0 tj) Population Treater Kings M— City Limits *nin ^1.9i4 8.465 MouQtalit /ui« Is tfsrlved iroA tM spsunl United States Sureou ot tbe Census report e fojiuary iSSte. ^4 laciudes *be U,990 population e Komber 4 Tewnsblp. and tt4e remoiulog 6>i24 Iron S Township, to neeolnr'i rounty and Crowder ... In Onteo CowntT. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newsnaoer Pages Today VOL 83 No. 14 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, April 6, 1972 Eighty-Third Year PRICE TEN CENTS Laney Resigns Rede ¥£lonm'?nt sion Position A Friday La; I...-., CO-CHAIRMEN — Mrs. Robert Forney. Jr., left, of Lawndode, and Mrs. C. Rush Hamrick. Jr, cf Shelby ore co-chairmcn of Cleve land County Women For Bowles. Thursday (today) is Jessoxnint Bowles Day and Democratic women have planned a tea from 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. ot Cleveland County Memorial Library in Shelby in honor of the wife of G; Jcitctoriol candidote Hargtrove (Skipper) Bowie. Mrs. Hamrick. Mrs. Bowles IMrs] Forney Tea Honoree Bowles Leat!3i: Gn Thursday 'Mrs. C. Rush Hamrick, Jr. cf Shelby and Mrs. Charles D. For ney, jr. of Lawndale are ser* " as co-chaiinmon of a Cleveiund County women’s committee for the election of Hargrove (Skip per) Bcwles as governor. Some 1T5 other Clelv'elanders are members of Wemen for B-zaIcs and are playing active roles as campaign volunteers. The appoinlmt'nt cf Mvs. Ham- ri’jk and Mrs. Forney was an nounced iby Democratic candidate ElwIcs and hi^ state co-manager, R. Patrick Spangler oif Shelby. “The women’s cemmittee al- leacly has done a tremendous job in our Cleveland County cam paign,” Eowlcs £.aid. "They've tak en on some tough assignments and handled them with energy and enthusiasm. We appreciate their efforts ve-ry much.” 'Mrs. Hamrick and Bowles have been friends csince they were class- males at the University of North Carolina at Chaipel Hill. A former "Wuman of the Year” in Shelby and former editor of The Cleve land Times, Mrs. Hamrick cjir- rently is serv-ing as a. member of the Governor’s Advisory Council » i Cemprohensive Health Plan ing. a director of the UNC Alum ni Association and a .member of Gardner-Webb’s Board of Advisors. She is on the Cleveland County .^election committee of the John Motley Morchoad Scholarship Foundation and is the author of a histjry of First Baptist Churoh, of whieli she is a member. Form er president of Shelby Junior Charily League, she currently scive,- as a tru.^toe of Cleveland Continued On Page Eight Thursday will be "Jessamine Bowles Day” in Cleveland coun ty. 'I he wife of Domoerati'c gub ernatorial candidate Hargrove (Skipper) Bowles, she’ll visit here and be guest of honor at an aftern(X)n reception to which all area women are invited. . The reception will be held from 2:30 to 4:30 o’clock in the meeting rocm at the new Cleve land Coi.inty Memorial Librai^ near Shelby City Park. iHostesies will be meirloers of the Cleveland County Women f..r Bowles organization. Mrs. C. Rush Hamrick Jr. of Shelby and Mrs. Charles D. Forney Jr. of Lawndale are serving as general chairman in chajge of arrange ments. They are being assisted by (Mrs. Don Craiwlcy and Mrs. Fred Flowers, Cleveland Clounty coor dinators in the Bowles campaign, Mrs. Ray Floyd and Mrs. Dwight Boggs of Polkville, Mrs. Char les Beam of the Delight commun ity, Mrs. John L. McKTili of Kings Mountain, Mrs. Jim Beason and Mrs. Dan Jones of Bciling Strings, Mrs. Ralph Dixon of Fallston, Mrs. Fred Beam of Lawndale, Mrs. Charles F. Har ry iri of Grover, Mrs. Lee Laven der of Earl, Mrs. Eilly Turner of Patterson Sprini :s, Mrs. Jehn Poston of Waco and many other committee members. “We’re glad Ifhat Mrs. Bowles can visit here and we cordially invite all Cleveland women to exme meet her,” Mrs. Hamrick said. “She’ll make a very grac ious and warm First Lady for North Caiolina.” Continued On Page '"g' t 313 New Voters Are Reported Ir Township Majcrity cf the 313 names cf n( .V cn the fear N". 