Population Greater Kings City Limits 8,465 ...r Qiwolsr lc.io«t MountotB jur* la dartvad ua« IM 6pa(.ifll United ntotea Bureau of Ibe Ceneua report o ianvary IMB- locludee *lie 14.990 peputatlon • Buiabar 4 Towniblp. cmd tue rematnlDg 6.184 itoe it^/mLer 5 Tewnahlp. to Clerelond Couaiy and Crowdor T.«>vftiih|p tn rvwten rotinta. ■ccl VOL 83 No. 23 Estd Democrats K Curtain Going 1] At Little Theati ORDAINED — Rev. Jerry Ray Wright, iormerly of Kings Mountain, has been ordained as a minister of the ARP Church and has assumed pastorate du- t cs as minister of Sharon ARP church in Sharon, S. C. Rev. Wright Is Ordained pi • n Rev. Jerry R. Wright former ly of Kings Mountain, was or- (laiaod Monday as a minister in AssoeiaU,' Reiormed Presby- ^B'ian church. The service was Tu Id in flat Itock, N. C. a< Bon- I’lnrken, tlie church’s assembly ground. Rev. Mr. Wright, son of the laic Rev. Ray Wright and Mrs. iScrIha Wright, received his master of divinity degree May 21 from Erskine Theological .Seminary at Due West, S. lie is a 19S.1 graduate of Erskine I’olle.ge and holds a masters in eiucation degree from the Un iversity of Georgia. He and his family, wife Kay and three children, liave moved to Sliaron, S. C. where hg is the [ta.stor of the Sharon Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. Joe Champion Wins Degree Rocieved his baccalaureate dc- grr'c in ccrimonies hold l)y the University of North Carolina at Chttrloltp at the Charlotte col- i.sieum at 3 o’clock, on Sunday, '.May 21. He earned his degree in fine arts (BA degree) and at [.resent has plans to enroll and earn a second degree (IBCA). Mr. Champion will then atend the University of Georgia to cam- [>le,te his requirements for a MA [I'grce. ,, lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. loward Champion of route three. Mysteiy-Comj Plays Friday! AndSaturda; The curtain will go u( night at 8 o’clock on Retirement,” a three-act] mystery comedy by the Mountain Little TheatreJ Performances will also] on Saturday evening again on Friday night, and Saturday night, Jun^ The show will be 'Park Grace school al and is under the directlj eran director Stephen 'Baity also doublesi stage T(»lc of “Bate-s”. male member of the A. Hullender Jr., back | lights as Albert Feath Joe Ann Walker president of the Lift and a favorite actresi Theatre goers, will len Creed, proprietor] House, an old Pre-’f house In Gravesend Thames. Other supporting- rd :y Ifo. • Wlesencr asj h;-,. r'enisa Lloyd 1- ' -'c'V Nancy Wiesend C re!; Brenda Neal| Creed; and Vivian Sister Theresa. McGinnis Closes luh .M.G'nnis Depar _ . close its Annex Jii this phase of the bil consolidated with t| store, said Paul H.f Joliii McGinnis till Tile Annex buili sold to Wie King_ devdopment Ocr ‘he building will, in the near futurd .“Clearing the part in sp<’e«lin,'» it the central btj 111 fine with plans”, say tlic TO MONTREAT Rev. Robert Wilson, pastor of Dixon Presbyterian church and Khiloi, Presbyterian church, is a delegate to Ihe General Assemb. Jy O',' the Pres’eyterian Church meeting next week in Monteat. Bloodmol Returns The Red Cross! turns to Kings | one-day visit Mo^ Goal of the pints of blood i for the Red Cri lecting unit saiq great. We’re h blood is urgent 'William ( j spokesman fori noted that Mon final of the fls| Donors will 11 a.m. until 5l munity Centel avenue. Duplex Gives Hospital $15l For New Coronary Care U] 'Duplex International, division of Reeves Brothers, Inc., Monday presented a 511,500 check to Kings Mountain hospital to cover one- half of the remaining cost for an Intensive Coronary Care unit. ’flic ho.si)ital liad earlier re ceived a $2,.500 donation from the Kiwanis Club and a $.500 donation from the Junior Woman’s club. Total cost of the unit is $0,000. Andrew Milowski, vice-presi dent in charge of production at Duplex, presenterl the cheek to George W. Maunoy, chairman of the hospital board of trustees, and told Mauncy, “we hope thi.