Fresh Borden Elsie Ann Page Mayonnaise 49c Stix Twin Pops 59c ■■A Concentrated Frozen Pk“' iSc A&P Orange Juice 22c ANTISEPTIC In Lb. (Prints Buttei r Fish, Liver, Meat, Chicken Flavor L Heavy Duty Listerins 1.35 9® MOUTHWASH $ & GARGLE SHOP A&P FOR FACIAL TISSUE Marcal -bHankies o It so-ct. Pkg. ■ wrap food in kM I Marcal Freezer Wrap "" 53 10< OFF LABEL ON GIANT SIZE Punch I Detergent 49-Oi. Pkg. Marvel White J r BAKERY BUYS SCOTT PAPER SALE Jone Parker 100'’g Whole Wheat Bread 3 Compare A&P Liquid J Jane Porker Bokc 'n Sei Flaky Rolls 4 Vlf.' $1.00 Jone Parker Frechly Baked * Apple Pies 2 Vk?*. 89c Jane Parker — Great CcMee Suaared Donufs ^pi>e‘ 35c Sugared Donuts pvv” ■ Jane Parker Frcihty Baked Spanish Bar Cakes VANILLA A 19-Or nn CREME 3 I.UU ' He. - ^ ■gallon: JU 0

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