4 tr.wnshii) polling bao:£S a o y urg ci. i'ens, K..1 rcji.:t:f.:'3 rep:rt, and Mrc. Brenda I! m '■ n, cU' k to the county elcrtions board, says business cC r;:gli:’r.r- ing new ycung voters ha.-;, been br. 'z thircjghiut the county. (Friday is the last day to reg ister to vote in the May 6th 'Dimejralic Pi'-mary. Mrs. Haim- ton re.minds her office in Shejby on the court square will :e ep en from 8 until noon and from 1 until 5 p. m. Anyone who is already registered to vote in a general elcceion need n.t regis ter ai ain. Must registra tion vty here S?'urday was rrp -.iijd t / Mri. N. .le C'Mnford cT the Kir i- M untain precinct wh, legged the names <l 37 new vch ?'t y at the Wert Kings M un ain pro- Hath Mrs. J. H. ArlhC'.*, regi-trar cir.'ct at the Armory, rccud^d 53 Bethware repor ed 21. The H ' 'd and J. A. E. Conner fr m was unchle to crr^a'ct Grover reg- ict.ar Mr-:. J. B. L'llis but rhe had previously recorded 45 on two of thirco Saturdays the registrars were on duty. Mrs. Arthur said among the 127 new voters from Wert Kings M.untain were 50 in the 18-20- ycar-cld group; 77 wore over 21. These included 98 Democrats, 19 Republicans, nine Independents and one with no party affiliation. Mrs. Nolle Cranford, reporting brisk business in Elast Kings Mountain precinct, ncted that she had to ask a city policeman to run an errand to Shelby for mere registration blanks on Saturday. Mrs. Hamilton said business in the county elections board office was very brisk and that almo t all registration was bing done by young citizens. She reminded that .18^1 year olds are eligible to vote in the first primary but only if they £ve registered. Seme 17- year-olds can also vote in the primaiy’—lif their 18th birthday comes before the Nov. 7 general election. It costs ncithing to regijiter and no literacy tests are required. New votcivs or new residents in the county muct get their names on the bcoks to veto. aw kins Pred Pnmary 15th Annual Kiwanis Club School Talent Contest Set Tuesday Night Bonnie Hinnant Edges Biother Bonnie Hinnant, 12 ■ yea:r - old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. fJosh) Hinnant, out?i)rllcd ‘hcj- brother and frur ether lap spellers in the srhccl system to earn the right to reprec;ent the city in the Cha.vlr.tto (Observer • sponsored re giminal spelling bee. Rick Hinnant, the only young man in the competition and also the youngest conte.stant at age 10, represented North school; Ka ren Montgrmery, age 12, repre sented (Ircver srhcol; Nancy White, 12, ropre.sented We£t schocl; Mena Wells, 11, repre sented East school; Christy Boiw- cn, M, rcrresentel BctiiAaro echo:! and Miss Hinnant rc'pre- seated Cen'ral Junior high scbool in last Wednesday’s finals. Howard Bryant was pronouncor for the contest hold in thoscliooTo administration building. The con test was a lOO-word written test and the papers weto graded by a gfcup of six judgro. APPOINTED — Former Senator Clyde Nolon of Shelby has been Cleveland County manager for Senator B. Ever ett Jordan's re-election to the U. S. Senate. Mdau To Head loidan Campaign Former State Senator Clyde Nolan of Shelby has been nam ed Cleveland county manager of Senator B. Everett Jordan’s re- election campaign. Jordan said Nolan would be in charge of all planning and promotional activities for the May primary a.s well as the gen eral election in the fall. “I am f :rtunate indeed to have the services of a man talented and e.xperienced as Mr. Nolan,” Jordan said. “Aheve all, he knows the necessity of ex.-or- ienced and respon :t.le leader ship in the Senate the next six years.” Nolan, a realtor and famier, served three tenns as president cf the Shelby Board of Realtors and is a member of the Shelby Kiwanis club and Chamber of Cemmerce. In addition to .-ierving in the stale senate, he was a delegate to the 1953 and 1960 Demt-ratic national convenii ns, is a past chairman of the Clovclan \ t'oun- ty Democratic party and is a member of the state Democratic executive crmrr.itleo. iHe and Mrs. Nolan, the for mer Flora Pcltii. live at 505 \V. Marion St., Slielby. They have one son, Clyde, Jr.. Success $k 02 kcomes Main Aim Dr. Reginald Hawkins, Char lotte dentiSt-pveaelier, candidate for governor, says he will run “cne-two” in the governor’s Dcmofratic nc.nination race and predicted that George Wal la, e and Shirley Chisholm will lead six Demccratlcs in North vlarolina’s first presidential pri mary May 6. Dr. Hawkins, lone Negro can didate for the Democratic nom- .n..i,on .Lor g vernar, held a press confererre here Wednesday afternoon at the home of Wil liam On'. He charged that other can didates who had been in poT- f.ns of leadership had done no thing about the problems they now claim they can solve. He said Candidate Hargrove (Skip per) Bmvles, neither wdth the Conservation and Dcveloj: .nent /Icpartment nor as state senator ““did anything about pollution”. In his comments over a brv:)ad range of subjects the diminutive native of Beaufort said: 1) He supp 'i’ts the $150 “clean water” bond issue the voters will consider May 6. 2> He shares Eowles aim of improving the economic condi tion of low and middle income cltizems, addir^r “expecially wo men and blacks”. 3) lie favors liberalized laws on abortion regarding a .ortion a matter between the woman and her doctor. 4) He favers establishment of ll'.ree regional research triangles. 5) He fav'crs slate av-sumpt'en cf the t.;tal public education bill. 6) He favd.'s busing which lie regards a majer tcol in the de tacto school desegregation. *. :^inued On Page Eight TAPPED — Mrs. Vickie Turner Gibbon has been elected to membership in Kappa Delta Epsilon, national professional education sorority at Limestone college. Ssiority Taps irs. mn V.:l:ie iurner Gibson, daughter .f Ml. and Mr.s. James Turner of Kings Mountain, has been elected to memberihip in Kappa Delta Epsilon, national profes sional ed'. cation sorority. Mr.s. Gibson ■ is a senior stud ent at Limestone college in Gaff ney, S. C.. where she is major ing in elementary education. She and her hu.band, Wayne Gibson, are residing in Gaffney. faycees Induct iemaess Three now men( ers joined the Kings Mr.unt.o'n J roc-'; at Tuto- day ni •’’it's regular mooting at Royal V.Ila. inducted by National Director Jim Hastings of Boone an<l .'-tale o'ficcr Jlin Toole :f SlicIby, they are Joe King, Tommy Clary and Scott Cloningor. Jaycees Tap Pr Mvors, owner and operator cf Myers 'Printing Company, was cieitcd president of the Kings Mountain Jaycoos at Tue.:d,iy’s regular meeting at Royal Villa. Mr. Myers, who has hold all majci' c.'fices in the Jayceos ex cept prcsidcrit and secretaiy. will be in- tailed along with other (:ffi'x?rs and director- in May. Other new officers include Rich ard M:Kee. firs«t vice-president; Jim Belt, second vfee^presidert; Ki'nny M:s£, secretary; Jim Fa'H, trcasi’ cr; Ar:mld Jackson, Jay- ’cir.l; Gary Eeat^'n, chaplain; Bob Lcfb.virh. s*ate dire:tcr; and Tern Jenkins. Store WILsen, Kenneth Mr.Vbee. Reger Moore and Jee E’ng, directors. Pact president is Bcc Liftwicli. ih.^ Jaycre.s are rurrerUy cx:n- duciing a membership c' ive and voung men ages 18-35 are invited t ■ jcin. Lone Bandit Hits Royal Villa Inn Kings .Mountain pclice are in- vc£.llga:ing a Sundaj^ morning h Ifcp at ihc Royal Villa Mot.:r Inn. According to E. W. Anderson, an employee cf the Royal Villa, a bl.uk man wearing a stocking over his head pointed a double- barrel shotgun at his head and rebbed lum of approximately $300. The rebbory occurred at approxi mately 3 a.m. Andersni, who work^ tht 11 p. m. - 7 a.m. shift as a desk clerk, said the hrtrl had a full house Saturday night and there w’as a “let c: trjf'ie.” “I don’t know hew he got in,” Anderson said. ‘T waa working and turned around and he was tiicro wi!)i a doubloJharrel shot gun pointed at my head.” Anderson said tlie bandit was ak nc and he saw no getaway car. Felice chief Thomas McDevitt raid he doesn’t have a lot of dues to work with but that the incc.sti^aticn is continuing. The holdup Sunday morning marked the .'second time in two weeks the Rcyal Villa has been h i by thieves. Week before last, .''.i.neone broke into the kitchen < Kce and stole $399.20. Laney Accepts Tws-Pest lol) M Kscenville By MARTIN HARMON Jee -M. L:ne>, dire I : c the Kingii .Mountain Kr U rclrp n.'n CcmmU‘-ion, ha? tencicicd hf resignation, effective .April 35. to accept the direitors.’.iip of both tho n.Tonville N. Redevolcp- ment Ccmmisn::i and t!ic Green ville Pu’.l Housin:: Author"ty. Mr. Laney, firrt and only di- rcctc. cf the cc-T.mis.-ijn to date, tendered his re.ignation Tues day. He write the ccmmisi'on: “I cm submitting tliis letter to ycu and the L:'Timi.3?ioner.s c: the Ki.igs .Mcun Jin Rcdevclcp- ment C. n.nL? on aj n ti e of my resignation cfi-e.tive April 30, 1972 to acce;: the Iccsif.on o. Executive D .ecte.; cf the Redo- vcl pment C <r and H:u.'- ing Authority of the City of Gixcnviilo, Nc'th Carclina. “This deJsicn was net an easy one as I have enj'iycd m'/ work and I foci the future is ’oright for cu. prvgrsms here. I know the va.-t majcrity of our ciitzens are fc.waid R.ch'ing and I'avor our plans for pregress. Hewever, fr. m a prcfcs.i.-nal point cf view and 1. ture pctcr.tlal the Greenville c.'f( r is cue I cannet refuse. “I wi?h to take this opper urky to thank you fbr youi cccpcra-tiin in the part and to wish you well in the future.” When Mr. Laney came to Kings Mountain, the Redevelo' Tsent Commission had obtained a S'lOO.COO planning grant. During his tenure, the commission has received Department of Housing and Ui(ban Development appro val fer a $2 million central bus iness district redevelopment pro ject and for a $3 million ur^an renewal project. Mr. Laney came to Kings Mountain in November 1968 to as.'v me the redeve^fopment com mission directership. He is a re tired lientenant-colonel in the United Statees Marine Corps with 22 years of active duty, in cluding service in World Wr.r II, the Korean War and in Vietnam. In Vietnam ho was commander of a 950 member battalion. A nuRve of Bu'falo, N. Y.. Mr. Laney is a graduate cX the University of Buffalo. In Kings Mountain. Mr. Laney is imme diate past piesidont of the Ro tary Club, and has been active in ClR Scout work. He is a mrmher <1 St. Mary’j Catholic cl'.urch, of Shelby. His wife is the former Miss Lucille Walsh. They have three chi’dren, Jim, 9, Val 7, and Juey 5. The Laney family lives cn Phifer Road. fT RESIGNS — Jcre Laney has re signed 05 director of the Kings Mountain Redevelopment Com mission, icn Le'Roy Blanton, grocer and washerette owner, was sw.'m Tusday as a mem'cer cf Kings Mountain Rodovelo, nent C.m- mission. Mr. Blanton was narr.cd by the city commirsion to ccmpleie the expired term, ending July 1973, Charles L. Alexander. A Kings M'^unlain native, son of the late Ll:yd and Mary Blan ton, he was in the grocery busi ness in New York bc.Me roiuining to Kings Mountain nine years ago, Vi here he owmjj and operates Blanton’s Convenience Food Store and Blanton’s Washerette. Mrs. Blanton is the former Mrzell Mcjrc. They are members of Good Hjpe Presbyterian church. If Bsiltd Raimg Is "Supeiioz The Kings Mountain high schocl Band earned a rating of “Superior” in state music con tests Wednesday in Marion. Under the direction of Donald Deal, the band played in Divis ion One, Grade Five. All Kim.’s Mountain band stu dents will present a concert at Central Junior high school au ditorium the evening cf May ISth, announces Director Deal. Thomasson Is Appointed Ccngres;man Nick Galifiana- kis today named Attorney' Gejrge Thrmasson as manager of his U. S. senate campaign in Kings M'^untain. T.i-'masson, a lifelong resident of lungs Mountain. i:> a member of the Cleveland County Bar As sociation. the North Carolina Bar AssrJaiicn, and the Norfh Car olina State Bar Association. A former judge in the Kings Moun tain Recorder’s Court, he chair man of r.ie local March of Dimes, a past pre ident of the Lions club, and a past president of the Jaycees. He will be ca:tr- uinating : is efforts in bt'half of Galifianakis wiMi slate c:unpaign mana er Russell Walker of Ashe- boro and Cleveland county mana ger Bill Lamb. After the announcement Thom- ass 'n said he had decided to work for Galifianakis, who is r unning for the Democratic nom- •‘“‘''"11 for U. S. senator in he May 6 pnna^y, cecause ‘'he is not only the best qualified candidate, but the one most concerned with the particular problem of West ern Norflh Carolina. Nick is a strong and djmamic leader W’ho will give us energetic representa tion now and fer a long time into the future.” Galifianakis will be campaign ing in Shelby and Kings Moun tain today. iFifty-one Kings Mountain stu dents from grade one thro, gh 12 will partd'cipate in the Kings (Mountain Kiwanis club’s loth annual Schools Talent Show T ue lay night at 7 p-. m. in Cen tral schcol auditorium. 1 .’ophies will be presented the winners and all proceeds have I’ een designated to Kings Moun tain Hospital’s Intensive .are .Coronary Unit. Cost of another unit would cost approximately $6,000 to bring the num'icr to two at the hospital, said Joe (NeLsler, Jr., finance committee chairman for the club. Mr. Ncislcr said the Kiwan- Ians raised $27,149.16 over the past 14 years from the talent sh ws to improve school and com munity facilities. “We hope to raise $3,000 from the show which will make pos sible the purchase of the equip ment”, said Mr. Noisier. St«.ident-performers will in clude Tammy Appling, Teresa 'Mullinax, Terc.^a Bell, Randy 'Putnam, Darrin Sarvis, Preston Short, Chris Bell, Reggie Perkins, Bobby Horne, Kevin Mooreheaii, Susan Hartsoe, Christy Mitchem, Rhonda Keith, Kim Harmon, 'Rita Jackson, Brenda Young, Mina Williams, Cherry Davis, Janet Mitchem, Donna Leach, Continued On Page Eight GLASSES RESUME Kings Mountain students re turn to classes Monday after a we<'k’3 Easter holiday-spring vacaticn . Honraths Ate Gsne; Couit Makes VdimtaiY BanktnptCY Invobutaty Saturday Blow “Little Tornado?" Wjs thq late Saturday aftor- ncon blew a “17tlo” tc.niado? Falls thinks it was. He Icokod up to see his ’’.six- prrk” tire rack being p.mprllod across King street, where it came to repose in corvice .‘da- tir n neighbor Jim Leigh’.s drive way. Mr. Falls had visions cf num erous bills for auto fender dam age. Not a scratch.. .A.s of Tuesday, Manh 2t. the f(‘•.Aren-plus year cornc;'tron of H:;vat'h ir.tcre'‘s w'th Margiave and Pauline Mills e vied. The c » p ate firm, N( i-'-o. Ine., whicli had been epera-’ing in vol untary 'ban’:rupt',‘y under 'lille XI of the federal .^ankr’phy a t, v •’ ^ pla.i i by the court in involun tary l ;-.'ik:'upt:w .ind cpeia' rs were pl:(;vd cvnaplctcly in tlie hands of tiie Toam-ters Union Pension PMud, a principal credi- tor. James J. Dickey, operating manager, Wednesday ccnfiimed the court aetinn and also that Ernest A. Hrrvath. wlio had been piiperin^ending the operations since hankrujpt.cy was filed, is no longer connected with the com pany. .Mr. Di/kcy .‘^aid he was net in \ It Ion to ccn;men,( further hut th 't a r pre.scntative, m Tientari- ly in Mexico, rf the Teim tcrs l!nir:n P('n.''~n I'und in charge cf financing during the volun'ary ’rankruytry peri d would be avail- next wee’e for a st:itrment c ncirntng iufuro operations of the ctnrpany. F.-ilo for $2.9 m:l!ion of the thorj s:ven-plant Ncislcr Mills, Inc., to Ma.*^ achusotts Mohair Pluoh Com pany, cwned principally by Hor vath interest.^ was announced by the late C. E. Noisier, Jr., in late Oiteber 1955. The Horvath firm assumed ownership and manage ment on December 15, 1955. McGirn!^ CBD Property Acquired; B^mie Tract Clearing Continiics CANDIDATE — Dwight Teess- neer, 38-year-old dairyman of Shelby, is a candidate for a seat on the county commission in the May primary. He is a 1952 g?aduate of Boiling Springs high schocl. is married and the father of four children. Kings M^'untain Redevelop ment Commission has completed transaction for the Pni I H. .M: Ginnis j rnperty cn S. Battle ground Avenue for $21,150 ap praised value of the property - plus additional compensation for trade fixtures on the premises which was split between the own er and tenant 1 ^ ed on owner ship. The property inelud'^'s the building occupied by McGinnis Dc’-arfment S* me annex and M'^Curdy Cleaners, tenant. It is the 10th parcel acquired by the (*cmimi?sion in the Cen*?:’! Business district redevelopment project. Meantime, clearance %vork continues on the former Bonnie Mills (office) property. Three houses have been razed and it is anticipated the former Bon nie Mills office and store build ing will bo vacated of personal property and ready for razing by week’s end. .Joe Laney, director of the commission, said D ke Power O'mpany has said it can move the transformer serving Miir- 'Glo (e.x'Bonnie) Mill f:r a maxi mum of $2509 and is sending an engineer here Frid /. to verify the mov ing cost. ‘T feel the commi.ssion wit] be ablo to meet the May 1 time- taCcie and have the property ready to effer for ^ale ^or com mercial development,” Mr. Lan ey commented. revised h dget has been sub mitted to HUD on the Canslor Ftreet Uiihan R‘'nowal Arca Project which will acccurJ for the additional cost f relocation without any additional cost to the City of Kings Mountain. This was passible due to in creases in the State Highway Commission work in widening and rcsurfacing of Cansler Street. The Commission hopes to hear from the HUD Greens boro office in early April. In decisions are good for approval!

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